Asynchronous JavaScript Tutorial
Master asynchronous JavaScript with this in-depth tutorial series! Learn how to handle promises, async/await, and callbacks to write efficient, non-blocking code. Perfect for developers looking to improve their understanding of JavaScript's event-driven nature.
Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript
Introduction to Asynchronous Programming
Welcome to the world of asynchronous JavaScript! Asynchronous JavaScript is a fundamental concept in web development and is incredibly prevalent in modern web applications. If you’ve written JavaScript code that interacts with external resources or performs time-consuming operations, you’ve likely encountered asynchronous programming, perhaps without even realizing it.
In essence, asynchronous JavaScript empowers your code to initiate a task and then continue executing other code without waiting for the initial task to complete. This is in stark contrast to synchronous programming, where operations are executed sequentially, one after the other.
What is Asynchronous JavaScript?
At its core, asynchronous JavaScript is about starting a process now and finishing it later. Consider a scenario where you need to fetch data from an external source, such as using the YouTube API to retrieve video information.
API (Application Programming Interface): An API is a set of rules and specifications that software programs can follow to communicate with each other. It allows developers to use pre-built functionalities and data from other applications or services.
In a synchronous approach, your code would halt execution and wait for the YouTube API to respond with the data. However, with asynchronous JavaScript, your code can initiate the request to the API and then proceed to execute subsequent lines of code. When the API eventually responds with the requested data, your program can then handle and process that information.
This non-blocking behavior is the defining characteristic of asynchronous JavaScript.
Synchronous vs. Asynchronous JavaScript: A Detailed Comparison
To fully grasp the benefits of asynchronous JavaScript, it’s crucial to understand its counterpart: synchronous JavaScript.
Synchronous JavaScript: Sequential Execution
JavaScript code operates on a single thread.
Thread: In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by the operating system scheduler. In simpler terms, it’s a single path of execution within a program.
This means that JavaScript can only perform one operation at a time. In synchronous JavaScript, code is executed line by line, sequentially. Each operation must complete before the next one can begin.
Consider the following conceptual synchronous code example using a hypothetical readSync
function which reads data from a file synchronously:
// Synchronous Example (Conceptual)
let data1 = readSync('file1.txt'); // Read file1 synchronously - blocks execution until complete
let data2 = readSync('file2.txt'); // Read file2 synchronously - blocks execution until complete
In this synchronous scenario:
is executed first. The program will wait for this operation to completely finish reading ‘file1.txt’ before moving to the next line. This is called blocking.- Once
is complete, the result is stored indata1
, andconsole.log(data1)
is executed. - Then,
is executed. Again, the program will block and wait for ‘file2.txt’ to be read completely. - Finally,
is executed.
This synchronous approach works well for simple, quick operations. However, if file1.txt
is a very large file and takes a significant amount of time (e.g., 10 seconds) to read, the entire JavaScript execution thread will be blocked for those 10 seconds. During this time, no other JavaScript code can run, leading to a poor user experience, especially in web browsers where the user interface might freeze.
Asynchronous JavaScript: Non-Blocking Execution
Asynchronous JavaScript addresses the limitations of synchronous execution when dealing with potentially time-consuming operations. Let’s examine a conceptual asynchronous example using a hypothetical readAsync
// Asynchronous Example (Conceptual)
readAsync('file1.txt', function(data1) { // Read file1 asynchronously and provide a callback
console.log(data1); // Callback function to be executed when data is ready
readAsync('file2.txt', function(data2) { // Read file2 asynchronously and provide a callback
console.log(data2); // Callback function to be executed when data is ready
In this asynchronous scenario:
readAsync('file1.txt', function(data1) { ... })
is executed. This initiates the process of reading ‘file1.txt’ asynchronously. Instead of blocking, the JavaScript thread immediately moves on to the next line of code. -
A callback function is provided as the second argument to
.Callback Function: A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. It is executed at a later point in time, typically after an asynchronous operation has completed, to handle the result or outcome of that operation.
readAsync('file2.txt', function(data2) { ... })
is executed. This also starts an asynchronous read operation for ‘file2.txt’ and JavaScript continues to execute the rest of the code (if any). -
When the asynchronous operation for ‘file1.txt’ completes (meaning the data is read), the callback function associated with it (
function(data1) { console.log(data1); }
) is placed in a queue to be executed later. The same happens when ‘file2.txt’ is read and its callback is added to the queue.Queue: In computer science, a queue is a linear data structure that follows the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) principle. In the context of JavaScript event handling and asynchronous operations, the queue (often called the “event queue” or “callback queue”) is where callback functions are placed after their corresponding asynchronous operations are complete, waiting to be executed by the JavaScript engine.
The JavaScript engine, after finishing the currently executing synchronous code, will then process the functions waiting in the queue one by one. Hence, eventually, the callback functions will be executed, and
will be called, displaying the data read from the files.
The key distinction is that asynchronous code does not halt the execution of the main JavaScript thread. Instead, time-consuming tasks are delegated to separate processes (often handled by the browser or runtime environment outside the main JavaScript thread), and callback functions are used to handle the results when they become available. This allows JavaScript to remain responsive and handle other tasks while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete.
Asynchronous Flow: Thread and Queue Diagram
Let’s visualize the difference between synchronous and asynchronous execution using diagrams.
Asynchronous Flow Diagram
Imagine a queue of functions waiting to be executed by the JavaScript thread.
- Function Queue: JavaScript processes functions in a queue, one after another.
- Asynchronous Request: When an asynchronous request (like
) is encountered, it is passed off to a separate thread outside of JavaScript. - Non-Blocking Execution: The JavaScript thread continues to process the next functions in the queue without waiting for the asynchronous request to finish.
- Data Retrieval and Callback: When the separate thread completes the asynchronous request and retrieves the data, the associated callback function is placed at the end of the function queue.
- Callback Execution: Once the JavaScript thread finishes processing all the functions currently in the queue, it will then execute the callback function, which now has access to the retrieved data.
This asynchronous flow ensures that the JavaScript thread is not blocked and can remain responsive, handling user interactions and other tasks while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete in the background.
Synchronous Flow Diagram
In contrast, synchronous execution can be visualized as follows:
- Function Queue: JavaScript processes functions sequentially.
- Synchronous Request: When a synchronous request (like
) is encountered, the JavaScript thread waits right there. - Blocking Execution: The entire JavaScript thread is blocked until the synchronous request is fully completed and the data is returned.
- Continuation: Only after the synchronous request is finished can the JavaScript thread proceed to the next function in the queue.
This synchronous approach, while simpler to understand for basic sequential code, becomes problematic when dealing with operations that take time, as it leads to blocking and unresponsiveness.
Managing Asynchronous Operations: Beyond Callbacks and Introduction to Modern Approaches
The example above illustrated the concept of asynchronous JavaScript using callback functions. While callbacks were the traditional way of handling asynchronous operations, they can become complex and lead to what is often referred to as “callback hell” or “pyramid of doom” when dealing with multiple nested asynchronous operations.
Fortunately, JavaScript has evolved, and modern approaches provide more structured and manageable ways to handle asynchronous code. This tutorial series will explore these advanced techniques:
Callbacks: As demonstrated, callbacks are fundamental to understanding asynchronous JavaScript. We will delve deeper into their usage and potential challenges in the upcoming tutorials.
Promises: Promises offer a more elegant and structured way to handle asynchronous operations, making code easier to read and maintain, especially when dealing with complex asynchronous flows.
Promises: In JavaScript, a Promise is an object representing the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Promises provide a more structured way to handle asynchronous code compared to callbacks, improving readability and error handling.
Generators: Generators, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), offer powerful capabilities for controlling asynchronous flow and can be used in conjunction with Promises or async/await for even cleaner asynchronous code.
Generators: Generators are a special type of function in JavaScript that can be paused and resumed, allowing for more controlled iteration and asynchronous flow management. They are often used with Promises and async/await to write asynchronous code that looks more synchronous.
ES6 (ECMAScript 6): ECMAScript 6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a major update to the JavaScript language standard. It introduced many new features, including Promises, Generators,
, arrow functions, and classes, significantly enhancing JavaScript’s capabilities and modernizing its syntax.
This introduction provides a foundational understanding of asynchronous JavaScript, its benefits over synchronous execution, and the different approaches to managing asynchronous operations. In the following tutorials, we will dive deeper into each of these techniques, starting with callbacks, to equip you with the skills to write efficient and responsive asynchronous JavaScript code.
Asynchronous JavaScript and AJAX Requests: Fetching Data from the Server
This chapter delves into the concept of making asynchronous requests in JavaScript to fetch data from a server without requiring a full page reload. This technique, known as AJAX, is fundamental to creating dynamic and interactive web applications.
Understanding Asynchronous Behavior and Data Fetching
In the previous chapter, we explored asynchronous JavaScript and its role in handling operations that might take time to complete, such as fetching data. Asynchronous operations allow JavaScript to continue executing other code while waiting for a task to finish in the background. This is crucial for web applications as it prevents the user interface from becoming unresponsive during data retrieval.
This chapter focuses specifically on how to initiate and manage the process of going out and grabbing data from a server. This is achieved through AJAX requests.
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
A set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behaviour of the existing page.
AJAX requests enable communication between the web browser (client-side JavaScript) and a server.
In the context of web development, a server is a computer system that provides services to other computer systems (clients) over a network. Web servers specifically respond to requests from web browsers and typically serve web pages and data.
The primary purpose of an AJAX request is to retrieve data from the server.
Retrieve Data
To fetch or obtain information from a source, such as a database or a server. In web development, this usually involves requesting data from a server to be used in a web application.
This data is then used to update parts of a web page dynamically, without reloading the page.
Reloading the Page
The process of refreshing a web page in a browser, which typically involves sending a new request to the server and rendering the entire page again. AJAX avoids full page reloads by updating only specific parts of the page.
This approach is widely used across the web to create seamless user experiences. A common example is interactive maps.
Interactive Maps
Digital maps on web pages that allow users to interact with them, typically by zooming, panning, and clicking to explore different locations or information. These maps often use AJAX to dynamically load map tiles and data as the user navigates.
Features like zooming in or out and plotting Journeys on these maps often rely on AJAX HTTP requests to update the map on the fly.
HTTP Request
A message sent by a client (like a web browser) to a server to request access to a resource, such as a web page, data, or an image. AJAX requests are typically HTTP requests made asynchronously in the background.
On the fly
Immediately or instantly as needed, without prior preparation or delay. In web development, this often refers to dynamically updating content or functionality in real-time based on user interaction or data changes.
This means the map updates dynamically as you interact with it, all without the need to refresh the entire web page.
AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and Data Formats
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The “XML” part refers to the initial data format commonly used with AJAX.
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
A markup language designed to store and transport data. It uses tags to define elements and attributes, making it both human-readable and machine-readable, but can be verbose compared to other data formats.
However, while XML is part of the name, JSON has become the preferred data format for AJAX in modern web development, especially with JavaScript.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
A lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language and is widely used for transmitting data in web applications.
JSON is considered a more efficient and JavaScript-friendly data format compared to XML.
Data Format
A standardized way of organizing and structuring data for storage, transmission, and interpretation. Common data formats in web development include JSON, XML, and CSV.
Think of JSON as a more streamlined and less verbose alternative to XML, particularly well-suited for use with JavaScript.
Making HTTP Requests with Vanilla JavaScript
Let’s explore how to make AJAX HTTP requests using vanilla JavaScript, meaning plain JavaScript without relying on external libraries like jQuery.
Vanilla JavaScript
Refers to using standard JavaScript without any additional libraries or frameworks. It emphasizes using the built-in features of the JavaScript language itself.
For this demonstration, we will use a simple development environment setup. We’ll be using Atom, a popular text editor.
A free and open-source text and source code editor for macOS, Linux, and Windows with support for plug-ins written in Node.js, and embedded Git Control, developed by GitHub.
The project structure includes:
index.html: A basic HTML file.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of a web page.
This file includes:
tag in the<head>
section linking to a jQuery CDN. Although we’re starting with vanilla JavaScript, jQuery is included in the HTML for later comparison.jQuery CDN (Content Delivery Network)
A globally distributed network of servers that hosts and delivers JavaScript libraries like jQuery to users. Using a CDN allows browsers to load jQuery quickly and efficiently, often from a cached version.
tag at the bottom of the<body>
linking toasync.js
, our JavaScript file where we will write the AJAX request code. -
A data folder containing
, a simple JSON file we will retrieve.Data Folder
A directory within a project that is typically used to store data files, such as JSON or CSV files, that are used by the application.
In this context, a JSON file named
likely containing sample tweet data in JSON format, used for demonstration purposes in the tutorial.
async.js: The JavaScript file where we will implement our AJAX requests.
To run this example, we’ll use the atom live server package.
atom live server package
An Atom package that provides a development web server with live reload capability. It automatically refreshes the browser whenever changes are made to the project files, streamlining web development.
This package can be installed through Atom’s settings under the “install” section by searching for “atom-live-server”. Once installed, you can start a local server to view your index.html
file in a browser.
Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object
To initiate an AJAX request in vanilla JavaScript, we first need to create an XMLHttpRequest object.
XMLHttpRequest object
A built-in JavaScript object that allows client-side scripts to transfer data between a client and a server. It is the foundation for making AJAX requests in vanilla JavaScript.
We can create this object within a window.onload
function to ensure the script runs after the entire page has loaded.
window.onload = function() {
// Code to be executed after the page loads
let http = new XMLHttpRequest();
ensures that our JavaScript code executes only after the entire HTML document has been fully loaded and parsed by the browser.
Configuring the Request with the open()
The next step is to configure the request using the open()
method of the XMLHttpRequest
object.'GET', 'data/tweet.json', true);
The open()
method takes three parameters:
Method: The HTTP method for the request. In this case,
indicates we want to get request data from the server.GET Request
An HTTP method used to request data from a specified resource. GET requests are primarily used to retrieve information from the server and should not have side effects.
URL: The URL of the resource we want to retrieve. Here, it’s
, pointing to our JSON file.URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet. It tells the browser where to find and retrieve the requested resource, like a web page, image, or data file.
Asynchronous: A Boolean value indicating whether the request should be asynchronous (true) or synchronous (false). We set it to
for asynchronous behavior.Boolean
A data type that has one of two possible values: true or false. In programming, booleans are often used for conditional logic and flags.
In programming, synchronous operations execute one after another in a sequential manner. The program waits for each operation to complete before proceeding to the next.
In programming, asynchronous operations allow the program to continue executing other tasks while waiting for a long-running operation to complete in the background. This prevents blocking the main thread and improves responsiveness.
Sending the Request with the send()
After configuring the request with open()
, we need to actually send it to the server using the send()
The send()
method initiates the HTTP request to the server.
Handling the Response with readyState
and onreadystatechange
To handle the response from the server, we need to monitor the readyState
property of the XMLHttpRequest
object and use the onreadystatechange
event handler.
A property of the XMLHttpRequest object that indicates the current state of the request. It progresses through several numerical values as the request proceeds.
The readyState
property can have the following values:
Ready State 0:
- The request has not been initialized yet.Initialized
In programming, initialization refers to the process of setting an initial value or state to a variable or object before it is used. For XMLHttpRequest, this state is before the
method is called. -
Ready State 1:
- The request has been set up (theopen()
method has been called).Set up
In the context of XMLHttpRequest, this means the request has been configured using the
method, specifying the method, URL, and asynchronous behavior. -
Ready State 2:
- The request has been sent, and the server has sent headers back.Sent
In the context of XMLHttpRequest, this means the
method has been called, and the request has been transmitted to the server. -
Ready State 3:
- The request is in process; the response body is being received.In process
During the XMLHttpRequest lifecycle, this state indicates that the server is processing the request and sending data back to the client.
Ready State 4:
- The request is complete, and the full server response has been received.Complete
In the context of XMLHttpRequest, this is the final state, indicating that the request has finished successfully or unsuccessfully and the full response is available.
We can use the onreadystatechange
event handler to execute a function every time the readyState
An event handler property of the XMLHttpRequest object that is called whenever the
property changes. It allows you to monitor the progress of an AJAX request.
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log(http); // Log the object at each state change
This will log the XMLHttpRequest
object to the console every time the readyState
changes, allowing us to observe the state transitions.
To access the data, we need to check if the readyState
is 4 (request complete) and the status code is 200 (successful response).
In HTTP, a status code is a three-digit numeric code returned by the server in response to a request. It indicates the outcome of the request, such as success, error, or redirection.
- 200 OK: Indicates that the request was successful.
- 404 Not Found: Indicates that the requested resource was not found on the server.
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200) {
// Process the data here
Inside this if check
, we can access the server’s response using http.response
The data sent back by the server to the client in reply to an HTTP request. In AJAX, this is typically the data requested from the server, often in JSON or XML format.
By default, http.response
is received as a string. If we are expecting JSON data, we need to parse it into a JavaScript object using JSON.parse()
A JavaScript method that takes a JSON string as input and converts it into a JavaScript object. This is essential for working with JSON data received from a server in JavaScript.
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200) {
let data = JSON.parse(http.response);
console.log(data); // Log the parsed JSON object
This will parse the JavaScript string response into an object format, making it easier to work with in JavaScript.
JavaScript String
A sequence of characters representing text in JavaScript, enclosed in single or double quotes. When data is received via HTTP, it is often initially in string format.
Object Format
In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs. Converting JSON data into a JavaScript object allows for easy access and manipulation of the data using dot or bracket notation.
Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Behavior Demonstrated
To illustrate the asynchronous nature of AJAX, consider this example:
window.onload = function() {
let http = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'data/tweet.json', true); // Asynchronous: true
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200) {
let data = JSON.parse(http.response);
console.log('Test'); // Log 'Test' after sending the request
When you run this code, you will observe that 'Test'
is logged to the console before the JSON data.
A feature in web browsers and development environments that allows developers to log messages, inspect variables, and debug code.
is a common JavaScript function used to output information to the console.
This is because the AJAX request is sent to a separate thread outside of the main JavaScript execution flow.
In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler, which is typically a part of the operating system. In JavaScript (in browsers), AJAX requests are handled in separate threads to prevent blocking the main thread.
JavaScript continues executing the next line of code (console.log('Test')
) without waiting for the AJAX request to complete. This is nonblocking behavior.
In asynchronous programming, nonblocking operations allow the program to continue executing other tasks while waiting for an operation to complete. This is in contrast to blocking operations, which halt program execution until they finish.
If we change the third parameter in
to false
to make the request synchronous:'GET', 'data/tweet.json', false); // Synchronous: false
You will see that the JSON data is logged before 'Test'
. This is because the synchronous request blocks the execution of JavaScript code until the data is retrieved.
Synchronous AJAX requests are generally deprecated because they can lead to a poor user experience by making the browser unresponsive while waiting for the server response.
In software development, deprecated refers to features or functionalities that are discouraged and are likely to be removed or replaced in future versions. Synchronous AJAX is deprecated due to its negative impact on user experience.
Using synchronous requests has a detrimental effect on the end user’s experience, making the web page freeze until the request completes.
Detrimental Effect
A harmful or negative impact. In the context of synchronous AJAX, the detrimental effect is the freezing of the browser, leading to a poor user experience.
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to always use asynchronous AJAX requests (true
Making AJAX Requests with jQuery
jQuery, a popular JavaScript library, simplifies AJAX requests significantly.
A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions for rapid web development.
jQuery provides methods like $.get()
to handle AJAX requests with less code and complexity compared to vanilla JavaScript.
Using the jQuery method, we can achieve the same AJAX functionality with a more concise syntax.
// jQuery method
$(document).ready(function() {
$.get('data/tweet.json', function(data) {
$(document).ready(function(){ ... });
ensures that the jQuery code runs after the HTML document is fully loaded, similar to window.onload
in vanilla JavaScript.
is a jQuery method specifically for making GET requests.
A jQuery method used to perform an HTTP GET request to load data from the server. It is a simplified way to make AJAX GET requests compared to using XMLHttpRequest directly.
takes two main arguments:
URL: The URL of the resource to retrieve (
). -
Callback function: A call back function that will be executed when the data is successfully retrieved.
Call back function
In JavaScript, a callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function, to be executed at a later time, typically after an asynchronous operation completes. In AJAX, the callback function is executed when the server responds to the request.
The parameter data
in the callback function automatically contains the data returned from the server.
In programming, a parameter is a variable in a function definition that receives an argument value when the function is called. In the context of the jQuery
is the parameter that holds the server’s response data.
Inside the callback function, we can then process the retrieved data (e.g., console.log(data)
Just like in the vanilla JavaScript example, 'Test'
will be logged before the data, confirming the asynchronous behavior of $.get()
jQuery abstracts away much of the complexity of handling readyState
and status codes, making AJAX requests simpler to implement.
In programming, abstraction means simplifying complex systems by hiding the underlying implementation details and providing a higher-level interface. jQuery abstracts the complexities of XMLHttpRequest, providing a simpler way to make AJAX requests.
Both vanilla JavaScript and jQuery can be used to make AJAX requests. While vanilla JavaScript provides a more fundamental understanding of the underlying process, jQuery offers a more streamlined and less verbose approach.
For future projects, using jQuery (or similar libraries) can significantly simplify AJAX implementation. However, understanding the vanilla JavaScript way provides a better understanding of what is happening behind the scenes and is valuable for debugging and advanced JavaScript development.
Vanilla JavaScript way
Refers to the approach of implementing AJAX using standard JavaScript XMLHttpRequest, without relying on external libraries like jQuery. Understanding this approach provides a deeper understanding of the underlying AJAX mechanics.
Better Understanding
In this context, it means having a more thorough and fundamental knowledge of how AJAX requests work at a lower level, by using vanilla JavaScript, compared to the more abstracted approach provided by libraries like jQuery.
This chapter has provided a comprehensive overview of AJAX requests, demonstrating both vanilla JavaScript and jQuery methods, and highlighting the importance of asynchronous behavior in modern web development.
Understanding Callback Functions in Asynchronous JavaScript
Welcome to an exploration of callback functions within the realm of asynchronous JavaScript. This chapter will delve into the fundamental concepts of callbacks, differentiating between synchronous and asynchronous execution, and address the challenges associated with complex callback structures, commonly known as “Callback Hell.”
Introduction to Callback Functions
Callback functions are a cornerstone of JavaScript programming, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations. You may have already encountered and utilized them in your code, even without explicitly recognizing them as such. Let’s begin by revisiting the basics with a simple example.
Consider an array of fruits:
let fruits = ["banana", "apple", "pear"];
To iterate through each element in this array, we can employ the forEach
fruits.forEach(function(val) {
In this snippet, the function passed as an argument to forEach
is a callback function.
A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. It is designed to be executed at a later point in time, often after the outer function has completed its primary task.
The forEach
method iterates through the fruits
array, and for each element, it “calls back” and executes the provided function. In this case, the callback function receives the current array element (val
) as a parameter and logs it to the console. This results in the output:
In essence, a callback function is simply a function provided as a parameter to another method (like forEach
). It is invoked by that method at a specific point during its execution.
Inline vs. Declared Callback Functions
In the previous example, the callback function was declared directly within the parentheses of the forEach
method. This is known as an inline callback function.
An inline callback function is a function defined directly as an argument within the function call where it is being used as a callback. It is created and passed in the same line of code.
However, callbacks do not need to be inline. We can declare a function separately and then pass its name as the callback argument. Let’s refactor the previous example:
function callbackFunction(val) {
This code achieves the same outcome as the inline callback example, demonstrating that a callback can be a pre-declared function.
Synchronous Callbacks
The callback function used with forEach
in our examples is a synchronous callback.
A synchronous callback is a callback function that is executed immediately and in a blocking manner within the function it is passed to. The execution of the outer function is paused until the synchronous callback completes.
This means the callback function is executed right away, before the forEach
method completes its overall operation and returns control to the main program flow. We can illustrate this with another example:
fruits.forEach(function(val) {
The output will be:
As you can observe, the callback function for each fruit is executed, and only after all fruits are processed does the “Done” message get logged. This confirms the synchronous nature of this callback: it completes its task before the program proceeds further.
Asynchronous Callbacks in JavaScript
The focus of asynchronous JavaScript lies in handling operations that don’t execute immediately, but rather at some point in the future. This is where asynchronous callbacks come into play.
Asynchronous JavaScript is a programming paradigm that allows JavaScript to handle long-running operations without blocking the main thread of execution. This enables programs to remain responsive while waiting for tasks like network requests or timers to complete.
An asynchronous callback is a callback function that is not executed immediately. Instead, it is executed at a later point in time, typically after an asynchronous operation has completed. This allows the program to continue executing other code while waiting for the asynchronous task to finish.
To demonstrate asynchronous callbacks, we can consider fetching data from a server using an Ajax request.
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. Ajax allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes without interfering with the display and behaviour of the existing page. Although XML is in the acronym, JSON is more commonly used for data transfer nowadays.
For this example, we will utilize the jQuery library’s $.get()
method, which simplifies making GET requests.
$.get("data/tweets.json", function(data) {
console.log("Test message");
Here, $.get()
is used to request data from “data/tweets.json”. The second argument is a callback function that will be executed after the data has been successfully retrieved. Let’s examine the execution flow:
$.get("data/tweets.json", ...)
initiates an asynchronous operation. It sends a request to fetch “data/tweets.json” to a separate thread outside of the main JavaScript execution thread.In the context of programming, a thread is a sequence of instructions that can be executed independently by a processor. In JavaScript’s single-threaded environment, asynchronous operations are often delegated to browser APIs or other system-level threads, allowing non-blocking behavior.
JavaScript execution continues immediately to the next line:
console.log("Test message");
. This line will execute and “Test message” will be logged to the console. -
In the background, the thread handling the Ajax request fetches the data from “data/tweets.json”.
Once the data is retrieved, the callback function
function(data) { console.log(data); }
is executed. This function receives the retrieved data as thedata
parameter and logs it to the console.
Because the callback function is executed after the data retrieval (an asynchronous operation), this is an asynchronous callback. The output will typically be:
Test message
[Object] // Content of tweets.json will be logged here
The “Test message” appears first, illustrating that the $.get()
call initiates the data request and then allows the JavaScript engine to continue executing subsequent code while the data is being fetched in the background. Only when the data is available is the callback function invoked.
Similar to synchronous callbacks, asynchronous callbacks can also be defined separately:
function handleTweetsData(data) {
$.get("data/tweets.json", handleTweetsData);
console.log("Test message");
This achieves the same asynchronous behavior with a pre-declared callback function.
Callback Hell: The Challenge of Nested Asynchronous Operations
While callbacks are essential for handling asynchronous operations, managing multiple nested asynchronous operations using callbacks can lead to a situation known as Callback Hell.
Callback Hell, also known as the “Pyramid of Doom,” is a situation encountered in asynchronous programming where multiple nested callbacks are used to manage sequential asynchronous operations. This results in code that is deeply indented, difficult to read, and hard to maintain and debug.
To illustrate Callback Hell, consider a scenario where we need to fetch data from three different JSON files sequentially: “tweets.json”, then “friends.json”, and finally “videos.json”. We want to fetch “friends.json” only after successfully retrieving “tweets.json”, and “videos.json” after “friends.json”.
Using nested $.ajax()
calls (a more configurable version of $.get()
), we might write code like this:
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/tweets.json',
success: function(tweetsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/friends.json',
success: function(friendsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/videos.json',
success: function(videosData) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
console.log("Error fetching videos.json");
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
console.log("Error fetching friends.json");
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
console.log("Error fetching tweets.json");
In this code:
- We initiate an Ajax request for “tweets.json”.
- Upon successful retrieval (
callback), we log thetweetsData
and initiate another Ajax request for “friends.json” within the first callback. - Similarly, upon successful retrieval of “friends.json”, we log
and initiate the final request for “videos.json” within the second callback. - Each Ajax request also includes an
callback to handle potential errors during data fetching.
This nested structure creates what is often referred to as the Triangle of Death, due to the increasing indentation and the visual shape it forms in the code editor.
The Triangle of Death is a visual representation of deeply nested callback functions in code, particularly in JavaScript’s asynchronous programming. The increasing indentation of nested callbacks creates a triangular shape, symbolizing the code’s increasing complexity and difficulty to manage.
Callback Hell makes the code:
- Hard to read: The deep nesting makes it difficult to follow the logical flow.
- Hard to maintain: Modifying or debugging such code becomes cumbersome.
- Error-prone: Managing error handling across multiple nested callbacks can be complex and lead to errors.
Notice how error handling is also nested, making it difficult to track errors and their origins. The error handler function in the example looks like this:
function(jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
console.log("Error message");
In the context of jQuery’s
method, theerror
callback function is executed when an Ajax request encounters an error. It typically receives three parameters:jqXHR
(the jQuery XMLHttpRequest object),textStatus
(a string describing the status of the error), anderror
(an exception object if available).
Mitigating Callback Hell: Refactoring for Readability
To improve the structure and readability of callback-heavy code, we can refactor it by extracting callback functions and separating error handling.
First, let’s extract the error handling logic into a separate function:
function handleError(jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
console.log("Error occurred:", textStatus, error);
Now, we can replace the inline error handlers in our nested $.ajax()
calls with a call to handleError
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/tweets.json',
success: function(tweetsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/friends.json',
success: function(friendsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/videos.json',
success: function(videosData) {
error: handleError
error: handleError
error: handleError
This improves error handling by centralizing it in a single function.
Next, let’s extract the success callbacks as well. We can define separate callback functions for each successful data retrieval:
function handleTweetsSuccess(tweetsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/friends.json',
success: handleFriendsSuccess,
error: handleError
function handleFriendsSuccess(friendsData) {
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/videos.json',
success: handleVideosSuccess,
error: handleError
function handleVideosSuccess(videosData) {
Now, the main $.ajax()
call becomes cleaner and more linear:
type: 'GET',
url: 'data/tweets.json',
success: handleTweetsSuccess,
error: handleError
By separating the callback functions, we have significantly reduced the nesting and made the code more readable and maintainable. The code now flows downwards in a more synchronous-looking manner, even though it is still asynchronous.
Beyond Callbacks: Introduction to Promises
While refactoring callbacks helps to mitigate Callback Hell, it is still inherently based on nested function structures. Modern JavaScript offers more elegant solutions for managing asynchronous operations, notably Promises.
Promises are objects that represent the eventual outcome of an asynchronous operation. They provide a structured way to handle asynchronous code, making it more readable and easier to manage compared to traditional callback-based approaches. Promises can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled (with a value), or rejected (with a reason).
Promises offer a way to chain asynchronous operations in a more linear and manageable fashion, avoiding deep nesting and improving error handling. The next chapter will explore Promises in detail and demonstrate how they provide a superior alternative to callbacks for complex asynchronous JavaScript code.
Callback functions are fundamental to asynchronous JavaScript, enabling non-blocking operations. Understanding the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous callbacks is crucial for writing efficient and responsive JavaScript applications. While callbacks can become challenging to manage in deeply nested scenarios leading to Callback Hell, refactoring techniques can improve code readability. However, modern JavaScript offers more powerful tools like Promises, which provide a more robust and elegant solution for handling asynchronous operations, as we will explore in the subsequent chapter.
Understanding JavaScript Promises for Asynchronous Operations
Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
Welcome to this exploration of asynchronous JavaScript and a powerful tool for managing it: Promises. In previous discussions on asynchronous JavaScript, we encountered the concept of callbacks.
Callback: In JavaScript, a callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. This callback function is executed at a later point in time, often after an asynchronous operation has completed.
Callbacks are essential for handling operations that don’t happen instantly, such as fetching data from a server. However, as the complexity of asynchronous operations increases, managing callbacks can become challenging, leading to what is often referred to as “callback hell” or messy, difficult-to-maintain code. This chapter introduces JavaScript Promises as a more structured and maintainable approach to handling asynchronous operations.
Introducing JavaScript Promises
What is a Promise?
A Promise in JavaScript is an object representing the eventual outcome of an asynchronous operation. Think of it as a placeholder for a value that isn’t yet available but will be at some point in the future.
Promise: A JavaScript Promise is an object that represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. It can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled (resolved), or rejected.
Essentially, a Promise acts as a stand-in for the result of an asynchronous operation, like making an HTTP request.
HTTP Request: A Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request is a message sent from a client (like a web browser) to a server to retrieve data or perform an action. It is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web.
When you initiate an asynchronous request, such as fetching data from a server, it immediately returns a Promise object before the data has been retrieved. This Promise object allows you to register callbacks that will be executed once the asynchronous operation completes, whether successfully or with an error.
Promises and ECMAScript 6 (ES6)
Promises are a relatively recent addition to JavaScript, becoming natively available with the ECMAScript 6 (ES6) specification, also known as ECMAScript 2015.
ECMAScript 6 (ES6): Also known as ECMAScript 2015, ES6 is a major update to the JavaScript language standard. It introduced many new features, including Promises, classes, arrow functions, and more.
While native Promise support is now widespread, older browsers, particularly older versions of Internet Explorer (IE), might not fully support it. For production environments requiring broad browser compatibility, Promise libraries like “queue” were previously used to provide Promise functionality. However, modern browsers generally offer robust native Promise support. For demonstration purposes, we will primarily focus on using the native Promise API provided by ES6.
Native Promise API: This refers to the built-in Promise functionality provided directly by the JavaScript language (ECMAScript 6 and later) without requiring external libraries.
Creating and Using Promises: A Practical Example
Let’s illustrate Promises with a practical example of fetching data. We’ll start by examining a function, get()
, designed to make an asynchronous request to retrieve data from a specified URL.
function get(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
} else {
xhr.onerror = function() {
This get()
function takes a URL as input and returns a new Promise. Let’s break down what’s happening inside this function:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... });
: This line creates and returns a new Promise object. The Promise constructor takes a function with two parameters:resolve
. These are callback functions provided by the Promise itself.resolve
: This function is called when the asynchronous operation is successful. Callingresolve()
transitions the Promise to the “fulfilled” state, passing any data to thethen()
method attached to the Promise.reject
: This function is called when the asynchronous operation fails. Callingreject()
transitions the Promise to the “rejected” state, passing an error reason to thecatch()
method attached to the Promise.
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
: This creates a newXMLHttpRequest
object, which is a built-in browser object used to make HTTP requests in JavaScript.XMLHttpRequest (XHR): An API in web browsers that allows JavaScript to make HTTP requests to a server without reloading the web page. It is commonly used for fetching data asynchronously.
-'GET', url, true);
: This initializes the HTTP request.'GET'
specifies the HTTP method as GET, used for retrieving data.url
is the URL passed to theget()
function, indicating the resource to fetch.true
sets the request to be asynchronous.
xhr.onload = function() { ... };
: This sets up an event handler for theonload
event of theXMLHttpRequest
object. This event is triggered when the request successfully completes and the response has been fully received.-
if (xhr.status === 200) { resolve(xhr.response); }
: Inside theonload
handler, we check the status code of the HTTP response.Status Code: A three-digit number returned by a server in response to an HTTP request. It indicates the status of the request. A status code of 200 typically signifies success (“OK”).
If the status code is 200 (meaning “OK”), we call
contains the data received from the server. This resolves the Promise, indicating successful data retrieval, and passes the data to any.then()
handlers. -
else { reject(xhr.statusText); }
: If the status code is not 200, it indicates an error. We callreject(xhr.statusText)
to reject the Promise, passing the status text (a human-readable explanation of the status code) as the error reason.Status Text: A human-readable message associated with an HTTP status code, providing a brief explanation of the status.
xhr.onerror = function() { ... };
: This sets up an event handler for theonerror
event. This event is triggered if there’s a network error or if the request cannot be completed for some reason.reject(xhr.statusText);
: If an error occurs, we reject the Promise, again usingxhr.statusText
as the error reason.
: Finally,xhr.send()
sends the HTTP request to the server.
Consuming Promises with .then()
and .catch()
Once we have our get()
function that returns a Promise, we can use it to fetch data and handle the results using the .then()
and .catch()
const promise = get('./data/tweets.json');
promise.then(function(tweets) {
}).catch(function(error) {
const promise = get('./data/tweets.json');
: We call theget()
function with the URL of the data we want to fetch ('./data/tweets.json'
). This call immediately returns a Promise object, which we store in thepromise
variable.promise.then(function(tweets) { ... });
: The.then()
method is called on the Promise object. It takes a callback function as an argument. This callback function will be executed only when the Promise is fulfilled (resolved). The data passed to theresolve()
function (in our case,xhr.response
) will be passed as an argument to this callback function (here, namedtweets
).- Inside the
callback, we simply log the retrieved tweets to the console.
- Inside the
.catch(function(error) { ... });
: The.catch()
method is also called on the Promise object and is chained after.then()
. It also takes a callback function as an argument. This callback function will be executed only when the Promise is rejected. The error reason passed to thereject()
function (in our case,xhr.statusText
) will be passed as an argument to this callback function (here, namederror
).- Inside the
callback, we log the error to the console.
- Inside the
If the request to './data/tweets.json'
is successful (status code 200), the .then()
callback will be executed, and the tweets data will be logged. If there’s an error (e.g., the file is not found, resulting in a 404 status code), the .catch()
callback will be executed, and the error message will be logged.
Chaining Promises for Sequential Asynchronous Operations
The real power of Promises becomes evident when dealing with multiple asynchronous operations that need to be performed in sequence. Promises allow for chaining, making asynchronous code look and behave more like synchronous code, improving readability and maintainability.
Chaining (Promises): Promise chaining is the ability to sequence asynchronous operations by returning a new Promise from within a
callback. This allows for a more linear and readable flow of asynchronous code.
Consider fetching data from multiple endpoints in a specific order: first tweets, then friends, then videos. With Promises, we can achieve this cleanly:
.then(function(tweets) {
console.log('Tweets:', tweets);
return get('./data/friends.json'); // Return a new Promise
.then(function(friends) {
console.log('Friends:', friends);
return get('./data/videos.json'); // Return another new Promise
.then(function(videos) {
console.log('Videos:', videos);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error:', error);
In this example:
- We start by calling
, which returns a Promise. - When the first Promise resolves (tweets data is fetched), the first
callback is executed.- Inside this callback, we log the tweets and then, crucially, we
return get('./data/friends.json')
. Returning a Promise from a.then()
callback is what enables chaining. This returned Promise becomes the Promise for the next.then()
in the chain.
- Inside this callback, we log the tweets and then, crucially, we
- When the second Promise (for friends data) resolves, the second
callback is executed.- We log the friends data and return
, again returning a Promise for the next step.
- We log the friends data and return
- Finally, when the third Promise (for videos data) resolves, the third
callback is executed, logging the videos data. - The
callback at the end of the chain will catch any errors that occur in any of the Promises in the chain. If any of theget()
requests fail, the execution will jump directly to the.catch()
handler, preventing the subsequent.then()
callbacks from being executed.
This chaining approach avoids nested callbacks, resulting in cleaner, more readable code and significantly improving the management of sequential asynchronous operations compared to traditional callback methods.
Promises with jQuery
While the example above uses native JavaScript Promises and XMLHttpRequest
, it’s important to note that libraries like jQuery also provide Promise-like interfaces. jQuery’s $.get()
function, for instance, returns a “Promise-like” object (specifically, a Deferred object that implements the Promise interface).
.then(function(tweets) {
console.log('Tweets (jQuery):', tweets);
return $.get('./data/friends.json');
.then(function(friends) {
console.log('Friends (jQuery):', friends);
return $.get('./data/videos.json');
.then(function(videos) {
console.log('Videos (jQuery):', videos);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error (jQuery):', error);
jQuery: A popular JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions for rapid web development.
: A jQuery function that performs an HTTP GET request to retrieve data from a server. It returns a Deferred object, which is jQuery’s implementation of a Promise-like object.
Using $.get()
in this way demonstrates how Promises abstract away much of the underlying complexity of asynchronous operations. jQuery handles the XMLHttpRequest
creation and management internally, allowing you to focus on handling the success and failure cases using .then()
and .catch()
. The chaining mechanism remains identical to native Promises, providing the same benefits of readability and maintainability.
Conclusion: Promises - A Better Way to Manage Asynchronous JavaScript
JavaScript Promises provide a significant improvement over traditional callbacks for managing asynchronous operations. They offer:
- Improved Readability: Promise chains make asynchronous code look more linear and easier to follow compared to nested callbacks.
- Enhanced Maintainability: Promises reduce the complexity associated with managing multiple asynchronous operations, making code easier to maintain and debug.
- Error Handling: The
method provides a centralized way to handle errors that might occur at any point in a Promise chain.
Promises are a fundamental concept in modern JavaScript development, offering a robust and elegant solution for handling asynchronous tasks. They are a crucial tool for building efficient and maintainable JavaScript applications, especially when dealing with complex asynchronous workflows.
Next Steps: Exploring Generators
In the next chapter, we will delve into another advanced JavaScript feature: Generators, which offer yet another way to manage asynchronous code and control the flow of execution in JavaScript functions.
Generators: In JavaScript, generators are functions that can be paused and resumed, allowing for more control over function execution and enabling features like iterators and more advanced asynchronous programming patterns (often used with async/await, which builds upon Promises).
Asynchronous JavaScript with Generators
Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript and Generators
Welcome to this educational chapter on asynchronous JavaScript and generators. In this chapter, we will explore how generators, a powerful feature introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), can be effectively used to manage and simplify asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
ECMAScript 6 (ES6) ECMAScript 6, also known as ES6 or ECMAScript 2015, is a major update to the JavaScript language specification. It introduced many new features, including classes, modules, arrow functions, and generators, significantly enhancing the capabilities of JavaScript.
JavaScript, by its nature, is a single-threaded language. This means that it executes code sequentially, one line after another. However, many operations in web development, such as fetching data from a server or handling user interactions, are inherently time-consuming and can block the main thread, leading to a sluggish user experience. To address this, JavaScript employs asynchronous programming.
Asynchronous JavaScript Asynchronous JavaScript allows programs to initiate long-running tasks without blocking the main thread of execution. This enables the program to continue responding to user interactions and performing other tasks while waiting for the asynchronous operation to complete, improving responsiveness and user experience.
This chapter assumes a basic understanding of JavaScript generators. If you are new to generators, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with their fundamentals. A dedicated resource explaining generators from the ground up is available (link provided in the original transcript description). This chapter will provide a brief overview of generators before diving into their application in asynchronous JavaScript.
Recap: Understanding Generators
Generators are a special type of function in JavaScript that provide a unique way to control function execution. Unlike regular functions that run to completion once invoked, generators can be paused and resumed, offering more control over the flow of execution.
Creating Generators
Generators are defined using a special syntax that involves an asterisk (*
) after the function
function* myGenerator() {
// Generator code here
The asterisk distinguishes a generator function from a regular function. Let’s create a simple generator named gen
to illustrate its behavior:
function* gen() {
let x = yield 10;
yield 20;
Pausing Execution with yield
The key feature of generators is the yield
keyword. When a generator encounters a yield
statement, it pauses its execution at that point. The value following the yield
keyword is returned to the caller, and the generator’s state is saved, allowing it to be resumed later from where it left off.
keyword Theyield
keyword is used exclusively within generator functions. It pauses the generator’s execution, returns the value that follows it to the generator’s caller, and saves the generator’s state, allowing it to be resumed later.
In our gen
example, yield 10
will pause the generator after returning the value 10
Resuming Execution with .next()
To start or resume a generator’s execution, we use the .next()
method. When a generator function is called, it doesn’t execute immediately. Instead, it returns a generator object, which is an iterable object.
Iterable object An iterable object is an object that can be iterated over using a
loop or the spread syntax (...
). In the context of generators, the generator object returned by calling a generator function is iterable and provides
method to control its execution.
Let’s see how .next()
works with our gen
let myGen = gen(); // Create a generator object
When gen()
is called, it returns a generator object myGen
. Calling
starts the execution of the generator function. It runs until it encounters the first yield
statement (yield 10
). At this point, the generator pauses, and .next()
returns an object with two properties: value
and done
method is called on a generator object to start or resume the execution of the generator function. It executes the generator code until the nextyield
statement or the end of the function. It returns an object containing avalue
property (the yielded value) and adone
property (indicating whether the generator has finished).
{ value: 10, done: false }
: This property holds the value that was yielded by the generator (in this case,10
: This boolean property indicates whether the generator has finished executing.false
means the generator is paused and can be resumed;true
means the generator has completed.
Let’s call
This time, execution resumes from where it was paused (after yield 10
). The next line console.log(x)
is executed. However, x
is currently undefined
because we haven’t passed any value back into the generator yet. Then, the generator encounters yield 20
, pauses again, and .next()
{ value: 20, done: false }
Finally, if we call
one more time:
The generator resumes, and since there are no more yield
statements, it runs to the end of the function. Because there is no explicit return
statement, it implicitly returns undefined
. Now, .next()
{ value: undefined, done: true }
Here, done
is true
, indicating the generator has completed. Subsequent calls to
will continue to return { value: undefined, done: true }
Passing Values Back into Generators
We can also pass values back into the generator using the .next()
method. The value passed to .next()
becomes the result of the yield
expression where the generator was paused.
In our gen
function* gen() {
let x = yield 10;
console.log("Value passed back:", x);
yield 20;
let myGen = gen();
console.log(; // Starts generator, pauses at yield 10. Output: { value: 10, done: false }
console.log(; // Resumes generator, 50 is assigned to x, pauses at yield 20. Output: Value passed back: 50, { value: 20, done: false }
console.log(; // Resumes generator, runs to the end. Output: { value: undefined, done: true }
In the second .next(50)
call, the value 50
is passed back into the generator and assigned to the variable x
. This demonstrates how we can interact with a paused generator and send data into it.
Generators and Asynchronous Code: A Powerful Combination
Now that we have a basic understanding of generators, let’s see how they can simplify asynchronous JavaScript. Consider a scenario where we need to make a series of asynchronous requests, and each request depends on the result of the previous one. Traditionally, this could lead to complex nested callbacks or promise chains, often referred to as “callback hell” or “promise hell.” Generators offer a more elegant and synchronous-looking approach to handle such scenarios.
Let’s examine an example that fetches data from three different endpoints sequentially: tweets, friends, and videos. We will use a genWrap
function to manage the generator and handle the asynchronous operations.
function* asyncGenerator() {
const tweets = yield getTweets();
console.log("Tweets:", tweets);
const friends = yield getFriends(tweets); // Friends depend on tweets
console.log("Friends:", friends);
const videos = yield getVideos(friends); // Videos depend on friends
console.log("Videos:", videos);
function genWrap(generator) {
let gen = generator();
function handle(yielded) {
if (yielded.done) return;
Promise.resolve(yielded.value) // Assuming yielded.value is a Promise
.then(res => {
handle(; // Pass the resolved value back to the generator
.catch(err => {
gen.throw(err); // Handle errors in the generator
return handle(; // Start the generator
// Placeholder functions for asynchronous requests (replace with actual fetch or similar)
function getTweets() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: "Tweets data" }), 1000));
function getFriends(tweets) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: "Friends data based on tweets" }), 1000));
function getVideos(friends) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({ data: "Videos data based on friends" }), 1000));
Promise A Promise is an object representing the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Promises provide a structured way to handle asynchronous operations, making code more readable and manageable compared to traditional callback-based approaches. Promises have three states: pending, fulfilled (resolved), or rejected.
Callback function A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function, to be executed at a later point in time, typically after an asynchronous operation has completed. In the context of Promises, callback functions are often used with the
method to handle the resolved value and the.catch()
method to handle errors.
In this example, asyncGenerator
is our generator function. Inside it, we use yield
to pause execution while waiting for the result of asynchronous operations (getTweets
, getFriends
, getVideos
). Notice how the code appears to execute synchronously, one line after another, even though each get...
function is asynchronous.
Understanding the genWrap
The genWrap
function acts as a wrapper around our generator, handling the asynchronous control flow. Let’s break down how it works:
let gen = generator();
takes a generator function as input and immediately calls it to create a generator object (gen
). This does not start the generator’s execution yet. -
Function:function handle(yielded) { ... }
function is defined withingenWrap
. This function is responsible for driving the generator’s execution and handling the yielded values. It is designed to be called recursively. -
Base Case: Generator Completion:
if (yielded.done) return;
, the first check is to see if the generator has completed (yielded.done
). If it has, the function simply returns, ending the process. -
Handling Yielded Promises:
Promise.resolve(yielded.value) .then(res => { handle(; }) .catch(err => { gen.throw(err); });
: This is the value yielded by the generator, which in our example is assumed to be a Promise returned bygetTweets()
, orgetVideos()
: This ensures thatyielded.value
is treated as a Promise, even if it’s not already one. If it is already a Promise,Promise.resolve()
simply returns it..then(res => { handle(; })
: When the Promise resolves successfully (asynchronous operation completes), the.then()
callback is executed.res
: This is the resolved value of the Promise (the data fetched from the asynchronous request).handle(
: Crucially, we callhandle
again, but this time, we
. This resumes the generator’s execution and sends the resolved data (res
) back into the generator. Theres
value becomes the result of theyield
expression in the generator (e.g.,tweets = yield getTweets();
.catch(err => { gen.throw(err); })
: If the Promise is rejected (asynchronous operation fails), the.catch()
callback is executed.gen.throw(err)
: This throws an error back into the generator at the point where it was paused. This allows for error handling within the generator function itself (usingtry...catch
Starting the Generator:
return handle(;
returns thehandle
function, and immediately calls it withhandle(
. This initial call
starts the generator’s execution.
In essence, genWrap
acts as a control loop. It starts the generator, waits for each yielded Promise to resolve, passes the resolved value back into the generator, and repeats this process until the generator is done. This allows us to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves much like synchronous code, making it easier to read, write, and reason about.
Production Considerations and Further Exploration
The genWrap
function presented here is a simplified example to illustrate the core concept of using generators for asynchronous control flow. For production environments, you might consider using more robust and feature-rich libraries that provide similar functionality, often referred to as “promise combinators” or “async control flow libraries.”
Libraries like Q and Bluebird (mentioned in the original transcript) offer advanced features for managing promises and asynchronous operations, including more sophisticated error handling, cancellation, and concurrency control. These libraries often provide utilities that internally leverage generator-like patterns to simplify asynchronous code.
Exploring these libraries and their approaches to asynchronous programming can further enhance your understanding and provide practical tools for building complex asynchronous applications in JavaScript.
Generators provide a powerful and elegant way to work with asynchronous JavaScript. By combining generators with Promises and a control flow mechanism like genWrap
, we can write asynchronous code that reads like synchronous code, improving code clarity and maintainability. While the basic genWrap
example demonstrates the core principle, production applications might benefit from using established libraries that offer more comprehensive asynchronous control flow solutions. Understanding the synergy between generators and asynchronous operations is a valuable skill for any JavaScript developer.