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CSS Animation Tutorial

Bring your websites to life with this CSS Animation tutorial series! Learn key techniques like transitions, keyframes, and transforms to create smooth, engaging animations. Perfect for developers looking to add dynamic visual effects to their designs.

Introduction to CSS Animations: A Beginner’s Guide

This chapter provides an introduction to CSS animations, a powerful technique for creating dynamic and engaging web elements. We will explore how CSS animations allow you to animate elements directly within your stylesheets, offering a streamlined alternative to JavaScript or jQuery for many common animation tasks. This approach enhances website performance and simplifies the process of adding visual flair to your web projects.

What are CSS Animations?

CSS animations offer a way to bring your web pages to life by animating HTML elements using only CSS. This method is efficient and often faster than using JavaScript-based animation libraries for simple animations.

  • Pure CSS Solution: CSS animations are achieved solely through CSS code, eliminating the need for JavaScript or jQuery for basic animations.
  • Performance Benefits: CSS animations are often hardware-accelerated by the browser, leading to smoother and more performant animations compared to JavaScript-based alternatives, especially for simple visual effects.
  • Ease of Use: Once you grasp the fundamental syntax, creating CSS animations is straightforward, allowing for the rapid development of visually appealing web interactions.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

Course Overview: Topics We Will Cover

This educational resource will guide you through the essential aspects of CSS animations, starting with foundational concepts and progressing to practical web application examples. We will cover the following key topics:

  • Transforms and Transitions: We will begin by exploring CSS transforms and transitions, which serve as a gentle introduction to animation concepts and provide a foundation for understanding more complex animations.

    CSS Transitions CSS transitions provide a way to control animation speed when changing CSS properties. Instead of having property changes take effect instantaneously, transitions allow you to animate changes in properties over a specified duration.

    CSS Transforms CSS transforms allow you to modify the appearance of an element by scaling, rotating, skewing, or translating it. These transformations can be applied in two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) space.

  • Keyframes: The Core of CSS Animations: We will delve into keyframes, the fundamental building blocks of CSS animations. Keyframes allow precise control over animation sequences by defining specific styles at different points in the animation timeline.

    Keyframes In CSS animations, keyframes are used to define the different stages of an animation sequence. Each keyframe specifies the styles that an element should have at a particular point in time during the animation.

  • Animation Basics with a Practical Example: To solidify your understanding of keyframes and animation principles, we will create a fun and illustrative Mario Kart scene animation. This example will demonstrate how to apply the concepts learned in a practical context.

  • Practical Web Examples: Moving beyond the illustrative example, we will explore real-world applications of CSS animations in web design. We will examine how to implement animations for common web interactions, such as:

    • Adding Items to a Basket: Animating the process of adding products to a shopping basket to provide visual feedback to the user.
    • Creating Pop-up Elements: Designing animated pop-up windows or modals to enhance user experience and draw attention to important information.
    • Other Web Interactions: We will explore further practical examples relevant to modern web development to showcase the versatility of CSS animations.

Prerequisites: Essential Knowledge Before You Begin

To effectively learn and implement CSS animations, certain foundational knowledge is highly recommended. Prior experience with the following technologies will greatly assist your learning journey:

  • CSS Fundamentals: A solid understanding of CSS is crucial. CSS animations are built upon CSS principles, and you will be manipulating CSS properties to create animations. Familiarity with selectors, properties, and the cascade is essential.

  • HTML Basics: Knowledge of HTML is necessary as you will be animating HTML elements. Understanding the structure of HTML documents and how elements are arranged on a page is important for applying animations effectively.

    HTML (HyperText Markup Language) HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the basic structure of web pages and allows for embedding text, images, videos, and other content.

  • jQuery (Optional but Recommended for Interactivity): While not strictly required for CSS animations themselves, basic knowledge of jQuery can be beneficial for adding interactivity to your animated elements. For example, you might use jQuery to trigger animations based on user actions like clicks or hovers.

    jQuery jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animation, and Ajax, making web development more efficient.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

To follow along with the examples and exercises in this chapter, you will need a suitable development environment. Here are the recommended tools and resources:

  • GitHub Repository: All the base files and starting code for the examples in this resource are available on GitHub. You can download these files as a ZIP archive to work along with the demonstrations. This repository provides a convenient starting point and allows you to easily access all necessary project files.

    GitHub GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration using Git. It is primarily used for code hosting, tracking changes, and facilitating collaborative software development.

  • Brackets Text Editor (Recommended): While you can use any text editor, Brackets is recommended for this resource as it is the editor used in the accompanying demonstrations. Brackets is a free and open-source text editor specifically designed for web development, offering features that enhance the coding experience for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can download Brackets for free from

    Text Editor A text editor is a type of computer program that allows users to create and edit plain text files. For programming, text editors often provide features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and file management tools.

  • Web Browser with Good CSS Animation Support (Google Chrome Recommended): Modern web browsers generally offer excellent support for CSS animations. However, it’s important to be aware of potential browser compatibility issues, especially with older browsers like Internet Explorer. For this resource, Google Chrome is recommended as it provides robust and consistent support for CSS animations, ensuring a smooth learning experience. It is always advisable to check browser compatibility for CSS animations before deploying them on live websites to ensure consistent functionality across different browsers and versions.

Browser Compatibility Considerations

While CSS animations are widely supported in modern browsers, it is important to be aware of browser compatibility, especially when targeting a broad audience.

  • Modern Browser Support: Most modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, offer excellent support for CSS animations. You can generally expect CSS animations to work reliably in these environments.
  • Internet Explorer and Older Browsers: Older versions of Internet Explorer may have limited or incomplete support for CSS animations. If you need to support older browsers, you might need to consider fallback strategies or alternative animation techniques.
  • Browser Compatibility Testing: Before deploying CSS animations to a live website, it is recommended to test them across different browsers and browser versions to ensure they function as intended and provide a consistent user experience. Resources like “Can I use” ( can be helpful in checking browser support for specific CSS features, including animations.


This chapter has provided a foundational introduction to CSS animations, outlining their benefits, the topics we will cover, necessary prerequisites, and the tools you will need to get started. By mastering CSS animations, you can significantly enhance the visual appeal and user engagement of your web projects. In the subsequent chapters, we will delve deeper into the specifics of transforms, transitions, keyframes, and practical animation examples, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to create compelling web animations using pure CSS.

Introduction to CSS Transforms

Understanding CSS Transforms

Welcome to this tutorial on CSS Transforms! If you’re new to web development or haven’t yet explored the power of CSS Transforms, you’re in the right place. This chapter will introduce you to the fundamental concepts and practical applications of CSS Transforms, a crucial tool for modern web design and animation.

What are CSS Transforms?

CSS Transforms provide a way to manipulate the visual representation of HTML elements. Think of them as tools that allow you to stretch, move, twist, and turn your web page elements in various ways, adding dynamic and engaging effects to your website.

CSS Transforms: CSS Transforms are a set of CSS properties that allow you to modify the appearance and position of HTML elements in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space without affecting the document flow. They enable transformations like translation, rotation, scaling, and skewing.

Essentially, CSS Transforms let you alter the shape, size, and position of elements, opening up a world of creative possibilities for web design.

Benefits of Using Transforms

One of the key advantages of using CSS Transforms is that they allow you to modify the visual layout of elements without disrupting the normal flow of your document. This is incredibly powerful for animations and interactive effects because it means you can move and change elements without causing surrounding content to reflow or jump around unexpectedly.

Document Flow: In CSS, the document flow is the default way elements are positioned on a webpage. It dictates how elements are arranged and how they interact with each other. Transforms allow visual changes without disrupting this flow.

This flexibility makes transforms ideal for creating smooth, performant animations and dynamic user interfaces.

Setting up the HTML and CSS Files

To get started with CSS Transforms, you’ll need two basic files: an HTML file to structure your content and a CSS file to style it. In this example, we’ll use index.html for the HTML structure and star.css for our CSS styles.

index.html: This is a standard HTML file, often the main page of a website, where the structure and content of a webpage are defined using HTML tags.

star.css: This refers to a CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file named “star.css”. CSS files are used to style HTML elements, controlling their appearance and layout.

In your index.html file, you might have a simple image element like a cloud, as used in the example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>CSS Transforms Tutorial</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="star.css">
    <img src="cloud.png" alt="Cloud Image">

And in your star.css file, you would link to this HTML to apply styles and transformations.

CSS Property: transform

The magic of CSS Transforms happens within the transform CSS property. This property is where you’ll specify which transformations you want to apply to an element.

CSS Property: In CSS, a property is a characteristic or aspect of an HTML element that can be styled, such as color, font-size, or transform. Properties are used within CSS rules to define styles.

All the transform functions we’ll discuss, such as translate, scale, and rotate, are used as values within this transform property.

For instance, to begin styling the body of our webpage and the img element, we might start with the following CSS in star.css:

body {
    background-color: lightblue; /* Setting a light blue background */
    text-align: center;        /* Centering text content */

img {
    /* Transforms will be applied here */

Basic Transform Functions

Let’s explore some of the fundamental transform functions that you can use within the transform property.

Translation with translate()

The translate() function is used to move an element from its original position to a new location. You can move elements horizontally, vertically, or both.

translate(): In CSS Transforms, translate() is a function that allows you to reposition an element in the horizontal (X-axis) and/or vertical (Y-axis) direction relative to its original position.

  • translateX(): To move an element horizontally along the x-axis, you use translateX(). Positive values shift the element to the right, while negative values move it to the left.

    translateX(): This is a CSS transform function used within the transform property to move an element horizontally along the x-axis. Positive values move it to the right, and negative values to the left.

    For example, to move our cloud image 200 pixels to the right, you would add the following to your star.css under the img selector:

    img {
        transform: translateX(200px);

    Pixel (px): In web design and CSS, a pixel is a unit of length representing a tiny dot on a screen display. It’s a fundamental unit for specifying sizes and distances in digital interfaces.

    Changing the value to a negative number, like translateX(-200px), would move the image 200 pixels to the left.

  • translateY(): Similarly, translateY() moves an element vertically along the y-axis. Positive values move it downwards, and negative values upwards.

    translateY(): This is a CSS transform function used within the transform property to move an element vertically along the y-axis. Positive values move it downwards, and negative values upwards.

    To move the cloud image 200 pixels down:

    img {
        transform: translateY(200px);

    Using translateY(-200px) would shift the image 200 pixels upwards.

  • Combining translateX and translateY in translate(): You can combine both horizontal and vertical translations within a single translate() function. If you provide two values, the first value represents the x-axis translation, and the second value represents the y-axis translation.

    img {
        transform: translate(-200px, 200px); /* Move left 200px and down 200px */

    If you only provide one value to translate(), it defaults to applying that translation only along the x-axis.

Scaling with scale()

The scale() function allows you to change the size of an element, making it larger or smaller. Like translate(), scale() also has variations for scaling along specific axes.

scale(): In CSS Transforms, scale() is a function used to change the size of an element, making it larger or smaller. It can scale elements uniformly or independently along the X and Y axes.

  • scaleX(): This function scales an element horizontally. A value of 1 represents the original size (no scaling). Values greater than 1 enlarge the element horizontally, while values between 0 and 1 shrink it horizontally.

    scaleX(): This CSS transform function scales an element horizontally along the x-axis. A value of 1 represents no scaling, values greater than 1 enlarge it, and values less than 1 (but greater than 0) shrink it.

    To stretch the cloud image to be three times its original width:

    img {
        transform: scaleX(3);

    To shrink it to half its original width:

    img {
        transform: scaleX(0.5);
  • scaleY(): scaleY() works similarly, but it scales the element vertically.

    scaleY(): This CSS transform function scales an element vertically along the y-axis. Similar to scaleX(), values determine the scaling factor along the vertical direction.

    To stretch the cloud image to be three times its original height:

    img {
        transform: scaleY(3);
  • Combining scaleX and scaleY in scale(): Just like with translate(), you can use a single scale() function to scale both horizontally and vertically. If you provide one value, it scales uniformly in both directions. If you provide two values, the first scales along the x-axis, and the second along the y-axis.

    img {
        transform: scale(3);      /* Scale uniformly to 3 times the size */
    img {
        transform: scale(0.5, 2); /* Scale to half width and double height */

Rotation with rotate()

The rotate() function allows you to turn or rotate an element around a point. In 2D transformations, we primarily use rotateZ() to rotate elements in the 2D plane. However, CSS Transforms also support 3D rotations with rotateX() and rotateY().

rotate(): In CSS Transforms, rotate() is a function that turns an element around a point, typically its center. It’s used to create rotational effects in 2D and 3D space.

  • rotateX(): This function rotates an element around the horizontal x-axis. Imagine a horizontal line passing through the center of the element; rotateX() spins the element around this line in 3D space. The effect can appear as if the top and bottom edges of the element are moving towards or away from the viewer.

    rotateX(): This CSS transform function rotates an element around the horizontal x-axis. Imagine a horizontal line passing through the element; rotateX() spins the element around this line.

    For example, to rotate the cloud image 60 degrees around the x-axis:

    img {
        transform: rotateX(60deg);

    Degree (deg): In CSS for rotations and angles, a degree is a unit of angular measurement. It’s used to specify the amount of rotation, where 360 degrees represents a full circle.

    As you increase the degree value towards 90 degrees, the element will appear to flatten as it rotates edge-on to the viewer.

  • rotateY(): rotateY() rotates an element around the vertical y-axis. Envision a vertical line through the element’s center; rotateY() spins it around this line in 3D space. This can make the left and right edges appear to move towards or away from the viewer.

    rotateY(): This CSS transform function rotates an element around the vertical y-axis. Similarly, visualize a vertical line through the element; rotateY() rotates it around this axis.

    To rotate the cloud image 60 degrees around the y-axis:

    img {
        transform: rotateY(60deg);
  • rotateZ(): rotateZ() rotates an element around the z-axis, which is an axis pointing out of the screen towards the viewer. This is essentially a 2D rotation in the plane of the screen, making the element spin clockwise or counter-clockwise. This is often just referred to as rotate() in simpler contexts because it’s the most commonly used rotation in 2D web design.

    rotateZ(): This CSS transform function rotates an element in a 2D plane, around an axis pointing out of the screen (the z-axis). It’s the most common type of rotation in 2D CSS transformations.

    To rotate the cloud image 90 degrees clockwise in 2D:

    img {
        transform: rotateZ(90deg); /* Or simply rotate(90deg) */

    Negative degree values, like rotateZ(-45deg), will rotate the element counter-clockwise.

Combining Multiple Transforms

CSS Transforms truly shine when you combine multiple transform functions together. You can chain transformations within the transform property to apply several effects to an element at once.

Chaining Transforms

To apply multiple transforms, simply list them one after another within the transform property value, separated by spaces. The browser will apply these transformations in the order they are listed.

For example, to rotate the cloud image by -90 degrees around the Z-axis, then translate it 200 pixels down the Y-axis, and finally scale it to twice its size, you would write:

img {
    transform: rotateZ(-90deg) translateY(200px) scale(2);

Order of Operations

The order in which you specify the transform functions is important because transformations are applied sequentially. The result of one transformation becomes the starting point for the next.

In the example above, the rotation is applied first, then the translation is based on the rotated element’s coordinate system, and finally, scaling is applied to the already rotated and translated element. Changing the order of these functions can lead to significantly different visual outcomes.

Further Learning Resources

This chapter has provided a foundational introduction to CSS Transforms, covering the basic functions of translate, scale, and rotate. To deepen your understanding and explore more advanced techniques and functions, consider visiting resources like W3Schools.

W3Schools: W3Schools is a popular online educational website for learning web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers tutorials, references, and examples for web development.

W3Schools offers comprehensive documentation and interactive examples that can further enhance your knowledge of CSS Transforms and their applications in web development.

With a solid grasp of these fundamental transform functions and the ability to combine them, you’re well-equipped to start creating dynamic and visually engaging web experiences. Continue practicing and experimenting to unlock the full potential of CSS Transforms in your projects!

Understanding CSS Transitions

This chapter will introduce you to CSS transitions, a fundamental technique for creating simple animations on web pages. We will explore what transitions are, how they work, and how to implement them using CSS.

Introduction to CSS Transitions

Transitions in CSS provide a straightforward way to animate changes in CSS property values smoothly over a specified duration. While related to the broader concept of CSS animations, transitions are distinct in their approach. They are primarily used to animate between different states of an element, rather than creating complex, independent animations.

CSS Animations: CSS Animations are a module of CSS that allows for animating changes in CSS property values over time. They provide more control and flexibility than transitions, allowing for keyframes and more complex animation sequences.

CSS Animations are often used for more complex animations and can be triggered automatically or by JavaScript, whereas transitions are typically triggered by pseudo-classes or JavaScript.

As explained in the video, transitions are:

  • Simple Animation Method: The most basic way to add animation effects to a webpage.
  • State-Based: Used to smoothly transition an element from one CSS state to another.
  • Time-Controlled: Allow you to define the duration, timing, and delay of the transition.

Think of a cloud moving across the sky. Instead of abruptly jumping from one position to another, a CSS transition allows you to make it smoothly drift from the left side of the screen to the right over a few seconds, creating a more visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

Basic Transition Concept: State Changes

The core idea behind CSS transitions is to define how an element should change when its state changes. A state change can be triggered by various events, such as:

  • Hovering: When a user moves their mouse cursor over an element.
  • Focusing: When an element gains focus, like when a user clicks into an input field.
  • Active State: When an element is being actively clicked or pressed.

In this tutorial, we will focus on the hover state as an example.

State (in CSS): In CSS, the state of an element refers to its current condition or appearance. This can be influenced by user interactions (like hover or click) or by the element’s inherent properties.

CSS allows you to style elements differently based on their state, enabling dynamic and interactive web designs.

Consider a circular button element on a webpage. Initially, it might have a pink background. We want to create a visual effect when a user hovers their mouse over this button, changing its background color to salmon. Without transitions, this color change would be instantaneous, appearing as a sudden “flicker.” Transitions allow us to make this change gradual and animated.

Implementing Transitions: A Practical Example

Let’s walk through the example presented in the video tutorial to understand how transitions are implemented in CSS.

Setting up the Element

First, we create a simple HTML element, a div with the class circle. This will serve as our interactive button.

<div class="circle">Hover me</div>

Element (HTML Element): In HTML, an element is a component of a webpage defined by tags. Elements can represent various content types like text, images, links, and structural divisions of the page.

Examples include <div>, <p>, <h1>, and <a>, each serving a specific purpose in structuring and displaying web content.

Initial CSS Styling

Next, we apply some basic CSS styles to this circle element to make it visually appealing.

.circle {
  width: 100px;
  padding-bottom: 100px; /* To make it a perfect circle with padding */
  height: 0; /* Height set to 0 to work with padding for circle shape */
  margin: 20px;
  background-color: pink; /* Initial background color */
  color: white;
  border-radius: 50px; /* Makes it circular */
  cursor: pointer; /* Changes cursor to a pointer on hover */
  text-align: center; /* Centers the text horizontally */
  line-height: 100px; /* Centers the text vertically */

This CSS code does the following:

  • Sets the width and padding-bottom to be equal and height to 0, combined with border-radius: 50px, creates a perfect circle.
  • Sets a margin for spacing around the circle.
  • Sets the initial background-color to pink.
  • Sets the text color to white.
  • Applies border-radius: 50px to make it circular.
  • Sets the cursor to pointer to indicate it’s interactive.
  • Centers the text both horizontally and vertically within the circle.

Defining the Hover State

We now want to change the background color when the user hovers over the circle. We can do this using the :hover pseudo-class in CSS.

.circle:hover {
  background-color: salmon; /* Background color on hover */

Hover State (:hover): In CSS, :hover is a pseudo-class that styles an element when a user positions their mouse cursor over it.

It’s commonly used to create interactive effects, changing an element’s appearance to provide visual feedback when hovered over.

At this point, hovering over the circle will instantly change the background color from pink to salmon. This is the abrupt change we want to smooth out using transitions.

Adding the Transition Property

To introduce a smooth transition, we use the transition CSS property on the element we want to animate – in this case, the .circle element.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s; /* Transition for background-color property */

Transition Property (transition): The transition CSS property is used to specify how changes to CSS property values should be animated over time.

It allows you to define which properties to transition, the duration of the transition, the timing function, and any delay before the transition starts.

In this line:

  • transition: background-color 1s;
    • background-color: Specifies that we want to transition the background-color property.
    • 1s: Sets the transition duration to 1 second. This means the color change will now happen gradually over one second.

Transition Time (Duration): The transition time, or duration, specifies how long the transition effect should last. It is typically defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

A longer duration results in a slower, more gradual transition, while a shorter duration makes the transition faster.

Now, when you hover over the circle, the background color will smoothly transition from pink to salmon over one second, and back from salmon to pink (when you move the cursor away) also over one second.

Transitioning Multiple Properties

We can extend transitions to affect multiple CSS properties simultaneously. Let’s add a rotation effect to our hover state using the transform and rotate() properties.

.circle:hover {
  background-color: salmon;
  transform: rotate(360deg); /* Rotate the circle 360 degrees on hover */

Transform Property (transform): The transform CSS property allows you to modify the visual rendering of an element, enabling operations like rotation, scaling, skewing, and translation.

It is often used to create animations and interactive effects by altering the element’s position, size, or orientation in two or three-dimensional space.

Rotate Function (rotate()): In CSS, rotate() is a function used within the transform property to rotate an element around a point.

It accepts an angle value, such as 360deg for a full rotation, and is commonly used to create spinning or turning effects in web design.

If we hover now, the color will transition, but the rotation will be instant because we haven’t specified a transition for the transform property yet. To transition both properties, we can modify the transition property like this:

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s, transform 1s; /* Transition for both properties */

Here, we’ve added transform 1s to the transition property. Now, both the background-color and the transform (rotation) will transition over one second.

Individual Transition Durations

We can also set different durations for different properties. For example, we might want the rotation to be faster than the color change.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s, transform 0.3s; /* Different durations */

Now, the background color will transition over 1 second, while the rotation will be much quicker, taking only 0.3 seconds.

Transition Timing Functions

Transitions also allow us to control the timing function, which determines how the transition progresses over its duration. By default, transitions use an ease timing function, which starts slowly, speeds up in the middle, and then slows down again at the end. We can change this to other timing functions like linear.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s linear, transform 1s ease-in-out; /* Timing functions */

Timing Function: A timing function in CSS transitions and animations defines the acceleration curve of the animation, determining how the values of the animated property change over the duration.

It controls the rhythm and feel of the animation, allowing for effects like ease-in, ease-out, linear motion, and more complex Bézier curves.

In this example:

  • linear is applied to the background-color transition.
  • ease-in-out (or just ease) is applied to the transform transition.

Linear Timing Function (linear): The linear timing function creates a transition with a constant speed from start to finish.

It results in a uniform, mechanical motion without any acceleration or deceleration, often used for consistent and predictable animations.

Ease Timing Function (ease): The ease timing function (often also referred to as ease-in-out) is the default timing function in CSS transitions and animations. It starts slowly, accelerates in the middle, and then decelerates towards the end.

This timing function is designed to mimic natural motion and is generally considered visually pleasing for many types of animations.

Other timing functions include ease-in, ease-out, and cubic-bezier() for custom curves. Experimenting with these functions can drastically change the feel of your transitions.

Transition Delay

Finally, we can add a delay before the transition starts using the transition-delay property. We can specify a delay for each property if needed.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s 1s, transform 0.3s 0.5s; /* Delay added */

Delay (Transition Delay): Transition delay specifies the amount of time to wait before a CSS transition effect begins. It is defined using the transition-delay property, typically in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

This allows you to synchronize transitions or create staggered animation effects.

In this example:

  • background-color 1s 1s: The background color transition will start after a 1-second delay and last for 1 second.
  • transform 0.3s 0.5s: The rotation transition will start after a 0.5-second delay and last for 0.3 seconds.

Shorthand Transition Property

For simplicity, you can combine all transition properties (property, duration, timing-function, delay) into a single transition property. The order is important: duration, then timing-function, then delay.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: background-color 1s linear 1s, transform 0.3s ease-in-out 0.5s; /* Shorthand */

If you want to apply the same transition settings to all animatable properties, you can simply use the all keyword.

.circle {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  transition: all 1s ease; /* Transition all properties */

Parameters/Options (in CSS Transition Property): In the context of the transition CSS property, parameters or options refer to the different values you can specify to control the transition effect. These include the property to be transitioned, the duration, the timing function, and the delay.

These parameters allow for fine-tuning the animation and creating a variety of transition effects.


CSS transitions are a powerful and easy-to-use tool for adding subtle animations to your web pages. By understanding how to define states, specify transition properties, control timing, and use different timing functions, you can significantly enhance the user experience of your websites with smooth and engaging visual feedback. Experiment with different properties and settings to discover the wide range of effects you can create with CSS transitions.

Chapter 4: CSS Animations - Introduction to Keyframes

Welcome to the world of CSS animations! In this chapter, we will delve into the core concept of keyframes, the fundamental building blocks for creating dynamic and engaging web page elements. Keyframes are the powerhouse of CSS animations, allowing you to precisely control how elements change their appearance over time.

Understanding Keyframes

Keyframes are essentially instructions that tell the browser how an animation should progress. They define the different stages or “frames” of your animation, specifying which CSS properties should change and when these changes should occur.

Keyframes: In CSS animations, keyframes define specific points in time during an animation where properties change. They are defined within the @keyframes at-rule.

Think of keyframes as the crucial points in a timeline for your animation. You define the starting state, the ending state, and potentially intermediate states to create a smooth transition or a series of distinct changes.

Keyframe Blocks: Defining Animations

For each unique animation you want to use on your webpage, you will create a separate keyframe block. This block contains all the instructions for a specific animation, such as movement, color changes, size alterations, and more.

Block: In programming, a block is a section of code enclosed in curly braces {}. In CSS, keyframe blocks, style declarations, and other structures use curly braces to group related code.

Let’s consider an example. Imagine you want to animate several elements on a webpage to simulate driving along a road. You would create a dedicated keyframe block specifically for this “drive” animation. Within this block, you would define how you want the elements to move and which CSS properties to modify to achieve the driving effect.

Properties: In CSS, properties are attributes that define the style of HTML elements. Examples include color, font-size, width, height, position, and transform.

Similarly, if you wanted another animation, perhaps to make elements twirl or fade in, you would create separate keyframe blocks for “twirl” and “fade,” each detailing the specific animation behavior. This modular approach allows you to create a library of animations and apply them to different elements on your web page.

Elements: Components of a web page, typically represented by HTML tags. Examples include headings (<h1>, <h2>), paragraphs (<p>), images (<img>), and divisions (<div>).

Web page: A document accessible through the internet, typically written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and displayed by a web browser.

This chapter will use a practical example to demonstrate how keyframes work. Let’s get hands-on and animate Mario driving across a road!

Practical Example: Animating Mario

To illustrate the power of keyframes, we’ll animate an image of Mario moving across a road on a simple webpage. We will start with the basic HTML structure and CSS styling, and then introduce keyframes to bring Mario to life.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages. It provides the structure and content of a webpage using tags.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. CSS controls the layout, colors, fonts, and overall visual style of a webpage.

Setting up the HTML Structure

Our HTML file (index.html) is straightforward. It includes div elements to represent the sky, grass, and road, creating a simple background scene. We also have an img tag to display the Mario image.

div (division): An HTML element used as a container to structure and group other HTML elements. It is a block-level element and commonly used for layout purposes.

img tag: The HTML tag used to embed images in a web page. It uses the src attribute to specify the image source.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>CSS Animation Example</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <div class="sky"></div>
    <div class="grass"></div>
    <div class="road">
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>

    <img class="mario" src="images/mario.png" alt="Mario">


We’ve given the Mario image a class of “mario” so we can easily target it with CSS for styling and animation.

class: An attribute in HTML used to categorize and group elements. CSS classes are used to apply styles to elements with a specific class name.

Basic CSS Styling (style.css)

Our style.css file already contains basic styles for the sky, grass, and road, creating our Mario-themed background. We will now add styles for Mario and define our keyframe animation within this file.

/* Basic styles for sky, grass, and road (omitted for brevity) */

/* Elements to animate */
.mario {
    /* We will add animation styles here */

/* Keyframes Definitions */
/* We will define keyframes here */

First, let’s style Mario. We’ll use position: absolute to take Mario out of the normal document flow, allowing us to precisely position him. top: -40px nudges him slightly upwards onto the road lane, and left: 0 ensures he starts at the left edge of the road.

position: absolute: A CSS property value that removes an element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (or the initial containing block if no positioned ancestor exists).

top: A CSS property that specifies the vertical position of a positioned element (e.g., position: absolute, position: fixed, position: relative, position: sticky).

left: A CSS property that specifies the horizontal position of a positioned element.

.mario {
    position: absolute;
    top: -40px;
    left: 0;

Creating the @keyframes drive Animation

Now, let’s define our keyframe animation. We use the @keyframes at-rule followed by the animation name, which we’ll call “drive.”

@keyframes: A CSS at-rule used to define the animation sequence. It is followed by an animation name and a block containing keyframe declarations.

At-rule: Keywords in CSS that start with an ”@” symbol, used to instruct CSS or provide additional information (e.g., @keyframes, @media, @import).

Inside the @keyframes block, we define the different states of our animation. For simplicity, we’ll use the keywords from and to to define the starting and ending states of the animation.

from: In @keyframes, from represents the starting state of the animation. It is equivalent to 0%.

to: In @keyframes, to represents the ending state of the animation. It is equivalent to 100%.

We want to animate Mario’s horizontal position. We’ll use the transform property with the translateX() function to move Mario along the x-axis.

transform: A CSS property that allows you to rotate, scale, skew, or translate elements. It can apply 2D or 3D transformations.

translateX(): A CSS transform function that moves an element horizontally along the X-axis. A positive value moves it to the right, and a negative value moves it to the left.

In our from state, we’ll set transform: translateX(0), meaning Mario starts at his initial horizontal position. In the to state, we’ll set transform: translateX(700px), moving Mario 700 pixels to the right.

@keyframes drive {
    from {
        transform: translateX(0);
    to {
        transform: translateX(700px);

Applying the Animation to Mario

Finally, to apply this “drive” animation to our Mario image, we use the animation-name and animation-duration CSS properties within the .mario style rule.

animation-name: A CSS property that specifies the name of the @keyframes animation to be applied to an element. The name should match the name given to the @keyframes rule.

animation-duration: A CSS property that specifies the length of time an animation should take to complete one cycle. The value is given in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

We set animation-name: drive to link our Mario element to the “drive” keyframe animation. We set animation-duration: 3s to make the animation last for 3 seconds.

.mario {
    position: absolute;
    top: -40px;
    left: 0;
    animation-name: drive;
    animation-duration: 3s;

Now, if you save both index.html and style.css and open index.html in your web browser, you will see Mario smoothly drive across the road from left to right in 3 seconds!

You might notice that at the end of the animation, Mario jumps back to his starting position. This is the default behavior of CSS animations, which we will explore and learn how to control in more detail in the next chapter.


This chapter introduced you to the fundamental concept of keyframes in CSS animations. You learned how to create keyframe blocks using the @keyframes at-rule, define animation states with from and to, and apply animations to HTML elements using animation-name and animation-duration. Through a practical example, you witnessed how keyframes bring elements to life, creating dynamic and engaging web experiences. In the following chapters, we will explore more advanced keyframe features and techniques to further refine and control your CSS animations.

Understanding CSS Animation Fill Mode

This chapter explores the animation-fill-mode property in CSS animations. Building upon the foundational concepts of CSS animations, we will delve into how animation-fill-mode controls the styling of an animated element before the animation begins and after it concludes. This property is crucial for creating more refined and predictable animation behaviors, ensuring that your elements behave as expected outside of the active animation timeframe.

Introduction to Animation Fill Mode

In CSS animations, you define a sequence of styles that an element transitions through over a specified duration. However, what happens to the element before the animation starts or after it finishes? By default, the element reverts to its original, non-animated state. This can sometimes lead to unexpected visual “jumps” or resets, particularly when you want the animation to have a lasting impact on the element’s appearance.

Imagine a scenario where we animate a character, like a Mario Kart driver, moving across the screen from left to right. Without controlling the fill mode, once the animation completes, the character might abruptly jump back to its starting position. This behavior can be undesirable and unrealistic. The animation-fill-mode property provides the solution to this issue, allowing you to dictate how the animated element should be styled before and after the animation sequence.

CSS Animation: A CSS technique that allows you to animate changes to CSS property values over a specified duration. This creates the illusion of motion or dynamic styling of web elements.

The animation-fill-mode Property

The animation-fill-mode property in CSS determines how an animation applies styles to its target element outside the period of actual animation execution. It dictates what styles are applied before the animation starts (during any animation-delay period) and after the animation ends.

Animation-fill-mode: A CSS property that specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to the target element before and after its execution. It controls the element’s visual state outside of the active animation time.

This property accepts several values, each offering distinct control over the animation’s behavior: none, forwards, backwards, and both. Let’s examine each of these values in detail.

none: The Default Behavior

The default value for animation-fill-mode is none. When animation-fill-mode is set to none, the element will revert to its original styles (defined outside of the @keyframes animation rules) once the animation is complete. Similarly, during any animation-delay period, the element will also be in its original state.

Default: In CSS and programming, “default” refers to the value that a property or setting automatically assumes if no explicit value is provided.

Consider our Mario Kart example. Without animation-fill-mode or with it set to none, the character moves from left to right and, upon reaching the end of the animation, instantly “pops” back to its starting position. This is because, by default, the styles applied by the animation are removed after the animation duration, and the element returns to its original CSS properties.

forwards: Retaining the Final Animation State

Setting animation-fill-mode to forwards instructs the browser to retain the styles applied at the end of the animation. This means that once the animation completes its final keyframe, the element will maintain those styles indefinitely, rather than reverting to its original state.

Properties: In the context of CSS, “properties” are the stylistic attributes you can apply to HTML elements, such as color, font-size, margin, position, and in this case, animation-related properties.

Element: In web development, an “element” refers to a component of a webpage defined by HTML tags. Examples include paragraphs (<p>), images (<img>), and divs (<div>).

For instance, if we want our Mario Kart character to stay at the right side of the screen after completing its journey, we would set animation-fill-mode: forwards;. This ensures that the character remains in its final animated position, creating a more persistent visual change. forwards takes the final computed values of the animation properties and applies them to the element after the animation finishes.

backwards: Applying Initial Animation State During Delay

The backwards value of animation-fill-mode addresses the element’s styling before the animation begins, specifically during any animation-delay. By default, even with an animation-delay, the element starts in its original state and then transitions to the animation’s starting state once the delay period is over. backwards changes this behavior.

Animation Delay: A CSS property (animation-delay) that specifies the amount of time to wait before an animation starts. It allows you to introduce a pause before the animation sequence begins.

Animation Window: This term, used informally in the transcript, refers to the duration of the animation itself, excluding any animation-delay or time outside of the animation’s start and end points. animation-fill-mode controls the element’s style outside of this animation window, both before and after.

When animation-fill-mode is set to backwards, the styles defined in the first keyframe of your animation are applied to the element immediately when the page loads, even during the animation-delay period. This can be useful if you want the element to visually start in its animated state, even before the animation sequence commences.

To illustrate, imagine we want our Mario Kart character to initially appear slightly to the right of its starting point, say at 200 pixels from the left edge, before it begins its animated movement across the screen. We can achieve this by setting the initial keyframe (0% or from) of our animation to start at left: 200px; and then applying animation-fill-mode: backwards;. With backwards, the character will start at the 200px position from the moment the page loads, and after the animation-delay, the animation will begin from this position. Without backwards, the character would initially appear at its original position (e.g., left: 0;) during the delay and then “jump” to the 200px position when the animation starts.

both: Combining forwards and backwards

The both value is a combination of both forwards and backwards. When animation-fill-mode is set to both, it applies the behavior of both values simultaneously.

Specifically, both ensures that:

  • Before Animation (during animation-delay): The styles from the first keyframe of the animation are applied (like backwards).
  • After Animation: The styles from the last keyframe of the animation are retained (like forwards).

Using animation-fill-mode: both; in our Mario Kart example would mean that if we have an animation-delay and an initial position defined in our first keyframe (e.g., left: 200px;), the character will start at that 200px position from the page load. Furthermore, after the animation completes its movement to the right side of the screen, it will remain at its final position, without reverting to its original state. both provides a comprehensive control, ensuring consistent styling both before and after the animation sequence.


The animation-fill-mode property is a valuable tool for fine-tuning CSS animations. By understanding and utilizing its values (none, forwards, backwards, and both), you can precisely control the visual state of animated elements outside of the animation’s active timeframe. This leads to smoother, more predictable, and visually appealing animations that enhance the user experience of your web pages. Choosing the appropriate animation-fill-mode is essential for achieving the desired animation behavior and preventing unexpected visual resets or jumps.

Chapter 6: Mastering CSS Animation Repetition

This chapter delves into the concept of repeating CSS animations, building upon the foundational knowledge of animation creation. We will explore how to control the repetition of animations, creating dynamic and engaging visual effects on web pages.

6.1 Understanding Animation Iteration

By default, a CSS animation runs once from its beginning to its end and then stops. This single execution might be sufficient for some animations, but often, we need animations to repeat to create continuous motion or ongoing effects.

Consider an example where we have a simple animation of a character, Mario, moving across the screen. Initially, this animation runs once, and Mario moves from one point to another and then stops.

<div class="character mario"></div>
.character {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: red; /* Placeholder for Mario */
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 0;
  animation-name: drive;
  animation-duration: 2s;
  animation-fill-mode: both;

@keyframes drive {
  from {
    transform: translateX(0);
  to {
    transform: translateX(500px);

In this initial setup, Mario will move 500 pixels to the right and then stop. To make the animation repeat, we need to utilize the animation-iteration-count property.

6.1.1 The animation-iteration-count Property

The animation-iteration-count property in CSS allows you to specify how many times an animation should repeat.

animation-iteration-count: This CSS property defines the number of times an animation cycle should be played before stopping. It can take a numerical value or the keyword infinite.

To make our Mario animation repeat three times, we can add the following CSS rule to the .character class:

.character {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  animation-iteration-count: 3;

With this addition, the animation will now run three times. After each cycle, the animation will restart from the beginning. Let’s observe the behavior. After the animation completes its first run, Mario will jump back to the starting position and animate again, repeating this process a total of three times.

However, this jump back to the beginning can look visually jarring and unnatural, especially for animations that are meant to appear continuous.

6.2 Creating Seamlessly Repeating Animations

To achieve a smoother, more seamless repetition, we can modify our animation to create the illusion of continuous movement. Instead of having Mario jump back to the start each time, we can make it appear as if he is cycling around the screen.

6.2.1 Adjusting Animation Keyframes for Seamless Loops

To create a seamless loop, we need to adjust the starting and ending positions of our animation. We want Mario to start off-screen, move across the screen, and then exit off-screen on the other side, seamlessly looping back to the starting off-screen position.

Let’s modify the @keyframes drive to achieve this. We will use translateX to control the horizontal position of Mario.

transform: translateX(value): This CSS property function translates an element horizontally by a given value. Positive values move the element to the right, and negative values move it to the left. The unit px (pixels) is commonly used to specify the translation distance.

First, we remove any animation-delay that might be present from previous examples to ensure the animation starts immediately.

.character {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  animation-delay: 0s; /* Ensure no delay */

Now, let’s adjust the @keyframes drive to start Mario off-screen to the left:

@keyframes drive {
  from {
    transform: translateX(-200px); /* Start off-screen to the left */
  to {
    transform: translateX(1000px); /* Move off-screen to the right */

Here, we set the starting translateX value to -200px, moving Mario 200 pixels to the left of his initial position, effectively placing him off-screen. The ending translateX value is set to 1000px, ensuring he moves far enough to the right to go off-screen on the other side.

With these adjustments, when the animation repeats, Mario will appear to cycle continuously from off-screen left to off-screen right, creating a much smoother looping effect.

6.2.2 animation-fill-mode and Repetition

It’s important to remember the role of animation-fill-mode. With animation-fill-mode: both;, the element retains the styles from the final keyframe (to in our case) after the animation finishes its iterations. In our example with animation-iteration-count: 3;, after the third iteration, Mario will remain at the final position (off-screen right) due to animation-fill-mode: both;.

This behavior might be desired in some cases, but if we want a truly continuous animation that never stops, we need to explore the infinite keyword.

6.3 Infinite Animation Loops

For animations that should run indefinitely, such as background animations or continuous motion effects, we can use the keyword infinite with the animation-iteration-count property.

infinite: This keyword, when used as a value for animation-iteration-count, instructs the animation to repeat continuously without stopping.

To make our Mario animation run infinitely, we replace the numerical value in animation-iteration-count with infinite:

.character {
  /* ... previous styles ... */
  animation-iteration-count: infinite; /* Infinite repetition */

Now, with animation-iteration-count: infinite;, Mario will continuously cycle across the screen, moving from off-screen left to off-screen right and repeating this cycle endlessly. This is ideal for creating background animations or any effect that requires continuous motion.

6.4 Practical Applications of Repeating Animations

Repeating animations are incredibly useful for various web design elements:

  • Background Animations: Creating subtle, continuously moving backgrounds using elements like clouds, stars, or abstract patterns.
  • Loading Indicators: Designing animated loading spinners or progress bars that loop until content is fully loaded.
  • Decorative Elements: Adding subtle, repeating animations to decorative elements to enhance visual interest without being distracting.
  • UI Feedback: Providing continuous visual feedback for ongoing processes or states in user interfaces.

By understanding and utilizing the animation-iteration-count property, especially with the infinite keyword, you can create dynamic and engaging web experiences with CSS animations that repeat seamlessly and continuously.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we explored the crucial concept of repeating CSS animations. We learned how the animation-iteration-count property controls the number of animation repetitions, and how to use the infinite keyword for continuous animation loops. We also discussed techniques for creating seamless looping animations by carefully adjusting animation keyframes and considered the impact of animation-fill-mode in repeated animations. Finally, we touched upon practical applications of repeating animations in web design. This knowledge empowers you to create more sophisticated and visually appealing web animations.

Chapter: Controlling Animation Direction in CSS

Introduction to CSS Animation Direction

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) animations provide a powerful way to bring web pages to life by animating HTML elements. Animations can enhance user experience and make websites more engaging. In this chapter, we will explore the animation-direction property, a fundamental tool for controlling how animations play. We will use practical examples to understand its various values and how they can be used to manipulate animation flow.

CSS Animation: A CSS feature that allows you to animate HTML elements without using JavaScript or Flash. It involves changing property values smoothly over a specified duration.

To illustrate the concept, we will use the example of two animated characters, Mario and Luigi, moving across a webpage. Initially, we'll set up a basic animation for Mario. Then, we will introduce Luigi and use the animation-direction property to make his animation behave differently from Mario's.

Setting Up a Basic Animation

Let's begin by creating a simple animation where Mario moves horizontally across the screen. This will serve as our starting point before we delve into animation direction. We'll assume you have basic familiarity with HTML and CSS. We'll need an HTML structure to hold our characters and CSS to style and animate them.

HTML Structure

First, we add the images of Mario and Luigi to our HTML document. We'll use <img> tags and assign classes for styling purposes.

<div class="container">
  <img class="character mario" src="images/mario.png" alt="Mario">
  <img class="character luigi" src="images/luigi.png" alt="Luigi">

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure of a webpage.

Class (HTML/CSS): An attribute in HTML used to classify elements, allowing CSS styles to be applied to all elements with the same class.

Source (src attribute in HTML <img> tag): An attribute of the <img> tag in HTML that specifies the path to the image file to be displayed.

CSS Styling and Initial Animation

Now, let's style our characters and define the initial animation using CSS. We'll position the characters and set up a keyframe animation called "drive".

.container {
  width: 400px;
  height: 200px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

.character {
  position: absolute;
  width: 50px;
  height: auto;
  animation-name: drive;
  animation-duration: 3s;
  animation-timing-function: linear;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-fill-mode: both;

.mario {
  top: 20px;

.luigi {
  top: 100px;

@keyframes drive {
  from { left: 0; }
  to { left: 350px; } /* Adjusted to stay within container */

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

Property: In CSS, a property is a characteristic you can change to style an HTML element. Examples include color, font-size, and animation-direction.

Position: absolute (CSS): A CSS property value that removes an element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (or the initial containing block if no positioned ancestor exists).

Top (CSS): A CSS property that specifies the vertical distance between the top edge of an absolutely positioned element's box and the top edge of its containing block.

Left (CSS): A CSS property that specifies the horizontal distance between the left edge of an absolutely positioned element's box and the left edge of its containing block.

Keyframes: In CSS animations, keyframes define the different stages of an animation sequence. They specify the styles an element should have at certain points in the animation timeline.

Animation Name: A CSS property that specifies the name of the @keyframes rule that should be used for an animation.

Animation Duration: A CSS property that sets the length of time an animation should take to complete one cycle.

Animation Fill Mode: A CSS property that specifies how an animation should apply styles to its target element before and after its execution. "Both" means the animation will apply styles from both the starting and ending keyframes before and after the animation plays.

Animation Iteration Count: A CSS property that specifies how many times an animation should repeat. "Infinite" means the animation will repeat indefinitely.

In this CSS code:

  • .container sets up a bounded area for our animation.
  • .character styles both Mario and Luigi, setting their position to absolute so we can control their placement within the container. It also sets up the basic animation properties:
    • animation-name: drive; links the animation to the @keyframes drive rule.
    • animation-duration: 3s; sets the animation to run for 3 seconds per cycle.
    • animation-timing-function: linear; ensures a constant animation speed.
    • animation-iteration-count: infinite; makes the animation loop continuously.
    • animation-fill-mode: both; ensures the animation styles are applied before and after the animation.
  • .mario and .luigi position each character vertically within the container using the top property.
  • @keyframes drive defines the animation itself, moving the characters from left: 0 to left: 350px, creating a horizontal movement effect.

Currently, both Mario and Luigi will animate in the same direction, moving from left to right across the container.

Introducing animation-direction

Now, let's focus on making Luigi's animation move in the opposite direction of Mario's. This is where the animation-direction property comes into play. This property allows us to control the direction in which the animation frames are played.

Animation Direction: A CSS property that controls the direction in which an animation plays.

We can apply the animation-direction property specifically to Luigi to reverse his movement. Let's add this property to the .luigi CSS rule.

.luigi {
  top: 100px;
  animation-direction: reverse; /* Added property */

By setting animation-direction: reverse; for Luigi, we instruct his animation to play in reverse. Instead of moving from the from keyframe to the to keyframe, it will now move from the to keyframe back to the from keyframe. In our example, Luigi will now move from right to left, effectively reversing his direction compared to Mario.

Exploring Values of animation-direction

The animation-direction property offers several values beyond reverse, providing different ways to control animation playback. Let's examine the most common values:

  • normal: This is the default value. The animation plays forward each time, from the first keyframe to the last. Mario’s animation, without any explicit animation-direction set, is normal.

    Normal (animation-direction value): The default value for animation-direction. The animation plays forward, from the first keyframe to the last.

  • reverse: As we’ve seen with Luigi, this value makes the animation play backward. Each cycle of the animation will run from the last keyframe to the first.

    Reverse (animation-direction value): A value for animation-direction that makes the animation play backward, from the last keyframe to the first.

  • alternate: This value causes the animation to alternate direction in each iteration. The first iteration plays forward, the second iteration plays backward, the third iteration plays forward again, and so on.

    .luigi {
      top: 100px;
      animation-direction: alternate; /* Changed value */

    Now, Luigi will move from left to right, then right to left, continuously alternating direction.

    Alternate (animation-direction value): A value for animation-direction that makes the animation play forward on the first iteration, then backward on the second, then forward again, and so on.

  • alternate-reverse: This is similar to alternate, but it starts in reverse. The first iteration plays backward, the second iteration plays forward, and so on.

    .luigi {
      top: 100px;
      animation-direction: alternate-reverse; /* Changed value */

    With alternate-reverse, Luigi will start by moving from right to left, then from left to right, alternating directions in each cycle, but beginning with the reverse direction.

    Alternate-reverse (animation-direction value): A value for animation-direction that makes the animation play backward on the first iteration, then forward on the second, then backward again, and so on.

    Iteration: One complete cycle of an animation sequence.

By using these values of animation-direction, you can achieve a wide range of animation effects without needing to define separate keyframe animations for each direction. This keeps your CSS concise and manageable.


The animation-direction property is a powerful tool in CSS animation. It provides simple yet effective control over the playback direction of animations. By using values like reverse, alternate, and alternate-reverse, you can easily modify animation behavior to create more dynamic and engaging web experiences. Understanding and utilizing animation-direction allows for efficient animation management and avoids the need for redundant keyframe definitions when directional changes are required.

CSS Animation Timing Functions: Controlling the Pace of Your Animations

Introduction to Animation Timing Functions

In CSS animations, we bring elements to life by smoothly transitioning them between different styles over a specified duration. But how do we control the rate at which these transitions occur? This is where animation timing functions come into play. They dictate the speed curve of your animation, determining whether it accelerates, decelerates, maintains a constant pace, or follows a more complex rhythm.

Imagine two animated figures: Mario cycling in one direction and Luigi in the opposite direction. Observing Mario’s animation closely, you might notice that as he approaches the end of his cycle, he seems to slow down slightly. This subtle effect is governed by the animation timing function.

CSS Animation: A feature in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that allows you to animate HTML elements without using JavaScript or Flash. It involves changing CSS property values over a set duration to create visual effects.

Animation Timing Function: A CSS property that defines how intermediate values of properties being animated are calculated. In simpler terms, it controls the speed curve of an animation, influencing how quickly or slowly an animation progresses over time.

Understanding the Default: ease

By default, if you don’t explicitly specify an animation timing function, CSS applies the ease function. This default behavior is designed to feel natural and often mimics real-world motion.

Ease: The default value for the animation-timing-function property in CSS. It creates an animation that starts slowly, accelerates in the middle, and then decelerates towards the end.

The ease timing function creates an animation that:

  • Starts slowly: The animation begins with a gradual increase in speed.
  • Speeds up in the middle: The animation reaches its maximum speed during the central portion of its duration.
  • Ends slowly: The animation gradually decelerates as it approaches the end.

This characteristic start-slow, speed-up, end-slow pattern is what you likely observed in Mario’s cycling animation, giving it a more organic and less robotic feel.

Exploring Predefined Timing Functions

CSS offers several predefined keywords for the animation-timing-function property, each providing a distinct speed curve. Let’s explore some of the most common and useful options beyond the default ease.

linear: Constant Speed Animation

The linear timing function provides a straightforward and consistent animation speed throughout its entire duration. There is no acceleration or deceleration; the animation progresses at a uniform rate from start to finish.

Linear: An animation timing function that creates an animation with a constant speed from start to end. There is no acceleration or deceleration.

animation-timing-function: linear;

Applying linear to an animation, like Mario’s cycling, would result in a constant, unwavering speed, potentially making it appear more mechanical and less nuanced than the default ease. In scenarios where a consistent pace is desired, such as a rotating element that should appear to spin at a steady rate, linear is an excellent choice.

ease-in: Acceleration at the Start

The ease-in timing function focuses on a gradual start. It begins slowly and then progressively accelerates, reaching its maximum speed towards the end of the animation.

Ease-in: An animation timing function that makes an animation start slowly and then speed up towards the end. It focuses on acceleration at the beginning.

animation-timing-function: ease-in;

Think of a car starting from a standstill – it gradually picks up speed. ease-in replicates this effect in animations, making the initial motion more subtle and building up to a faster pace.

ease-out: Deceleration at the End

In contrast to ease-in, the ease-out timing function starts at a normal speed and then gradually decelerates towards the end. The animation slows down as it approaches its final state.

Ease-out: An animation timing function that makes an animation start at a normal speed and then slow down towards the end. It emphasizes deceleration at the conclusion.

animation-timing-function: ease-out;

Imagine a car braking to a stop – it starts at a certain speed and gradually slows down until it comes to a halt. ease-out mimics this deceleration, creating a smooth and gentle ending to the animation.

ease-in-out: Balanced Acceleration and Deceleration

The ease-in-out timing function combines the characteristics of both ease-in and ease-out. It starts slowly, accelerates through the middle, and then decelerates towards the end, similar to the default ease, but often with a more pronounced effect.

Ease-in-out: An animation timing function that combines the effects of ease-in and ease-out. It creates an animation that starts slowly, speeds up in the middle, and then slows down at the end, providing a balanced and refined animation curve.

animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;

While subtle, ease-in-out provides a refined and generally smooth animation curve suitable for a wide range of animations where both a gentle start and a gentle finish are desired.

Custom Timing Functions: Unleashing Cubic Bezier Curves

Beyond the predefined keywords, CSS offers a powerful tool for crafting highly customized animation timing functions: the cubic Bezier curve. This allows you to define your own unique speed curve by specifying four numerical values.

Cubic Bezier Curve: A mathematical function defined by four control points that is used in computer graphics and animation to create smooth curves. In CSS animation timing functions, it allows for highly customized animation speed curves.

The syntax for using a cubic Bezier curve in CSS is:

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2);

Here, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) represent the coordinates of two control points that influence the shape of the curve. These coordinates are numerical values between 0 and 1, inclusive. Understanding how these numbers directly translate to the curve’s shape can be complex without a visual aid.

Visualizing Cubic Bezier Curves with Online Tools

Fortunately, you don’t need to be a mathematician to utilize cubic Bezier curves effectively. Online tools like provide an intuitive visual interface for creating and understanding these curves.

This tool typically presents a graph where:

  • The horizontal axis represents time, progressing from the start of the animation (left) to the end (right).
  • The vertical axis represents the animation’s progression, essentially indicating how far along the animation is at a given time.

By manipulating the control handles on the curve, you can visually shape the speed curve. A steeper curve at any point indicates a faster animation speed at that time interval. Conversely, a flatter curve signifies a slower animation speed.

Coordinates: In the context of cubic Bezier curves, coordinates refer to the (x, y) values of the control points that define the curve’s shape. These values determine the animation’s speed and progression over time.

Progression: In the context of animation timing functions and cubic Bezier curves, progression refers to how far along the animation is at a given point in time. It is often represented on the vertical axis of a cubic Bezier curve visualization.

For instance, a curve that starts with a steep incline and then flattens out would represent an animation that starts quickly and then slows down. The tool typically provides the corresponding cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) values as you adjust the curve.

Implementing Custom Cubic Bezier Curves in CSS

Once you’ve crafted your desired curve using the online tool, you can copy the generated cubic-bezier() values and paste them directly into your CSS animation-timing-function property.

For example, if the tool provides cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67), you would apply it to your animation like this:

animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67);

This will apply your custom-designed speed curve to the animation, allowing for highly specific and nuanced motion effects. While predefined keywords are often sufficient, cubic Bezier curves empower you to achieve truly unique and tailored animation timing when needed.


Animation timing functions are a fundamental aspect of CSS animations, offering precise control over the pace and feel of your animated elements. From the natural ease to the consistent linear and the customizable cubic Bezier curves, CSS provides a versatile toolkit for crafting compelling and engaging animations. Whether you opt for the simplicity of keywords or delve into the intricacies of custom curves, understanding animation timing functions is key to mastering the art of web animation.

Chapter 9: CSS Animation Shorthand

Welcome to this chapter on CSS animation shorthand. In this lesson, we will explore a more concise method for defining animations in CSS, streamlining your code and making it more readable. We will build upon the concepts introduced in previous chapters, focusing on how to combine multiple animation properties into a single, powerful declaration.

Reviewing Animation Basics

Before diving into the shorthand method, let’s briefly recap some fundamental animation concepts we’ve covered. In previous examples, we animated a character, Luigi, moving across the screen. We utilized individual animation properties to control different aspects of the animation, such as its name, duration, and timing function.

In the earlier examples, Luigi was initially moving backward. To make the animation appear more natural, we adjusted it to move forward. Additionally, we applied a linear timing function to both Luigi and another element.

Linear Timing Function: A timing function that causes an animation to proceed at a constant speed from start to finish, without any acceleration or deceleration.

This resulted in a consistent speed throughout the animation cycle, creating a smoother and more realistic visual effect for our animated elements.

Cycle: In animation, a cycle refers to one complete repetition of the animation sequence, from its beginning to its end.

Introduction to Animation Shorthand

As you may have noticed in our previous animation examples, defining animations using separate properties can lead to verbose CSS. When you have several animation properties to set, the code can become lengthy and potentially harder to manage.

Animation Properties: These are CSS properties used to control various aspects of an animation, such as its name, duration, timing function, iteration count, and direction.

This is where the animation shorthand property comes in. The animation shorthand allows us to declare all these animation properties in a single line of CSS. This not only reduces the amount of code we need to write but also improves the overall organization and readability of our stylesheets.

Animation Shorthand: A CSS method that allows you to set multiple animation properties in a single animation property declaration, using a specific order of values.

To illustrate the animation shorthand, we will introduce a new visual element: clouds. Let’s add some clouds to our scene and animate them using the shorthand method.

Setting up the Clouds in HTML

First, we need to add the HTML structure for our clouds. Within the sky section of our HTML document, we will add two <img> (image) elements.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of a webpage.

<img> tag: An HTML tag used to embed images into a webpage.

<div class="sky">
    <img class="cloud" src="images/cloud.png" alt="Cloud">
    <img class="cloud" src="images/cloud.png" alt="Cloud">

Both images will use the same cloud image file (cloud.png) and share the class cloud.

class attribute: An HTML attribute used to specify one or more class names for an HTML element. Classes are used by CSS and JavaScript to select and manipulate specific elements.

src attribute: An HTML attribute used with the <img> tag to specify the path to the image file.

HTML Element: A component of an HTML document, defined by tags and attributes, that represents a part of the webpage’s structure or content.

Class (in CSS context): A named category that can be assigned to HTML elements, allowing CSS rules to be applied to all elements belonging to that class.

Styling the Clouds with CSS

Now, let’s style these clouds using CSS. We will use a class selector to target both cloud images initially and then use the :nth-child pseudo-selector to style them individually.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML, including colors, layout, and fonts.

Class Selector: In CSS, a selector that targets HTML elements based on their class attribute. It is denoted by a period (.) followed by the class name.

.cloud {
    position: absolute; /* Positioning the clouds absolutely within their container */

Setting the position to absolute allows us to position the clouds freely within their parent container, the sky div.

position: absolute;: A CSS property value that removes an element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (or the initial containing block if no positioned ancestor exists).

To differentiate the two clouds, we’ll use the :nth-child pseudo-selector.

:nth-child: A CSS pseudo-selector that allows you to target elements based on their position among a group of sibling elements.

.cloud:nth-child(1) { /* Targeting the first cloud element */
    width: 200px;     /* Setting the width of the first cloud */
    top: 120px;      /* Positioning the first cloud from the top */
    opacity: 0.5;    /* Setting the opacity to make it appear further away */

.cloud:nth-child(2) { /* Targeting the second cloud element */
    width: 300px;     /* Setting a larger width for the second cloud */
    top: 0;          /* Positioning the second cloud at the top */

We adjust the width, top, and opacity properties to create a sense of depth, making one cloud appear closer and larger than the other.

width: A CSS property that specifies the width of an element’s content area.

top: A CSS property that specifies the vertical distance between the top edge of an absolutely or fixedly positioned element’s box and the top edge of its containing block.

opacity: A CSS property that sets the transparency of an element. A value of 1 is fully opaque, and 0 is fully transparent.

Creating the “wind” Keyframe Animation

Now, let’s create the animation that will move our clouds across the sky. We will define a keyframe animation named “wind” using the @keyframes rule.

@keyframes: A CSS at-rule that defines the keyframes for an animation. Keyframes specify the styles an element will have at different times during the animation.

@keyframes wind {
    from {
        left: -300px; /* Starting position of the clouds, off-screen to the left */
    to {
        left: 100%;    /* Ending position of the clouds, off-screen to the right */

In this keyframe animation:

  • from: Represents the starting point of the animation (equivalent to 0%). We set the left property to -300px, positioning the clouds off-screen to the left, considering the width of the larger cloud.

    from: In @keyframes, the keyword indicating the starting style of an animation, equivalent to 0%.

  • to: Represents the ending point of the animation (equivalent to 100%). We set the left property to 100%, positioning the clouds off-screen to the right.

    to: In @keyframes, the keyword indicating the ending style of an animation, equivalent to 100%.

left property: A CSS property that specifies the horizontal distance between the left edge of an absolutely or fixedly positioned element’s box and the left edge of its containing block.

Applying Animation Shorthand

Now we will apply the “wind” animation to our clouds using the animation shorthand property. Instead of writing multiple lines for animation-name, animation-duration, etc., we can combine them into a single animation property.

For the first cloud (:nth-child(1)):

.cloud:nth-child(1) {
    /* ... previous styles ... */
    animation: wind 80s linear infinite reverse;

Here’s a breakdown of the shorthand values:

  1. wind: This is the animation name, specifying which keyframe animation to use.

    Animation Name: A name you assign to a @keyframes rule, which is then used to link that animation to specific CSS rules via the animation-name property or the animation shorthand.

  2. 80s: This is the animation duration, setting the animation to complete over 80 seconds.

    Duration (animation): The length of time an animation takes to complete one cycle, typically specified in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

  3. linear: This is the timing function, ensuring a constant speed throughout the animation. We are using the linear timing function as discussed earlier.

  4. infinite: This is the iteration count, causing the animation to loop indefinitely.

    Iteration Count: Specifies how many times an animation should repeat. infinite makes the animation loop continuously.

  5. reverse: This is the animation direction, making the animation play in reverse – from right to left in this case.

    Direction (animation): Controls the direction in which the animation sequence is played. Values include normal, reverse, alternate, and alternate-reverse.

    Reverse (animation direction): A value for the animation-direction property that causes the animation to play backward, from the to keyframe to the from keyframe.

For the second cloud (:nth-child(2)), we will apply a slightly faster animation:

.cloud:nth-child(2) {
    /* ... previous styles ... */
    animation: wind 50s linear infinite; /* Removed 'reverse' and changed duration */

For this cloud, we’ve used a duration of 50s (faster) and removed reverse, so it moves from left to right.

Animation Delay

The animation shorthand also allows for an optional animation delay. If you need to introduce a delay before the animation starts, you can include a time value after the duration.

Delay (animation): Specifies a time to wait before starting the animation.

For example, to add a 2-second delay to the first cloud animation, you would write:

.cloud:nth-child(1) {
    animation: wind 80s 2s linear infinite reverse; /* Added a 2-second delay */

Important Note: When using shorthand, the first time value is always interpreted as the animation-duration, and the second time value (if present) is interpreted as the animation-delay. The order of other keywords (like linear, infinite, reverse, and the animation name) generally does not matter as the browser can distinguish them based on their values and types. However, maintaining a consistent order (like name, duration, timing function, iteration count, direction, delay) is good practice for readability.


The animation shorthand property provides a concise and efficient way to define CSS animations. By combining multiple animation properties into a single declaration, you can simplify your CSS code and make it more manageable. Remember the order of duration and delay is important if both are time values, but otherwise, the order of keywords is flexible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. In the next chapter, we will continue exploring more advanced animation techniques.

Introduction to CSS Animations: Chaining Animations for Dynamic Effects

This chapter will guide you through the process of creating and chaining CSS animations to enhance web page interactivity and visual appeal. We will explore how to combine multiple animations on a single element to create complex and engaging effects. In this example, we will focus on animating a character, “Mario,” to both move along a path and jump.

Building Upon Existing Animations

In previous lessons, you may have learned the basics of creating a CSS animation to move an element across the screen. Let’s assume we already have an animation that makes our “Mario” character move along a road. Now, we aim to add another animation to this character, specifically a jump action, at a certain point in his journey. This requires us to chain animations together.

Creating a New Animation: The Jump Animation

To add the jump effect, the first step is to define a new animation specifically for the jump action. We achieve this using @keyframes in CSS.

@keyframes In CSS, @keyframes is a rule that defines the animation sequence by specifying different points in the animation, along with the style properties that should apply at each point. This allows you to control the animation’s behavior over time.

@keyframes jump {
  /* Animation keyframes will be defined here */

We name this new animation jump. Inside the @keyframes jump block, we will define the different states of our jump animation.

Defining Animation States with Percentages

In simpler animations, you might have used from and to to define the starting and ending states of an animation. However, for more complex animations with more than two states, such as our jump animation which involves going up and coming back down, using percentages provides greater control and flexibility.

Percentages in Keyframes When defining keyframes, using percentages (0% to 100%) allows you to specify animation states at different points throughout the animation’s duration. 0% represents the start of the animation, and 100% represents the end. Intermediate percentages define states at different points within the animation sequence.

Instead of from and to, we will use percentages to define three key states for our jump:

  • 0% (Start): Mario is on the ground.
  • 50% (Mid-animation): Mario is at the peak of his jump, in mid-air.
  • 100% (End): Mario has landed back on the ground.

Let’s define these states within our @keyframes jump rule. We will be manipulating the top CSS property to simulate the jump effect.

top Property In CSS, the top property specifies the vertical distance between the top edge of an element’s box and the top edge of its containing block. It is commonly used in combination with position: relative, position: absolute, or position: fixed to control the vertical positioning of elements.

@keyframes jump {
  0% {
    top: -40px; /* Mario on the ground (initial position) */
  50% {
    top: -100px; /* Mario in mid-air (higher position) */
  100% {
    top: -40px; /* Mario back on the ground (original position) */

In this keyframe definition:

  • At 0% and 100%, we set top: -40px. This represents Mario’s position when he is on the ground. The negative value implies it’s positioned slightly above its normal flow position, likely adjusted for visual design within the context of the larger scene.
  • At 50%, we set top: -100px. This value is lower (more negative) than -40px, effectively moving Mario upwards, simulating the jump into the air.

Pixels (px) In digital displays, a pixel (picture element) is the smallest addressable unit of color on an image or screen. In CSS, px is a unit of length representing pixels on the screen. It provides a consistent measure for sizing elements and distances in web design.

Chaining Animations: Applying Multiple Animations to an Element

Now that we have defined both the initial animation (presumably for movement along the road) and the new jump animation, we need to apply both to the “Mario” element. CSS makes this straightforward by allowing you to chain animations using commas within the animation property.

Let’s assume the “Mario” element already has an existing animation property applied to it. To chain the jump animation, we simply add a comma after the existing animation properties and then define the properties for our new jump animation.

.mario {
  /* ... other CSS properties ... */
  animation: /* existing animation properties */, jump 0.3s 1.2s ease;

In this example, we’ve added , jump 0.3s 1.2s ease to the existing animation property. Let’s break down the properties we’ve set for the jump animation:

  • jump: This is the name of the animation we defined using @keyframes. It tells the browser which animation to apply.
  • 0.3s: This sets the animation-duration to 0.3 seconds. This means the jump animation will complete in 0.3 seconds.

animation-duration The animation-duration CSS property specifies the length of time that an animation should take to complete one cycle. It is defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

  • 1.2s: This sets the animation-delay to 1.2 seconds. This introduces a delay of 1.2 seconds before the jump animation starts playing after the page loads or the element is styled.

animation-delay The animation-delay CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from when the element loads until the animation sequence begins. It is also defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

  • ease: This sets the animation-timing-function to ease. The animation-timing-function controls the speed curve of the animation, determining how the animation progresses over its duration. ease is a common value that makes the animation start slowly, speed up in the middle, and then slow down again at the end, resulting in a more natural look.

animation-timing-function The animation-timing-function CSS property specifies the speed curve of an animation. It defines how the animation progresses through its duration. Common values include linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out, as well as custom cubic-bezier functions. ease is a default value that provides a smooth start and end to the animation.

By combining these animation properties with the jump animation name and separating them with commas from any existing animation properties, we have successfully chained two animations together on the “Mario” element.

Observing the Chained Animations

When you refresh the webpage with these CSS rules applied, you will observe that after a 1.2-second delay, “Mario” will perform a single jump, taking 0.3 seconds to complete the jump animation. This jump animation is chained with the original animation, demonstrating how to combine multiple animations on a single element to create more complex and dynamic visual effects.


Chaining CSS animations is a powerful technique for creating intricate and engaging web animations. By defining multiple @keyframes animations and applying them to an element using comma-separated values in the animation property, you can orchestrate complex sequences of motion and visual changes. This chapter demonstrated a simple example of chaining a jump animation to an existing movement animation, highlighting the key concepts of @keyframes, percentage-based animation states, and the animation property for combining animations. Experiment with different animation properties and timings to create your own unique and dynamic web experiences.

Creating Animated Pop-ups with CSS

This chapter will guide you through the process of creating animated pop-up elements using CSS animations. We will explore how to use keyframes to define animation sequences and apply these animations to create visually engaging pop-up effects for websites. This chapter will cover techniques for animating the entrance of a pop-up, including dropping and swinging motions, along with fading in for a smoother appearance.

Introduction to CSS Animations for Pop-ups

CSS animations provide a powerful way to add dynamic motion to web elements without relying on JavaScript for basic animations. By defining animation keyframes, you can control the changes in CSS properties over time, creating complex and visually appealing effects. In this chapter, we will focus on animating a pop-up element, a common UI element used to display important information or calls to action on a webpage.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS controls the visual appearance of web pages, including layout, colors, and fonts.

We will be using keyframes to define the animation steps for our pop-up, manipulating properties like transform and opacity to achieve the desired effects.

Keyframes: In CSS animations, keyframes are used to define specific points in time during an animation sequence. Each keyframe specifies the values of CSS properties at that particular point, allowing for precise control over animation progression. They are defined using the @keyframes rule.

Setting up the HTML Structure and Basic CSS Styling

Before diving into animations, it’s essential to have a basic HTML structure for our pop-up and some initial CSS styling to position and style it. For the purpose of this chapter, we’ll assume you have a basic HTML file with a div element representing the pop-up. This div contains the content of the pop-up, such as an image, heading, text, input fields, and a close button.

<div id="popup">
    <img src="popup-header.png" alt="Pop-up Header">
    <div class="container">
        <p>This is a sample pop-up message.</p>
        <input type="text" placeholder="Enter your email">
        <div class="close-button">X</div>

The initial CSS styling (provided in the transcript as pre-existing and downloadable) is responsible for the basic layout and visual appearance of the pop-up. This includes setting properties like width, height, background-color, padding, and positioning the pop-up on the page. Crucially, the transcript mentions that the pop-up initially has top: 200px; which positions it 200 pixels from the top of the viewport.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. HTML provides the structure and content of web pages.

CSS Property: A characteristic or attribute of an HTML element that can be styled using CSS. Examples include color, font-size, width, height, and top.

CSS Value: The setting assigned to a CSS property. For example, in color: blue;, color is the property and blue is the value.

ID: In HTML and CSS, an ID is a unique identifier assigned to an HTML element. In CSS, IDs are used as selectors (prefixed with #) to target and style specific elements.

For our animation, we’ll start by initially hiding the pop-up off-screen. We achieve this by overriding the initial top value within the “popup animation Styles” section of the CSS file.

#popup {
  /* ... existing styles ... */

/* popup animation Styles */

#popup {
  top: -400px; /* Positions the pop-up 400 pixels above the viewport */

By setting top: -400px;, we move the pop-up element 400 pixels above the top edge of the browser window, effectively hiding it from view initially.

Creating the “Drop” Animation

The first animation we will implement is a “drop” animation, where the pop-up appears to drop down from above the screen into its final position.

Defining Keyframes for the “Drop” Animation

We will use the @keyframes rule to define the animation sequence. We’ll name this animation drop. Within the keyframes, we use percentages to represent points in time during the animation’s duration.

@keyframes drop {
  0% {
    /* Initial state - no changes yet */
  70% {
    transform: translateY(700px); /* Translate the pop-up 700 pixels down */
  100% {
    transform: translateY(650px); /* Translate the pop-up 650 pixels down (slight bounce back) */

Let’s break down these keyframes:

  • 0%: At the start of the animation (0% of the total animation time), we don’t apply any transformations. The pop-up remains in its initial off-screen position (top: -400px;).

  • 70%: At 70% of the animation duration, we apply a transform: translateY(700px);.

    transform property: A CSS property that allows you to apply 2D or 3D transformations to elements, such as scaling, rotating, skewing, and translating.

    translateY(): A function within the transform property that moves an element vertically along the Y-axis. Positive values move the element downwards, and negative values move it upwards.

    Since the pop-up was initially at top: -400px;, translating it by 700 pixels downwards (translateY(700px)) effectively positions it 300 pixels from the top (-400px + 700px = 300px), bringing it into view.

  • 100%: At the end of the animation (100%), we adjust the vertical translation to transform: translateY(650px);. This slightly reduces the downward translation, moving the pop-up up by 50 pixels from its 70% position. This creates a subtle “bounce” effect at the end of the animation, making the pop-up’s arrival more visually appealing.

Applying the “Drop” Animation

To apply the drop animation to our pop-up, we use the animation property in the CSS rule for #popup.

#popup {
  top: -400px;
  animation: drop 0.5s ease-out forwards;

Let’s examine the animation property values:

  • drop: This is the name of the keyframe animation we defined using @keyframes drop.

  • 0.5s: This specifies the duration of the animation, in this case, 0.5 seconds (500 milliseconds).

  • ease-out: This is the timing function, which controls the speed curve of the animation. ease-out starts the animation quickly and slows down towards the end.

    Timing Function (Easing): In CSS animations, a timing function (also known as easing function) describes how the animation progresses over time. It controls the acceleration and deceleration of the animation, influencing its perceived smoothness and style. Common values include ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out.

  • forwards: This animation fill mode ensures that the pop-up stays in the final state defined by the last keyframe (100%) after the animation completes. Without forwards, the pop-up would revert to its initial state after the animation finishes.

    Animation Fill Mode: A CSS animation property that determines what happens to the element’s styles when the animation is not actively running (before it starts, after it ends, or both). forwards is a common value that makes the element retain the style values set by the last keyframe when the animation finishes.

With this CSS applied, the pop-up will now animate downwards when the page loads, creating a “drop” effect.

Adding Opacity Fade-in

To enhance the visual appeal of the pop-up animation, we can add a fade-in effect using the opacity property.

#popup {
  top: -400px;
  opacity: 0; /* Initially set opacity to 0 (fully transparent) */
  animation: drop 0.5s ease-out forwards;

@keyframes drop {
  0% {
    opacity: 0; /* Start with opacity 0 */
  70% {
    transform: translateY(700px);
    opacity: 1; /* Fade in to full opacity by 70% */
  100% {
    transform: translateY(650px);
    opacity: 1; /* Maintain full opacity at the end */

opacity: A CSS property that defines the transparency of an element. A value of 0 makes the element fully transparent, 1 makes it fully opaque, and values in between represent varying levels of transparency.

We initialize the opacity of the #popup to 0 in the base CSS rule, making it initially invisible. Then, within the @keyframes drop animation:

  • We set opacity: 0; at 0% to ensure it starts transparent.
  • We set opacity: 1; at 70% and 100% to gradually fade the pop-up in to full visibility as it drops.

This combination of translateY and opacity animations creates a smoother and more visually appealing pop-up entrance.

Creating the “Swing” Animation (Optional)

For a more playful animation, we can add a “swing” effect after the initial drop. This will make the pop-up appear to swing into its final position.

Defining Keyframes for the “Swing” Animation

We define a new keyframe animation called swing. This animation will focus on rotation around the Z-axis (rotateZ) to create the swinging motion.

@keyframes swing {
  0% {
    transform: translateY(650px) rotateZ(0deg); /* Initial position and rotation */
  40% {
    transform: translateY(650px) rotateZ(90deg); /* Rotate 90 degrees downwards */
  70% {
    transform: translateY(650px) rotateZ(70deg); /* Swing back to 70 degrees */
  100% {
    transform: translateY(650px) rotateZ(75deg); /* Final slight swing to 75 degrees */

Notice that in each keyframe of the swing animation, we include transform: translateY(650px). This is crucial because we want to maintain the vertical position established by the drop animation (at 650px from the top after the bounce). If we only used rotateZ in the swing animation, it would override the translateY from the drop animation, and the pop-up might jump back to its original position. By explicitly including translateY(650px) in every keyframe of swing, we ensure that the vertical position remains consistent while we apply the rotation.

rotateZ(): A function within the transform property that rotates an element around the Z-axis (an axis perpendicular to the screen). Positive values rotate clockwise, and negative values rotate counter-clockwise. The unit deg represents degrees of rotation.

The swing animation sequence is as follows:

  • 0%: Starts with no rotation (rotateZ(0deg)).
  • 40%: Rotates 90 degrees downwards (rotateZ(90deg)).
  • 70%: Swings back slightly to 70 degrees (rotateZ(70deg)).
  • 100%: Settles at 75 degrees (rotateZ(75deg)), creating a final subtle swing.

Applying the “Swing” Animation

To apply the swing animation after the drop animation, we chain them together in the animation property using commas. We also add a delay to the swing animation so that it starts after the drop animation has completed and the pop-up has been visible for a moment.

#popup {
  top: -400px;
  opacity: 0;
  animation: drop 0.5s ease-out forwards, swing 2s ease-out 3s forwards;

Here, we have added a second animation to the animation property:

  • swing 2s ease-out 3s forwards:
    • swing: The name of the swing animation keyframes.

    • 2s: The duration of the swing animation is 2 seconds.

    • ease-out: Uses the ease-out timing function for the swing.

    • 3s: This is the animation-delay property, which sets a delay of 3 seconds before the swing animation starts. This delay ensures that the swing animation begins after the 0.5-second drop animation and a brief pause.

    • forwards: Ensures the swing animation’s final state is maintained.

    Animation Delay: A property within the animation shorthand property (or the animation-delay property itself) that specifies the amount of time to wait before an animation starts.

Using transform-origin for Swing Origin

By default, rotations are performed around the center of the element. For a more natural swing effect, we want the pop-up to swing from a point near its top edge, rather than its center. We can achieve this using the transform-origin property.

#popup {
  top: -400px;
  opacity: 0;
  transform-origin: 10px 10px; /* Set the origin point for transformations */
  animation: drop 0.5s ease-out forwards, swing 2s ease-out 3s forwards;

transform-origin: A CSS property that sets the origin point for transformations. It defines the point around which transformations like rotate, scale, and translate are applied. It’s specified using x and y coordinates relative to the element’s box.

transform-origin: 10px 10px; sets the origin point to 10 pixels from the left and 10 pixels from the top of the pop-up. This shifts the rotation point upwards and to the left, making the swing motion appear to originate from the top-left corner area of the pop-up, resulting in a more realistic pendulum-like swing.


This chapter demonstrated how to create animated pop-up effects using CSS animations. We explored the use of keyframes to define animation sequences for both a “drop” and a “swing” animation. We also learned how to apply these animations using the animation property, chain animations together, control timing with duration, delay, and timing functions, and refine the animation’s origin using transform-origin. By combining these techniques, you can create engaging and visually appealing pop-up animations to enhance user experience on your websites. Remember to experiment with different animation properties, keyframe values, and timing functions to create unique and customized animation effects.

Chapter: Creating a Shopping Cart Animation with CSS


This chapter will guide you through the process of creating a subtle yet effective animation for a shopping cart feature on a website. We will be using CSS animations to visually enhance the user experience when items are added to the shopping basket. This example focuses on animating a product image as it appears to move from the product listing to the shopping cart icon, providing visual feedback to the user and making the interaction more engaging. We will be building upon basic web development concepts, including HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript interaction using jQuery.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.


In the context of web development, animation refers to the process of creating the illusion of motion by rapidly displaying a sequence of images or frames that progressively differ from each other. In CSS, animations can be used to smoothly transition elements between different styles over a specified duration.

Project Setup

To begin, we will set up the basic HTML structure and CSS styling for our example website. This includes creating a product listing and a visual representation of a shopping basket. We will also integrate jQuery to handle user interactions.


A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax, making web development more efficient and easier to write.

HTML Structure (basket.html)

Our HTML file, named basket.html, will contain the following structure:

  • Product Listing (<ul> with class products): This unordered list will contain individual product items.

    • Product Item (<li>): Each list item represents a product and includes:
      • <img>: An image of the product.
      • <h2>: The name of the product.
      • <button>: An “Add to Basket” button.
  • jQuery Inclusion: We will include the jQuery library within the <head> or before the closing <body> tag to enable JavaScript functionalities.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sports Clothing Website</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Website Content (Product Listing etc.) -->
    <ul class="products">
            <img src="top1.jpg" alt="Sports Top 1">
            <h2>Sports Top 1</h2>
            <button>Add to Basket</button>
            <img src="top2.jpg" alt="Sports Top 2">
            <h2>Sports Top 2</h2>
            <button>Add to Basket</button>

    <!-- JavaScript file -->
    <script src="script.js"></script>

CSS Base Styles (style.css)

We will create a CSS file, style.css, to style the basic layout of our website. These base styles will handle the positioning and appearance of the product listing and other elements. For this example, the specific base styles are not detailed in the transcript, but they would typically include:

  • Layout properties to arrange product items in a grid or list format.
  • Styling for images, headings, and buttons to create a visually appealing product display.

These base styles are considered foundational and not directly related to the animation itself, but they are necessary for the overall presentation of the website.

JavaScript Interaction (script.js)

To trigger the animation when a user adds an item to the basket, we will use JavaScript and jQuery to handle click events on the “Add to Basket” buttons. This script will be placed in a separate file, script.js, and linked to our basket.html file.

Click Event Listener

We will attach a click event listener to each “Add to Basket” button. This listener will execute a function whenever a button is clicked.

Click Event Listener

A programming construct that waits for a “click” event to occur on a specified HTML element. When the event is detected, a predefined function (the event handler) is executed, allowing for interactive responses to user actions.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.products button').click(function() {
        // Animation logic will be added here

This code snippet uses jQuery’s $(document).ready() function to ensure the script runs after the HTML document is fully loaded. It then selects all <button> elements within the products class and attaches a click event handler function to them.

Image Cloning and Class Assignment

Inside the click event handler, we will perform the following actions:

  1. $(this): Within the event handler, $(this) refers to the button that was clicked.
  2. closest('li'): We use .closest('li') to traverse up the DOM (Document Object Model) tree from the clicked button to its nearest ancestor <li> element, which represents the product item.
  3. find('img'): We then use .find('img') to locate the <img> element within the product item (<li>).
  4. .clone(): The .clone() method creates a duplicate copy of the selected image element. This cloned image will be used for the animation.
  5. .addClass('zoom'): We add a CSS class named zoom to the cloned image. This class will be used to apply the animation styles in our CSS.

Class (CSS Class)

An attribute in HTML that categorizes elements, allowing CSS styles to be applied to all elements with the same class. Classes provide a way to selectively style groups of elements without having to target each element individually.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.products button').click(function() {
        var clickedButton = $(this);
        var productItem = clickedButton.closest('li');
        var productImage = productItem.find('img');
        var clonedImage = productImage.clone();
        // ... (next steps)


A jQuery method that creates a deep copy of a set of matched elements. This means it duplicates the element itself, along with all of its child nodes, text, and attributes.


A jQuery method used to add one or more class names to each element in the set of matched elements. It allows for dynamic modification of an element’s CSS classes via JavaScript.

Appending to the Body

After cloning the image and adding the zoom class, we need to make the cloned image visible on the page. We do this by appending it to the <body> element.

  • $('body'): This jQuery selector selects the <body> element of the HTML document.
  • .append(clonedImage): The .append() method inserts the clonedImage element as the last child of the <body> element. This makes the cloned image appear at the bottom of the page content initially, before we position it with CSS.


A jQuery method that inserts content to the end of each element in the set of matched elements. In this case, it’s used to add the cloned image element as a child to the <body> element.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.products button').click(function() {
        var clickedButton = $(this);
        var productItem = clickedButton.closest('li');
        var productImage = productItem.find('img');
        var clonedImage = productImage.clone();
        // ... (next step)

Temporary Image Display (setTimeout)

To create a brief visual effect, we want the cloned image to disappear after a short duration. We will use setTimeout() to remove the cloned image after 1 second (1000 milliseconds).

  • setTimeout(function(){ ... }, 1000): The setTimeout() function schedules a function to be executed after a specified delay (in milliseconds). In this case, after 1000ms (1 second).
  • clonedImage.remove(): Inside the setTimeout function, we use .remove() to remove the clonedImage element from the DOM.


A JavaScript function that calls a function or evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds. It is commonly used to delay the execution of code or to create timed events.


A jQuery method that removes the set of matched elements from the DOM. This effectively deletes the selected elements and their children from the webpage.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.products button').click(function() {
        var clickedButton = $(this);
        var productItem = clickedButton.closest('li');
        var productImage = productItem.find('img');
        var clonedImage = productImage.clone();
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1000);

CSS Animation Implementation

Now, we will define the CSS animation that will be applied to the cloned image when it has the zoom class. This involves targeting the .zoom class and creating keyframes to define the animation sequence.


In CSS animations, keyframes define specific points in time during an animation sequence. At each keyframe, you specify the styles that the animated element should have. The browser then smoothly interpolates between these styles to create the animation effect.

Targeting the Cloned Image (.zoom class)

We will add CSS rules in our style.css file to target elements with the zoom class. These styles will define the animation and initial positioning of the cloned image.

.zoom {
    /* Animation properties will be added here */

Initial Positioning and Styling

We need to initially position the cloned image at the top center of the page and give it a starting size and appearance.

  • position: absolute;: Setting the position to absolute allows us to position the cloned image relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (or the initial containing block, the <body> in this case). This is essential for placing it at specific coordinates on the page.
  • top: 40px;: Positions the top edge of the image 40 pixels from the top of its containing block.
  • right: 50%;: Positions the right edge of the image 50% from the right edge of its containing block, roughly centering it horizontally.
  • width: 40px;: Sets the width of the cloned image to 40 pixels, creating a thumbnail size.

position: absolute;

A CSS property value that removes an element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor. Absolute positioning allows for precise placement of elements anywhere within their containing block.


In CSS, the position property determines the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky). It influences how an element is placed in the document flow and how it interacts with other elements.

.zoom {
    position: absolute;
    top: 40px;
    right: 50%;
    width: 40px;

Defining the Animation with @keyframes

We use the @keyframes rule to define the animation sequence. We will name our animation zoom.

  • @keyframes zoom { ... }: This defines a set of keyframes for an animation named “zoom”.

Inside the @keyframes block, we define the animation steps at different percentages of the animation duration:

  • 0% { opacity: 0; }: At the beginning of the animation (0%), set the opacity of the image to 0, making it completely transparent.

  • 50% { opacity: 1; }: At the halfway point (50%) of the animation, set the opacity to 1, making the image fully visible.

  • 100% { opacity: 0; right: 40px; }: At the end of the animation (100%), set the opacity back to 0 to fade it out and adjust the right property to 40px. This moves the image horizontally towards the right side, simulating movement towards a shopping basket icon positioned on the right.


A CSS at-rule that defines a set of keyframes for an animation sequence. It allows you to specify the styles an element should have at different points during the animation, creating custom animation effects.


In CSS, the opacity property defines the transparency of an element. A value of 1 means the element is fully opaque (not transparent), while a value of 0 means the element is completely transparent. Values between 0 and 1 create varying degrees of transparency.

@keyframes zoom {
    0% { opacity: 0; }
    50% { opacity: 1; }
    100% { opacity: 0; right: 40px; }

Applying the Animation Properties

Finally, we need to apply the zoom animation to the .zoom class using the animation property.

  • animation: zoom 1s ease forwards;: This line sets the animation properties:
    • zoom: The name of the animation we defined using @keyframes.
    • 1s: The duration of the animation, set to 1 second.
    • ease: The timing function, which controls the speed curve of the animation. ease provides a smooth start and end with acceleration in the middle.
    • forwards: The animation fill mode. forwards ensures that the element retains the styles defined in the last keyframe (100%) when the animation completes.

Animation Property

A CSS property that is a shorthand for setting multiple animation-related properties, such as animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count, animation-direction, animation-fill-mode, and animation-play-state.


In CSS animations and transitions, duration specifies the length of time an animation or transition takes to complete one cycle. It is typically defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).

Timing Function

In CSS animations and transitions, the timing function describes how the animation progresses over its duration. It defines the acceleration curve of the animation, influencing its perceived speed and smoothness. ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out are common timing function values.

Animation Fill Mode

A CSS property that specifies how an animation should apply styles to its target element before and after its execution. The forwards value dictates that the element retains the style values that are set by the last keyframe encountered during the animation execution.

.zoom {
    position: absolute;
    top: 40px;
    right: 50%;
    width: 40px;
    animation: zoom 1s ease forwards;

Enhancements and Further Exploration

This example provides a basic implementation of a shopping cart animation. You can further enhance this animation and explore more creative possibilities, such as:

  • Animating from the Product Image: Instead of appearing at the top center, modify the animation to start from the position of the original product image and move towards the shopping basket icon. This would require dynamically calculating the starting position in JavaScript and passing it to the CSS animation.
  • Basket Icon Animation: Add a subtle animation to the shopping basket icon itself, such as a wiggle or bounce, when an item is added. This provides additional visual feedback to the user.
  • More Complex Animations: Explore more complex keyframe sequences and CSS animation properties to create more elaborate and visually engaging effects.
  • Integration with Actual Shopping Cart Logic: Connect this visual animation with the actual shopping cart functionality of your website. When an item is added, update the shopping cart count and potentially display a visual cue within the shopping basket icon.


By combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (jQuery), we have successfully created a simple yet effective shopping cart animation. This animation enhances the user experience by providing visual feedback when items are added to the basket, making the website more interactive and engaging. Understanding the principles of CSS animations and JavaScript DOM manipulation allows for endless creative possibilities in web development.

Creating Rotating Panels with CSS Animations: A Step-by-Step Guide

This chapter will guide you through the process of creating rotating panels using CSS animations. We will be building upon basic HTML and CSS principles to achieve a visually engaging hover effect where panels appear to flip and reveal content on their back sides. By the end of this chapter, you will understand how to structure your HTML, style your elements with CSS, and implement CSS animations to create interactive rotating panels.

1. Project Setup: HTML and CSS Files

To begin, ensure you have two files set up in your project folder: panels.html and style.css. These files will contain the HTML structure of our panels and the CSS styles to control their appearance and animation, respectively.

  • panels.html: This file will define the structure of the rotating panels using HTML elements.
  • style.css: This file will contain the CSS rules to style the HTML elements and define the animation.

Open both panels.html and style.css in your code editor to follow along with the steps.

2. HTML Structure: Building the Panels

Let’s examine the HTML structure within panels.html. The panels are structured using an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>) representing individual panels. Each panel further consists of two divisions (<div>): one for the front face and one for the back face.

<ul class="panels">
    <div class="front">Panel 1 - Front</div>
    <div class="back">Panel 1 - Back</div>
    <div class="front">Panel 2 - Front</div>
    <div class="back">Panel 2 - Back</div>
    <div class="front">Panel 3 - Front</div>
    <div class="back">Panel 3 - Back</div>
    <div class="front">Panel 4 - Front</div>
    <div class="back">Panel 4 - Back</div>
  • <ul> with class panels: This is the main container for all the panels. Using an unordered list is semantically appropriate for a collection of related items.
  • <li> elements: Each <li> element represents a single rotating panel.
  • <div> with class front: This div represents the front face of the panel, visible initially.
  • <div> with class back: This div represents the back face of the panel, which will be revealed on hover.

Notice that each panel has different text content for both the front and back faces, allowing for distinct information to be displayed on each side. Additionally, in the provided example, the background color of the back panels is intentionally made slightly lighter than the front panels to enhance the visual effect of the hover animation.

3. CSS Styling: Initial Layout and Preparation

Now, let’s move to style.css and examine the initial CSS styles applied to the panels. These styles establish the basic layout and prepare the elements for the animation.

/* Basic Reset and Body Styling (Example - might be more in original style.css) */
body {
  font-family: sans-serif; /* Example font style */
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

.wrapper { /* If 'wrapper' class exists in original style.css */
  /* Example wrapper styles */
  max-width: 960px;
  margin: 20px auto;

.panels {
  list-style: none; /* Remove default list bullets */
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  display: flex; /* Example - could be different layout in original style.css */
  flex-wrap: wrap; /* Example - could be different layout in original style.css */

.panels li {
  width: 25%; /* Each panel occupies 25% width, resulting in four panels per row */
  float: left; /* Positions list items side-by-side (alternative to flexbox) */
  box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in element's total width and height */

.panels li div {
  width: 100%; /* Divs inside LI take full width of the LI */
  padding: 50% 0; /* Creates a square aspect ratio because top and bottom padding are equal to 50% of the width */
  text-align: center; /* Centers text horizontally within the divs */
  font-size: 1.5em; /* Example font size */
  background-color: #eee; /* Example default background color */
  border: 1px solid #ccc; /* Example border */
  • .panels li:

    • width: 25%;: This ensures that four panels fit horizontally in a row within the parent container, assuming the parent container has 100% width available.

    • float: left;: This property positions the list items side by side by floating them to the left. Note: Modern layouts often use Flexbox or Grid for more flexible and robust layouts, as potentially hinted by the display: flex and flex-wrap: wrap comments, but float: left is used in the transcript example.

    float: In CSS, the float property is used to position an element to the left or right of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it. Elements that are floated are taken out of the normal document flow.

  • .panels li div:

    • width: 100%;: Makes the div elements (front and back panels) take up the full width of their parent <li> element.
    • padding: 50% 0;: This is a crucial technique to create a square aspect ratio for the panels. Using percentage padding based on the width of the element ensures that the top and bottom padding is equal to half the width, resulting in a square shape.

4. Hiding the Back Panel: Using transform: rotateY()

The core idea of the rotating panel effect is to initially hide the back panel behind the front panel. This is achieved using the transform property with the rotateY() function.

.panels div.back {
  transform: rotateY(90deg);
  • .panels div.back: This CSS selector targets the div elements with the class back that are descendants of elements with the class panels.

  • transform: rotateY(90deg);: This is the key property for hiding the back panel.

    transform: In CSS, the transform property allows you to modify the coordinate space of visual formatting for CSS visual boxes. It can be used to rotate, scale, skew, or translate elements.

    rotateY(angle): This is a 2D transformation function that rotates an element around the vertical y-axis. A rotation of 90 degrees around the y-axis effectively turns a flat 2D object sideways, making it appear as a thin line (almost invisible) when viewed from the front.

Applying rotateY(90deg) to the back panels rotates them 90 degrees around the vertical axis. Because the panels are essentially flat 2D elements, rotating them 90 degrees makes them appear extremely thin and effectively hides them from view when looking directly at the front panel.

5. Positioning the Front Panel: Using position: absolute

To ensure the back panel is positioned directly behind the front panel, we utilize absolute positioning for the front panel.

.panels div.front {
  position: absolute;
  • .panels div.front: This CSS selector targets the div elements with the class front that are descendants of elements with the class panels.

  • position: absolute;: This property changes the positioning context of the front panel.

    position: absolute: In CSS, position: absolute removes an element from the normal document flow and positions it relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (an ancestor that has a position value other than static). If no positioned ancestor is found, it is positioned relative to the initial containing block (the <html> element). Absolutely positioned elements do not affect the position of other elements in the normal flow.

By setting position: absolute on the front panel, we remove it from the normal document flow. Consequently, the back panel, which is still in the normal flow (or relatively positioned), effectively “moves up” to occupy the space that the front panel would have occupied in the normal flow. Since the back panel is rotated 90 degrees and positioned behind the front panel, it remains hidden initially.

6. Creating the Flip Animation: Defining Keyframes

Now we define the CSS animation that will create the flip effect when hovering over a panel. We use the @keyframes rule to define the animation steps.

@keyframes swirl {
  0% {
    transform: rotateY(0deg);
  100% {
    transform: rotateY(90deg);
  • @keyframes swirl: This defines a named animation called “swirl”.

    @keyframes: In CSS, the @keyframes at-rule is used to define the keyframes of an animation. It specifies the styles at different points in time during the animation sequence, allowing you to control how properties change over the animation’s duration.

  • 0%: This keyframe defines the styles at the beginning of the animation (0% of the animation duration).

    • transform: rotateY(0deg);: At the start, the element will have no rotation around the Y-axis.
  • 100%: This keyframe defines the styles at the end of the animation (100% of the animation duration).

    • transform: rotateY(90deg);: At the end, the element will be rotated 90 degrees around the Y-axis.

This swirl animation is designed to rotate an element from 0 degrees to 90 degrees around the Y-axis over the animation’s duration.

7. Applying Animation on Hover: Front Panel

To trigger the animation when hovering over a panel, we use the :hover pseudo-class and the animation property. First, we apply animation to the front panel to make it rotate away on hover.

.panels li:hover div.front {
  animation: swirl 0.2s ease-in forwards;
  • .panels li:hover div.front: This selector targets the .front div within an <li> that is being hovered over.

  • animation: swirl 0.2s ease-in forwards;: This applies the animation to the selected element.

    :hover: In CSS, the :hover pseudo-class is used to select an element when the user’s mouse pointer hovers over it.

    animation: In CSS, the animation property is a shorthand property for setting animation related properties. It includes properties like animation-name, animation-duration, animation-timing-function, animation-delay, animation-iteration-count, animation-direction, animation-fill-mode, and animation-play-state.

    • swirl: This is the name of the @keyframes animation we defined earlier.

    • 0.2s: This sets the animation-duration to 0.2 seconds, meaning the animation will complete in 0.2 seconds.

    • ease-in: This is the animation-timing-function.

      animation-timing-function: This CSS property specifies the speed curve of an animation. ease-in is a timing function that starts the animation slowly and speeds up towards the end. Other options include ease-out, ease-in-out, linear, etc.

    • forwards: This is the animation-fill-mode.

      animation-fill-mode: This CSS property specifies how a CSS animation should apply styles to its target element before and after its execution. forwards means that when the animation finishes, the element will retain the style values that are set by the last keyframe (100% in our case). This prevents the element from reverting back to its initial state after the animation completes.

When you hover over a panel, the front panel will now animate using the swirl animation, rotating 90 degrees around the Y-axis and becoming almost invisible.

8. Applying Animation on Hover: Back Panel and Adding Delay

To complete the flip effect, we need to animate the back panel to rotate into view when hovering. We also add a delay and adjust the timing function for a more natural effect.

.panels li:hover div.back {
  animation: swirl 0.2s ease-out reverse;
  animation-delay: 0.2s;
  • .panels li:hover div.back: This selector targets the .back div within an <li> that is being hovered over.

  • animation: swirl 0.2s ease-out reverse;: This applies the swirl animation to the back panel with modifications.

    • reverse: This is the animation-direction.

      animation-direction: This CSS property sets whether an animation should play forwards, backwards, or in alternate cycles. reverse plays the animation backward, effectively running from the 100% keyframe to the 0% keyframe. In our case, it will animate from rotateY(90deg) back to rotateY(0deg).

    • ease-out: This animation-timing-function starts the animation quickly and slows down towards the end, which is the opposite of ease-in.

  • animation-delay: 0.2s;: This property introduces a delay before the animation starts.

    animation-delay: This CSS property specifies a delay for the start of an animation. A positive value for animation-delay causes a delay before the animation starts.

The animation-delay: 0.2s; on the back panel is crucial for creating the flip effect. It delays the back panel’s animation by 0.2 seconds, which is equal to the duration of the front panel’s animation. This creates a sequential animation: first, the front panel rotates out, and then, after a slight delay, the back panel rotates in. The ease-out timing function for the back panel, in contrast to the ease-in for the front panel, further enhances the natural feel of a card flipping over.

9. Conclusion

By combining HTML structure, CSS styling, and CSS animations, we have successfully created rotating panels that reveal their back content on hover. This example demonstrates the power of CSS transformations and animations to create engaging and interactive web elements. You can further customize these panels by modifying the animation duration, timing functions, colors, and content to suit your specific design needs. Remember to experiment with different values and properties to deepen your understanding of CSS animations and create even more sophisticated effects.