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JavaScript DOM Tutorial

Manipulate web pages dynamically with this JavaScript DOM tutorial! Learn how to access, modify, and animate elements using the Document Object Model. Perfect for developers looking to add interactivity to their websites.

Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)

1. Introduction to JavaScript and the DOM

The Importance of DOM in Front-End Development

In modern front-end development, a significant portion of work involves dynamically interacting with web page elements. This means using JavaScript to modify and control the various HTML elements displayed in a web browser. The key to achieving this interaction is understanding and utilizing the Document Object Model, or DOM.

What is the DOM?

The DOM, or Document Object Model, is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree-like structure, where each part of the document (like HTML elements, attributes, and text) is represented as an object or node.

Document Object Model (DOM): The DOM is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document. In web development, it represents HTML and XML documents as a tree-like structure of objects.

This model is automatically created by the web browser every time a web page is loaded. It serves as a bridge between the structure of your HTML code and the dynamic capabilities of JavaScript, allowing you to manipulate the web page programmatically.

DOM as a Tree Structure

Visually, the DOM can be represented as a tree. At the top of this tree are parent elements, and branching down from them are their children elements, and so on. Every HTML element on your page is a node in this tree. This hierarchical structure allows JavaScript to navigate and interact with specific elements in a structured and organized way.

Programmatically, JavaScript can access and manipulate this DOM tree. This interaction allows developers to perform a wide range of actions on web pages, making them dynamic and interactive.

2. Interacting with the DOM using JavaScript

The DOM provides a powerful set of capabilities for manipulating web pages. Here are some of the key operations you can perform using JavaScript and the DOM:

  • Manipulating HTML Elements: You can change, remove, or replace existing HTML elements within the DOM. This allows for dynamic content updates and modifications to the page structure in response to user actions or other events.

  • Styling Elements with CSS: The DOM enables you to directly modify the CSS styles of HTML elements. This means you can change the appearance of elements on the fly, adjusting colors, fonts, layouts, and more, all through JavaScript.

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

  • Working with Element Attributes: HTML elements have attributes that define their properties and behavior. The DOM allows you to read and change these attributes. This includes standard attributes like href for anchor tags, src for image tags, alt attributes, and even custom attributes you might define.

  • Creating and Inserting New HTML Elements: You are not limited to just modifying existing elements. The DOM also allows you to create entirely new HTML elements from scratch using JavaScript. Once created, these new elements can be inserted into the DOM tree at any desired location, dynamically expanding the content of your web page.

  • Attaching Event Listeners: To make web pages interactive, you need to respond to user actions. The DOM lets you attach event listeners to HTML elements. These listeners can detect various events such as clicks, key presses, form submissions, and more. When an event occurs on an element with a listener, your JavaScript code can react to it, triggering specific actions.

    Event Listener: In JavaScript, an event listener is a procedure or function that waits for an event to occur. When the event is detected, the listener executes a predefined block of code to handle the event. Common events include clicks, mouse movements, and key presses.

This series will delve into each of these capabilities, providing practical examples and techniques for effectively using the DOM.

3. Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery for DOM Manipulation

Historically, libraries like jQuery were popular for simplifying DOM manipulation. jQuery provided a more concise and cross-browser compatible way to perform many DOM operations. However, modern JavaScript, often referred to as “vanilla JavaScript,” has evolved significantly.

jQuery: jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

Why Vanilla JavaScript?

Today, vanilla JavaScript is fully capable of handling all DOM manipulation tasks efficiently and effectively without the need for external libraries like jQuery. Using vanilla JavaScript for DOM manipulation offers several advantages:

  • No External Dependencies: Vanilla JavaScript requires no external libraries, reducing the size and complexity of your projects.
  • Performance: Vanilla JavaScript can often be more performant as it avoids the overhead of library abstractions.
  • Modern Standard: Learning vanilla JavaScript DOM manipulation ensures you are using the most up-to-date and widely supported techniques in web development.
  • Deeper Understanding: Working directly with the DOM in vanilla JavaScript provides a more profound understanding of how the web browser and JavaScript interact.

This course will focus exclusively on using vanilla JavaScript to interact with the DOM, empowering you to become a more well-rounded and proficient JavaScript developer.

4. Course Overview: Exploring the DOM in Detail

This series is structured to guide you through the essential aspects of DOM manipulation using vanilla JavaScript. We will cover the following key areas:

  • Navigating the DOM: We will begin by exploring how to navigate the DOM tree. This includes understanding parent-child relationships and techniques for traversing the DOM structure to reach specific elements.

  • Querying the DOM: We will learn how to select specific HTML elements within the DOM using various methods. This includes exploring the querySelector which is similar in functionality to selectors found in jQuery, but implemented in native JavaScript.

    querySelector: querySelector is a method available on the Document and Element interfaces in JavaScript. It allows you to select the first element that matches a specified CSS selector within the document or a specific element’s descendants.

  • Manipulating the DOM and CSS: We will delve into the techniques for changing the content of HTML elements, modifying their attributes, and dynamically applying CSS styles using JavaScript.

  • Handling Forms and Events: We will cover how to interact with HTML forms and handle various types of events, such as form submission, button clicks, and keyboard interactions.

  • Creating and Inserting Elements: You will learn how to create new HTML elements using JavaScript and insert them into the DOM at different locations on the page, enabling dynamic content generation.

  • Mini-Project: Reading List Application: Throughout the series, we will build a practical mini-project – a reading list application. This application will serve as a hands-on example to demonstrate the concepts learned and solidify your understanding of DOM manipulation. The application will feature functionalities like adding, deleting, and searching for books, providing a tangible context for learning.

5. Tools and Resources for this Course

To follow along with this series, we will be utilizing the following tools and resources:

  • Developer Tools: Web browsers come equipped with powerful developer tools. We will be using the browser’s developer tools, specifically the console, to interact with the DOM directly and experiment with JavaScript code in real-time. You can typically access developer tools by pressing the F12 key on your keyboard.

  • Atom Text Editor: For writing and organizing our code, we will use the Atom text editor. Atom is a free, open-source, and highly customizable text editor suitable for web development. You can download Atom from

  • GitHub Repository: All course files, including code examples and project files for each lesson, will be available on a dedicated GitHub repository. Each lesson will have its own branch within the repository, allowing you to easily access the code relevant to each topic. The link to the GitHub repository will be provided.

    GitHub: GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration using Git. It is primarily used for code hosting, allowing developers to track changes to their code, collaborate with others, and manage projects.

6. Project Files: HTML and CSS Overview

For the mini-project, starter HTML and CSS files have been provided. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. This course will not focus on teaching HTML or CSS from scratch.

HTML Structure

The provided HTML file includes the basic structure for the reading list application. Key components of the HTML include:

  • A wrapper div to contain all page content.
  • A header section with a form for searching books.
  • A div element to act as the book list, containing an unordered list (ul) where each book is represented by a list item (li).
  • A form for adding new books, including an input field and a button.

CSS Styling

The styles.css file provides basic styling to enhance the visual presentation of the reading list application. These styles are intended to make the application look presentable without focusing on advanced CSS techniques. For those interested in learning CSS in detail, a separate CSS for beginners tutorial series is recommended.

7. Conclusion and Next Steps

This introduction has laid the groundwork for our journey into DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript. We have explored the importance of the DOM, its structure, and the powerful capabilities it offers for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. In the upcoming lessons, we will dive deeper into each of the topics outlined, starting with DOM navigation and querying. Make sure to like, subscribe, and share these videos to stay updated and support the series! We look forward to seeing you in the next video where we begin our practical exploration of the DOM.

Chapter: Accessing HTML Elements Using getElementById in JavaScript

Introduction to DOM Manipulation

Welcome to this educational chapter on interacting with web pages using JavaScript. In this chapter, we will explore the fundamental concept of the Document Object Model (DOM) and learn how to access specific HTML elements within a webpage using the getElementById method in JavaScript.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

When working with web development, particularly when using JavaScript, a primary task is to dynamically modify the content and structure of a webpage. This often involves selecting specific HTML elements to update, change their content, or modify their styles. The first step in this process is to effectively “reach into” the web page’s structure and select the desired element. This process is often referred to as querying the DOM.

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language primarily used to make web pages interactive. It is a core technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.

There are various methods available in JavaScript to query the DOM and select elements. In this chapter, we will focus on getElementById, a method specifically designed to select a single element based on its unique identifier. We will also be using the browser’s developer tools to explore the DOM and test our JavaScript code.

Setting Up Your Environment: Browser Developer Tools

For this chapter, we will primarily work within the browser’s developer tools console. We recommend using Google Chrome, although most modern browsers offer similar functionalities.

Developer Tools are a suite of tools built into web browsers that aid web developers in testing and debugging their web applications. They provide insights into the browser’s rendering engine, JavaScript execution, network requests, and more.

To access the developer tools in Chrome, you can:

  • Right-click anywhere on a webpage and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element.”
  • Press the F12 key on your keyboard.

Once the developer tools are open, you will see several tabs. For this chapter, we will primarily use two tabs:

  • Console Tab: This tab allows you to execute JavaScript code directly within the browser environment and view the output. We will use this to practice using getElementById and observe the results.
  • Elements Tab: This tab provides a hierarchical view of the HTML structure of the current webpage. It allows you to inspect the DOM tree, examine HTML elements, and see their attributes and nested structure.

Console (in the context of browser developer tools): The browser console is a tool within web browsers that logs information associated with a web page, such as JavaScript errors and messages generated by JavaScript code. It is also used to execute JavaScript commands directly.

Elements Tab (in browser developer tools): The Elements tab in browser Developer Tools allows you to inspect the HTML and CSS of a webpage. It provides a live view of the DOM and CSS styles applied to each element.

Understanding the document Object

The starting point for interacting with the DOM in JavaScript is the document object. This object is provided by the browser and represents the entire HTML document loaded in the browser window.

To access the document object, simply type document in the console and press Enter. The console will display the document object, and if you expand it, you will see a detailed outline of the entire HTML document structure.

This document object is the foundation for querying and manipulating the DOM. All the methods we use to select and modify HTML elements are accessed through this document object.

HTML IDs: Unique Identifiers for Elements

Before we delve into the getElementById method, it’s crucial to understand HTML IDs.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of a webpage.

Element (HTML Element): In HTML, an element is a component of an HTML document or web page. Elements are defined by tags and can contain content, attributes, and other elements.

Attribute (HTML Attribute): In HTML, attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. They are always specified in the start tag.

ID (HTML ID Attribute): The id attribute in HTML provides a unique identifier for an HTML element within a document. IDs are used to target specific elements for styling or manipulation with JavaScript.

In HTML, the id attribute is used to assign a unique identifier to an HTML element. This ID acts like a name tag, allowing you to specifically target that element. For example, consider the following HTML snippet:

<div id="page-banner">
  <!-- Content for the page banner -->

<div id="book-list">
  <!-- Content for the book list -->

<div id="bulk-actions">
  <!-- Content for bulk actions -->

In this example, we have three div elements, each with a unique id: page-banner, book-list, and bulk-actions.

Important Rule: Unique IDs

A critical rule regarding HTML IDs is that each ID must be unique within a single HTML document. You should not have multiple elements on the same page with the same ID. While browsers might not always throw errors if you violate this rule, it can lead to unexpected behavior, especially when using JavaScript to interact with the DOM. Methods like getElementById are designed to return only one element, and if multiple elements share the same ID, the behavior might be unpredictable.

The getElementById Method: Selecting Elements by ID

The getElementById method is a function available on the document object that allows you to select a specific HTML element based on its id attribute.

Method (in programming): In programming, a method is a function associated with an object. Methods perform actions on or with the object’s data. In this case, getElementById is a method of the document object.

Object (in programming): In object-oriented programming, an object is a self-contained entity that consists of data and methods that operate on that data. The document object is an example of an object.

Parameter (in programming): In programming, a parameter is a variable listed inside the parentheses in the definition of a method or function. It receives an argument passed to the method when it is called.


The syntax for using getElementById is as follows:

  • document: This refers to the document object, the starting point for DOM manipulation.
  • .getElementById(): This is the method we are calling on the document object.
  • ("your-element-id"): This is the parameter passed to the getElementById method. You need to replace "your-element-id" with the actual ID of the HTML element you want to select. The ID must be provided as a string, enclosed in quotation marks.

Camel Casing in Method Names

Notice the naming convention used in getElementById. It’s called camel casing.

Camel casing is a naming convention in programming where compound words are written without spaces, with each word after the first beginning with a capital letter. For example, getElementByID.

In camel casing, the first word is in lowercase, and subsequent words start with a capital letter. This is a common convention in JavaScript and other programming languages for method and variable names.

Example: Selecting an Element

Let’s say we want to select the div element with the ID page-banner from the HTML example above. Open your browser’s developer console and type the following JavaScript code, then press Enter:


The console will output the HTML element that corresponds to the ID page-banner. You will see something like this:

<div id="page-banner">...</div>

This indicates that the getElementById method successfully located and returned the HTML element with the specified ID.

Example: Selecting Another Element

Let’s try selecting the div with the ID book-list. In the console, type:


The console will now output:

<div id="book-list">...</div>

This confirms that getElementById can be used to retrieve different elements based on their respective IDs.

Storing Selected Elements in Variables

Often, you will want to work with the selected HTML element multiple times. To avoid repeatedly calling getElementById, you can store the returned element in a variable.

Variable (in programming): In programming, a variable is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value. Variables are used to store data that can be accessed and manipulated within a program.

To store an element in a variable, you can use the var, let, or const keywords in JavaScript. For example, to store the page-banner element in a variable named banner, you would write:

var banner = document.getElementById("page-banner");

After executing this line of code, the variable banner now holds a reference to the HTML element with the ID page-banner. You can then access and manipulate this element through the banner variable.

To verify that the element is stored in the variable, you can type the variable name in the console and press Enter:


The console will output the HTML element stored in the banner variable, just as it did when you directly called document.getElementById("page-banner").

Similarly, you can store the book-list element in a variable named bookList:

var bookList = document.getElementById("book-list");

And then access it using the bookList variable:


Next Steps

Now that you know how to select HTML elements using getElementById, you can start manipulating these elements using JavaScript. Future chapters will explore how to:

  • Change the text content of elements.
  • Modify the HTML structure within elements.
  • Alter the styles of elements.

In the next chapter, we will explore other methods for querying the DOM, allowing you to select multiple elements based on criteria such as class names or tag names.

Chapter: Accessing DOM Elements by Class Name and Tag Name

Introduction to DOM Element Selection

In the previous chapter, we explored how to access specific elements within the Document Object Model (DOM) using their unique identifiers (IDs). This chapter expands on element selection techniques, focusing on retrieving collections of elements based on their class names and tag names. These methods are crucial for manipulating multiple elements simultaneously, enabling dynamic styling and behavior on web pages.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects, allowing programming languages like JavaScript to interact with the web page.

This chapter will cover two primary methods for querying the DOM:

  • getElementsByClassName(): Retrieving elements based on their assigned CSS class.
  • getElementsByTagName(): Retrieving elements based on their HTML tag name.

We will also explore how to iterate through the resulting collections of elements to apply changes or perform actions on each element.

Retrieving Elements by Class Name: getElementsByClassName()

CSS classes are attributes that can be assigned to HTML elements to categorize them and apply specific styles. Crucially, multiple elements can share the same class name. The getElementsByClassName() method allows us to select all elements on a web page that share a particular class name.

This method is accessed through the document object, which represents the entire HTML document.



Here, 'className' is a string representing the name of the CSS class you want to select.


Consider the following HTML structure:

<div class="header">
  <h1 class="title">Main Title</h1>
<div class="content">
  <h2 class="title">Section Title</h2>
  <p class="paragraph">Some text content.</p>

To retrieve all elements with the class name “title,” we would use the following JavaScript code:

let titles = document.getElementsByClassName('title');

This code will return an HTMLCollection containing both the <h1> and <h2> elements because they both have the class “title.”

An HTMLCollection is a live collection of HTML elements. It’s an array-like object, meaning it can be accessed using index numbers like an array, but it is not a true JavaScript array and lacks some array methods. It is “live” because it automatically updates when the DOM changes.

Accessing Elements within an HTMLCollection:

Although an HTMLCollection is not a true array, we can access individual elements using bracket notation and zero-based indexing, just like arrays.

Zero-based indexing is a system where the first element in a sequence is at index 0, the second element is at index 1, and so on. This is common in programming languages, including JavaScript.

For example, to access the first element in the titles HTMLCollection (which would be the <h1> element in our example):

let firstTitle = titles[0];

Similarly, to access the second element:

let secondTitle = titles[1];

Retrieving Elements by Tag Name: getElementsByTagName()

The getElementsByTagName() method allows you to retrieve all HTML elements of a specific tag type from the DOM. This is useful when you need to work with all elements of a particular kind, such as all paragraphs (<p>) or all list items (<li>).



Here, 'tagName' is a string representing the HTML tag name (e.g., ‘p’, ‘li’, ‘div’, ‘span’).


Consider the following HTML list:

  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

To retrieve all list item elements (<li>) within this structure, we can use:

let listItems = document.getElementsByTagName('li');

This will return an HTMLCollection containing all <li> elements on the page. You can then access individual list items using index notation, as demonstrated with getElementsByClassName().

Accessing Elements within the HTMLCollection:

Just like with HTMLCollections returned by getElementsByClassName(), you can access individual elements from the listItems collection using bracket notation and zero-based indexing.

For example, to access the second list item:

let secondListItem = listItems[1];

Iterating Through HTMLCollections

Once you have retrieved an HTMLCollection using either getElementsByClassName() or getElementsByTagName(), you often need to perform actions on each element within the collection. A common task is to loop through the collection and apply changes or extract information from each element.

Using a Traditional for Loop

One way to iterate through an HTMLCollection is using a traditional for loop. This loop allows you to control the iteration process using an index.

A for loop is a control flow statement in programming that allows code to be executed repeatedly. It typically consists of three parts: initialization, condition, and increment/decrement.


Let’s say we want to log each element from the titles HTMLCollection to the console. We can use a for loop as follows:

let titles = document.getElementsByClassName('title');

for (let i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) {


  1. Initialization: let i = 0; - We initialize a counter variable i to 0. This variable will represent the index of the current element we are accessing in the HTMLCollection.
  2. Condition: i < titles.length; - The loop continues to execute as long as the index i is less than the length property of the titles HTMLCollection. The length property indicates the number of elements in the collection.
  3. Increment: i++; - After each iteration of the loop, the index i is incremented by 1, moving to the next element in the collection.
  4. Loop Body: console.log(titles[i]); - Inside the loop, titles[i] accesses the element at the current index i in the titles HTMLCollection, and console.log() prints it to the console.

Using forEach with Array Conversion

While HTMLCollections are not arrays, we can convert them into true JavaScript arrays to utilize array methods like forEach. The Array.from() method is a convenient way to achieve this conversion.

forEach is an array method in JavaScript that executes a provided function once for each element in the array, in order. It’s a concise way to iterate over array elements.


let titles = document.getElementsByClassName('title');
let titlesArray = Array.from(titles); // Convert HTMLCollection to an Array

titlesArray.forEach(function(titleElement) {


  1. Array.from(titles): This line converts the titles HTMLCollection into a new JavaScript array called titlesArray.
  2. titlesArray.forEach(...): We then use the forEach method on the titlesArray.
  3. function(titleElement) { ... }: We provide an anonymous function as an argument to forEach. This function will be executed for each element in the titlesArray.
  4. titleElement: Within the function, titleElement represents the current element being processed in the iteration.
  5. console.log(titleElement): We log each titleElement to the console.

Advantages of forEach with Array Conversion:

  • Readability: forEach can often make code more readable and concise compared to traditional for loops, especially for simple iterations.
  • Array Methods: After converting to an array, you gain access to a wide range of array methods beyond just forEach, such as map, filter, reduce, etc., which can be useful for more complex operations on the element collections.

Important Note: While converting to an array and using forEach is often preferred for its readability and access to array methods, remember that HTMLCollections are live. This means that if the DOM changes while you are iterating over an HTMLCollection, the collection will update dynamically. Arrays created with Array.from() are static snapshots at the time of conversion. If you need to react to live DOM changes during iteration, using a traditional for loop directly on the HTMLCollection might be more appropriate, or you need to be mindful of the potential for changes during your iteration when using the array conversion approach.


This chapter has demonstrated how to retrieve collections of DOM elements based on their class names and tag names using getElementsByClassName() and getElementsByTagName(). We have also explored methods for iterating through the resulting HTMLCollections using both traditional for loops and the forEach method after converting the collection to an array. These techniques provide powerful tools for dynamically manipulating and interacting with multiple elements on a web page, forming the foundation for creating interactive and dynamic web applications. Understanding these methods is crucial for effective DOM manipulation in JavaScript.

Introduction to Querying the Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript

This chapter introduces methods for selecting and accessing HTML elements within a web page using JavaScript. We will explore the querySelector and querySelectorAll methods, powerful tools for interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM). These methods provide a flexible and intuitive way to target specific elements based on CSS selectors, making DOM manipulation efficient and straightforward.

Moving from Console to Text Editor for JavaScript Development

As JavaScript code becomes more complex, writing and maintaining it directly in the browser’s console becomes cumbersome. For larger scripts, it is best practice to use a text editor to create and manage JavaScript files. This allows for better organization, easier editing, and improved code maintainability. In this chapter and moving forward, we will be writing our JavaScript code in an external file (app.js in this example) linked to an HTML file (index.html).

Introduction to querySelector

The querySelector method is a fundamental tool in JavaScript for selecting elements from the DOM. It offers a simple and effective way to target HTML elements, especially for those familiar with CSS selectors or jQuery.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects.

querySelector and CSS Selectors

The querySelector method leverages the familiar syntax of CSS selectors to identify elements. If you have prior experience with CSS for styling web pages, you will find querySelector intuitive to use.

CSS Selector: A CSS selector is a pattern of symbols and keywords that select HTML elements to which CSS rules are applied. They are used to target specific elements in an HTML document based on their tag name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

Here’s how querySelector works:

  • It is a method of the document object in JavaScript.
  • It takes a CSS selector string as its argument.
  • It returns the first element within the document that matches the specified CSS selector. If no element matches, it returns null.

Method: In programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. It performs operations on the object’s data or properties.

Object: In programming, an object is a collection of data (properties) and actions (methods) that operate on that data. In JavaScript, almost everything is an object.

Example: Selecting an Element by ID

Let’s consider the following HTML structure in index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>DOM Manipulation Example</title>
    <div id="wrapper">
        <h1>Book List</h1>
        <ul id="book-list">
            <li><span class="name">Name of the Wind</span></li>
            <li><span class="name">The Wise Man's Fear</span></li>
            <li><span class="name">The Slow Regard of Silent Things</span></li>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

To select the div element with the ID “wrapper” using querySelector, we would use the following JavaScript code in app.js:

const wrap = document.querySelector('#wrapper');

In this code:

  • document.querySelector('#wrapper') selects the element with the ID “wrapper”. The # symbol is used in CSS selectors to target IDs.
  • const wrap = ... stores the selected HTML element in a constant variable named wrap.

Constant: In JavaScript, const is used to declare a variable with a constant value. Once a constant is assigned a value, it cannot be reassigned.

Variable: In programming, a variable is a named storage location in the computer’s memory that can hold a value. The value of a variable can be changed during the execution of a program.

Element: In HTML, an element is a component of an HTML document. HTML documents are composed of a tree of HTML elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Elements are represented by tags.

ID (Identifier): In HTML, an ID is a unique identifier assigned to an HTML element. IDs are used to specifically target and manipulate individual elements using CSS and JavaScript.

When this code is executed, the console.log(wrap) statement will output the HTML element with the ID “wrapper” to the browser’s console.

Example: Selecting a Nested Element Using a More Complex CSS Selector

querySelector can handle more complex CSS selectors to target nested elements based on various criteria. For example, to select the span element with the class “name” that is the second child within the ul with the ID “book-list”:

const wiseMansFear = document.querySelector('#book-list li:nth-child(2) .name');

Let’s break down this selector:

  • #book-list: Selects the element with the ID “book-list” (the ul element).
  • li: Selects any li element that is a descendant of the #book-list element.
  • :nth-child(2): This is a CSS pseudo-class selector that selects the second child element of its parent. In this case, it selects the second li child.
  • .name: Selects any element with the class “name” that is a descendant of the previously selected li element. In this case, it targets the span element within the second li.

Class: In HTML, a class is an attribute that can be assigned to HTML elements. Classes are used to group elements and apply CSS styles or JavaScript behaviors to them collectively.

Tag: In HTML, a tag is a keyword that defines the structure and content of an HTML document. Tags usually come in pairs, a start tag and an end tag, and they enclose content. Examples include <div>, <span>, <ul>, and <li>.

Pseudo-class: In CSS, a pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element. For example, :hover is a pseudo-class that applies styles when a user hovers their mouse over an element. :nth-child() is a pseudo-class that selects elements based on their position among siblings.

This code will select and log the span element containing “The Wise Man’s Fear”.

Introduction to querySelectorAll

While querySelector is useful for selecting a single element, querySelectorAll is used when you need to select multiple elements that match a specific CSS selector.

querySelectorAll Returns a NodeList

Unlike querySelector, querySelectorAll returns a NodeList, which is a collection of all elements that match the given CSS selector.

Collection: In programming, a collection is a generic term for a data structure that holds a group of objects. In the context of the DOM, collections like NodeList and HTMLCollection hold groups of HTML elements.

To select all span elements with the class “name” within the #book-list, we can use querySelectorAll:

const books = document.querySelectorAll('#book-list li .name');

This code will select all span elements with the class “name” that are descendants of li elements within the #book-list. The console.log(books) will output a NodeList containing all matching span elements.

Working with NodeLists

Even if querySelectorAll finds only one matching element (or even zero), it will still return a NodeList. If only one element matches, the NodeList will contain just that one element. If no elements match, it will return an empty NodeList.

To iterate over the elements within a NodeList, we can convert it into an array and use array methods like forEach.

Array: In programming, an array is an ordered list of values. Each value in an array is called an element, and each element has a numerical position in the array, known as its index.

Iterate: To iterate means to go through a sequence of items or elements one by one. In programming, iteration is often used to process the elements of a collection, such as an array or a NodeList.

Example: Iterating Through a NodeList

To demonstrate iteration, let’s loop through the books NodeList from the previous example and log each individual book element:

const books = document.querySelectorAll('#book-list li .name');


In this code:

  • Array.from(books) converts the books NodeList into a JavaScript array. This is necessary because NodeList does not directly have array methods like forEach.
  • .forEach(function(book){ ... }) is an array method that executes a provided function once for each element in the array.
  • function(book){ console.log(book); } is the function that is executed for each element. In each iteration, book represents the current span element from the NodeList.
  • console.log(book) logs the current book element to the console in each iteration.

Function: In programming, a function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions are essential for modularizing code and making it more readable and maintainable.

Parameter: In programming, a parameter is a variable listed inside the parentheses in the definition of a function. It acts as a placeholder for the values that are passed to the function when it is called. In the forEach example, book is a parameter.

This code will log each span element with the class “name” to the console, demonstrating how to access and work with individual elements within a NodeList obtained from querySelectorAll.


The querySelector and querySelectorAll methods are powerful and versatile tools for selecting elements within the DOM using CSS selectors. querySelector is ideal for selecting a single element, while querySelectorAll is used to select collections of elements. Understanding how to use these methods, along with the concept of CSS selectors and NodeLists, is crucial for effectively manipulating web pages with JavaScript. In the next chapter, we will explore how to further interact with these selected elements by modifying their content and HTML structure.

Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript: Editing HTML and Inserting Text

This chapter delves into the fundamental concepts of manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript. Building upon previous knowledge of DOM querying, we will explore how to dynamically edit HTML content and insert text into web pages. This capability is crucial for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

Querying the DOM: A Recap

Before we dive into editing, let’s briefly revisit how to select elements within the DOM. In previous discussions, we learned about methods like querySelector and querySelectorAll. The transcript example utilizes querySelectorAll to target specific HTML elements:


This line of JavaScript code selects all <span> elements that possess the class “name” and are descendants of <li> (list item) elements within the HTML document. This selection is based on CSS-style selectors, providing a powerful and flexible way to pinpoint elements within the DOM tree.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard. It has dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions. It is used to make web pages interactive and is an essential technology of the World Wide Web.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. HTML provides the basic structure of web pages.

In the given transcript, this query is used to select elements within a list of books, where each book title is contained within a <span> tag with the class “name” inside a list item (<li>).

Element (HTML element / DOM element): An element is a basic unit of an HTML document. In the DOM, an element is an object representing a part of the HTML structure, such as a paragraph, heading, or image. Each element can have attributes and content.

Query Selector All: querySelectorAll is a method in JavaScript that returns a static (not live) NodeList representing a list of the document’s elements that match the specified group of selectors. It allows you to select multiple elements based on CSS selectors.

Class (HTML class): In HTML, the class attribute specifies one or more class names for an HTML element. Classes are primarily used to apply styles to multiple elements and can also be used by JavaScript to select and manipulate elements.

Tag (HTML tag): HTML tags are keywords enclosed in angle brackets (< and >) that define the structure of an HTML document. Tags usually come in pairs (start and end tags), like <p> and </p> for paragraphs, and they instruct the web browser on how to display the content. For example, <li> is the tag for list items and <span> is an inline container tag.

The result of querySelectorAll is stored in a variable named books.

Variable: In programming, a variable is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name (an identifier), which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value. Variables can store different types of data, such as numbers, text, and objects.

Editing Text Content with textContent

Once we have selected elements, we can begin to modify their content. The transcript introduces the textContent property as a way to access and manipulate the textual content of an element.

Retrieving Text Content

To retrieve the text content of an element, we can access the textContent property. In the example, to log the text content of each selected book element to the console, the following code is used:

books.forEach(book => {

This code snippet iterates through each element in the books collection using a forEach loop. For each book element, it accesses the textContent property and logs it to the browser’s console.

Array: An array is a data structure that stores a collection of elements, each identified by at least one array index or key. Arrays are used to organize lists of items in programming.

For Each (method): forEach is a method available on arrays (and NodeLists in modern JavaScript) that executes a provided function once for each element in the array, in order. It’s a way to loop through the elements of a collection.

Function: In programming, a function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions help to break down larger programs into smaller and modular chunks, making code more organized and reusable.

Console (Console logging): The browser’s console is a tool, typically part of the developer tools, used to log messages, errors, and other information related to the execution of JavaScript code. console.log() is a function used to write messages to the console.

Property: In object-oriented programming (and in the context of DOM elements which are objects), a property is a characteristic or attribute of an object. For DOM elements, properties like textContent and innerHTML represent specific aspects of the element.

Modifying Text Content

The textContent property is not only used for retrieving content but also for setting or changing it. To change the text content of an element, we can assign a new string value to its textContent property.

For instance, to replace the text content of each book element with the word “test”, the following code is used:

books.forEach(book => {
  book.textContent = 'test';

This code iterates through the books collection and, for each book element, sets its textContent property to the string “test”. This effectively replaces the original text content with “test”.

String: In programming, a string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. Strings are used to represent text in code.

Appending to Text Content

Instead of completely replacing the text content, we can also append new text to the existing content. To do this, we can use the += operator.

For example, to append “(book title)” to the existing text content of each book element, we can use:

books.forEach(book => {
  book.textContent += ' (book title)';

This code appends a space followed by “(book title)” to the current textContent of each book element. The += operator is a shorthand for book.textContent = book.textContent + ' (book title)';.

Append: To append means to add something to the end of something else. In the context of strings and content, appending means adding new text or HTML to the end of existing text or HTML.

Editing HTML Content with innerHTML

While textContent is useful for manipulating plain text, the innerHTML property allows us to work with the HTML content within an element. This includes both text and HTML tags.

Retrieving HTML Content

Similar to textContent, we can retrieve the HTML content of an element by accessing its innerHTML property. The transcript demonstrates this by retrieving the innerHTML of an element with the ID “book-list”:

const bookList = document.querySelector('#book-list');

Query Selector: querySelector is a method in JavaScript that returns the first element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. If no matches are found, null is returned. It is used to select a single element based on CSS selectors.

ID (HTML ID): In HTML, the id attribute specifies a unique ID for an HTML element. IDs are unique within an HTML document and are often used to select and manipulate specific elements with JavaScript or to link to specific parts of a web page.

This code first selects the element with the ID “book-list” using querySelector('#book-list') and stores it in a constant variable bookList. Then, it logs the innerHTML of this element to the console, displaying all the HTML content contained within the “book-list” element, including any nested HTML tags and text.

Constant: In programming, a constant is a value that cannot be altered by the program during normal execution. It’s similar to a variable, but its value is fixed once it’s assigned. In JavaScript, const is used to declare constants.

Modifying HTML Content

The innerHTML property can also be used to replace the entire HTML content of an element. For example, to replace the entire content of the “book-list” element with an <h2> heading, the following code is used:

bookList.innerHTML = '<h2>Books and more books!</h2>';

This code sets the innerHTML of the bookList element to a string containing an <h2> heading tag with the text “Books and more books!“. This effectively replaces all the previous HTML content within the “book-list” element with this new HTML.

Appending HTML Content

Just like with textContent, we can append HTML content using the += operator with innerHTML.

For example, to append a <p> paragraph to the existing HTML content of the “book-list” element, we can use:

bookList.innerHTML += '<p>This is how you add HTML.</p>';

This code appends a <p> tag containing the text “This is how you add HTML.” to the end of the current innerHTML of the bookList element. This adds the new HTML content without replacing the existing content.

NodeList vs. HTMLCollection

A crucial point highlighted in the transcript is the distinction between NodeList and HTMLCollection, which are types of collections returned by DOM querying methods.

NodeList: A NodeList is a collection of DOM nodes, often returned by methods like querySelectorAll. It is an array-like object, but it is not an array in the strict sense. In modern JavaScript, NodeLists returned by querySelectorAll are often iterable with forEach directly.

HTMLCollection: An HTMLCollection is an live collection of HTML elements. It is returned by methods like getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName. “Live” means that if the DOM changes, the HTMLCollection is automatically updated. HTMLCollections are array-like but typically require conversion to an array to use array methods like forEach in older JavaScript environments.

  • querySelectorAll returns a NodeList. As noted in the transcript’s clarification, NodeList objects returned by querySelectorAll in modern browsers can be directly iterated over using forEach. Therefore, converting a NodeList to an array using Array.from() before using forEach is often unnecessary in contemporary JavaScript environments, although it remains valid and doesn’t cause errors.

  • getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName return an HTMLCollection. These methods return an HTMLCollection. Historically, and in some older JavaScript environments, HTMLCollections did not directly support forEach. In such cases, it was necessary to convert an HTMLCollection to an array using Array.from() before using array methods like forEach.

Method: In object-oriented programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. Methods define the actions or operations that can be performed on objects of that class. In the context of DOM elements and collections, methods like querySelector, querySelectorAll, and forEach are functions that operate on these objects.

While converting to an array using Array.from() will always work for both NodeList and HTMLCollection, understanding this distinction is important for writing efficient and modern JavaScript code. In many modern scenarios, especially when using querySelectorAll, direct iteration with forEach on a NodeList is sufficient and more concise.

Iteration: Iteration is the process of repeatedly executing a block of code. In the context of arrays and collections, iteration means going through each item in the collection one by one and performing some operation on each item. Loops like forEach facilitate iteration.


This chapter has provided a comprehensive overview of how to edit HTML and insert text into the DOM using JavaScript. We’ve explored the textContent property for manipulating plain text content and the innerHTML property for working with HTML content. We also clarified the subtle but important difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection and their implications for iteration. Mastering these techniques is essential for building dynamic and interactive web pages, allowing JavaScript to breathe life into static HTML structures.

Understanding DOM Nodes in JavaScript

This chapter introduces the concept of DOM nodes in JavaScript, a fundamental aspect of working with web pages programmatically. We will explore what DOM nodes are, the different types of nodes, and how to inspect and manipulate them using JavaScript. Understanding nodes is crucial for effectively traversing and modifying the Document Object Model (DOM).

Introduction to DOM Nodes

In the context of web development, the Document Object Model (DOM) represents the structure of an HTML document as a tree-like structure. Every element, attribute, and even text content within an HTML document is represented as a node in this tree.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

Essentially, everything you see on a webpage, from the HTML tag itself to the smallest piece of text, is considered a node within the DOM. When we use JavaScript to interact with a webpage, we are essentially interacting with these DOM nodes.

Types of DOM Nodes

While all elements in a DOM are nodes, not all nodes are elements. There are several distinct types of nodes, each representing a different part of the HTML document structure. Let’s explore some of the key node types:

  • Element Nodes: These represent HTML elements such as <div>, <p>, <span>, <h1>, etc. Every HTML tag in your document is an element node. When you use JavaScript to select an element on a page, you are selecting an element node.

  • Text Nodes: These nodes contain the actual text content within HTML elements. For example, in <p>This is some text.</p>, the phrase “This is some text.” is a text node. Text nodes are children of element nodes.

  • Comment Nodes: These represent HTML comments, which are used to add notes to the HTML code and are ignored by the browser when rendering the page. Comment nodes begin with <!-- and end with -->.

  • Attribute Nodes: These nodes represent attributes of HTML elements, such as id, class, src, href, etc. For example, in <div id="page-banner">, id="page-banner" is an attribute node associated with the <div> element node.

It’s important to understand that these are just some of the common node types. The DOM specification defines a broader range of node types, but for most web development tasks, focusing on element, text, comment, and attribute nodes provides a solid foundation.

Inspecting Node Properties

JavaScript provides ways to inspect the properties of DOM nodes, allowing us to determine their type, name, and relationships within the DOM tree. Let’s look at some useful node properties and methods.

nodeType Property

The nodeType property returns a numerical value that represents the type of node. Each node type is associated with a specific number as defined by the DOM specification.

Property: In programming, a property is a characteristic or attribute of an object. It describes something about the object. In the context of DOM nodes, properties hold information about the node, such as its type or name.

For instance:

  • 1 represents an Element Node.
  • 2 represents an Attribute Node.
  • 3 represents a Text Node.
  • 8 represents a Comment Node.

While these numbers might seem cryptic at first, they provide a programmatic way to identify node types. You can easily find a comprehensive list of nodeType values in DOM documentation if needed.


const banner = document.querySelector('.page-banner');
console.log("Page banner node type is:", banner.nodeType); // Output: Page banner node type is: 1

In this example, document.querySelector('.page-banner') selects the HTML element with the class “page-banner”. The nodeType property of this element node is then accessed and logged to the console. The output 1 confirms that the selected node is indeed an element node.

Console: The console is a tool available in web browsers’ developer tools. It is primarily used by developers to log messages, debug JavaScript code, and inspect web pages. console.log() is a common JavaScript command to display information in the console.

nodeName Property

The nodeName property returns a string representing the name of the node. The specific value depends on the node type:

  • For Element Nodes, nodeName returns the tag name of the element in uppercase (e.g., “DIV”, “P”, “SPAN”).
  • For Text Nodes, nodeName returns “#text”.
  • For Comment Nodes, nodeName returns “#comment”.
  • For Attribute Nodes, nodeName returns the name of the attribute (e.g., “id”, “class”).


const banner = document.querySelector('.page-banner');
console.log("Node name is:", banner.nodeName); // Output: Node name is: DIV

In this case, banner.nodeName returns “DIV” because the selected element is a <div> element. This property allows you to programmatically determine the type of HTML element you are working with.

hasChildNodes() Method

The hasChildNodes() method is a function that returns a boolean value (true or false) indicating whether a node has any child nodes.

Method: In programming, a method is an action that an object can perform. In the context of DOM nodes, methods are functions that can be called on a node object to perform operations or retrieve information. Methods are always followed by parentheses ().


const banner = document.querySelector('.page-banner');
console.log("Page banner has child nodes:", banner.hasChildNodes()); // Output: Page banner has child nodes: true

This example demonstrates how to use the hasChildNodes() method. In this case, it returns true because the “page-banner” element likely contains other elements or text within it, making them its child nodes.

Cloning Nodes: cloneNode() Method

The cloneNode() method is used to create a duplicate of a DOM node. This can be useful when you want to reuse an existing element or structure elsewhere in the DOM without moving the original node.

Clone Node: To clone a node means to create an exact copy of it. This copy will have the same properties and attributes as the original node.

The cloneNode() method accepts an optional boolean argument called deep.

  • cloneNode(false) (or cloneNode() with no argument): This creates a shallow clone. It clones only the node itself, without cloning its child nodes.
  • cloneNode(true): This creates a deep clone. It clones the node and all of its descendant nodes (child nodes, grandchildren nodes, and so on).


const banner = document.querySelector('.page-banner');
const clonedBanner = banner.cloneNode(true); // Deep clone

In this example, banner.cloneNode(true) creates a deep clone of the “page-banner” element and stores it in the clonedBanner constant. If you were to log clonedBanner to the console, you would see a complete copy of the original “page-banner” element, including all of its nested content.

If you were to use banner.cloneNode(false), the clonedBanner would only contain the <div> element with the ID “page-banner” but would lack any of the content nested inside it.


Understanding DOM nodes is fundamental to manipulating web pages with JavaScript. By recognizing the different types of nodes and utilizing properties and methods like nodeType, nodeName, hasChildNodes(), and cloneNode(), you gain the ability to inspect, analyze, and modify the structure and content of web documents programmatically. This knowledge is essential for more advanced DOM manipulation techniques, such as traversing the DOM tree, which will be explored in subsequent chapters.

DOM Traversal in JavaScript: Navigating the Document Object Model

This chapter explores the concept of DOM traversal in JavaScript, focusing on how to navigate the Document Object Model (DOM) tree structure. We will learn how to move between nodes, specifically from parent to child and child to parent nodes, using JavaScript properties. This knowledge is crucial for dynamically manipulating and interacting with web page elements.

Understanding DOM Traversal

In the Document Object Model, every HTML element, attribute, and text is represented as a node in a tree-like structure. DOM traversal refers to the process of navigating through this tree, moving from one node to another. This is essential for accessing and manipulating different parts of the HTML document using JavaScript.

DOM (Document Object Model): The Document Object Model is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

In this chapter, we will focus on traversing the DOM tree using properties that allow us to access parent and child nodes from a given starting node.

Traversing Upwards: Accessing Parent Nodes

Starting from a specific node, we can move upwards in the DOM tree to access its parent node. JavaScript provides two primary properties for achieving this: parentNode and parentElement.

Using parentNode

The parentNode property returns the parent node of the specified node. Let’s consider an example where we have selected an element with the ID “book-list” and stored it in a JavaScript constant called bookList.

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
console.log("The parent node is:", bookList.parentNode);

This code snippet first selects the element with the class “book-list” using document.querySelector() and assigns it to the bookList constant. Then, it uses bookList.parentNode to access the parent node of the bookList element and logs it to the console.

document.querySelector(): This is a JavaScript method that selects the first element that matches a specified CSS selector within the document. It returns an Element object representing the element that matches the selector or null if no matches are found.

If the HTML structure is as follows:

<div id="wrapper">
  <ul class="book-list">

The output in the console will show the parent node of the <ul> element (which is bookList) as the <div> element with the ID “wrapper”.

Using parentElement

The parentElement property is very similar to parentNode. It also returns the parent element of the specified node. In most common scenarios within HTML documents, parentNode and parentElement will return the same result.

console.log("The parent element is:", bookList.parentElement);

For the same HTML structure as above, this line of code would also output the <div> element with the ID “wrapper”.

Differences between parentNode and parentElement

While often interchangeable in HTML documents, there is a subtle difference between parentNode and parentElement. parentNode returns the parent node as a Node object, which can be any type of node in the DOM tree, including elements, text nodes, and comment nodes. parentElement, on the other hand, specifically returns the parent element as an Element object, or null if the parent is not an element or if there is no parent.

In practical web development with HTML, you will mostly be dealing with element nodes, making parentElement and parentNode behave almost identically.

Traversing Multiple Levels Upwards

We can chain these properties to traverse multiple levels up the DOM tree. For instance, to access the grandparent element of bookList, we can use:

console.log("The grandparent element is:", bookList.parentElement.parentElement);

In our example, if the <div> with ID “wrapper” is directly inside the <body> element, this code would log the <body> element.

Traversing Downwards: Accessing Child Nodes

Moving downwards in the DOM tree involves accessing the children of a node. JavaScript provides two main properties for this: childNodes and children.

Using childNodes

The childNodes property returns a NodeList containing all child nodes of the specified node, including element nodes, text nodes, comment nodes, and even line breaks represented as text nodes.

NodeList: A NodeList is a collection of nodes extracted from a document. It’s an array-like object, but not an actual JavaScript array. It can be live, meaning that changes in the DOM structure can update the NodeList automatically.

Let’s examine the output when we log bookList.childNodes to the console:

console.log("Child nodes:", bookList.childNodes);

Assuming the <ul> element with class “book-list” in the HTML has the following structure:

<ul class="book-list">
  <h2>Books to Buy</h2>
  <li>Book 1</li>
  <li>Book 2</li>

The childNodes property would return a NodeList that might look something like this in the console:

NodeList(5) [text, h2, text, li, text]

This NodeList includes:

  • text nodes: These represent line breaks and whitespace between the elements in the HTML. In the example output, the text nodes represent the line breaks before and after the <h2> and <li> elements, and at the end of the <ul> tag.
  • element nodes: These are the actual HTML elements, such as the <h2> and <li> elements in our example.

It is important to note that childNodes includes all types of nodes, which can sometimes make it less convenient when you are primarily interested in element children.

Using children

The children property provides a more filtered and often more useful way to access child nodes. It returns an HTMLCollection containing only the element child nodes of the specified node, excluding text nodes and comment nodes.

HTMLCollection: An HTMLCollection is a collection of HTML elements. It’s similar to a NodeList, being an array-like object, but specifically for elements. Like some NodeLists, HTMLCollections are often “live,” meaning they update automatically when the DOM changes.

Using the same bookList element and HTML structure, let’s examine the output of bookList.children:

console.log("Element children:", bookList.children);

The output in the console will be an HTMLCollection containing only the element nodes:

HTMLCollection(2) [h2, li]

This HTMLCollection includes only the <h2> and <li> elements that are direct children of the <ul> element, excluding the text nodes (line breaks). This is generally more practical when you want to iterate through or manipulate only the HTML elements that are direct children of a specific element.


DOM traversal is a fundamental skill in JavaScript DOM manipulation. Understanding how to navigate the DOM tree using properties like parentNode, parentElement, childNodes, and children allows you to effectively access and manipulate elements within a web page. Choosing between parentNode and parentElement, or between childNodes and children, depends on whether you need to access all node types or specifically element nodes. For most common tasks involving HTML elements, parentElement and children are often more convenient due to their focus on element nodes.

DOM Traversal: Navigating Between Siblings

Introduction to DOM Sibling Traversal

In web development, the Document Object Model (DOM) represents the structure of an HTML document as a tree-like structure. Understanding how to navigate this structure is crucial for manipulating web page content using JavaScript. This chapter focuses on DOM traversal specifically between sibling elements.

DOM (Document Object Model): The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as a tree of objects.

Previously, we explored traversing from parent to child elements and vice versa. Now, we will delve into navigating between elements that share the same parent, known as sibling elements.

DOM Traversal: The process of navigating and selecting elements within the Document Object Model tree.

Sibling: In the context of the DOM, sibling elements are nodes that share the same parent node in the DOM tree. They are on the same level of the document hierarchy.

Consider the following HTML structure as an example:

  <ul class="book-list">
    <li>Book 1</li>
    <li>Book 2</li>
    <li>Book 3</li>

In this structure, <header>, <ul>, and <form> are siblings because they are all direct children of the same <div> element. This chapter will demonstrate how to move between these sibling elements using JavaScript.

Accessing Sibling Elements

To navigate between sibling elements, the DOM provides specific properties. We will explore the properties for accessing both the next and previous siblings, considering both nodes and elements.

nextSibling Property

The nextSibling property returns the node immediately following the specified node in the same tree level. This includes all types of nodes, such as elements, text nodes, and comments.

Node: A node is a basic unit in the DOM tree structure. It can be an element, attribute, text node, comment, or document itself. Everything in the DOM is a node.

Consider the JavaScript code snippet that accesses the nextSibling of an element with the ID “book-list”:

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
console.log("Book list next sibling is:", bookList.nextSibling);

When executed, this code might output a text node to the console.

Text Node: A text node represents the textual content of an element. Even whitespace like line breaks and spaces between HTML tags are represented as text nodes in the DOM.

This is because whitespace, such as line breaks and spaces in the HTML source code, is also represented as text nodes in the DOM. In the given example, if there’s a line break between the <ul> element and the next element in the HTML, nextSibling will return this text node representing the line break.

nextElementSibling Property

To specifically target the next element sibling, bypassing text nodes and comments, we use the nextElementSibling property.

Element: In the DOM, an element is an object representing an HTML element. Elements are the building blocks of a web page’s structure, such as <div>, <p>, <span>, <ul>, <li>, etc.

Let’s modify the previous example to use nextElementSibling:

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
console.log("The next element sibling is:", bookList.nextElementSibling);

This code will output the <form> element to the console, as it is the next element sibling of the <ul> element, ignoring any intervening text nodes.

previousSibling Property

Similarly to nextSibling, the previousSibling property returns the node immediately preceding the specified node at the same tree level, including text nodes and comments.

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
console.log("Book list previous sibling is:", bookList.previousSibling);

Again, depending on the HTML structure and whitespace, this might return a text node if there’s a line break or whitespace before the <ul> tag.

previousElementSibling Property

To get the previous element sibling, ignoring text nodes and comments, we use the previousElementSibling property.

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
console.log("The previous element sibling is:", bookList.previousElementSibling);

In our example structure, this code would output the <header> element, as it’s the element sibling immediately preceding the <ul> element.

Combining Traversal and Element Manipulation

The power of DOM traversal comes from its ability to be combined with other DOM manipulation methods. We can chain these properties and methods to perform complex operations efficiently.

Chaining DOM Properties and Methods

JavaScript allows for method chaining, where the result of one method or property access can be used to call another method or access another property directly. This is highly useful in DOM manipulation.

Consider this example that builds upon sibling traversal and element selection:

const bookList = document.querySelector('.book-list');
const headerElement = bookList.previousElementSibling; // Get the header element

// Use querySelector on the header element to find a <p> tag within it
const pTagInsideHeader = headerElement.querySelector('p');

// Modify the HTML content of the <p> tag
pTagInsideHeader.innerHTML += "<br/> - too cool for everyone else";

In this example:

  1. We first get a reference to the <ul> element with the class “book-list”.
  2. We use previousElementSibling to traverse to its previous element sibling, which is assumed to be the <header> element.
  3. We then use the querySelector() method on the headerElement.

querySelector() Method: The querySelector() method is a powerful tool in JavaScript that allows you to select the first element within the document or a specific element’s subtree that matches a specified CSS selector.

The querySelector('p') method searches within the scope of the headerElement and selects the first <p> tag it finds.

  1. Finally, we use the innerHTML property to modify the content of the selected <p> tag.

innerHTML Property: The innerHTML property of an element gets or sets the HTML markup contained within the element. It allows you to dynamically change the content of HTML elements using JavaScript.

pTagInsideHeader.innerHTML += "<br/> - too cool for everyone else"; appends the string <br/> - too cool for everyone else to the existing HTML content of the <p> tag.

Example: Modifying Header Text

This example demonstrates a practical application of chaining sibling traversal and element manipulation. By starting at the “book-list” element, traversing to its previous sibling (the header), and then using querySelector and innerHTML, we can effectively target and modify specific content within the header. This showcases the flexibility and power of DOM traversal in JavaScript.


Navigating between sibling elements is a fundamental aspect of DOM manipulation. Properties like nextSibling, nextElementSibling, previousSibling, and previousElementSibling provide the tools to traverse horizontally across the DOM tree. Combining these traversal techniques with element selection methods like querySelector() and content manipulation properties like innerHTML allows for dynamic and powerful control over web page content using vanilla JavaScript.

Vanilla JavaScript: A term used to refer to plain JavaScript code without the use of any external libraries or frameworks. It emphasizes using the built-in features of the JavaScript language.

While libraries like jQuery historically simplified DOM manipulation, modern vanilla JavaScript provides equally capable and often more performant methods for DOM traversal and manipulation.

jQuery: jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

Understanding and utilizing DOM sibling traversal empowers developers to create interactive and dynamic web experiences directly with JavaScript.

Introduction to DOM Events and Content Removal

This chapter introduces the concept of DOM events in JavaScript and demonstrates how to react to these events to dynamically manipulate the content of a web page. We will explore how to add event listeners to DOM elements and use these listeners to trigger actions in response to user interactions, such as clicks and key presses. Furthermore, we will learn how to remove elements from the DOM programmatically.

Understanding DOM Events

Building upon our knowledge of accessing, traversing, and modifying the Document Object Model (DOM), we now shift our focus to events.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

Events in the browser encompass all the interactive actions that occur on a webpage. These include:

  • Click events: Occurring when a user clicks on an element.
  • Key press events: Triggered when a user presses a key on the keyboard, especially within input fields.
  • Submit events: Generated when a form is submitted.

The crucial question is: how can we make our JavaScript code react to these events and execute specific actions when they happen?

Event Listeners and Callback Functions

The solution lies in using event listeners.

Event Listener: An event listener is a procedure or function in JavaScript that waits for a specific event to occur on a DOM element and then executes a predefined function in response.

To react to events, we attach event listeners to the specific DOM elements we are interested in. For instance, if we want to respond to clicks on a title element, we would attach an event listener to that title element specifically to listen for click events.

When an event listener detects the specified event, it triggers a callback function.

Callback Function: A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function, to be executed later. In the context of event listeners, the callback function is executed when the specified event occurs on the element.

This callback function contains the JavaScript code that defines how we want to react to the event.

Example: Adding a Click Event Listener to a Heading

Let’s illustrate this by adding a click event listener to an <h2> heading element with the ID “book-list”.

First, we need to select the <h2> element from the DOM using document.querySelector().

var h2 = document.querySelector('#book-list h2');

Now, we attach an event listener to this h2 element. We use the addEventListener() method, which is available on all DOM elements.

h2.addEventListener('click', function(e){

In this code:

  • h2.addEventListener('click', ...): This line attaches an event listener to the h2 element. The first argument, 'click', specifies the type of event we are listening for.
  • function(e){ ... }: This is the callback function that will be executed when a click event occurs on the h2 element.
  • e: This is the event object that is automatically passed to the callback function when the event occurs.

Event Object: An event object is automatically created by the browser and passed to event handler functions. It contains properties and methods that provide detailed information about the specific event that occurred, such as the target element, the type of event, and mouse coordinates.

Inside the callback function, we are using console.log( and console.log(e).

  • This property of the event object refers to the target element that triggered the event.

Target Element: In the context of events, the target element is the DOM element on which the event originally occurred. It is the element that was directly interacted with by the user, such as the element that was clicked.

  • e: We also log the entire event object to the console to explore its properties.

By clicking on the <h2> heading in the browser, we can observe the output in the console. will log the <h2> element itself. The full event object e contains a wealth of information about the click event, including:

  • clientX and clientY: The horizontal and vertical coordinates of the mouse cursor at the time of the click, relative to the browser’s viewport.
  • shiftKey: A boolean value indicating whether the Shift key was pressed during the click.

We can use these properties to create more sophisticated event handling logic. For example, we can check if the Shift key was pressed during a click and execute different code accordingly:

h2.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  if (e.shiftKey) {
    console.log("Shift key was pressed during click!");
  } else {
    console.log("Shift key was not pressed.");

This demonstrates the fundamental process of attaching event listeners and reacting to events using callback functions and the event object.

Removing Content from the DOM using Event Listeners

Now, let’s apply our understanding of event listeners to a practical task: removing content from the DOM in response to user interaction. We will focus on deleting list items (<li>) when their associated “delete” buttons are clicked.

Selecting Multiple Elements

First, we need to select all the “delete” buttons on the page. Assuming these buttons are within list items inside an element with the ID “book-list” and have a class of “delete”, we can use document.querySelectorAll() to select them.

var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('#book-list li .delete');

querySelectorAll(): This DOM method selects all elements within the document that match a specified CSS selector string, returning a NodeList representing the collection of elements.

This will return a NodeList, which is a collection of DOM elements similar to an array, but not exactly an array. To use array methods like forEach on it, we can convert it to an array using Array.from().

  // ... event listener code here ...

Attaching Event Listeners to Multiple Buttons

We now iterate through each button in the array using forEach and attach a click event listener to each one.

  button.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    // ... remove list item code here ...

Inside the callback function for each button’s click event, we need to determine which list item (<li>) the clicked button belongs to so we can remove that list item.

Traversing the DOM to Find the Parent Element

When a delete button is clicked, the will be the button itself. To remove the corresponding list item, we need to navigate up the DOM tree from the button to its parent element, which is the <li> element. We can do this using the parentElement property.

  button.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    const li =;
    // ... remove list item code here ...

parentElement: This property of a DOM element returns the parent element of the specified element in the DOM tree. If an element has no parent, it returns null.

Now, li variable holds a reference to the <li> element that contains the clicked delete button.

Removing the Element from the DOM

To remove the <li> element, we need to access its parent element (which is the <ul> in this case) and then use the removeChild() method to remove the <li> as a child.

  button.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    const li =;

removeChild(): This method of a DOM element (specifically a parent node) removes a child node from the DOM tree. It takes the child node to be removed as an argument.

In this code:

  • li.parentElement: This accesses the parent element of the <li> element, which is the <ul> element.
  • li.parentElement.removeChild(li): This line calls the removeChild() method on the <ul> element, passing the <li> element (li) as the argument. This effectively removes the <li> element from the DOM.

With this code in place, clicking a “delete” button will now remove the corresponding list item from the webpage.

Preventing Default Event Behavior

Sometimes, we need to prevent the default behavior of certain HTML elements when an event occurs. A common example is the default behavior of anchor (<a>) tags, which is to navigate to the URL specified in the href attribute when clicked.

We can use the preventDefault() method of the event object to stop this default behavior.

Example: Preventing Navigation on an Anchor Tag

Let’s consider an anchor tag:

<a href="" class="link">Click here</a>

We want to attach a click event listener to this link and prevent the default navigation behavior.

First, select the anchor tag using document.querySelector(). Let’s assume it’s inside an element with class “page-banner” and has a class “link”.

const link = document.querySelector('.page-banner .link');

Now, attach a click event listener to the link:

link.addEventListener('click', function(e){
  console.log('Navigation to the net ninja prevented.');

preventDefault(): This method of the event object is used to stop the default action of an event from happening. For example, calling preventDefault() on a click event on a link will prevent the browser from navigating to the link’s URL.

In this code:

  • e.preventDefault(): This line is called within the callback function. It prevents the default action of the click event on the anchor tag, which is to navigate to the URL specified in the href attribute.
  • console.log(...): Instead of navigating, we log a message to the console.

Now, when you click the link, the browser will not navigate to “”. Instead, it will execute the code within the callback function and log the message to the console.


This chapter has provided an introduction to DOM events and how to react to them using event listeners and callback functions. We have learned how to:

  • Attach event listeners to DOM elements using addEventListener().
  • Use callback functions to define actions to be performed when events occur.
  • Access the event object to get information about the event, such as the target element and event properties.
  • Traverse the DOM to find parent elements.
  • Remove elements from the DOM using removeChild().
  • Prevent default event behavior using preventDefault().

These are fundamental concepts in JavaScript DOM manipulation and event handling. As we continue, we will explore more event types and advanced techniques to build interactive and dynamic web pages.

Understanding Event Bubbling in JavaScript DOM

This chapter delves into the concept of event bubbling in the Document Object Model (DOM) within JavaScript. Building upon your existing knowledge of events and event listeners, we will explore this slightly more advanced topic and understand how it can be leveraged for more efficient event handling in web development.

Introduction to Event Bubbling

In previous lessons, you learned how to attach event listeners to specific HTML elements and trigger actions based on user interactions. Event bubbling is a fundamental mechanism in the DOM that occurs when an event is triggered on an element nested within other elements.

Event Bubbling: This refers to the propagation of an event up the DOM tree, starting from the target element where the event originated and moving upwards to its parent, then to its parent’s parent, and so on, all the way to the root of the document.

Consider a scenario with nested HTML elements, such as a button inside a list item (<li>) which is inside an unordered list (<ul>). When an event, like a click, occurs on the button (the target element), this event doesn’t just affect the button alone. Instead, it “bubbles up” through the DOM hierarchy.

How Event Bubbling Works

Let’s illustrate event bubbling with an example based on a common task: deleting items from a list. In this example, each list item contains a “delete” button.

Initially, you might be tempted to attach an event listener to each individual “delete” button. While functional, this approach has limitations.

Traditional Event Listener Attachment (Less Efficient)

In a previous approach, you might have selected each delete button individually and attached a click event listener to each of them. This would look something like this conceptually:

// Hypothetical (less efficient) approach
const deleteButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.delete'); // Select all elements with class 'delete'
deleteButtons.forEach(button => {
  button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    // Code to delete the list item
    console.log('Delete button clicked!');

While this works, it has drawbacks:

  • Inefficiency with Dynamically Added Elements: If you add new list items (and therefore new delete buttons) to the page after the initial event listeners are attached, these new buttons will not automatically have event listeners. You would need to write additional code to attach listeners to newly created buttons.
  • Performance Overhead: Attaching numerous event listeners, especially if you have a long list of items, can be less performant than a more streamlined approach. JavaScript needs to manage each of these individual listeners.

Event Bubbling in Action: A More Efficient Approach

Event bubbling provides a more efficient solution. Instead of attaching an event listener to each button, you can attach a single event listener to the parent <ul> element.

When a click event occurs on a delete button, the event first triggers on the button (the target element). Then, due to event bubbling, this click event propagates upwards to the parent <li> element, then to the <ul> element, and so on.

Target Element: The DOM element that is the original source of an event. In the context of a click event, the target element is the specific element that was clicked on.

In our improved approach, we attach the event listener to the <ul> element. Inside the event listener’s function, we can determine if the click originated from a “delete” button. If it did, we can then execute the code to delete the corresponding list item.

const list = document.querySelector('.book-list ul'); // Select the <ul> element

list.addEventListener('click', function(e) { // Attach click event listener to the <ul>
  if ( === 'delete') { // Check if the clicked element has the class 'delete'
    const li =; // Get the parent <li> element of the clicked button
    list.removeChild(li); // Remove the <li> from the <ul>

Let’s break down this code step-by-step:

  1. const list = document.querySelector('.book-list ul');: This line selects the <ul> element with the class book-list.

    querySelector(): This is a JavaScript method that allows you to select the first element within the document that matches a specified CSS selector. In this case, it selects the first <ul> element that is a descendant of an element with the class book-list.

  2. list.addEventListener('click', function(e) { ... });: This line attaches a click event listener to the <ul> element (list).

    addEventListener(): This is a JavaScript method used to attach an event listener to a specified element. It takes two primary arguments: the type of event to listen for (e.g., ‘click’, ‘mouseover’) and a function to execute when the event occurs.

    Event Listener: A mechanism that waits for a specific event to occur on an HTML element. When the event happens, the event listener executes a predefined function (the callback function).

    Callback Function: A function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed at a later point in time, typically in response to an event or after an asynchronous operation completes. In this context, the callback function is executed when a ‘click’ event occurs on the <ul> element.

  3. if ( === 'delete') { ... }: Inside the callback function, this line checks if the className of the is equal to ‘delete’. Within an event listener function, refers to the DOM element that triggered the event originally (the target element).

    className: This is a property of DOM elements that represents the class attribute of the element as a string.

  4. const li =;: If the condition in the if statement is true (meaning a delete button was clicked), this line gets the parent element of the (the button). Since the button is inside an <li>, the parentElement will be the <li> element.

    parentElement: This is a property of a DOM element that returns its parent element in the DOM tree.

  5. list.removeChild(li);: Finally, this line removes the <li> element (which is stored in the li variable) from the <ul> element (list).

    removeChild(): This is a JavaScript method that removes a child node from a parent node in the DOM tree. In this case, it removes the <li> element from the <ul> element.

Benefits of Event Bubbling Approach

Using event bubbling in this way offers several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Only one event listener is attached to the <ul> element, regardless of the number of list items. This is more efficient than attaching individual listeners to each button.
  • Handles Dynamic Content: If you dynamically add new list items to the <ul> after the event listener is set up, the delete functionality will automatically work for these new items as well. You don’t need to attach new event listeners to the newly created buttons. The event listener on the <ul> will handle events from all buttons within it due to bubbling.
  • Simplified Code: The code becomes cleaner and easier to manage, as you are dealing with a single event listener instead of multiple ones.


Event bubbling is a powerful and efficient mechanism in JavaScript DOM event handling. By understanding and utilizing event bubbling, you can write more performant and maintainable code, especially when dealing with lists or other structures with repeating elements where you need to handle events on individual items within a container. This approach simplifies event management and gracefully handles dynamically added content, making your web applications more robust and efficient.

Interacting with Forms in JavaScript and the DOM

This chapter explores how to interact with HTML forms using JavaScript, focusing on capturing user input and responding to form submission events within the Document Object Model (DOM). Building upon the understanding of events, we will delve into handling form interactions, a crucial aspect of dynamic web page development.

Querying Forms in the DOM

Before we can interact with forms, we need to be able to select and access them within the DOM. JavaScript provides a convenient way to retrieve all forms present in a document using the document.forms property.

The document.forms Property

The document.forms property returns an HTMLCollection of all <form> elements within the HTML document.

HTMLCollection: An HTMLCollection is a live collection of HTML elements. It’s an array-like object, meaning you can access elements by index, but it’s not a true JavaScript array and it automatically updates when the DOM changes.

This collection allows us to access individual forms either by their index or by their ID.

Index: In programming, an index is a numerical position of an item in an ordered list or array. Indices usually start from 0, meaning the first item is at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on.

ID (Identifier): In HTML, an ID is a unique attribute assigned to an HTML element to identify it uniquely within a document.

  • Accessing Forms by Index: You can access a form in the HTMLCollection using square bracket notation and its numerical index. For example, document.forms[0] would retrieve the first form in the document.

  • Accessing Forms by ID (Recommended): A more readable and maintainable approach is to access forms by their ID. If a form has an id attribute, you can use that ID as a string within square brackets to access the specific form. For instance, if a form has the ID “add-book”, you can access it using document.forms['add-book']. This method is generally preferred as it is less prone to errors if the order of forms in the HTML changes.


Consider an HTML document with two forms: one for searching books and another for adding books, each with respective IDs “search-form” and “add-book”.

<form id="search-form">
  <!-- Search form elements -->

<form id="add-book">
  <!-- Add book form elements -->

In JavaScript, you can access these forms as follows:

const searchForm = document.forms['search-form'];
const addBookForm = document.forms['add-book'];

console.log(document.forms); // Output: HTMLCollection of forms
console.log(searchForm);    // Output: The search form element
console.log(addBookForm);   // Output: The add book form element

Handling Form Submission Events

Forms in HTML are designed to be submitted, typically when a button within the form is clicked. This submission triggers a submit event on the form element itself.

Submit Event: A submit event is an event that is triggered on a <form> element when the form is submitted. This typically occurs when a submit button within the form is clicked or when the user presses Enter while focused on a form field.

The submit Event Listener

To react to a form submission, we need to attach an event listener to the form, specifically listening for the submit event.

Event Listener: An event listener is a function in JavaScript that waits for a specific event to occur on an HTML element. When the event happens, the event listener executes a predefined function, often referred to as a callback function, to handle the event.

We use the addEventListener() method on the form element to set up this listener. The first argument is the event type, which is 'submit' in this case, and the second argument is a callback function that will be executed when the submit event occurs.


const addBookForm = document.forms['add-book'];

addBookForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
  // Code to handle form submission will go here
  console.log('Form submitted!');

Default Form Behavior and e.preventDefault()

By default, when a form is submitted, the browser attempts to send the form data to a server (if an action attribute is specified in the form) and typically refreshes the page. This is the default behavior of a form submission.

Default Behavior (of a form): The default behavior of a form submission typically involves sending form data to a server (if configured) and often refreshing the web page. This behavior is built into web browsers to handle traditional form submissions in web applications.

However, in modern web development, especially in single-page applications (SPAs), we often want to prevent this default behavior and handle form submissions entirely with JavaScript, without page reloads. To achieve this, we use the e.preventDefault() method within the event listener callback function.

e.preventDefault(): e.preventDefault() is a method in JavaScript that is called on an event object (e). It prevents the default action associated with that event from occurring. In the context of form submission, e.preventDefault() stops the browser from performing its default form submission behavior, such as page refresh or navigation to a different URL.

The e parameter in the callback function represents the event object, which contains information about the event that occurred. Calling e.preventDefault() on this object cancels the default form submission action.


const addBookForm = document.forms['add-book'];

addBookForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
  event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission behavior
  console.log('Form submission prevented!');

Now, when the form is submitted, the page will no longer refresh, and we can proceed with handling the form data using JavaScript.

Accessing Input Values from Forms

Once we have prevented the default form submission, we typically need to access the values entered by the user in the form’s input fields. We can do this by selecting the input elements within the form and retrieving their values.

Using querySelector() to Target Input Elements

The querySelector() method is a powerful tool for selecting specific elements within the DOM based on CSS selectors.

querySelector(): querySelector() is a method available on the document object and other element objects in JavaScript. It allows you to select the first HTML element that matches a specified CSS selector string within the document or the element on which it is called.

CSS Selector: A CSS selector is a pattern used to select HTML elements based on their tag name, class, ID, attributes, or relationships in the document structure. CSS selectors are commonly used in CSS styling and JavaScript DOM manipulation to target specific elements.

We can use querySelector() on the form element itself to search for input elements within that specific form. To target an input field of type “text”, we can use the CSS selector 'input[type="text"]'.


Assuming our “add-book” form contains an input field like this:

<form id="add-book">
  <input type="text" id="book-title" name="title" placeholder="Enter book title">
  <button type="submit">Add Book</button>

We can select this input field within the JavaScript form event listener using:

const addBookForm = document.forms['add-book'];

addBookForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {

  const inputField = addBookForm.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
  // ... further processing ...

The .value Property

Once we have selected the input element, we can access the value entered by the user using the .value property.

.value property (of an input field): The .value property is a standard property of HTML input elements (and some other form elements like <textarea> and <select>). It represents the current content or value of the input field as a string. You can both get (read) and set (write) the value of an input field using this property.

The .value property returns the current text content of the input field as a string.


Continuing from the previous example, to retrieve the value entered in the text input field and log it to the console:

const addBookForm = document.forms['add-book'];

addBookForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {

  const inputField = addBookForm.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
  const inputValue = inputField.value;

  console.log('Input Value:', inputValue); // Log the value to the console

Input Field: An input field is an HTML element, typically created using the <input> tag, that allows users to enter data into a web form. There are various types of input fields, such as text fields, password fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons, each designed for different kinds of user input.

input type="text": input type="text" is a specific type attribute for the <input> HTML element. It defines the input field as a single-line text input where users can enter textual data. This is the most common type of input field for collecting names, titles, descriptions, and other short text strings.

Now, when you type text into the input field and submit the form, the entered text will be logged to the browser’s console, demonstrating how to capture user input from forms using JavaScript.

Summary and Next Steps

In this chapter, we have learned how to:

  • Query forms in the DOM using document.forms and access them by index or ID.
  • Attach a submit event listener to a form to react to form submissions.
  • Prevent the default form submission behavior using e.preventDefault().
  • Select input elements within a form using querySelector() and CSS selectors.
  • Retrieve the value entered by the user in an input field using the .value property.

Building on this foundation, the next step is to utilize this captured input to dynamically update the DOM, such as adding new items to a list based on user form input. This will further illustrate the power of JavaScript in creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

Creating and Inserting Elements into the DOM with JavaScript

This chapter will guide you through the process of dynamically creating HTML elements using JavaScript and inserting them into the Document Object Model (DOM). This is a fundamental skill in web development, allowing you to modify web page content based on user interactions or other dynamic data. We will build upon the concepts of event listeners and accessing DOM elements introduced in previous chapters.

Introduction: Dynamically Modifying the DOM

In previous lessons, we learned how to select existing HTML elements using JavaScript and attach event listeners to them. Now, we will take it a step further and learn how to create new HTML elements from scratch using JavaScript and add them to the webpage dynamically. This is crucial for building interactive web applications where content needs to be updated without reloading the entire page.

In this chapter, we will focus on creating list items (<li>) with nested span elements to represent book titles and delete buttons, and then appending them to an unordered list (<ul>) already present in our HTML document.

Setting the Stage: Grabbing Input Value and Preparing for Element Creation

Let’s assume we have an HTML structure with an input field and a submit button. When the user enters a book title in the input field and clicks the submit button, we want to add this book title as a new item to a list on the page.

First, we need to capture the value entered by the user in the input field. We can achieve this using JavaScript and event listeners, as demonstrated in the transcript.

// Select the form element (assuming it has an ID, or select by other means)
const bookForm = document.querySelector('#book-form'); // Example selector, adjust to your HTML

// Select the input field
const titleInput = document.querySelector('#title'); // Example selector, adjust to your HTML

// Select the unordered list (ul) where we will add book titles
const bookList = document.querySelector('#book-list ul'); // Example selector, adjust to your HTML

// Add an event listener to the form for the 'submit' event
bookForm.addEventListener('submit', function(e){
  e.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission behavior (page reload)

  const value = titleInput.value; // Get the value from the input field

  // At this point, 'value' holds the text entered by the user.
  // We will now use this value to create a new list item.
  console.log(value); // For demonstration, logs the input value to the console

Event Listener: An event listener is a function that waits for a specific event to occur (like a user clicking a button or submitting a form) and then executes a predefined block of code in response to that event.

Default Action: The default action is the browser’s built-in behavior for certain events. For example, the default action of a submit button within a form is to reload the page and send form data to a server. e.preventDefault() stops this default behavior.

Console: The console is a tool available in web browsers’ developer tools (often accessed by pressing F12). It is primarily used by developers to log messages, debug code, and inspect the state of their web applications. console.log() is a JavaScript function that prints information to the console.

In the code snippet above, e.preventDefault() is used to stop the form from submitting in the traditional way and reloading the page. We then capture the value from the input field using titleInput.value and store it in the value variable.

Creating New HTML Elements in JavaScript

Now that we have the user’s input, we can proceed to create new HTML elements. To add a book to our list, we need to create the following HTML structure for each book item:

  <span class="name">Book Title</span>
  <span class="delete">delete</span>

We will create these elements using JavaScript’s document.createElement() method.

// Inside the submit event listener function:

  // ... (previous code to get input value) ...

  // --- Create Elements ---
  const li = document.createElement('li');
  const bookName = document.createElement('span');
  const deleteBtn = document.createElement('span');

HTML Element/Tag: HTML elements are the building blocks of web pages. They are defined by tags, such as <li>, <span>, <div>, <p>, etc., that structure content and tell the browser how to display it. In this context, we are creating li (list item) and span (inline container) elements.

JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language primarily used to make web pages interactive. It allows you to manipulate HTML elements, handle user events, and perform complex operations within a web browser.

Method: In programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. createElement, appendChild, and textContent are methods of the document object and HTML element objects in JavaScript, allowing us to interact with and manipulate the DOM.

Variable: A variable is a named storage location in a computer’s memory that can hold a value. In JavaScript, const is used to declare a constant variable, meaning its value cannot be reassigned after its initial assignment. li, bookName, and deleteBtn are variables that hold references to the created HTML elements.

The document.createElement() method takes the tag name of the HTML element you want to create as a string argument ('li', 'span') and returns a new HTML element object. These newly created elements are currently in memory but not yet part of the actual webpage (DOM).

Nesting and Appending Elements to the DOM

Next, we need to structure these elements correctly and insert them into the DOM. According to the desired HTML structure, the <span> elements are nested within the <li> element, and the <li> element is appended to the <ul> list.

We use the appendChild() method to nest elements and add them to the DOM.

// Inside the submit event listener function, after creating elements:

  // ... (element creation code) ...

  // --- Append elements to DOM ---

  // Append spans to li

  // Append li to list (ul element selected earlier as 'bookList')

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page as a tree-like structure of objects, where each object represents a part of the document (like elements, attributes, and text). JavaScript uses the DOM to access and manipulate the content, structure, and style of web pages.

appendChild() is a method that adds a node (like an HTML element) as the last child of a specified parent node. In our code:

  1. li.appendChild(bookName): Makes bookName (the span for the book title) a child of the li element.
  2. li.appendChild(deleteBtn): Makes deleteBtn (the span for the delete button) a child of the li element, placed after bookName because it’s appended second.
  3. bookList.appendChild(li): Makes the entire li element (with its nested spans) a child of the bookList (the <ul> element), adding it to the end of the list in the webpage.

Adding Content to the Created Elements

At this stage, we have created the elements and appended them to the DOM, but they are still empty. We need to add text content to the <span> elements to display the book title and the word “delete”. We use the textContent property to set the text content of an element.

// Inside the submit event listener function, after appending elements:

  // ... (element creation and appending code) ...

  // --- Add Content ---
  deleteBtn.textContent = 'delete';
  bookName.textContent = value; // 'value' is the book title from the input field

Text Content: The text content of an HTML element refers to the textual data contained within the element. It is what users actually see displayed on the webpage within that element.

textContent is a property that gets or sets the text content of an element and its descendants. We set:

  1. deleteBtn.textContent = 'delete';: Sets the text content of the deleteBtn span to “delete”.
  2. bookName.textContent = value;: Sets the text content of the bookName span to the value variable, which holds the book title entered by the user.

Verifying the Result and Next Steps

After adding this code to our JavaScript file and running it with an HTML page containing the necessary form and list elements, you should be able to enter a book title, click “submit,” and see a new list item appear at the bottom of your unordered list with the entered title and a “delete” text.

However, as noted in the transcript, the styling might not be correct because we haven’t yet added the CSS classes “name” and “delete” to our <span> elements. Styling elements using classes will be covered in the next chapter.

Class (HTML element attribute): In HTML, the class attribute is used to assign one or more class names to an HTML element. These class names are then used by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to apply styles to elements with those specific classes, allowing for consistent styling across multiple elements and easier CSS management.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to add classes and other attributes to dynamically created elements, allowing us to fully style and control the appearance of our dynamically added list items. We will also explore further DOM manipulation techniques.

Working with Styles and Classes in JavaScript

This chapter will guide you through the process of dynamically modifying the styles and classes of HTML elements using JavaScript. This is a fundamental aspect of creating interactive and visually dynamic web pages. We will explore how to access elements in the Document Object Model (DOM), and then manipulate their styles and classes on the fly.

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can connect to the page.

Dynamically Changing Styles with JavaScript

One powerful feature of JavaScript is its ability to alter the visual presentation of web elements in real-time. Let’s explore how to directly manipulate the styles of elements.

Accessing Elements and Applying Inline Styles

First, to change the style of an element, you need to access it using JavaScript. In this example, we assume you have already selected an <li> (list item) element using document.querySelector() and stored it in a variable named li.

document.querySelector() is a JavaScript method that selects the first element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. In this context, it’s used to target a specific HTML element on the page.

An HTML element is a component of an HTML document. HTML documents are composed of a tree of HTML elements and other nodes, such as text nodes. Each element can have attributes and content. Examples include paragraphs (<p>), headings (<h1>, <h2>, etc.), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), and spans (<span>).

let li = document.querySelector('li:last-child'); // Selects the last list item on the page

Once you have a reference to the element, you can access its style property. This property allows you to directly manipulate the inline styles of the element, similar to how you would write CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rules.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

To change a specific style, you access it as a property of the style object. For example, to change the text color to red: = 'red';

After executing this line of JavaScript code, the text color of the selected list item will instantly change to red in the browser.

You can observe this change by inspecting the element in the browser’s developer tools, specifically within the “Elements” panel. You will see that a style attribute has been added to the <li> element with the color: red; declaration.

The Elements panel (or Inspector) in browser developer tools allows you to examine the HTML structure of a webpage, inspect the styles applied to elements, and even edit HTML and CSS in real-time to see how changes affect the page.

Handling Multi-Word CSS Properties

CSS properties that consist of multiple words, like margin-top, use hyphens to separate the words. However, in JavaScript, hyphens are interpreted as subtraction operators. To access these properties in JavaScript, you need to use camelCase notation. This means removing the hyphens and capitalizing the first letter of each subsequent word.

For example, to set the margin-top style to 60 pixels: = '60px';

Notice how margin-top in CSS becomes marginTop in JavaScript. Again, checking the “Elements” panel in your browser’s developer tools will show the addition of margin-top: 60px; within the inline style attribute of the <li> element.

Working with Element Classes

Classes in HTML and CSS provide a powerful way to apply styles to multiple elements and manage the overall design of a website. JavaScript allows you to dynamically add, remove, and check for the presence of classes on HTML elements.

Accessing and Setting Class Names

Every HTML element has a className property that reflects the value of the element’s class attribute. You can use this property to get or set the class names of an element.

To retrieve the current class name of an element:

let currentClassName = li.className;
console.log(currentClassName); // Output: (Initially, likely an empty string if no class is set)

If the element has no class attribute, className will return an empty string.

To set a class name, you can assign a string value to the className property:

li.className = 'test';

This will set the class attribute of the <li> element to “test”. If the element previously had any classes, they will be replaced by “test”.

Adding Multiple Classes - Limitations of className

You might be tempted to add multiple classes by simply concatenating strings to the className property, like this:

li.className += ' test2'; // Attempting to add 'test2'

While this might appear to work, it’s not the most robust or recommended approach. It becomes cumbersome to manage spaces correctly and can lead to errors, especially when dealing with more complex class manipulations. Furthermore, if you want to remove a specific class later, using className directly can become complicated.

Using classList for Efficient Class Management

A more efficient and recommended way to manage classes in JavaScript is to use the classList property. The classList property returns a live DOMTokenList collection, which provides methods specifically designed for working with classes.

classList is a read-only property of an HTML element that returns a live DOMTokenList representing the set of class attributes of the element. It provides methods like add(), remove(), toggle(), and contains() for manipulating classes.

Adding Classes with classList.add()

To add one or more classes to an element without removing existing classes, use the add() method of the classList property.

let bookNameSpan = document.querySelector('.book-name'); // Assume you have a span with class 'book-name'
let deleteButtonSpan = document.querySelector('.delete-button'); // Assume you have a span with class 'delete-button'


In this example, we are adding the class “name” to the bookNameSpan element and the class “delete” to the deleteButtonSpan element. If these elements already had other classes, those classes would be preserved, and the new classes would be added to the list.

Removing Classes with classList.remove()

Similarly, to remove classes, you can use the remove() method.

bookNameSpan.classList.remove('name'); // Removes the class 'name' from bookNameSpan

Benefits of Using classList

Using classList offers several advantages over directly manipulating className:

  • Clarity and Readability: Methods like add() and remove() are more descriptive and easier to understand than string manipulation.
  • Efficiency: classList is optimized for class manipulation and avoids potential errors related to string concatenation and spacing.
  • Multiple Class Handling: You can add or remove multiple classes at once by passing multiple arguments to add() or remove().
  • Other Useful Methods: classList also provides methods like toggle() (to add or remove a class based on its presence) and contains() (to check if an element has a specific class).

Practical Application: Styling Dynamically Added Elements

Consider a scenario where you are dynamically creating HTML elements using JavaScript and adding them to the page. You might want to apply specific styles or classes to these newly created elements to ensure they integrate seamlessly with the existing design of your website.

For instance, in the context of a “books to read” list, when you add a new book dynamically, you might want to apply the same styles and classes as existing book entries.

By using classList.add() as demonstrated earlier, you can easily apply predefined CSS classes to these newly created elements, ensuring visual consistency and maintainability of your web application. This dynamic styling is crucial for creating interactive and user-friendly web experiences.


This chapter has demonstrated how to manipulate both inline styles and CSS classes of HTML elements using JavaScript. By leveraging the style property and the classList API, you can create dynamic and interactive web pages where the presentation of content can be altered in response to user actions or application logic. Mastering these techniques is essential for any web developer aiming to build engaging and dynamic web applications.

Chapter: Manipulating HTML Attributes with JavaScript

Introduction to HTML Attributes and the DOM

In web development, HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. These attributes can define characteristics like the class of an element for styling, the id for unique identification, or the href for links. JavaScript, through the Document Object Model (DOM), allows us to dynamically access and modify these attributes, enabling interactive and dynamic web pages.

Document Object Model (DOM): The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page as a tree-like structure of objects, where each part of the document (like elements, attributes, and text) is an object. JavaScript uses the DOM to interact with and manipulate web page content and structure.

This chapter will explore how to use JavaScript to interact with HTML attributes. We will cover reading, changing, checking for existence, and removing attributes from HTML elements. We will primarily use the browser’s developer console to demonstrate these concepts, focusing on clarity and understanding rather than building a full application.

Accessing Attributes: getAttribute()

To retrieve the value of an attribute of an HTML element using JavaScript, we utilize the getAttribute() method. This method is called on a specific DOM element and takes the name of the attribute you wish to access as a string argument.

Attribute: In HTML, an attribute provides extra information about an HTML element. Attributes are defined in the start tag of an element and usually consist of a name and a value, like class="example" or id="uniqueID".

Let’s consider an example. Suppose we have the following HTML structure (similar to the example in the transcript):

  <li id="bookList">
    <span class="name">The Name of the Wind</span>

And we have selected the span element using document.querySelector('li:first-child span') and stored it in a JavaScript variable named book.

To retrieve the value of the class attribute of this span element, we would use the following JavaScript code in the console:


This would return the string "name", which is the value of the class attribute for the selected span element.

Similarly, if we wanted to check for an href attribute (though our span element doesn’t have one), we could try:


Since the span element does not have an href attribute, this would return null.

Method: In programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. It performs an action on or with that object. In JavaScript, methods are called using dot notation, like object.method().

Modifying Attributes: setAttribute()

To change or set the value of an HTML attribute, we use the setAttribute() method. This method takes two arguments:

  1. The name of the attribute you want to set (as a string).
  2. The new value you want to assign to that attribute (as a string).

Continuing with our book example, let’s say we want to change the class attribute from "name" to "name-updated". We would use the following code:

book.setAttribute('class', 'name-updated');

After executing this code, if we inspect the book element in the console (by simply typing book and pressing enter), we would see that the class attribute has been updated to "name-updated".

// Output (in console): <span class="name-updated">The Name of the Wind</span>

It’s important to note that setAttribute() is a general method for modifying any attribute. While there are also specific properties to modify certain attributes like element.className for the class attribute, setAttribute() provides a more versatile approach for handling any attribute.

Checking for Attribute Existence: hasAttribute()

Sometimes, you need to determine if an HTML element possesses a specific attribute before attempting to access or modify it. The hasAttribute() method allows you to check for the presence of an attribute. It takes the attribute name (as a string) as an argument and returns a boolean value: true if the attribute exists on the element, and false otherwise.

Boolean: A boolean is a data type that has one of two possible values: true or false. Booleans are fundamental in programming for representing logical states and conditions.

Using our book element again, to check if it has a class attribute, we would use:


This would return true because our span element currently has a class attribute (even if we changed its value in the previous example, it still exists).

If we check for an attribute that the element does not have, like href:


This would return false because our span element does not have an href attribute.

Removing Attributes: removeAttribute()

To completely remove an attribute from an HTML element, we use the removeAttribute() method. This method takes the name of the attribute to be removed (as a string) as its argument.

Let’s remove the class attribute from our book element:


After running this code, if we inspect the book element again, we will see that the class attribute is no longer present.

// Output (in console): <span>The Name of the Wind</span>

We can verify that the attribute has been removed by using hasAttribute() again:

// Output: false

To reinstate the class attribute, we can use setAttribute() as demonstrated earlier:

book.setAttribute('class', 'name');

This will add the class attribute back to the book element with the value "name".


This chapter demonstrated the fundamental JavaScript methods for manipulating HTML attributes: getAttribute(), setAttribute(), hasAttribute(), and removeAttribute(). These methods provide powerful tools for dynamically interacting with and modifying the structure and properties of web pages through the DOM. Understanding how to use these methods is crucial for creating interactive and dynamic web applications using JavaScript.

Key Takeaways:

  • JavaScript allows you to access and modify HTML attributes using DOM methods.
  • getAttribute(attributeName) retrieves the value of an attribute.
  • setAttribute(attributeName, newValue) sets or changes the value of an attribute.
  • hasAttribute(attributeName) checks if an attribute exists on an element.
  • removeAttribute(attributeName) removes an attribute from an element.
  • These methods are essential for dynamic web page manipulation and interactivity.

Chapter 15: Handling Checkbox Events in JavaScript

This chapter explores how to implement event handling for checkbox elements in JavaScript, specifically focusing on the change event. We will learn how to detect when a checkbox’s state is altered (checked or unchecked) and execute JavaScript code in response. This functionality is essential for creating interactive web pages where user actions on form elements trigger dynamic updates.

1. Introduction to Change Events

In web development, events are actions or occurrences that happen in the browser, such as a user clicking a button, moving their mouse, or changing the value of a form element. JavaScript allows us to “listen” for these events and execute specific blocks of code when they occur. This is known as event handling.

The change event is particularly relevant when working with form elements. It is triggered when the state of a form element is modified by the user. Common examples include:

  • Selecting or deselecting a checkbox.
  • Choosing a radio button.
  • Modifying the text in a text input field (though often input event is preferred for real-time updates).
  • Selecting an option from a dropdown menu.

In this chapter, we will concentrate on the change event as it applies to checkboxes.

2. Setting up HTML for a Checkbox

To begin, we need to create a checkbox element in our HTML structure. Let’s consider an example where we want to control the visibility of a list of books on a webpage using a checkbox.

First, we add the following HTML code to our document, typically within a <form> element or directly in the <body>:

<input type="checkbox" id="hide">
<label for="hide">Hide Books</label>

Let’s break down this HTML:

  • <input type="checkbox" id="hide">: This line creates the checkbox itself.

    • input type="checkbox": Specifies that we are creating a checkbox input element.

    • id="hide": Assigns a unique identifier, hide, to this checkbox. This ID will be used to reference this specific checkbox in our JavaScript code.

    ID (Identifier)

    In HTML, the id attribute provides a unique identifier for an element within a document. It is used to specifically target and manipulate individual HTML elements using CSS or JavaScript.

  • <label for="hide">Hide Books</label>: This creates a label associated with the checkbox.

    • label for="hide": The for attribute in the <label> tag is linked to the id of the input element it describes. In this case, it connects this label to the checkbox with id="hide". Clicking the label will also toggle the checkbox.
    • Hide Books: This is the text that will be displayed next to the checkbox, providing a user-friendly description of its function.

In addition to the HTML structure, we might also apply some basic CSS styling to control the appearance of the checkbox and its label. For instance:

#hide {
  width: 30px; /* Sets the width of the checkbox */

label[for="hide"] {
  line-height: 52px; /* Adjusts the vertical alignment of the label text */

These CSS rules are straightforward and primarily focus on visual adjustments.

3. Accessing the Checkbox Element in JavaScript

To interact with the checkbox using JavaScript, we first need to obtain a reference to the checkbox element in the Document Object Model (DOM). We can achieve this using the document.querySelector() method along with the ID we assigned to the checkbox (hide).

const hideBox = document.querySelector('#hide');

Let’s understand this line of JavaScript code:

  • const hideBox: This declares a constant variable named hideBox. We use const because we intend to assign the checkbox element to this variable and do not plan to reassign it later.

  • document.querySelector('#hide'): This is the core part of the code.

    • document: Refers to the document object, which represents the entire HTML document in the browser.

    • querySelector('#hide'): This is a method of the document object. It searches the document for the first element that matches the CSS selector provided as an argument. In this case, '#hide' is a CSS selector that targets the element with the ID hide.

    Document Object Model (DOM)

    The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of the document as a tree of objects, where each object represents a part of the document (e.g., elements, attributes, text). JavaScript uses the DOM to access and manipulate HTML elements.

    Query Selector

    document.querySelector() is a JavaScript method that allows you to select the first HTML element within a document that matches a specified CSS selector (like IDs, classes, tag names, etc.). It returns the element object, allowing you to manipulate it with JavaScript.

After executing this line, the hideBox variable will hold a reference to the checkbox element we created in our HTML.

4. Adding an Event Listener for the Change Event

Now that we have a reference to the checkbox, we can add an event listener to it. We want to listen specifically for the change event. The addEventListener() method is used to attach an event listener to an HTML element.

hideBox.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  // Code to execute when the checkbox state changes

Let’s break down this code:

  • hideBox.addEventListener(...): This calls the addEventListener() method on the hideBox element (our checkbox).

  • 'change': This is the first argument to addEventListener(), specifying the type of event we want to listen for – in this case, the change event.

  • function(event) { ... }: This is the second argument, a callback function. This function will be executed whenever the change event occurs on the hideBox element.

    • function(event): Defines an anonymous function that takes one argument, event. This event object contains information about the event that occurred.

    Event Listener

    An event listener is a function that “listens” for a specific event on an HTML element. When the event occurs, the listener’s associated callback function is executed, allowing JavaScript to respond to user interactions or browser events.

    Callback Function

    A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. It is executed at a later point in time, often in response to an event or the completion of an asynchronous operation. In event handling, the callback function is executed when the specified event occurs on the element.

5. Detecting Checkbox State: The checked Property

Inside the callback function, we need to determine whether the checkbox has been checked or unchecked. Checkboxes have a boolean property called checked. This property is true if the checkbox is currently checked (has a tick mark) and false if it is unchecked.

We can access the checked property of our hideBox element like this: hideBox.checked.

To react differently based on whether the checkbox is checked or unchecked, we can use a conditional statement (if...else).

hideBox.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  if (hideBox.checked) {
    // Code to execute when the checkbox is checked (hide books)
  } else {
    // Code to execute when the checkbox is unchecked (show books)
  • if (hideBox.checked): This condition checks if the checked property of hideBox is true. If it is, the code inside the if block will be executed.

  • else { ... }: If the checked property is false, the code inside the else block will be executed.

    Checked Property

    The checked property is a boolean attribute of checkbox and radio input elements in JavaScript. It reflects the current state of the checkbox or radio button: true if checked/selected, and false otherwise.

6. Hiding and Showing Elements using JavaScript

In our example, we want to hide a list of books when the checkbox is checked and show it again when unchecked. Let’s assume our list of books is contained within an unordered list (<ul>) element with an ID of bookList. We would have already obtained a reference to this list in our JavaScript, perhaps like this:

const list = document.querySelector('#bookList'); // Assuming your book list ul has id="bookList"

To hide and show this list, we can manipulate its style.display property. The display property in CSS controls whether and how an element is displayed.

Style Property

In JavaScript, the style property of an HTML element provides access to the inline styles applied to that element. It allows you to dynamically read and modify the CSS styles of an element using JavaScript.

Display Property (CSS)

The display property in CSS is used to control the layout and visibility of HTML elements. Common values include block (element takes up the full width available), inline (element only takes up the necessary width), none (element is hidden and removed from the layout), and initial (sets the property to its default value).

Inside the if block (checkbox is checked), we want to hide the list: = 'none';

Setting display to 'none' will completely hide the list element and remove it from the page layout.

Inside the else block (checkbox is unchecked), we want to show the list again. We can set the display property to either 'initial' or 'block'. 'initial' will reset the display property to its default value (which is often block for <ul> elements). 'block' explicitly sets it to block display. = 'initial'; // Or = 'block';

Putting it all together, our complete JavaScript code to handle the checkbox change event and toggle the visibility of the book list would look like this:

const hideBox = document.querySelector('#hide');
const list = document.querySelector('#bookList'); // Make sure to select your actual list element

hideBox.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
  if (hideBox.checked) { = 'none'; // Hide the book list
  } else { = 'initial'; // Show the book list

This code snippet demonstrates how to effectively use the change event and the checked property of a checkbox to create interactive web page elements that respond to user input. This fundamental concept can be extended to handle various form elements and create more complex and dynamic web applications.

Creating a Search Filter in JavaScript for DOM Elements

This chapter will guide you through the process of implementing a dynamic search filter using JavaScript within the Document Object Model (DOM). We will build upon existing knowledge of DOM manipulation and event handling to create a feature that allows users to filter a list of book titles based on their input in a search bar.

1. Introduction to Search Filtering

In this section, we will develop a search filter for a web application that displays a list of books. The goal is to enable users to type in a search term and instantly filter the book list, displaying only the titles that contain the entered term. This functionality enhances user experience by making it easier to find specific books within a larger collection.

Our approach will involve:

  • Attaching an Event Listener: We will listen for user input within a designated search input field.
  • Capturing Input Value: We will dynamically capture the value entered by the user in the search field as they type.
  • Iterating Through Book Titles: We will access each book title in our list.
  • Comparing Search Term and Titles: We will compare the user’s input against each book title to check for matches.
  • Dynamically Displaying Results: Based on the comparison, we will control the visibility of each book item in the list, effectively filtering the results.

2. Setting up the Search Bar and Event Listener

To begin, we need to access the search input field in our HTML document and attach an event listener to it. This listener will react to user input as they type in the search bar.

2.1. Accessing the Search Input Element

First, we need to obtain a reference to the search bar element in the DOM. Looking at the HTML structure (as described in the transcript), the search bar is an <input> element within a <form> element with the ID “search-books”.

We can use JavaScript’s document.forms collection to access the form by its ID and then use querySelector to select the input field within that form.

const searchBar = document.forms['search-books'].querySelector('input');

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects, allowing programming languages like JavaScript to interact with the page.

In this code:

  • document.forms is used to access all forms within the document as a collection.
  • ['search-books'] accesses the specific form with the ID “search-books”.
  • .querySelector('input') then queries within this form to find the first <input> element, which is our search bar.

2.2. Attaching the keyup Event Listener

Next, we attach an event listener to the searchBar element. We will use the keyup event.

searchBar.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){
    // Event handling logic will go here

Event Listener: In JavaScript, an event listener is a procedure or function that waits for a specific event to occur. When the event happens, the listener executes a predefined action or function in response. This is fundamental for creating interactive web pages.

keyup Event: The keyup event is triggered when a key on the keyboard is released. This event is useful for capturing user input in real-time as they type and release keys, making it suitable for features like search filters that need to react to every character input.

The addEventListener method takes two primary arguments:

  1. The event type we want to listen for, which is 'keyup' in this case.
  2. A callback function that will be executed every time the keyup event occurs on the searchBar.

The callback function receives an event object, conventionally named e. This object contains information about the event that occurred.

3. Capturing and Processing User Input

Inside the keyup event listener function, we need to retrieve the value entered by the user in the search bar and prepare it for comparison with the book titles.

3.1. Extracting the Search Term

To get the current value of the input field, we can access the target property of the event object (e). The target property refers to the element that triggered the event, which in this case is our searchBar input field. We then access its value property to get the text entered by the user.

const term =;

To ensure case-insensitive searching, we convert the search term to lowercase using the toLowerCase() method. This means that the search will find matches regardless of whether the user types in uppercase or lowercase letters.

const term =;

toLowerCase() Method: This is a built-in JavaScript string method that converts all characters in a string to lowercase. It’s commonly used for case-insensitive comparisons, ensuring that strings are compared without regard to their original casing.

3.2. Retrieving Book Titles

We need to get a collection of all the book title elements from the DOM. Assuming the book list is structured as an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>) for each book, and each book title is within a <span> element inside the <li>, we can access these elements. The transcript mentions that the book list container has an ID of book-list ul, and each title is in a span with a class of name inside each li.

First, we get a reference to the unordered list element:

const bookList = document.querySelector('#book-list ul');

Then, we retrieve all the <li> elements within this list using getElementsByTagName('li'):

const books = bookList.getElementsByTagName('li');

getElementsByTagName() Method: This DOM method, available on document and element nodes, returns a live HTMLCollection of all elements with the specified tag name. In this context, bookList.getElementsByTagName('li') retrieves all <li> elements that are descendants of the bookList element.

This books variable now holds an HTMLCollection, which is an array-like object but not a true JavaScript array. To use array methods like forEach, we need to convert it to an array.

4. Filtering Book Titles Based on Search Term

Now that we have the search term and the list of book items, we can iterate through each book item and determine whether to display or hide it based on whether its title contains the search term.

4.1. Converting HTMLCollection to Array

To use array methods, we convert the books HTMLCollection to a JavaScript array using Array.from():

    // Filtering logic will go here

Array.from() Method: This static method creates a new Array instance from an array-like or iterable object. It’s useful for converting HTMLCollections and NodeLists (which are array-like but not true arrays) into actual JavaScript arrays, enabling the use of array methods like forEach, map, and filter.

4.2. Extracting and Comparing Book Titles

Inside the forEach loop, for each book (which represents an <li> element), we need to:

  1. Get the book title element: According to the transcript and inspecting the element, the title is the first element child of the <li>, which is a <span> element with class name. We can access the first element child using book.firstElementChild.

    const titleElement = book.firstElementChild;
  2. Get the text content of the title element: We use textContent to get the text inside the <span> element, which is the book title.

    const title = titleElement.textContent;
  3. Convert the book title to lowercase: For case-insensitive comparison, we also convert the book title to lowercase.

    const titleLower = title.toLowerCase();
  4. Check if the search term is present in the book title: We use the indexOf() method to check if the term (search term) exists within the titleLower (lowercase book title).

    if(titleLower.indexOf(term) !== -1){
        // Term is found in the title
    } else {
        // Term is not found in the title

indexOf() Method: This JavaScript string method returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found. In our case, titleLower.indexOf(term) searches for the first occurrence of term within titleLower. If term is found, indexOf() returns its starting index (which will be 0 or a positive number). If term is not found, it returns -1.

4.3. Displaying or Hiding Book Items

Based on the result of indexOf(), we determine whether to display or hide the current book item.

  • If indexOf() is not -1 (meaning the term is found): We want to display the book item. We set the display style property of the book element to 'block' to ensure it is visible. = 'block';
  • If indexOf() is -1 (meaning the term is not found): We want to hide the book item. We set the display style property of the book element to 'none' to hide it. = 'none';

5. Complete Search Filter Implementation

Putting it all together, the complete JavaScript code for the search filter is as follows:

const searchBar = document.forms['search-books'].querySelector('input');
const bookList = document.querySelector('#book-list ul');
const books = bookList.getElementsByTagName('li');

searchBar.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){
    const term =;
        const titleElement = book.firstElementChild;
        const title = titleElement.textContent;
        const titleLower = title.toLowerCase();
        if(titleLower.indexOf(term) !== -1){
   = 'block';
        } else {
   = 'none';

6. Testing and Conclusion

After implementing this code, you can test the search filter in your web browser. As you type in the search bar, the list of books should dynamically filter, showing only the books whose titles contain the entered search term.

This chapter demonstrated how to create a dynamic search filter using JavaScript and DOM manipulation. By attaching a keyup event listener to the search input, capturing user input, and iterating through the list items to compare titles, we were able to dynamically control the visibility of list items based on the search term. This technique is widely applicable for creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces for filtering data on web pages.

Creating Interactive Tabbed Content with JavaScript and DOM Manipulation

This chapter will guide you through the process of creating interactive tabbed content using JavaScript and DOM manipulation. Tabbed content is a user interface pattern that allows you to organize content into distinct panels, each accessible by clicking on a corresponding tab. This is a common and effective way to present a lot of information in a compact and user-friendly manner.

1. Understanding Tabbed Content

Tabbed content provides a way to display different sets of information within the same area of a webpage. Users can switch between these sets of information by clicking on tabs, which are typically arranged horizontally above the content panels. This method is excellent for improving website navigation and content organization, making it easier for users to find and interact with specific information.

2. HTML Structure for Tabbed Content

The foundation of our tabbed content is the HTML structure. We will use specific HTML elements and attributes to define the tabs and their corresponding content panels.

Here is the HTML code structure we will be using:

<div id="tabbed-content">
  <ul class="tabs">
    <li><a href="#" data-target="#about">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" data-target="#contact">Contact</a></li>
  <div class="panel" id="about">
    <!-- About Content Here -->
    <p>This is the content for the "About" tab.</p>
  <div class="panel" id="contact">
    <!-- Contact Content Here -->
    <p>This is the content for the "Contact" tab.</p>

Let’s break down this HTML structure:

  • <div> with id="tabbed-content": This is the main container element that wraps the entire tabbed content section. Giving it an id allows us to easily target this whole section in our JavaScript and CSS.

  • <ul class="tabs">: This unordered list (<ul>) acts as the container for our tabs. The class tabs will be used for styling and JavaScript selection.

    <ul> (Unordered List): An HTML element used to create a list of items where the order does not imply a sequence. List items within a <ul> are typically displayed with bullet points.

  • <li> elements within <ul class="tabs">: Each list item (<li>) represents a single tab.

    <li> (List Item): An HTML element used to represent an item within an ordered list (<ol>), unordered list (<ul>), or menu (<menu>).

  • <a> (Anchor) elements within <li> elements: Inside each <li>, we have an anchor tag (<a>). While in this example the href attribute is set to "#", which is a common practice to prevent page reload when clicking a link that is primarily used for JavaScript interaction, the crucial part here is the data-target attribute.

    <a> (Anchor): An HTML element that creates a hyperlink to another web page, file, location within the same page, or email address. The href attribute specifies the destination of the link.

  • data-target attribute: This is a custom data attribute. It is used to associate each tab with its corresponding content panel. The value of data-target is the ID of the panel it should activate. For example, data-target="#about" indicates that clicking this tab should display the panel with the id="about".

    Data Attribute: A custom attribute in HTML, prefixed with data-, that allows you to store extra information directly within HTML elements. JavaScript can then access this data using the dataset property.

  • <div class="panel"> elements: These <div> elements are the content panels. Each panel contains the content associated with a specific tab. They all share the class panel, and each has a unique id (id="about", id="contact") that corresponds to the data-target value in the tab links.

    <div> (Division): A generic container element in HTML used to group and structure other HTML elements. It is often used for layout and styling purposes.

    id Attribute: A unique identifier for an HTML element within a document. ids are used by CSS and JavaScript to target specific elements.

    class Attribute: An attribute in HTML used to categorize elements. Multiple elements can share the same class, allowing for efficient styling and JavaScript manipulation of groups of elements.

3. CSS Styling for Tabs and Panels

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style the appearance of our tabbed content. We’ll define styles for the tabs to make them look like clickable buttons and style the panels to control their visibility.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

Here’s a basic CSS example:

.tabs {
  list-style: none; /* Remove default list styling */
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  display: flex; /* Arrange tabs horizontally */

.tabs li {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  background-color: #eee;
  border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
  cursor: pointer; /* Indicate clickable tabs */

.tabs li:first-child {
  border-left: 1px solid #ddd; /* Add left border to the first tab */

.tabs li:hover {
  background-color: #ddd; /* Hover effect */

.panel {
  display: none; /* Initially hide all panels */
  padding: 20px;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  border-top: none; /* Remove top border to visually connect to tabs */
} {
  display: block; /* Show panel when 'active' class is applied */

Key CSS properties used:

  • display: none;: This CSS property is used to initially hide all content panels. This ensures that only one panel is visible at a time, and initially no panel is shown unless we explicitly make one visible (as we will do with JavaScript or by initially adding the .active class to one panel in the HTML).

    display (CSS Property): Specifies the type of rendering box used for an element. display: none; removes the element from the document flow and it is not rendered. display: block; renders the element as a block-level element, starting on a new line and taking up the full width available.

  • display: block;: This CSS property is used to make a content panel visible when it has the class active. By default, panels are hidden (display: none;), and JavaScript will toggle the active class to control which panel is displayed.

  • display: flex;: Used on the .tabs ul to arrange the tab list items horizontally in a row.

    flex (CSS Layout): A powerful CSS layout module that provides an efficient way to distribute space among items in a container and handle alignment. display: flex; on a parent element enables flexbox layout for its direct children.

  • cursor: pointer;: Changes the mouse cursor to a pointer when hovering over a tab, visually indicating that it is clickable.

4. JavaScript Functionality: Making Tabs Interactive

JavaScript is the key to making our tabs interactive. We will write JavaScript code to:

  1. Select Tabs and Panels: Get references to the tab elements and panel elements in the DOM (Document Object Model).
  2. Add Event Listener to Tabs Container: Attach a click event listener to the container of the tabs (<ul>). This is more efficient than attaching individual listeners to each tab.
  3. Identify Clicked Tab: When a click occurs within the tabs container, determine if the clicked element is a tab (<li>).
  4. Get Target Panel ID: Extract the data-target attribute value from the clicked tab. This value corresponds to the ID of the panel to be displayed.
  5. Show the Target Panel and Hide Others: Iterate through all panels. For the panel whose ID matches the data-target value, add the active class (which will make it visible due to our CSS). For all other panels, remove the active class (hiding them).

DOM (Document Object Model): A programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as a tree of objects.

JavaScript: A high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions. JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive and dynamic.

Here’s the JavaScript code to implement this functionality:

const tabs = document.querySelector('.tabs');
const panels = document.querySelectorAll('.panel');

tabs.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
  // Check if the clicked element is a list item (tab)
  if ( === 'LI') {
    const targetPanelId =;
    const targetPanel = document.querySelector(targetPanelId);

    // Remove 'active' class from all panels
    panels.forEach(panel => {

    // Add 'active' class to the target panel
    if (targetPanel) {

Let’s break down the JavaScript code:

  • const tabs = document.querySelector('.tabs');: This line uses document.querySelector() to select the first element in the document that matches the CSS selector .tabs. In our HTML, this will select the <ul> element with the class tabs.

    document.querySelector() (DOM Method): A method of the Document interface that returns the first element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. If no matches are found, null is returned.

  • const panels = document.querySelectorAll('.panel');: This line uses document.querySelectorAll() to select all elements in the document that match the CSS selector .panel. This will return a NodeList containing all <div> elements with the class panel.

    document.querySelectorAll() (DOM Method): A method of the Document interface that returns a static NodeList representing a list of the document’s elements that match the specified group of selectors.

    NodeList: A collection of DOM nodes, similar to an array, but not an array. It is returned by methods like querySelectorAll and childNodes. You can iterate over a NodeList using forEach or a traditional for loop.

  • tabs.addEventListener('click', function(event) { ... });: This line attaches an event listener to the tabs element. It listens for a click event. When a click occurs within the tabs element, the provided function (the event handler) will be executed.

    addEventListener() (DOM Method): A method that attaches an event handler to a specified element. It takes the event type as the first argument (e.g., ‘click’, ‘mouseover’) and the function to be executed when the event occurs as the second argument.

    Event Listener: A procedure or function in JavaScript that waits for a specific event to occur (like a click, mouseover, or keypress) and then executes code in response to that event.

    click Event: An event that is fired when a pointing device button (like a mouse button) is both pressed and released while the pointer is inside an element.

  • function(event): This is the event handler function. It takes an event object as an argument. This event object contains information about the event that occurred.

    Event Object: An object in JavaScript that is automatically passed to event handlers. It contains properties and methods that provide information about the event that occurred, such as the target element, the type of event, and mouse coordinates.

  • if ( === 'LI') { ... }: Inside the event handler, this if statement checks if the tagName of the is 'LI'. refers to the element that was actually clicked. We only want to proceed if the clicked element is a list item (a tab). A property of the event object that returns a reference to the object that dispatched the event (i.e., the element that triggered the event).

    tagName (DOM Property): A property of a DOM element that returns a string representing the tag name of the element in uppercase (e.g., ‘DIV’, ‘UL’, ‘LI’).

  • const targetPanelId =;: If the clicked element is an <li>, this line retrieves the value of the data-target attribute from the clicked tab using This gives us the ID of the panel that should be displayed (e.g., "#about" or "#contact").

    dataset (DOM Property): A property of a DOM element that provides access to all the data attributes (data-*) set on that element as a DOMStringMap object. You can access individual data attributes using dot notation (e.g., element.dataset.attributeName).

  • const targetPanel = document.querySelector(targetPanelId);: This line uses document.querySelector() again, this time to select the content panel element whose ID matches the targetPanelId we just extracted from the data-target attribute.

  • panels.forEach(panel => { panel.classList.remove('active'); });: This line iterates through the panels NodeList using forEach. For each panel, it removes the class active using panel.classList.remove('active'). This ensures that all panels are hidden before we show the target panel.

    forEach() (Array/NodeList Method): A method that executes a provided function once for each element in an array or NodeList.

    classList (DOM Property): A property of a DOM element that returns a DOMTokenList representing the class attributes of the element. It provides methods like add(), remove(), toggle(), and contains() to manipulate the element’s classes.

    classList.remove() (DOM Method): A method of the classList property that removes a specified class name from an element’s class attribute.

  • if (targetPanel) { targetPanel.classList.add('active'); }: This if statement checks if targetPanel exists (to handle cases where the data-target might be invalid). If it exists, it adds the class active to the targetPanel using targetPanel.classList.add('active'). This makes the target panel visible because of the CSS rule { display: block; }.

    classList.add() (DOM Method): A method of the classList property that adds a specified class name to an element’s class attribute.

5. Testing and Enhancements

After implementing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, you can open your HTML file in a web browser to test the tabbed content functionality. Click on the tabs, and you should see the corresponding content panels appear and disappear.

Possible Enhancements:

  • Styling Active Tabs: You can add CSS to visually highlight the currently active tab, making the user interface even clearer. For example, you could add an active class to the <li> element representing the active tab and style it differently.
  • Transitions and Animations: To make the tab switching smoother, you could add CSS transitions or JavaScript animations when panels appear and disappear.
  • Accessibility Considerations: For improved accessibility, ensure proper ARIA attributes are used to convey the tabbed structure to assistive technologies.

By following these steps, you have successfully created interactive tabbed content using JavaScript and DOM manipulation. This technique is widely applicable for organizing content effectively on websites and web applications.

Understanding the DOMContentLoaded Event in JavaScript


In JavaScript web development, timing is crucial. Scripts need to interact with the elements on a webpage, collectively known as the Document Object Model (DOM). Traditionally, placing JavaScript <script> tags at the bottom of the HTML <body> tag has been a common practice to ensure that the HTML document is fully loaded and parsed before the JavaScript code attempts to manipulate it. This ensures that all HTML elements are available when the script runs. However, modern web development scenarios sometimes necessitate placing scripts in the <head> section of the HTML document. This can lead to problems if the JavaScript code tries to interact with DOM elements that haven’t been fully loaded yet.

This chapter will explore the DOMContentLoaded event in JavaScript, a powerful tool that allows developers to execute JavaScript code only after the HTML document and its resources (like images and stylesheets) are fully parsed, but before external resources like stylesheets and images are fully loaded. Understanding and utilizing DOMContentLoaded is essential for robust and efficient JavaScript development, especially when dealing with scripts in the <head> of your HTML.

The Challenge: Script Execution Timing and the DOM

Imagine you have JavaScript code that needs to find and interact with a button on your webpage to add an event listener. If the JavaScript code executes before the button element has been fully loaded and parsed by the browser, the script will not be able to find the button. This can lead to errors and unexpected behavior on your webpage.

Historically, placing <script> tags at the very end of the <body> element, just before the closing </body> tag, was a common solution. This placement ensured that the browser parsed all the HTML content before executing the JavaScript code. This approach generally works well because by the time the script is executed, most of the DOM elements are already available.

However, consider the scenario where you need to include JavaScript files in the <head> section of your HTML document. This might be necessary for performance reasons or due to project structure requirements. If you simply place your JavaScript in the <head> and attempt to manipulate DOM elements immediately, you will likely encounter problems.

Let’s illustrate this with an example:


Imagine you have a simple HTML page with a form and some buttons. Your JavaScript code is designed to add event listeners to these elements.


If you place your <script> tag in the <head> of your HTML document, the JavaScript code will execute very early in the page loading process. At this point, the browser has likely not finished parsing the HTML body, and the DOM elements you are trying to interact with (like forms and buttons) may not yet exist in the DOM tree.


When the JavaScript code tries to find these elements using methods like document.forms['book'] (as mentioned in the original transcript), it will fail because these elements are not yet part of the DOM. Consequently, any attempts to attach event listeners or manipulate these non-existent elements will be unsuccessful. This can lead to a webpage that appears broken or unresponsive, as interactive elements will not function as expected.

The Solution: Leveraging the DOMContentLoaded Event

JavaScript provides a solution to this timing problem: the DOMContentLoaded event. This event is fired by the document object when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed. Crucially, DOMContentLoaded fires before stylesheets, images, and subframes finish loading. This makes it the perfect event to use when you want to run JavaScript code that manipulates the DOM as soon as it’s ready, even if your scripts are located in the <head>.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects.

To utilize the DOMContentLoaded event, you can attach an event listener to the document object. This listener will execute a specified function (a callback function) only after the DOMContentLoaded event has been fired.

Event Listener: In JavaScript, an event listener is a procedure or function that waits for a specific event to occur on a DOM element. When the event happens, the listener executes a predefined function in response.

Callback Function: A callback function is a function passed as an argument to another function. It is executed at a later point in time, often in response to an event or after an asynchronous operation is completed.


Here’s how you can implement the DOMContentLoaded event listener in JavaScript, based on the example in the transcript:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  // All your JavaScript code that manipulates the DOM goes here
  // This code will only execute after the DOM is fully loaded.

  // Example code from the transcript (simplified for illustration):
  // (Assuming you have functions like deleteBook, searchBooks, hideBooks, etc., defined elsewhere)
  // const list = document.querySelector('#book-list ul');
  // list.addEventListener('click', deleteBook);

  // const searchForm = document.querySelector('.search-books form');
  // searchForm.addEventListener('submit', searchBooks);

  // const hideBox = document.querySelector('#hide');
  // hideBox.addEventListener('change', hideBooks);


  1. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ...): This line attaches an event listener to the document object. It listens for the DOMContentLoaded event.
  2. function() { ... }: This is the callback function that will be executed when the DOMContentLoaded event occurs. All your DOM manipulation code should be placed inside this function.
  3. Code within the Callback: The code inside the callback function (the commented-out example code) is the JavaScript logic that interacts with the DOM. Because this code is inside the callback, it is guaranteed to execute after the DOM is fully loaded.

Benefits of Using DOMContentLoaded:

  • Reliable DOM Manipulation: Ensures your JavaScript code that manipulates the DOM will always execute after the DOM is ready, preventing errors and ensuring correct functionality.
  • Flexibility in Script Placement: Allows you to place <script> tags in the <head> of your HTML document without encountering issues related to DOM loading order. This can be beneficial for certain project setups or performance optimization strategies.
  • Improved User Experience: By ensuring scripts execute correctly and interact with the DOM at the right time, you contribute to a smoother and more reliable user experience on your website.

Alternative Approach: Script Placement at the Bottom of <body>

While DOMContentLoaded provides a robust solution for handling scripts in the <head>, placing <script> tags at the bottom of the <body> remains a valid and often simpler approach, especially for basic web pages. When scripts are placed at the bottom of the <body>, they are naturally executed after the browser has parsed the entire HTML document. For many projects, this traditional method is sufficient and avoids the need for explicit DOMContentLoaded event listeners.

However, in more complex applications, particularly those with scripts in the <head> for optimization or organizational reasons, understanding and utilizing DOMContentLoaded becomes crucial.


The DOMContentLoaded event is a fundamental concept in JavaScript web development for ensuring your scripts interact with the DOM at the correct time. It provides a reliable mechanism to execute JavaScript code after the HTML document is fully parsed, regardless of where your <script> tags are placed in the HTML. By using DOMContentLoaded, you can write more robust and predictable JavaScript code, particularly in scenarios where scripts are placed in the <head> of your HTML document.

Furthermore, understanding and utilizing native JavaScript DOM manipulation techniques, as demonstrated through the use of DOMContentLoaded and event listeners, reduces the reliance on external libraries like jQuery for basic DOM operations. While libraries like jQuery can simplify certain tasks, mastering core JavaScript DOM manipulation provides a deeper understanding of web development principles and can lead to more efficient and performant code.

jQuery: jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.