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React Tutorials

Learn React from the ground up with this beginner-friendly tutorial series! Master core concepts like components, state, props, and hooks to build dynamic and interactive web applications. Perfect for developers looking to level up their front-end skills with modern React techniques.

Introduction to React: A Comprehensive Overview

Welcome to this educational resource designed to provide a thorough introduction to React, a powerful JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. This chapter will cover the fundamental concepts of React, its key features, and the necessary prerequisites to begin your journey in React development.


Before embarking on this learning path, it’s essential to have a foundational understanding of the following technologies:

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language): You should be familiar with the basic structure of HTML documents, including elements, tags, and attributes. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

  • JavaScript: A solid grasp of JavaScript fundamentals is crucial. This includes understanding variables, data types, functions, objects, and control flow. React is built upon JavaScript, and you will be writing React code primarily in JavaScript and its extensions.

    JavaScript: A high-level, interpreted programming language primarily used to add interactivity to websites and web applications. It is a core technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.

  • Command-Line Familiarity: While you don’t need to be an expert, a basic comfort level with using the command-line interface is required. We will guide you through all the necessary command-line operations step-by-step as we progress.

    Command-line interface: A text-based interface used to interact with a computer’s operating system. Users type commands which are then executed by the computer.

If you are new to HTML or JavaScript, it is highly recommended to explore beginner resources on these topics before proceeding further.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript framework specifically designed for building user interfaces (UIs). It enables developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications efficiently. React can be used to:

  • Power Full Web Applications: Develop complete single-page applications (SPAs) that offer rich user experiences.

    Single-page application (SPA): A web application that loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates content as the user interacts with it, without requiring full page reloads.

  • Enhance Specific Website Sections: Integrate React components into existing websites to add interactive features, such as search functionalities or dynamic content sections.

    User Interface (UI): The means by which a user interacts with a computer, software, or application. In web development, UI refers to the visual elements and interactive components that users see and interact with on a website.

Component-Based Architecture

React embraces a component-based architecture, which is a fundamental concept in its design.

  • Components as Building Blocks: In React, almost everything you build is a component. Components are self-contained, reusable units of code that encapsulate both structure (HTML-like markup) and behavior (JavaScript logic).
  • Website Decomposition: Websites can be broken down into a collection of components. For example, a website might consist of components like:
    • Search Component
    • Directory Component
    • Signup Component
    • And many more, depending on the application’s complexity.

Virtual DOM for Performance

React is renowned for its speed and efficiency, largely attributed to its implementation of the Virtual DOM.

  • Virtual DOM: React uses a virtual representation of the actual Document Object Model (DOM). Changes are first applied to the Virtual DOM, which then efficiently calculates the minimal changes needed to update the real DOM in the browser.

    Virtual DOM: An in-memory representation of the actual Document Object Model (DOM). React uses the virtual DOM to optimize updates to the real DOM, resulting in improved performance.

  • Faster Updates: This process significantly improves performance, especially in applications with frequent UI updates, as it minimizes direct manipulations of the real DOM, which are comparatively slower.

Created and Used by Facebook

React was developed and is maintained by Facebook (now Meta).

  • Facebook’s Endorsement: Facebook extensively uses React throughout its own websites and applications, demonstrating its robustness and scalability in large-scale projects.

Components and JSX: Writing UI in JavaScript

A key aspect of React development is writing UI components directly within JavaScript files.

  • HTML in JavaScript Components: Instead of writing HTML directly in separate HTML files for components, React allows you to define the structure of your components using a syntax that resembles HTML within your JavaScript code.

  • JSX (JavaScript XML): This HTML-like syntax is called JSX (JavaScript XML). JSX is not standard JavaScript; it is a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code.

    JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within JavaScript files. JSX code is transformed into regular JavaScript function calls by tools like Babel.

  • Combining HTML and JavaScript: JSX seamlessly blends HTML structure with JavaScript logic, making component creation more intuitive and manageable.

Rendering Components in the Browser

When React components are required by the browser, a specific process occurs:

  • Component Transformation: React takes these JSX-based component definitions.
  • DOM Insertion: React then efficiently updates the actual DOM in the browser to reflect the structure and content defined in your components. This process leverages the Virtual DOM for optimized updates.

This approach, while initially seeming unconventional, offers significant flexibility and organizational benefits in structuring complex user interfaces.

Course Outline: Learning Path

This comprehensive series will guide you through the essential aspects of React development. The learning path will cover the following key topics:

  • Installation and Workflow Setup: Learn how to install React and establish an efficient development workflow using necessary tools and configurations.

  • Building a To-Do Application: Create a practical to-do list application to understand core React concepts such as:

    • Components: Deepen your understanding of component creation and usage.

    • Props (Properties): Learn how to pass data from parent components to child components using props.

      Props (Properties): Short for “properties,” props are inputs to React components. They are read-only values passed from a parent component to a child component to customize its behavior and appearance.

    • Events: Understand how to handle user interactions and events within React components.

      Events: Actions or occurrences that happen in the system you are programming. In React, events are often triggered by user interactions like clicks, form submissions, or keyboard inputs, and are handled by event handlers within components.

    • And Much More: Explore other fundamental React concepts as we build the application.

  • Routing: Implement routing in React to create multi-page applications with different views and navigation.

    Routing: The process of defining navigation paths within a web application, allowing users to move between different views or pages. In React, routing is often handled by libraries like React Router to create single-page applications with multiple routes.

  • Create React App Package: Introduce and utilize the Create React App package, a tool designed to rapidly set up a new React project with a pre-configured development environment, streamlining the initial project setup.

    Create React App: An officially supported command-line tool for creating single-page React applications. It sets up a modern web development environment with build tools, a development server, and testing utilities, allowing developers to start building React applications quickly without complex configuration.

Tools and Setup for React Development

To follow along with this series, you will need to install and configure the following tools:

Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is essential for React development. Installing Node.js also includes npm, the Node Package Manager.

  • Installation: Download and install Node.js from the official website: During installation, ensure that you leave all settings as default to automatically install npm as well.

    Node.js: An open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code server-side. It allows developers to use JavaScript for both front-end and back-end development.

    npm (Node Package Manager): The default package manager for Node.js. It is used to install, manage, and share JavaScript packages and libraries, essential for modern JavaScript development workflows.

Cmder (Optional Command-Line Interface)

While not strictly required, Cmder is recommended as an enhanced command-line interface, particularly for Windows users.

  • Enhanced Command-Line Experience: Cmder provides a more user-friendly and feature-rich command-line experience compared to the default Windows Command Prompt.
  • Download: If you choose to use Cmder, you can download it from:

Atom Text Editor (Optional)

Atom is a highly customizable and free text editor that is well-suited for web development, including React.

  • Customization and Packages: Atom offers extensive customization options and a wide range of community-developed packages to enhance your coding experience.
  • Download: Atom can be downloaded from:

Atom Theme (Optional Visual Customization)

For those using Atom and interested in replicating the visual appearance demonstrated in the series, the following theme settings are used:

  • UI Theme: One Dark
  • Syntax Theme: Atom Molokai

These themes can be configured within Atom’s settings to customize the editor’s look and feel.

To-Do Application Preview and Next Steps

As a practical example throughout this series, we will be building a simple to-do list application.

To-Do Application Demo

The to-do application will feature the following functionalities:

  • Adding Tasks: Users will be able to add new tasks to their to-do list (e.g., “Buy some flowers”).
  • Deleting Tasks: Users will be able to delete completed or unwanted tasks from the list.

Routing Preview

The series will also demonstrate how to implement routing to create applications with multiple views, allowing for more complex application structures beyond a single view.

Next Video: Course Files Setup

In the next video, we will guide you on how to access and set up the course files prepared specifically for this React tutorial series, enabling you to code along with the lessons effectively.

This chapter has provided a foundational overview of React and the prerequisites for learning it. In the subsequent videos and chapters, we will delve deeper into each of these concepts and build practical applications to solidify your understanding.

Setting Up Your React Development Environment: Accessing Course Files

Welcome to this tutorial on setting up your development environment for learning React. This guide will walk you through accessing and utilizing the provided course files, which are designed to accompany this series of lessons. By following these steps, you will be well-prepared to work alongside the tutorials and maximize your learning experience.

Accessing the Course Files from GitHub

To facilitate a hands-on learning approach, we have prepared a repository containing all the necessary course files. This repository is hosted on GitHub, a popular platform for version control and collaboration.

GitHub: A web-based platform used for version control and collaboration. It is primarily used for source code management, tracking changes, and enabling collaboration among developers.

You can access these files through the following methods:

  • Downloading as a ZIP file: This is a straightforward method if you are not familiar with Git.
  • Using Git to clone the repository: This method is recommended for those comfortable with command-line tools and Git, offering more flexibility, especially when working with different lesson branches.

The repository, named “react-playlist,” contains branches for each lesson, allowing you to start each tutorial with the correct starting code.

Repository (Repo): In version control systems like Git, a repository is a storage location for all the files and revision history of a project. It essentially contains everything needed to track and manage changes to the project’s codebase.

Method 1: Downloading as a ZIP File

For users who prefer not to use Git or want a quick download, you can obtain the course files as a ZIP archive.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository for “react-playlist” (link provided below the video).
  2. Click on the “Clone or download” button.
  3. Select “Download ZIP”.
  4. Once downloaded, extract the contents of the ZIP file to your desired location on your computer.

ZIP file: A common archive file format that compresses one or more files together into a single file for easier storage and transfer.

While this method is simple, it does not allow you to easily switch between lesson branches or keep your local files synchronized with updates in the repository using Git. For a more robust and efficient workflow, consider using Git as described in the next section.

Method 2: Using Git to Clone the Repository

Git is a powerful version control system that is highly recommended for software development. Using Git to clone the repository offers several advantages, including the ability to easily switch between lesson branches and keep your local files updated.

Installing Git

If you do not already have Git installed on your system, you will need to install it first.

  1. Go to the official Git website:
  2. Click on the download button appropriate for your operating system.
  3. Follow the installation instructions provided for your operating system. The installation process is typically straightforward and takes only a few minutes.

Git: A distributed version control system that tracks changes in files over time, allowing for collaboration, branching, and reverting to previous versions of a project. It is widely used in software development for managing source code.

Cloning the Repository

Once Git is installed, you can clone the “react-playlist” repository to your local machine.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository for “react-playlist”.
  2. Click on the “Clone or download” button.
  3. Copy the repository URL provided. This URL is essential for cloning the repository.
  4. Open your preferred command-line tool (e.g., Terminal on macOS/Linux, Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows).

Command Line Tool: A text-based interface used to interact with a computer’s operating system. It allows users to execute commands by typing them in, as opposed to using a graphical user interface.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to store the course files. You can use the cd command to change directories.

    Directory: Also known as a folder, a directory is a container in a file system that organizes and structures files and other directories. It helps in managing and locating files on a computer.

    • cd: This command stands for “change directory” and is used to navigate to different directories in the command line.
    • cd ..: This command moves you up one level in the directory hierarchy (to the parent directory).
    • cd directory_name: This command moves you down into a subdirectory named directory_name.

    For example, if you want to navigate to a directory named “YouTube sites” within your user directory, you would use commands like:

    cd YouTube sites
  2. Once you are in the desired directory, use the git clone command followed by the repository URL you copied earlier:

    git clone [repository URL]

    Replace [repository URL] with the actual URL you copied from GitHub.

  3. Press Enter. Git will download the repository files to a new folder named “react-playlist” in your current directory.

Clone: In Git, cloning refers to creating a local copy of a remote repository on your computer. This local copy includes all the files, branches, and commit history of the original repository.

Working with Branches for Each Lesson

The “react-playlist” repository is organized into branches, with each branch representing the starting point for a specific lesson. This structure allows you to easily access the code relevant to each tutorial.

Branch: In Git, a branch is a parallel version of a repository. It allows developers to work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. Branches can be merged back into the main branch once the changes are completed and tested.

  • Master Branch: The master branch usually represents the final, completed state of the project. In this repository, it contains the code at the end of the entire tutorial series.
  • Lesson Branches: Each lesson has its own branch (e.g., lesson-1, lesson-2, etc.). These branches contain the starting code for the respective lessons.

To work with a specific lesson, you need to “checkout” the corresponding branch.

  1. Ensure you are in the “react-playlist” directory in your command-line tool.

  2. Use the git checkout command followed by the branch name. For example, to checkout the branch for lesson 1:

    git checkout lesson-1

Checkout: In Git, checkout is the command used to switch between branches or specific commits. When you checkout a branch, Git updates the files in your working directory to match the version stored in that branch.

  1. Press Enter. Git will switch your local repository to the lesson-1 branch, and your files will be updated to reflect the starting state of lesson 1.

You can repeat this process to checkout different lesson branches as you progress through the tutorial series.

Exploring the Initial File Structure (Lesson 1)

After checking out the lesson-1 branch, you will notice a basic file structure. Let’s examine the key components:

  • src Folder: This folder, short for “source,” typically contains the source code of your application. In lesson 1, it contains a single file:

    • index.html: This is the main HTML file for the initial setup. It is intentionally kept very simple at this stage, providing a basic starting point for the first lesson.
  • .gitignore File: This file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.

    .gitignore file: A text file in Git that specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. Files listed in .gitignore are not included in commits or tracked by Git, typically used for temporary files, build outputs, or sensitive information.

    • In this repository, .gitignore is configured to ignore:
      • node_modules Folder: This folder, which will be encountered in later lessons, contains the dependencies installed by Node Package Manager (npm). These are typically excluded from version control as they can be easily recreated.

        node_modules folder: In Node.js projects, the node_modules folder is where npm (Node Package Manager) installs project dependencies. It contains all the packages and libraries required by the project, as defined in the package.json file.

      • dist Folder: This folder, short for “distribution” or “distributable,” is commonly used to store the built or compiled version of your application, ready for deployment. Like node_modules, this is usually generated and not directly tracked in version control.

        Distribution Folder (dist folder): A directory commonly used in web development projects to store the optimized and production-ready build of an application. It typically contains bundled, minified, and optimized assets ready for deployment.

  • File: This file, written in Markdown format, usually contains a brief description of the project, instructions, or other relevant information. It is recommended to read through this file for any additional details about the repository. file: A standard file in software repositories that provides an overview of the project. It typically includes information about the project’s purpose, how to set it up, how to use it, and any other relevant details for users and contributors. Markdown (.md) is a lightweight markup language used for formatting text.


You have now successfully set up your development environment by accessing the course files from the “react-playlist” GitHub repository. Whether you chose to download the ZIP file or clone the repository using Git, you are now ready to begin working through the React tutorial series. Remember to checkout the appropriate lesson branch before starting each tutorial to ensure you are working with the correct starting code. This setup will provide a solid foundation for your React learning journey.

Setting Up React with Webpack: A Comprehensive Guide

This chapter will guide you through the process of setting up React for development, specifically using Webpack. We’ll explore why this setup is preferred for robust React applications and walk through each step in detail.

Introduction to React Setup

When developing applications with React, you’re often writing code in JSX and modern JavaScript standards like ES6 or ES 2015. However, web browsers natively understand only standard JavaScript (often referred to as vanilla JavaScript). Therefore, a crucial step in React development is transforming your code into browser-compatible JavaScript.

Vanilla JavaScript: Refers to standard JavaScript without any additional libraries or frameworks. It is the core JavaScript language understood by all web browsers.

This transformation is achieved using tools like Babel.

Babel: A JavaScript compiler that transforms modern JavaScript code (like JSX, ES6, and beyond) into backward-compatible JavaScript that can be understood by older browsers. It enables developers to use the latest JavaScript features without worrying about browser compatibility.

There are two primary approaches to setting up React with Babel:

  1. Quick Setup using CDN Scripts: This method involves directly including React and Babel scripts in your HTML file using Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).
  2. Webpack Setup with npm: This more comprehensive approach utilizes Node Package Manager (npm) to install React, Babel, and Webpack, automating the build process and offering additional development benefits.

Quick and Dirty Setup: Using CDN Scripts

The quickest way to get started with React and Babel is by including script tags directly in the <head> section of your HTML document. This method is similar to how you might include libraries like jQuery.

This approach involves adding three script tags:

  • React Library: The core React library.
  • React DOM Library: Responsible for rendering React components in the browser’s Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Babel Standalone Script: A script that enables in-browser JSX and ES 2015 transformation.

For writing React code, you would use <script> tags with the type attribute set to "text/babel". This tells Babel to process the code within these script tags. To include external React code files, you would use the src attribute within a <script type="text/babel"> tag, just like with regular JavaScript files.

Example (Conceptual HTML Structure):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Quick React Setup</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="root"></div>

    <script type="text/babel">
        // Your React code here
        ReactDOM.render(<h1>Hello, React!</h1>, document.getElementById('root'));

    <script type="text/babel" src="external-react-component.js"></script>

While this method is fast for initial exploration, it’s not recommended for production or larger projects due to limitations in build process automation and optimization.

Robust Setup: Using npm, Webpack, and Babel

For more complex and maintainable React applications, a setup using npm, Webpack, and Babel is highly recommended. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Dependency Management: npm manages project dependencies like React and Babel packages.
  • Automated Build Process: Webpack automates the process of transforming JSX and ES 2015 code, bundling JavaScript files, and optimizing assets.
  • Extensibility: Webpack can be extended with loaders and plugins to handle CSS, images, and other assets, as well as enable features like hot reloading during development.

npm (Node Package Manager): A package manager for JavaScript. It is used to install, manage, and share packages of code. npm comes bundled with Node.js.

Webpack: A powerful JavaScript module bundler. It takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules. In the context of React, Webpack is used to bundle JavaScript, transform JSX and ES6, and optimize assets for deployment.

Webpack Dev Server: A development server that provides live reloading. It automatically rebuilds and refreshes the browser when code changes are detected, significantly speeding up the development process.

This chapter will focus on setting up React using npm, Webpack, and Babel.

Step-by-Step Webpack Setup

Let’s break down the process into three key steps:

  1. Initialize npm and Install React and React DOM: Set up your project environment and install the necessary React libraries.
  2. Install Babel Packages: Install the Babel packages required for transforming JSX and ES 2015 code.
  3. Install and Configure Webpack: Install Webpack and the Webpack Dev Server, and create a configuration file to automate the build process.

Prerequisites: Node.js and npm

Before starting, ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. npm is included with Node.js. You can download and install Node.js from the official website:

Step 1: Initialize npm and Install React and React DOM

  1. Initialize npm: Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory, and run the command:

    npm init

    This command initializes a new npm project and creates a package.json file in your project directory.

    package.json: A JSON file at the root of a Node.js project that contains metadata about the project, such as its name, version, dependencies, and scripts. It is used by npm to manage project dependencies and scripts.

    You will be prompted to answer a series of questions about your project (name, version, description, etc.). You can generally accept the defaults or provide your own information.

  2. Install React and React DOM: Run the following command in your terminal:

    npm install react react-dom --save

    This command installs the react and react-dom packages and saves them as dependencies in your package.json file. The --save flag ensures these packages are listed under the "dependencies" section in package.json. These are considered core dependencies required for your application to run.

    Dependencies: In package.json, the "dependencies" section lists packages that are essential for your application to run in production. These are the libraries your application directly relies on.

    After running this command, you can check your package.json file. You should see "react" and "react-dom" listed under the "dependencies" section.

Step 2: Install Babel Packages

Next, we need to install the Babel packages that will handle the code transformation.

  1. Install Babel Core and Loaders: Run the following command:

    npm install babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save-dev

    This command installs several Babel packages:

    • babel-core: The core Babel library.

    • babel-loader: A Webpack loader that allows Babel to transpile JavaScript and JSX files.

    Loaders (in Webpack context): Loaders are transformations that are applied to the source code of a module. They allow Webpack to process not just JavaScript, but also other file types like CSS, images, and JSX. Loaders transform these files into valid modules that Webpack can bundle.

    • babel-preset-es2015: A preset that includes plugins to transform ES 2015 (ES6) code.

    ES6 (ECMAScript 2015): A major update to the JavaScript language standard. It introduced many new features like classes, arrow functions, let and const, modules, and more. ES2015 is often used interchangeably with ES6.

    • babel-preset-react: A preset that includes plugins to transform JSX syntax.

    JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension for JavaScript recommended for use with React to describe the user interface. JSX looks similar to HTML, but it is transformed into regular JavaScript function calls by Babel.

    The --save-dev flag is used here because these Babel packages are developer dependencies. They are needed during development for code transformation but are not strictly required for the application to run in a production environment after the code has been built.

    devDependencies: In package.json, the "devDependencies" section lists packages that are required for development tasks, such as building, testing, and linting. These packages are not necessary for the application to run in production.

    After installation, you will find these packages listed under the "devDependencies" section in your package.json file.

Step 3: Install and Configure Webpack

Finally, let’s install Webpack and the Webpack Dev Server, and configure Webpack to use Babel for code transformation.

  1. Install Webpack and Webpack Dev Server: Run the command:

    npm install webpack webpack-dev-server --save-dev

    This installs webpack and webpack-dev-server as dev dependencies.

  2. Create webpack.config.js: In the root of your project directory, create a file named webpack.config.js. This file will contain your Webpack configuration.

  3. Configure webpack.config.js: Add the following configuration code to webpack.config.js:

    const path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
        entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'index.js'),
        output: {
            path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'app'),
            filename: 'bundle.js',
            publicPath: '/app/'
        module: {
            loaders: [
                    test: /\.js$/,
                    include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
                    loader: 'babel-loader',
                    query: {
                        presets: ['react', 'es2015']
                    test: /\.css$/,
                    loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'] // For CSS, discussed later

    Let’s break down this configuration:

    • const path = require('path');: Imports the path module, which provides utilities for working with file and directory paths.

      Module (in JavaScript): A module is a self-contained unit of code that can be imported and used in other parts of a program. In Node.js and modern JavaScript environments, modules are a fundamental way to organize and reuse code.

    • entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'index.js'),: Specifies the entry point of your application. Webpack will start bundling from this file. path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'index.js') constructs the absolute path to index.js located in the src directory in the current project directory (__dirname).

      Entry Point (in Webpack): The entry point is the file where Webpack starts its bundling process. It’s the root module of your application from which Webpack will trace dependencies and build the dependency graph.

    • output: { ... }: Defines how Webpack should output the bundled files.

      • path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'app'),: Specifies the output directory. Here, it’s set to create a dist/app folder in the project directory.

      Output (in Webpack): The output configuration defines where and how Webpack should write the bundled files. It includes settings for the output directory, filename, and public path.

      • filename: 'bundle.js',: Sets the name of the output JavaScript bundle file to bundle.js.

      • publicPath: '/app/': Specifies the public URL path for the output files when served in the browser. This is important for Webpack Dev Server and for referencing assets in your HTML.

      Public Path (in Webpack): The public path specifies the base URL for all output assets in the browser. It tells the browser where to look for the bundled files.

    • module: { loaders: [ ... ] }: Configures module loaders.

      • test: /\.js$/,: A regular expression that matches JavaScript files (files ending with .js).
      • include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),: Specifies that the loader should only be applied to files within the src directory.
      • loader: 'babel-loader',: Specifies that the babel-loader should be used for these files.
      • query: { presets: ['react', 'es2015'] }: Configures the babel-loader to use the react and es2015 presets, enabling JSX and ES 2015 transformations.
      • The CSS loader configuration is included for future CSS setup, but we are not focusing on CSS in this chapter.
  4. Create src and app folders and index.js: Create a folder named src in your project root. Inside src, create a folder named app, and within app, create a file named index.js. This structure aligns with the entry point defined in webpack.config.js.

  5. Add JavaScript code to index.js: For testing purposes, add a simple JavaScript alert to index.js:

    alert('It works!');
  6. Modify package.json scripts: Open your package.json file and modify the "scripts" section to include start and build scripts:

    "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
        "start": "npm run build",
        "build": "webpack-dev-server --content-base src --inline --hot --port 1234"
    • "start": "npm run build": Sets the start script to run the build script. This allows you to start the development server with npm start.

    • "build": "webpack-dev-server --content-base src --inline --hot --port 1234": Defines the build script to run the webpack-dev-server.

      • webpack-dev-server: Starts the Webpack Dev Server.

      • --content-base src: Tells the dev server to serve files from the src directory.

      • --inline: Enables inline mode for live reloading.

      • --hot: Enables hot module replacement for faster updates.

      Hot Reloading (or Hot Module Replacement - HMR): A feature that allows modules to be updated at runtime without requiring a full page reload. When you make changes to your code, only the modified modules are updated in the browser, preserving the application’s state and providing a faster development experience.

      • --port 1234: Specifies the port for the dev server to run on (port 1234 in this example).
  7. Create index.html in src: Create an index.html file in your src directory. This will be the main HTML file for your application. Add the following basic HTML structure:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>React Webpack Setup</title>
        <div id="root"></div>
        <script src="/app/bundle.js"></script>
    • <script src="/app/bundle.js"></script>: Includes the bundled JavaScript file (bundle.js). Notice the src path /app/bundle.js corresponds to the publicPath configured in webpack.config.js.

Running Webpack Dev Server

Now you are ready to run the Webpack Dev Server.

  1. Run npm start: In your terminal, run the command:

    npm start

    This command will execute the start script defined in your package.json, which in turn runs the build script and starts the Webpack Dev Server.

  2. Access in Browser: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:1234. You should see an alert box with the message “It works!”, confirming that your setup is working correctly.

    If you encounter issues seeing the dist folder in your project directory within your editor (like Atom), it might be due to settings that hide version control system (VCS) ignored files. You may need to adjust your editor settings to show these files if needed for debugging.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Congratulations! You have successfully set up React with Webpack and Babel. You now have a robust development environment that automates code transformation and bundling, enabling you to write modern React code efficiently.

In the next chapter, we will move on to creating your first React component and building upon this setup to develop more complex React applications. This Webpack configuration will serve as the foundation for future development, allowing you to focus on building React components and application logic without worrying about the underlying build process.

Introduction to React Components: Building Your First Component

Welcome to your third React tutorial! In this chapter, we will embark on creating your very first React component. Understanding components is fundamental to React development as they form the building blocks of user interfaces.

Understanding Components in React

Components are reusable and independent blocks of code that render HTML elements to the user interface. Think of them as modular pieces that you can assemble to construct complex applications.

  • Modularity: React applications are built by composing various components together.
  • Reusability: Once created, a component can be used multiple times throughout your application, promoting code efficiency and maintainability.
  • Encapsulation: Components manage their own logic and rendering, making it easier to reason about and debug your code.

Consider these examples to illustrate the concept of components:

  • Search Bar Component: Encapsulates the functionality and visual elements of a search input field on a website.
  • Sign-Up Component: Represents the entire sign-up form, including input fields, labels, and submission logic.
  • To-Do List Component: Manages the display and functionality of a to-do list application.

Components can also be nested within each other, creating a hierarchical structure for your application. For instance, a ToDoList component might contain:

  • ListItem Component: For each individual item in the to-do list.
  • FormComponent: For the input form used to add new items to the list.

In this tutorial, we will begin by creating a very simple component and gradually expand its complexity in subsequent chapters.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before we start building our first component, ensure you have completed the setup steps from the previous tutorial, including:

  • Creating the web.config file.
  • Installing necessary packages using NPM.

NPM (Node Package Manager): A package manager for JavaScript. It is used to install and manage project dependencies, such as libraries and tools, for Node.js projects, and is commonly used in front-end JavaScript development as well.

If you have successfully completed the previous steps, you should be ready to run the development server. Open your command-line interface (CLI), navigate to your project directory, and execute the command npm start.

Command-Line Interface (CLI): A text-based interface used to interact with a computer’s operating system. It allows users to execute commands by typing them in, as opposed to using a graphical user interface (GUI).

This command, npm start, initiates the development server, allowing you to view your application in a web browser and benefit from features like hot reloading.

Creating Your First React Component

Let’s begin creating our first component. We will start by modifying the index.js file, which serves as the entry point for our React application. Initially, this file might contain a simple alert. We will replace this with our component code.

Importing React and ReactDOM

The first step in creating a React component is to import the necessary libraries: react and react-dom. We can achieve this using either ES6 imports or the require statement. For this tutorial, we will use the require statement for clarity.

var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
  • require('react'): This line imports the core React library, which provides the fundamental functionalities for building React components. We can use require because we previously installed the react package using NPM.
  • require('react-dom'): This line imports the react-dom library.

React DOM: A package that serves as the entry point to the DOM and server renderers for React. It provides methods specific to working with the Document Object Model (DOM), such as rendering React components into the browser’s DOM.

Now that we have imported both react and react-dom, we can proceed to define our component.

Defining a Component using React.createClass

There are two primary ways to define React components: using ES6 classes or using the React way with React.createClass. In this tutorial series, we will primarily focus on the React.createClass method for creating components. Later, we will explore how to refactor components using ES6 classes.

To create a component using React.createClass, follow these steps:

  1. Declare a variable: Assign a variable name to your component. By convention, component names should start with a capital letter and use PascalCase (capitalize the first letter of each word). For our to-do application, we will name our first component ToDoComponent.

    var ToDoComponent = ...
  2. Use React.createClass: Assign the result of React.createClass() to the variable.

    var ToDoComponent = React.createClass(...);

    React.createClass: A method provided by the React library to create a component. It takes an object as an argument, which defines the component’s properties and behavior, including its render method.

  3. Define the component object: Pass an object as an argument to React.createClass(). This object will contain various methods and properties that define the component’s behavior. The most crucial method is render.

    var ToDoComponent = React.createClass({
        // Component definition object
  4. Implement the render method: Within the component object, define a render method. This method is a function that is required for every component. It is responsible for returning the JSX that represents the component’s output.

    var ToDoComponent = React.createClass({
        render: function() {
            // Return JSX here

    Render Method: A required method in a React component. It is a function that returns the JSX (or other renderable content) that defines what the component should display. React calls this method to determine what should be rendered on the screen.

    JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code. JSX code is transformed into regular JavaScript function calls, specifically React.createElement, during compilation.

  5. Return JSX from render: Inside the render method, return the JSX code that you want the component to render. It’s good practice to enclose multi-line JSX within parentheses ().

    var ToDoComponent = React.createClass({
        render: function() {
            return (

    In this simple example, our ToDoComponent will render an <h1> heading that displays “Hello”.

Rendering the Component to the DOM

Now that we have defined our ToDoComponent, we need to render it into our HTML page. To do this, we need a placeholder element in our HTML file where React can insert our component.

  1. Create a placeholder in index.html: Open your index.html file and add a div element with a unique id. This div will serve as the container for our React component. Let’s give it the id “todo-wrapper”.

    <div id="todo-wrapper"></div>
  2. Use ReactDOM.render in index.js: In your index.js file, use the ReactDOM.render() method to insert your ToDoComponent into the “todo-wrapper” div.

        <ToDoComponent />,
    • ReactDOM.render(): This method is used to render a React component into a DOM element. It takes two arguments:
      • The first argument is the React component you want to render. Components are rendered as custom HTML-like tags, using angle brackets, e.g., <ToDoComponent />. The self-closing tag syntax <ToDoComponent /> is used for components that don’t contain any child elements.

      • The second argument is the DOM element where you want to render the component. We use document.getElementById('todo-wrapper') to select the div we created in index.html.

    DOM (Document Object Model): A programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as a tree of objects.

    document.getElementById(): A JavaScript method that retrieves an HTML element from the document based on the value of its id attribute.

With these steps completed, save your index.js file. The development server should automatically refresh your browser, and you should see “Hello” displayed on the page, rendered by your first React component!

Key Takeaways

Let’s summarize the essential steps and concepts covered in this chapter:

  • Components are fundamental: React applications are built using components, which are reusable and modular pieces of UI.
  • Import react and react-dom: You need to import these libraries to create and render React components.
  • React.createClass is used to define components: This method takes an object that defines the component’s properties and behavior, including the render method.
  • The render method returns JSX: This method is responsible for defining what the component should display.
  • ReactDOM.render renders components to the DOM: This method takes a component and a DOM element as arguments and inserts the component into the specified element.
  • JSX is transformed into JavaScript: Behind the scenes, JSX is converted into regular JavaScript code that creates DOM elements.

Congratulations on creating your first React component! In the next chapter, we will build upon this foundation and explore more features and functionalities of React components.

Introduction to React Developer Tools

React Developer Tools (DevTools) is a browser extension that enhances the development experience for React applications. It provides powerful insights into your application’s component structure, props, and state, making debugging and understanding React code significantly easier. This chapter will guide you through the basics of React DevTools, demonstrating its features and how to install and use it effectively.

Understanding Common React Errors: The Single Parent Tag Rule

Before diving into DevTools, let’s address a common issue encountered when working with React components, as highlighted in the transcript.

  • The Issue: React components must return a single top-level element. Attempting to return multiple elements directly without a parent wrapper will result in an error.

    As demonstrated in the transcript, the following code structure will cause an error:

    return (
      <h1>Hello Ninjas</h1>

    This code snippet attempts to return two separate elements, <h1> and <p>, directly within the return statement of a React component. React expects a single parent element to encapsulate all returned JSX.

    JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code. It is used in React to describe the user interface.

  • The Solution: Using a Parent Tag

    To resolve this, you need to wrap all the elements within a single parent tag. A common and straightforward approach is to use a <div> element as the parent.

    return (
        <h1>Hello Ninjas</h1>

    By enclosing both the <h1> and <p> tags within a <div>, we create a single parent element. React can now process this structure without errors. This ensures that the component adheres to React’s requirement of returning a single root element.

    Component: In React, a component is a reusable, self-contained building block that defines a part of the user interface. Components can be functional or class-based and manage their own logic and rendering.

    Element (HTML Element): A fundamental part of HTML structure. Elements are defined by tags and can contain content or other elements. Examples include <h1>, <p>, <div>, etc. In React, these are often represented in JSX.

    Tag (HTML Tag): Keywords in HTML that define elements. Tags usually come in pairs (opening and closing), like <div> and </div>.

    Return statement: A statement in a function that specifies the value to be sent back to the caller of the function. In React components, the return statement is used to specify what JSX should be rendered by the component.

    Parent tag: In HTML and JSX, a parent tag is a tag that encloses other tags (child tags). In the context of React’s single root element requirement, the parent tag is the outermost tag in the JSX returned by a component.

Exploring React DevTools

React DevTools provides valuable insights into the structure and behavior of React applications directly within your browser’s developer tools.

  • Accessing React DevTools: Once installed, React DevTools becomes accessible as a new tab within your browser’s developer tools. You can typically open developer tools by:

    • Right-clicking on a webpage and selecting “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”.

    • Using keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Shift+I (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+I (macOS).

    Console (Browser Console): A tool within web browsers that displays logged messages, errors, and warnings. It’s also used for executing JavaScript code and inspecting web page elements.

    Toolbar (Browser Toolbar): A strip at the top or side of a browser window containing icons and menus for quick access to browser features and extensions.

  • The “Components” Tab: The primary tab in React DevTools is the “Components” tab. This tab displays a hierarchical tree representing the component structure of your React application.

    • Component Tree: This tree visually represents the parent-child relationships between components in your application.
    • Component Inspection: Clicking on a component in the tree selects it and reveals detailed information in the right-hand panel.
  • Inspecting Props and State: When you select a component in the “Components” tab, the right-hand panel displays crucial information about that component:

    • Props: Props (short for “properties”) are data passed down from parent components to child components. DevTools allows you to inspect the props received by a selected component, showing their names and values.

      Props (Properties): A mechanism in React for passing data from a parent component to a child component. Props are read-only from the perspective of the child component and are used to customize and configure components.

    • State: State represents internal data managed within a component. DevTools enables you to examine the current state of a selected component, showing the state variables and their values.

      State: In React, state is a JavaScript object that holds data that can change over time and affects the component’s rendering. State is managed locally within a component and can be updated by the component itself.

    • Expanding Component Details: You can expand the props and state objects to inspect their nested structures and values in detail. This is particularly helpful for complex data structures.

Installing React DevTools

Installing React DevTools is a straightforward process for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

  • Chrome Web Store: For Chrome users, the React Developer Tools extension is available on the Chrome Web Store.

    1. Open the Chrome Web Store in your browser.

    2. Search for “React Developer Tools”.

    3. Locate the official “React Developer Tools” extension (usually the first result with the React logo).

    4. Click “Add to Chrome”.

    5. Confirm the installation by clicking “Add extension” in the pop-up dialog.

    Chrome Web Store: An online store for Google Chrome browser extensions and web applications.

  • Firefox Add-ons: For Firefox users, the React Developer Tools extension is available as a Firefox add-on. The installation process is similar to Chrome, using the Firefox Add-ons website.

  • Verification: After installation, React DevTools will automatically activate when you are on a webpage built with React. You can verify its presence by opening your browser’s developer tools and looking for the “React” tab.

React DevTools in Practice: Examining Real-World Websites

React DevTools is not only useful for developing your own React applications but also for understanding how other websites built with React are structured. The transcript demonstrates using DevTools on websites like BBC and Airbnb.

  • Inspecting Components on Live Websites: You can use React DevTools on any website built with React, including popular platforms like BBC, Airbnb, and many others.

    1. Navigate to a website you suspect is built with React (or one explicitly mentioned, like BBC or Airbnb).
    2. Open your browser’s developer tools.
    3. Go to the “React” tab.
    4. DevTools will analyze the page and display the component tree if React is detected.
  • Analyzing Component Structure and Props: By exploring the component tree and inspecting props on live websites, you can gain insights into:

    • Website Architecture: Understand how different parts of the website are broken down into React components.

    • Data Flow: Observe how props are used to pass data and customize components in real-world applications.

    • Learning from Examples: Study how experienced developers structure their React applications and implement features.

    Inspect (Browser Inspect): A feature in web browsers that allows users to examine the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code of a webpage, typically accessed through the browser’s developer tools.

    Dev tools / Developer tools: A set of tools built into web browsers that allow web developers to test and debug their code. They provide features like inspecting elements, debugging JavaScript, and analyzing network performance.


React DevTools is an indispensable tool for any React developer. It provides a powerful visual interface for understanding and debugging React applications. By allowing you to inspect component structures, props, and state, DevTools significantly streamlines the development process and enhances your ability to learn from and analyze both your own projects and existing React websites. Mastering React DevTools is a crucial step in becoming a proficient React developer.

Chapter 4: Introduction to Props in React

Welcome to this chapter on props in React! This chapter will introduce you to the concept of props, a fundamental mechanism for passing data to components and making them dynamic. We will explore what props are, how to pass them to components, and how to use them within components to render dynamic content.

4.1 Setting the Stage: Development Environment

Before we dive into props, let’s briefly ensure our development environment is set up. As demonstrated in the video, initiating a React project typically involves using npm start. This command, often configured through tools like Webpack, bundles your React application and makes it accessible in a web browser.

Webpack: Webpack is a module bundler used in React development. It takes all the JavaScript files and their dependencies and bundles them into static assets that can be served to a browser.

By running npm start, you usually launch your application on a specific port, often 1234 or 3000. This port number is part of the URL you use to view your application in a web browser.

Port: In networking, a port is a virtual point where network connections start and end. In web development, a port number is often used to specify the address for accessing a web application on a server or local machine.

NPM (Node Package Manager): NPM is a package manager for JavaScript. It is used to install and manage dependencies for Node.js and front-end JavaScript projects, including React projects.

With your development server running and your React application viewable in a browser, we can now delve into the concept of props.

Browser: A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. Examples include Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

4.2 What are Props?

Props, short for “properties,” are a crucial feature in React for making components reusable and dynamic. Imagine building web applications with only static content. It would be limiting, wouldn’t it? We need components that can adapt and display different information. This is where props come in.

Props: Props, short for properties, are a mechanism in React for passing data from parent components to child components. They allow components to be dynamic and reusable by receiving different data inputs.

Props provide a way to pass data into our components, enabling them to display dynamic content on the webpage. Instead of creating components with fixed, static HTML structure, we can build components that accept data and render dynamically based on that data.

Components: Components are the building blocks of React applications. They are reusable, self-contained units of code that represent a part of the user interface and manage their own logic and rendering.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of web pages.

This ability to create dynamic components is essential for building interactive and data-driven web applications. While props are one way to achieve dynamism, another important concept is state, which we will explore in later chapters. For now, our focus is firmly on understanding and utilizing props.

Dynamic components: Dynamic components are components that can change their output or behavior based on the data they receive or internal state. This allows for interactive and data-driven user interfaces.

State: In React, state is a JavaScript object that represents the internal data of a component. Unlike props, which are passed down from parent components, state is managed internally by the component itself and can be changed over time, triggering re-renders.

4.3 Props as Properties: Analogies to HTML Attributes

The term “props” is intentionally chosen to be analogous to properties you find in standard HTML elements or HTML tags. Think of properties like href in an <a> (anchor) tag or src in an <img> (image) tag. These HTML properties allow you to configure the behavior or content of HTML elements.

HTML tags: HTML tags are the basic building blocks of HTML documents. They define the structure and content of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links.

Similarly, in React, we can create custom “properties” – props – for our own components. These props act like attributes that we can set on our component tags to pass data into them.

4.4 Passing String Data as Props: A Simple Example

Let’s start with a basic example of passing data as props. We’ll create a custom prop called message and pass a string value to it.

String: In programming, a string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. Strings are used to represent text data.

Consider a component tag in your React application. To pass a prop, you simply add it as an attribute to the component tag, just like you would with HTML attributes.

<MyComponent message="I like cheese" />

In this example, message is the prop name, and "I like cheese" is the string value we are passing to the MyComponent. We are essentially creating a custom property called message for our MyComponent.

Notice the use of quotation marks around "I like cheese". This indicates that we are passing a string literal as the prop value.

4.5 Accessing Props within Components

Now that we’ve passed the message prop to MyComponent, how do we access and display this data within the component itself?

Inside a React component, props are accessed using the this.props object. To display the message prop within our MyComponent, we can use JSX and curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions within our component’s rendered output.

JSX: JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript recommended for use with React to describe what the UI should look like. It resembles HTML and gets transformed into regular JavaScript function calls at runtime.

function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
      <p>This is my component.</p>
      <p>Message: {props.message}</p>

In this code:

  • {props.message} within the <p> tag is JSX syntax that allows us to dynamically render the value of props.message.
  • props is an object that holds all the props passed to the MyComponent.
  • props.message specifically accesses the value of the message prop.

When React renders this component, it will replace {props.message} with the string value we passed in, resulting in the output: “Message: I like cheese” in the browser.

To output dynamic data or a variable in JSX, you always enclose it within curly braces {}. This tells React to evaluate the expression inside the braces and render its result.

Variable: In programming, a variable is a named storage location in the computer’s memory used to hold a value. Variables allow you to store and manipulate data within a program.

4.6 Passing Object Data as Props: Handling Complex Data

Props are not limited to strings; you can pass various data types, including numbers, booleans, arrays, and even objects. Let’s explore passing an object as a prop to handle more complex data structures.

Object: In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs. Objects are used to represent complex data structures and entities with properties and methods.

First, let’s define a variable that holds an object containing information about cheese:

const myCheese = {
  name: "Camembert",
  smellFactor: "Extremely Punk",
  price: 3.50,

This myCheese variable is an object with three properties: name, smellFactor, and price.

Property (of an object): In the context of JavaScript objects, a property is a named value associated with an object. Properties are accessed using dot notation or bracket notation.

Now, we can pass this myCheese object as a prop to our MyComponent. We’ll create a new prop called cheese and assign the myCheese object to it. When passing variables or objects as prop values, we use curly braces {} instead of quotation marks.

<MyComponent cheese={myCheese} />

Inside MyComponent, we can now access the cheese prop, which holds our cheese object. We can then access the individual properties of this object (like name, smellFactor, price) using dot notation within JSX:

function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
      <p>Cheese Name: {}</p>
      <p>Cheese Smell Factor: {props.cheese.smellFactor}</p>
      <p>Cheese Price: {props.cheese.price}</p>

Here, props.cheese accesses the cheese object prop, and then, props.cheese.smellFactor, and props.cheese.price access the respective properties within that object.

This demonstrates how props can be used to pass structured data to components, making them highly adaptable and reusable for displaying various types of information.

4.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we’ve learned the fundamentals of props in React. Props are essential for creating dynamic and reusable components by allowing you to pass data from parent to child components. We explored how to:

  • Pass string data as props.
  • Access and render props within components using this.props and JSX.
  • Pass object data as props to handle more complex information structures.

Understanding props is a cornerstone of React development. As you continue your React journey, you’ll find props to be indispensable for building complex and interactive user interfaces. In the next chapters, we will build upon this knowledge and explore more advanced React concepts.

Chapter 5: Understanding State in React

Welcome back to the React tutorial! In this chapter, we will delve into the concept of state, one of the two primary mechanisms for managing data within React applications. We previously explored props (properties) as a way to pass data into components. Now, we will focus on how components can manage their own internal data using state.

5.1 Props vs. State: A Recap

In the previous chapter, we learned about props. Props are used to pass data from a parent component down to its child components. They are essentially inputs to a component, allowing parent components to configure and control their children.

Props (Properties): Props are inputs to a React component. They are passed down from parent components to child components, allowing for data flow and component configuration.

We pass props as attributes on the component tag when we use a component in JSX.

Component Tag: In JSX, a component tag looks like an HTML tag but represents a React component. It is used to instantiate and render a React component in the user interface.

For instance, if we have a component named MyComponent, we might use it in our JSX like this: <MyComponent myProp="someValue" />. myProp="someValue" here is passing a prop named myProp with the value “someValue” to the MyComponent.

5.2 Introduction to State

Unlike props, state is not passed into a component from the outside. Instead, state is defined and managed within the component itself. State represents the internal data of a component that can change over time. When a component’s state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect these changes in the user interface.

State: State is a JavaScript object that represents the internal data of a React component. It is managed within the component and can change over time, triggering component re-renders when updated.

Components in React are reusable, self-contained building blocks that encapsulate logic and UI. State allows each component to have its own private data that it can control.

Component: A component is a fundamental building block in React, encapsulating reusable UI and logic. Components can be functional or class-based and manage their own rendering and behavior.

5.3 Defining the Initial State

To begin using state, we need to define the initial state of our component. This is the state of the component when it is first created and rendered. In class-based components (like the one we are using in this example), we define the initial state using a special method called getInitialState.

Initial State: The initial state is the starting state of a React component when it is first rendered. It is defined to set up the component’s data when it is initially mounted.

Method: In object-oriented programming, a method is a function that is associated with an object. In React components (class-based), methods are functions defined within the component class that handle various aspects of the component’s behavior, like rendering or state management.

The getInitialState method is a function that returns a JavaScript object. This object represents the component’s state, and it can contain various properties to hold different pieces of data.

Object: In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs. It is a fundamental data structure used to represent complex data and structures.

Property: A property is a named value associated with a JavaScript object. In the context of React state, properties are the individual data points stored within the state object.

Let’s look at an example. We will create a simple to-do list component. We’ll start by defining its initial state using getInitialState:

var TodoList = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            todos: ["Wash up", "Eat some cheese", "Take a nap"]
    render: function() {
        // ... component rendering logic ...

In this code:

  • We define a component called TodoList using React.createClass.
  • Inside TodoList, we define the getInitialState method.
  • getInitialState returns an object with one property called todos.
  • The value of the todos property is an array of strings, representing our initial to-do items.

Array: An array is an ordered list of items in JavaScript. It’s a data structure that can hold multiple values of any data type, accessed by their numerical index.

5.4 Accessing State Data in the Render Method

Now that we have defined the initial state, we need to access this data within our component’s render method to display it in the browser.

Render Method: The render method is a required method in React components. It is responsible for describing what the UI should look like based on the component’s props and state. React calls this method whenever it needs to update the UI.

Browser: A browser is a software application used to access and view websites and web applications on the internet. React applications are typically rendered and run within a web browser.

We can access the state object using this.state within the component. To access a specific property within the state, we use dot notation (e.g., this.state.todos).

Let’s modify the render method of our TodoList component to display the to-do items:

var TodoList = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            todos: ["Wash up", "Eat some cheese", "Take a nap"]
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div id="todo-list">
                <h3>The busiest people have the most leisure.</h3>

In this render method:

  • We create a div with an ID of “todo-list”. IDs are unique identifiers within the HTML DOM (Document Object Model).

    ID: In HTML, an ID is a unique identifier assigned to an HTML element. It’s used to target and manipulate specific elements using CSS or JavaScript.

    DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page structure as a tree of objects, where each object represents a part of the document. React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the actual browser DOM.

  • Inside the div, we have an h3 tag for a title.

  • We then use a <ul> tag (unordered list) to create a list.

  • Within the <ul>, we use <li> tags (list items) to display each to-do item.

  • Inside each <li> tag, we use curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions.

  • this.state.todos[0], this.state.todos[1], and this.state.todos[2] access the first, second, and third elements of the todos array from our component’s state, respectively.

  • <ul> and <li> are HTML tags used for creating lists.

    UL tag: The <ul> tag in HTML represents an unordered list. It’s used to display a list of items where the order does not matter, typically rendered as bullet points.

    li tag: The <li> tag in HTML represents a list item within an ordered list (<ol>) or an unordered list (<ul>). Each <li> tag represents a single item in the list.

Now, when this TodoList component is rendered in the browser, it will display a heading and a bulleted list of the to-do items defined in the initial state.

5.5 State and Props in Tandem: Component Hierarchy

Often, in React applications, components are structured in a tree structure, with parent components containing child components.

Tree Structure: A tree structure (or tree hierarchy) is a way of organizing data or components in a hierarchical manner, resembling a tree with a root, branches, and leaves. In React, component trees are common, where parent components contain and manage child components.

In such structures, parent components often manage the state, and then pass down relevant pieces of that state to child components as props.

Parent Component: In a component hierarchy, a parent component is a component that contains and renders other components (child components). It is higher up in the component tree.

Child Component: In a component hierarchy, a child component is a component that is rendered by another component (the parent component). It is nested within the parent component in the component tree.

Consider adding a ListComponent as a nested component inside our TodoList component.

Nested Component: A nested component is a component that is rendered within another component. It is a child component within a parent component, forming a component hierarchy.

var ListComponent = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (

var TodoList = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            todos: ["Wash up", "Eat some cheese", "Take a nap"]
    render: function() {
        return (
            <div id="todo-list">
                <h3>The busiest people have the most leisure.</h3>
                <ListComponent todos={this.state.todos} />

In this example:

  • We created a ListComponent that expects a todos prop. It then renders a <ul> list using the todos prop.
  • In the TodoList component, we still define the state with the todos array.
  • In the TodoList’s render method, we include the <ListComponent> tag.
  • We pass the todos array from the TodoList’s state to the ListComponent as a prop: todos={this.state.todos}.

This illustrates a common pattern: the parent component (TodoList) manages the state (todos), and it passes a portion of its state (todos) down to the child component (ListComponent) as props. The ListComponent then renders the list based on the props it receives.

5.6 State Immutability and Events (Brief Introduction)

It’s important to note that in React, state should be treated as immutable. This means you should not directly modify the state object. Instead, you should use methods like setState (which we will explore in detail in later chapters) to update the state.

Immutable: Immutable data cannot be changed after it is created. In React, state should be treated as immutable, meaning you should create new state objects rather than modifying existing ones to ensure predictable updates and performance.

When we want to change the state, often it’s in response to user interactions or other events. Events are actions that occur in the browser, such as a user clicking a button or typing in an input field.

Event: In programming, an event is an action or occurrence that happens in the system you are programming, which the system tells you about so your code can react to it. In web development, events often originate from user interactions with the browser, like clicks, mouse movements, or keyboard presses.

For example, to make our to-do list interactive, we might want to add functionality to add new items to the list. This would involve updating the component’s state in response to an event, such as clicking an “Add Item” button. We will learn how to handle events and update state in the next chapters.

5.7 Conclusion

This chapter introduced you to the fundamental concept of state in React. We learned how to define initial state using getInitialState, how to access state data in the render method, and how state and props work together in a component hierarchy. Understanding state is crucial for building dynamic and interactive React applications. In the next chapter, we will explore how to dynamically render lists from state data and further delve into state management and event handling. Stay tuned!

Understanding and Modifying Component State in React

This chapter will explore how to dynamically change the data within a React component, a concept known as modifying the component’s state. We will also touch upon the virtual DOM and its role in efficiently updating the user interface in React applications.

Initializing and Viewing Component State

In previous lessons, we learned how to set the initial state of a component. This state holds the data that determines what is rendered on the screen. Let’s revisit how we define the initial state and display it in our component.

// Example component (conceptual - based on transcript's example)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      age: 30

  render() {
    return (
        <p>Name: {}</p>
        <p>Age: {this.state.age}</p>

In this example, we initialized the state with two properties: name and age. We then displayed the age property within a <p> tag in the render method.

The Immutability of State and the setState() Method

While we have successfully set the initial state, directly modifying the state object like this.state.age = 35 is not recommended and will not trigger the necessary updates in React. React relies on a specific mechanism to detect state changes and efficiently re-render components. This mechanism is the setState() method.

State: In React, state is a plain JavaScript object used to represent information about the component’s current situation. It is private and fully controlled by the component. Changes in state trigger re-rendering of the component.

To properly update the component’s state, we must use the setState() method.

Using setState() to Update State

The setState() method is a built-in method in React components that allows us to update the component’s state in a controlled and React-friendly manner. It takes an object as an argument, where the keys of the object correspond to the state properties you wish to update.

Let’s demonstrate how to update the age property after a delay using setTimeout():

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      name: 'John Doe',
      age: 30

  componentDidMount() { // Using componentDidMount for side effects after initial render
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.setState({ age: 35 });
    }, 5000); // 5000 milliseconds = 5 seconds

  render() {
    return (
        <p>Name: {}</p>
        <p>Age: {this.state.age}</p>

In this code:

  1. We use setTimeout() to introduce a delay of 5 seconds before updating the state.
  2. Inside the setTimeout() callback function, we call this.setState({ age: 35 }). This instructs React to update the age property in the component’s state to 35.
  3. React then efficiently updates the component and the displayed output in the browser to reflect the new age.

Important Note on this Context:

In JavaScript, the value of this can be context-dependent. Inside the setTimeout() callback function, this might not automatically refer to the component instance. To ensure this refers to the component within the setTimeout callback, we can use arrow functions or bind(). In the example above, we used an arrow function which automatically binds this. If we were to use a traditional function expression, we would need to explicitly bind this:

setTimeout(function() {
  this.setState({ age: 35 }); // 'this' might be undefined here without binding
}.bind(this), 5000);

this: In JavaScript, this is a keyword that refers to the context in which a function is executed. Its value depends on how the function is called and can be crucial for accessing component properties and methods within class-based React components.

bind(): In JavaScript, bind() is a method that creates a new function with the this keyword set to a provided value. It is often used to ensure that this within a callback function or method refers to the intended object, such as a React component instance.

The Virtual DOM and Efficient Updates

React utilizes a concept called the virtual DOM to optimize updates to the actual DOM (Document Object Model) in the browser.

DOM (Document Object Model): The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of the document as a tree of objects, where each object represents a part of the document, like an element, attribute, or text. Browsers use the DOM to render web pages.

Virtual DOM: The virtual DOM is a lightweight in-memory representation of the actual DOM. React uses it as an abstraction layer to perform efficient updates to the real DOM by comparing the virtual DOM with the previous version and only updating the necessary parts of the actual DOM.

Here’s a simplified explanation of how the virtual DOM works in the context of state updates:

  1. Initial Render: When your React application loads for the first time, React creates a virtual DOM representing the initial state of your components and renders the actual DOM in the browser.

  2. State Update: When setState() is called, React does not directly manipulate the actual DOM. Instead, it:

    • Creates a new virtual DOM reflecting the updated state.
    • Compares this new virtual DOM with the previous virtual DOM.
    • Identifies the differences (changes) between the two virtual DOMs.
  3. Efficient DOM Update: React then efficiently updates only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed, based on the differences identified in the virtual DOM comparison. This process is called reconciliation.

By using the virtual DOM and reconciliation, React avoids expensive direct manipulations of the actual DOM for every state change. This significantly improves the performance and responsiveness of React applications, especially when dealing with frequent updates and complex user interfaces.


Understanding how to change component state using setState() is fundamental to building dynamic and interactive React applications. The setState() method ensures that React is aware of state changes and can efficiently update the user interface. Furthermore, React’s use of the virtual DOM optimizes the update process, making it a performant and efficient library for building web applications. By leveraging these concepts, developers can create rich user experiences that respond dynamically to user interactions and data changes.

Chapter 6: Dynamic Data Rendering in React with the map Function

Introduction to Dynamic Data in React Applications

Welcome to Chapter 6 of our React tutorial! In this chapter, we will explore an efficient method for rendering lists of data dynamically in React applications. Building upon our understanding of state from the previous chapter, we will now tackle scenarios where the amount of data to be displayed is not fixed or known beforehand.

In real-world applications, we often work with collections of data, such as lists of users, articles, or to-do items. These datasets are often retrieved from external sources or modified by user interactions, meaning the number of items can vary. Hardcoding each item individually into our React components becomes impractical and unsustainable in such situations.

Consider the example from our last tutorial where we displayed data directly from the component’s state. While this is a good starting point, it becomes inefficient when dealing with arrays or lists of data. We need a more flexible and dynamic approach to render this information.

This chapter introduces the JavaScript map function within the context of React to solve this problem. The map function allows us to iterate over arrays of data and transform each element into React elements, enabling dynamic rendering of lists.

React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage complex user interfaces efficiently.

State: In React, state is a built-in object that components use to contain data that may change over time. When state data changes, React re-renders the component to reflect these changes in the user interface.

The Challenge of Hardcoded Data Rendering

Let’s revisit the scenario where we displayed data directly within our JSX (JavaScript XML) in the render function. Imagine we have an array of to-do items in our component’s state:

state = {
  todos: ['Buy groceries', 'Walk the dog', 'Learn React']

If we were to render these items directly, we might initially think of doing something like this (conceptually, not recommended practice):

render() {
  return (

This approach has several critical limitations:

  • Inflexibility: If the number of to-do items changes (e.g., we add or remove an item), we would need to manually update our JSX code. This is not scalable or maintainable.
  • Hardcoding: We are directly referencing specific indices of the array (0, 1, 2). This is hardcoded and doesn’t adapt to arrays of different lengths.
  • Repetitive Code: For each item, we are writing similar JSX structures, leading to code duplication and making it harder to manage.

We need a solution that can dynamically adapt to the number of items in our data array and render them efficiently without hardcoding. This is where the map function becomes invaluable.

JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript files. It is used in React to describe the structure of the user interface. JSX code is transformed into regular JavaScript function calls by tools like Babel.

Introducing the JavaScript map Function for Dynamic Rendering

The map function in JavaScript is a powerful tool for transforming arrays. It iterates over each element in an array and applies a provided function to each element, creating a new array with the results of those function calls. This is perfectly suited for our needs in React, where we want to transform an array of data into an array of React elements for rendering.

Array: A data structure that stores a collection of elements, typically of the same data type, in a specific order. Arrays in JavaScript are dynamic and can hold elements of different types.

Function (in JavaScript): A block of organized, reusable code that performs a specific task. Functions in JavaScript are first-class citizens, meaning they can be treated like any other value – assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned from functions.

How map Works: A Conceptual Example

Let’s illustrate how map works with a simple example outside of React. Suppose we have an array of numbers and we want to create a new array where each number is doubled:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const doubledNumbers = {
  return number * 2;

console.log(doubledNumbers); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

In this example:

  1. calls the map function on the numbers array.
  2. We provide a function as an argument to map. This function will be executed for each element in the numbers array.
  3. The function takes a single argument, number, which represents the current element being processed in the array.
  4. return number * 2; inside the function specifies that for each number, we want to return its doubled value.
  5. map creates a new array, doubledNumbers, containing the results returned by the function for each element.

This same principle applies to transforming data into React elements.

Implementing Dynamic Rendering with map in React

Let’s apply the map function to our to-do list example in React. We will modify the render function to use map to iterate over the todos array in our state and generate a list of <li> (list item) elements.

Here’s the step-by-step implementation based on the transcript:

1. Accessing State Data:

First, inside the render function, we create a local variable todos to hold a copy of our state’s todos array. This is a good practice to avoid directly manipulating the state within the render function.

render() {
  const todos = this.state.todos; // Create a local variable 'todos'
  // ... rest of the render function

Variable: A named storage location in a computer’s memory used to hold a value. In JavaScript, variables are declared using keywords like const, let, or var.

2. Applying the map Function:

Next, we use the map function on our todos array. The map function takes a callback function as an argument. This callback function will be executed for each item in the todos array.

render() {
  const todos = this.state.todos;
  const todoItems =, index) {
    // ... function body to transform each item
  // ... rest of the render function

The callback function in map typically receives two arguments:

  • item: The current element being processed in the array (in our case, a to-do string like “Buy groceries”).
  • index: The index of the current element in the array (0, 1, 2, …). While not strictly necessary for simple text rendering in this example, the index becomes crucial when dealing with lists that might be reordered or require unique keys (which we will discuss in later chapters).

Arguments (of a function): Values passed to a function when it is called. Arguments provide input to the function, allowing it to operate on different data each time it is invoked.

3. Transforming Data into React Elements:

Inside the callback function of map, we need to return a React element for each item. In this case, we want to render each to-do item as a list item (<li>).

render() {
  const todos = this.state.todos;
  const todoItems =, index) {
    return <li>{item}</li>; // Return a <li> element for each todo item
  // ... rest of the render function

Here, for each item in the todos array, we are creating an <li> element. The text content of the <li> element is set to the item itself using JSX syntax {item}.

HTML tags (like <li>): HTML (HyperText Markup Language) tags are the basic building blocks of web pages. <li> is an HTML tag that represents a list item, typically used within ordered (<ol>) or unordered (<ul>) lists.

4. Rendering the Transformed Elements:

Finally, we need to render the todoItems array, which now contains an array of <li> elements. We can directly embed this array within our JSX. React is smart enough to render an array of React elements correctly.

render() {
  const todos = this.state.todos;
  const todoItems =, index) {
    return <li>{item}</li>;

  return (
        {todoItems} {/* Render the array of <li> elements */}

We wrap the todoItems array in a <ul> (unordered list) tag to structure the output as a standard HTML list.

Render function: A core method in React components. It is responsible for describing what the UI (User Interface) should look like based on the component’s current state and props. React calls the render function whenever it needs to update the UI.

Complete Code Example:

Putting it all together, our component’s code now looks like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  state = {
    todos: ['Buy groceries', 'Walk the dog', 'Learn React']

  render() {
    const todos = this.state.todos;
    const todoItems =, index) {
      return <li key={index}>{item}</li>; // Added key for best practice (explained later)

    return (
        <h1>My To-Do List</h1>

export default MyComponent;

Note on key prop: In the code above, we’ve added a key={index} prop to the <li> element. While the transcript doesn’t explicitly mention it, it’s crucial to include keys when rendering lists in React. Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Using the index as a key is acceptable for simple lists where the order doesn’t change, but for more complex scenarios, especially when items can be reordered or filtered, using a unique identifier from your data is highly recommended. We will delve deeper into the importance of keys in a later chapter.

Benefits of Using map for Dynamic Rendering

Using the map function for rendering lists dynamically offers several significant advantages:

  • Dynamic Updates: If the todos array in our state changes (e.g., we add or remove items), React will automatically re-render the component, and the list will update accordingly without requiring manual code changes.
  • Code Reusability and Readability: The code becomes more concise and easier to understand compared to hardcoding each item individually. The map function clearly expresses the intent of transforming an array of data into a list of UI elements.
  • Scalability: This approach scales effortlessly to lists of any size. Whether you have 3 items or 3000, the map function handles it efficiently.
  • Maintainability: Changes to the data structure or the way items are rendered are easier to manage and modify in a centralized manner within the map function.


In this chapter, we’ve learned how to use the JavaScript map function in React to dynamically render lists of data. This technique is fundamental for building interactive and data-driven React applications. By leveraging map, we can efficiently handle varying amounts of data and ensure our UI updates automatically in response to data changes.

This dynamic rendering approach is a cornerstone of React development, enabling us to create flexible and maintainable user interfaces that adapt to real-world data scenarios. In the following chapters, we will continue to build upon these concepts and explore more advanced techniques for data manipulation and rendering in React.

Dynamic rendering: A technique in web development where the content of a web page is generated or updated in response to user interactions or data changes, rather than being pre-defined in static HTML. In React, dynamic rendering is achieved through state management and conditional rendering, allowing the UI to react to changes and user input.

Component Nesting in React: Building Complex UIs from Reusable Parts

This chapter delves into the concept of component nesting in React, a fundamental technique for building complex and maintainable user interfaces. We will explore how nesting components allows you to structure your application into reusable and organized parts, making your codebase cleaner and easier to manage.

Introduction to Component Nesting

In React, components are the building blocks of your UI. They encapsulate specific parts of your user interface and their associated logic. Component nesting is the process of embedding one component within another. This hierarchical structure allows you to create complex UIs by composing smaller, independent components.

As previously discussed, React encourages a component-based architecture. Imagine building a to-do list application. Instead of creating one monolithic component for the entire list, we can break it down into smaller, more manageable components.

Component: In React, a component is a reusable, self-contained unit of code that represents a part of the user interface. It can be thought of as a JavaScript function or class that optionally accepts inputs (props) and returns a React element describing what should appear on the screen.

In this chapter, we will focus on nesting a “to-do item” component within a broader “to-do list” component. This approach mirrors how you might naturally structure UI elements – a list is composed of individual list items.

Creating Parent and Child Components: The To-Do List Example

Let’s consider a scenario where we want to display a to-do list. We can structure this using two components:

  • Parent Component (To-Do Component): This component will represent the entire to-do list and manage the overall structure.
  • Child Component (To-Do Item Component): This component will represent a single to-do item within the list.

This parent-child relationship is central to component nesting. The parent component is responsible for the overall context and structure, while the child component handles the details of a specific part within that structure.

Modifying the Parent Component (To-Do Component)

Initially, our ToDo component might directly render a list of <li> elements. However, to leverage component nesting, we will modify it to render our new ToDoItem component instead.

We begin by removing the direct rendering of <li> elements within the ToDo component. Instead of directly outputting HTML list items, we will now iterate through our to-do items and render the ToDoItem component for each item.

// Inside the render function of ToDo component (Conceptual example)
{, index) => {
    return (
      <ToDoItem /> //  We will replace this with the actual component and props

Passing Data to Nested Components: Props

To make our ToDoItem component dynamic and display different to-do items, we need to pass data from the parent ToDo component to the child ToDoItem component. This is achieved using props.

Props (Properties): Props are inputs passed to a React component from its parent component. They are read-only from the perspective of the child component and are used to customize the component’s rendering and behavior. Props are the primary mechanism for data flow in React component hierarchies.

In our example, we want to pass the actual to-do item text (like “wash up,” “eat some cheese”) to the ToDoItem component. We do this by adding attributes to the <ToDoItem> tag in the parent component, similar to how you add attributes to HTML tags. We’ll name this prop item and assign the current item from our map function to it.

// Inside the render function of ToDo component (Conceptual example)
{, index) => {
    return (
      <ToDoItem item={item} /> // Passing the 'item' as a prop

The key Prop: Efficient List Rendering in React

When rendering lists of components in React, it’s crucial to provide a special prop called key. This prop helps React efficiently update and re-render lists.

key prop: A special string attribute you need to include when creating lists of elements in React. Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed. Keys should be stable and predictable, ideally based on unique identifiers from your data. Using keys improves performance, especially when lists are dynamically updated.

In our map function, we are creating a list of ToDoItem components. To ensure React can efficiently manage this list, we will add a key prop to each ToDoItem component. We can use the index from the map function as the key in this case, although in more complex scenarios, using a unique ID from your data is recommended.

// Inside the render function of ToDo component (Conceptual example)
{, index) => {
    return (
      <ToDoItem item={item} key={index} /> // Adding the 'key' prop

Creating the Child Component: To-Do Item Component

Now, let’s create the ToDoItem component. We will use React.createClass to define this component, similar to how the ToDo component might have been initially created (though modern React often uses functional components with hooks, React.createClass is used in the transcript example).

const ToDoItem = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
      // HTML structure for a single to-do item will go here

Inside the render function of ToDoItem, we will define the HTML structure for a single to-do item. Since each ToDoItem is intended to be within an unordered list (<ul>) in the parent ToDo component, the root element in ToDoItem’s render function should be an <li> tag.

const ToDoItem = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
        {/* Content of the to-do item */}

Accessing Props in the Child Component

To display the to-do item text that we passed as a prop from the parent component, we need to access it within the ToDoItem component. Props are accessible within a component through this.props. Since we named our prop item, we can access the to-do item text using this.props.item.

const ToDoItem = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
        <div className="to-do-item">
          <span className="to-do-item-name">
            {this.props.item} {/* Accessing the 'item' prop */}

render() method: A lifecycle method in React class components that is responsible for describing the UI for a component. It must be a pure function, meaning it should not modify component state, and it should return a React element (JSX or React.createElement).

We are also adding <div> and <span> elements with className attributes to style the to-do item.

JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code. JSX is not HTML itself, but it is transformed into standard JavaScript function calls (React.createElement) by tools like Babel during the build process.

className: In JSX, className is used instead of class to specify CSS classes for HTML elements. This is because class is a reserved keyword in JavaScript. className behaves identically to the class attribute in HTML.

Component Hierarchy and Data Flow

By nesting ToDoItem components within the ToDo component, we have established a component hierarchy. The ToDo component is the parent, and each ToDoItem component is a child. Data flows downwards in this hierarchy, from parent to child, through props.

When React renders the ToDo component, it iterates through the to-do items and renders a ToDoItem component for each. Each ToDoItem component receives its specific to-do item text as a prop and renders it accordingly.

This structure makes our code more organized and reusable. The ToDoItem component is now responsible only for rendering a single to-do item, making it easier to understand, maintain, and potentially reuse in other parts of our application or in different projects.


Component nesting is a powerful technique in React that allows you to build complex UIs by breaking them down into smaller, reusable, and manageable components. By understanding parent-child relationships, props for data passing, and the importance of keys for list rendering, you can create well-structured and efficient React applications. This chapter provided a foundational understanding of component nesting using a practical to-do list example, setting the stage for more advanced component patterns and techniques in React development.

Introduction to Event Handling in React

In React development, creating interactive web applications is a fundamental goal. Interactivity involves responding to user actions, known as events. These events can range from simple mouse clicks and keyboard inputs to more complex interactions like hovering over elements or submitting forms. React provides a robust and straightforward way to handle these events, allowing developers to build dynamic and engaging user interfaces.

Event: In the context of web development, an event is an action or occurrence that happens in the browser, such as a user clicking a button, a page loading, or a form being submitted.

This chapter will guide you through the process of handling events in React, starting with basic event setup and progressing to more complex scenarios involving component interaction and data manipulation. We will explore how to attach event listeners to React elements and define functions to execute in response to these events.

Basic Event Handling in React

React’s approach to event handling is similar to handling events in standard HTML DOM (Document Object Model), but with some key differences and optimizations that are specific to React’s component-based architecture.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects; that way, programming languages can interact with the page.

Setting up a Simple Click Event

Let’s begin by demonstrating how to attach a simple click event to an HTML element within a React component. Consider a paragraph element (<p>) where we want to trigger an action when a user clicks on it.

In React, event handlers are attached directly within the JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax of your components. The syntax for handling events involves using on[EventName] as an attribute on the JSX element, where [EventName] is the React event you want to listen for (e.g., onClick, onMouseOver, onChange). The value of this attribute is a function that will be executed when the event occurs.

JSX (JavaScript XML): JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript files. It is used in React to describe the structure of user interfaces. JSX gets transformed into regular JavaScript function calls that create DOM elements.

Here’s how to attach a click event to a <p> tag and log a message to the console when it’s clicked:

  1. Define an event handler function within your component. This function will contain the logic to be executed when the event is triggered. It is common practice to define these functions as methods within your component class.

    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
                <p onClick={this.handleClick}>
                    Click me!
        handleClick() {
            console.log("You clicked me!");
  2. Attach the event handler to the JSX element. In the render() method, add the onClick attribute to the <p> tag. Set its value to {this.handleClick}. Notice that we use curly braces {} to embed JavaScript expressions within JSX. this.handleClick refers to the handleClick function defined within the component.

    render() method: In React class components, the render() method is a lifecycle method that is responsible for describing what the UI (User Interface) should look like based on the current props and state. It returns JSX which React uses to update the DOM.

    this keyword: In JavaScript classes, this generally refers to the instance of the class. In React components, this within component methods refers to the component instance itself, allowing access to component properties like state and props, as well as other methods defined within the component.

When a user clicks on the <p> element in the browser, the handleClick function will be executed, and “You clicked me!” will be logged to the browser’s console.

Event Handler Function Definition

In the example above, handleClick is our event handler function. It’s a standard JavaScript function defined as a method within the MyComponent class. Key points about event handler functions:

  • Naming Convention: It’s a common convention to name event handler functions starting with handle followed by the event name (e.g., handleClick, handleChange, handleSubmit).
  • Function Binding: In class components, when you pass a method as an event handler (like this.handleClick), React automatically binds this to the component instance within the handler. This ensures that you can access component properties (like state and props) within the event handler using this.

More Complex Event Handling: Deleting List Items

Let’s consider a more practical and slightly more complex scenario: deleting an item from a list when a user clicks a “delete” button associated with that item. This example will demonstrate event handling in nested components and how to pass event handlers down through the component hierarchy.

Imagine we have a list of to-do items rendered by a parent component (TodoList). Each item is rendered by a child component (TodoItem). We want to add a delete button (represented by an “X”) next to each item in the TodoItem component. When this “X” is clicked, we want to remove the corresponding item from the list which is managed by the TodoList component.

Component Structure and Data Flow

  • TodoList Component (Parent): This component manages the list of to-do items. It holds the list data in its state.
  • TodoItem Component (Child): This component renders a single to-do item. It receives the item data as props from the TodoList component. It will also contain the “delete” button.

The challenge here is that the delete action needs to modify the state in the TodoList component (the parent), but the click event originates in the TodoItem component (the child). We need a way to communicate this event from the child back up to the parent.

Implementing the Delete Functionality

  1. Add a Delete Button to TodoItem: In the TodoItem component, add a <span> element to represent the delete button (the “X”). Attach an onClick event handler to this <span>.

    class TodoItem extends React.Component {
        render() {
            const item = this.props.item; // Assuming item data is passed as a prop
            return (
                    <span className="item-delete" onClick={this.handleDeleteClick}>
        handleDeleteClick() {
            //  Event handler logic will be added in the next step
  2. Create a handleDelete function in the TodoList Component: This function will be responsible for updating the state of TodoList to remove the item. This function will need to know which item to delete.

    class TodoList extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
            this.state = {
                todos: ["Buy groceries", "Walk the dog", "Learn React"]
            this.handleDeleteItem = this.handleDeleteItem.bind(this); // Bind 'this'
        render() {
            const todoItems =, index) => (
                <TodoItem key={index} item={todo} onDelete={this.handleDeleteItem} />
            return (
        handleDeleteItem(itemToDelete) {
            const updatedTodos = this.state.todos.filter(todo => todo !== itemToDelete);
            this.setState({ todos: updatedTodos });

    state: In React, state is a built-in object that components use to hold information that may change over the lifetime of the component. When the state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect those changes in the UI. State is managed locally within a component.

    props (Properties): Props are inputs to React components. They are data passed down from parent components to child components. Props are immutable within the child component, meaning a child component cannot directly change the props it receives.

    filter() method: In JavaScript, the filter() method is used on arrays. It creates a new array containing only the elements from the original array that pass a certain condition (provided by a callback function).

    setState() method: setState() is a method in React components used to update the component’s state. It triggers a re-render of the component and its children, updating the UI to reflect the new state. It’s the primary way to update the UI in response to user interactions or other events.

  3. Pass the handleDeleteItem function as a prop to TodoItem: In the TodoList’s render() method, when we render each TodoItem, we pass the handleDeleteItem function as a prop called onDelete.

    <TodoItem key={index} item={todo} onDelete={this.handleDeleteItem} />
  4. Call the onDelete prop in TodoItem’s handleDeleteClick: Now, in the TodoItem component’s handleDeleteClick function, we can access the onDelete prop (which is actually the handleDeleteItem function from TodoList) and call it, passing the item to be deleted as an argument.

    class TodoItem extends React.Component {
        // ... (render method remains the same)
        handleDeleteClick() {
            this.props.onDelete(this.props.item); // Call the onDelete prop, passing the item

    props.onDelete: Inside the TodoItem component, this.props.onDelete refers to the function that was passed down as the onDelete prop from the parent TodoList component.

Explanation of Data Flow:

  • When the “X” is clicked in TodoItem, handleDeleteClick in TodoItem is executed.
  • handleDeleteClick calls this.props.onDelete(this.props.item). This is invoking the handleDeleteItem function that was passed down as a prop from TodoList. It also passes the item prop (the to-do item string) as an argument to handleDeleteItem.
  • The handleDeleteItem function in TodoList receives the itemToDelete argument.
  • It then uses filter() to create a new array updatedTodos that excludes the itemToDelete.
  • Finally, this.setState({ todos: updatedTodos }) updates the TodoList’s state with the new array, causing React to re-render the TodoList and its children, and the deleted item is removed from the displayed list.


This chapter has demonstrated the fundamental concepts of event handling in React. We’ve covered:

  • Setting up basic click events using onClick and defining event handler functions.
  • Understanding the role of this in event handlers within class components.
  • Handling more complex scenarios, such as deleting list items, which involved passing event handlers as props from parent to child components.
  • Using state and setState() to update component data and trigger UI re-renders in response to events.

By mastering event handling in React, you gain the ability to create interactive and dynamic web applications that respond effectively to user actions, making your applications engaging and user-friendly. Remember to consult the official React documentation for a comprehensive list of all supported events and further details on advanced event handling techniques.

Chapter 9: Modularizing React Code for Better Organization

Introduction: The Importance of Code Modularity in React Development

As React applications grow in complexity, managing code within a single file can become increasingly challenging. Long files are difficult to navigate, understand, and maintain. To address this, React development emphasizes modularization, a technique that involves breaking down code into smaller, independent, and reusable modules. This chapter explores how to modularize React components and CSS to improve code organization, maintainability, and scalability.

Modularization: The process of dividing a software system into smaller, self-contained, and independent parts or modules that can be managed and developed separately.

In this chapter, we will focus on separating React components into individual files and managing component-specific CSS. This approach not only makes our codebase cleaner but also enhances collaboration and reduces the risk of conflicts as projects expand.

9.1 Separating Components into Modules

In React, components are the building blocks of user interfaces. As we build applications, we create various components to handle different parts of the UI. Initially, we might define all components within a single file, such as index.js. However, as the number of components grows, this file can become unwieldy.

Component: A reusable, self-contained building block in a user interface, responsible for rendering a part of the UI and managing its own logic and data.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a parent component (Todo) and a child component (TodoItem). Initially, both might be defined in index.js. To modularize this, we can move the TodoItem component into its own dedicated file.

9.1.1 Creating a New Component File

The first step is to create a new file specifically for the TodoItem component. In your project’s app folder, create a new file named TodoItem.js. This file will house the code for our TodoItem component.

9.1.2 Moving Component Code

Next, we need to extract the code for the TodoItem component from the index.js file and move it into the newly created TodoItem.js file. Carefully cut the component’s definition (including the React.createClass block for TodoItem) from index.js and paste it into TodoItem.js.

It’s crucial to leave the code responsible for rendering the root component into the DOM (typically using ReactDOM.render) within the index.js file, as this file often serves as the entry point for our application.

9.1.3 Importing Components using require

After moving the TodoItem component to its own file, the index.js file no longer automatically knows about it. To use the TodoItem component within index.js, we need to import it. In this context, we are using the require statement, a common way to import modules in JavaScript environments, particularly when using module bundlers like Webpack.

Module: A self-contained unit of code that encapsulates functionality and can be reused in different parts of an application or in other applications.

Require: In JavaScript (specifically in Node.js and older JavaScript module systems), a function used to import modules or external files into the current file.

Webpack: A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications that compiles JavaScript modules, along with their dependencies, into static assets for use in a browser.

Add the following line at the top of your index.js file, typically after any other require statements or comments:

var TodoItem = require('./TodoItem');

This line does the following:

  • var TodoItem =: Declares a variable named TodoItem to store the imported component.
  • require('./TodoItem'): Uses the require function to import the module located at the path ./TodoItem. The ./ indicates that the TodoItem.js file is in the same directory as index.js. Webpack, behind the scenes, handles resolving this path and finding the TodoItem.js file. Note that you don’t need to specify the .js extension; Webpack is configured to understand JavaScript files by default.

9.2 Understanding Module Export and Import

For the require statement to work correctly, we need to explicitly export the TodoItem component from the TodoItem.js file. This tells JavaScript which parts of the TodoItem.js module should be made available when it is imported elsewhere.

9.2.1 Exporting Components using module.exports

In TodoItem.js, at the very end of the file, add the following line:

module.exports = TodoItem;

Module.exports: In Node.js and CommonJS module systems, an object used to define what a module exports and makes available to other modules that import it using require.

This line uses module.exports to make the TodoItem component available for import. Essentially, we are saying, “when another file requires this module, make the TodoItem variable accessible.”

9.2.2 Importing Components: A Review

Let’s reiterate the import process in index.js:

var TodoItem = require('./TodoItem');

This line now successfully imports the TodoItem component because:

  1. TodoItem.js exports the TodoItem component using module.exports.
  2. index.js uses require('./TodoItem') to import this exported component.
  3. Webpack handles the process of resolving the module path and making the exported component available.

9.2.3 The Role of Webpack in Module Bundling

The ability to use require and split code into separate modules is largely due to Webpack. Webpack acts as a module bundler. It analyzes your application’s dependencies and combines them into a single file or a small number of files that are optimized for browsers.

Bundling: The process of combining multiple JavaScript modules and their dependencies into a single file or a smaller set of files, often done by tools like Webpack to optimize for browser performance.

Webpack transforms code that browsers might not natively understand (like require statements and modern JavaScript syntax) into browser-compatible code. This process is crucial for enabling modular development in React applications. Modern React projects often utilize ES6 import syntax as an alternative to require, which is also handled by Webpack.

ES6 import: A modern JavaScript syntax (introduced in ECMAScript 2015 or ES6) for importing modules, offering a more standardized and declarative approach compared to require.

9.3 Resolving “React is not defined” Error

After modularizing components, you might encounter an error in the browser console: “React is not defined.” This error typically occurs because each component file is now a separate module and needs to explicitly import React if it uses React functionalities like React.createClass.

9.3.1 Common Errors and Solutions: Importing React

Even though you might have already imported React in your index.js file, you must also import it in TodoItem.js (and any other component files that use React). This is because each module has its own scope and dependencies.

To fix the “React is not defined” error in TodoItem.js, add the following line at the very top of the file:

var React = require('react');

React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In this context, it refers to the core React library that provides functionalities like component creation (React.createClass) and JSX transformation.

This ensures that the React library is available within the scope of the TodoItem.js module, resolving the error and allowing the component to function correctly. Remember that you need to import React in every component file where you use React-specific features.

9.4 Modularizing CSS: Component-Based Styling

Just as we modularize JavaScript code, we can also modularize CSS in React applications. Instead of having a single, large CSS file for the entire application, we can associate CSS styles with individual components. This approach, known as component-based CSS, offers several advantages:

Component-based CSS: An approach to CSS organization where CSS styles are associated with individual UI components, promoting encapsulation and maintainability.

  • Encapsulation: Styles are scoped to components, reducing the risk of style conflicts and making components more self-contained.
  • Maintainability: Changes to a component’s styles are less likely to affect other parts of the application.
  • Organization: CSS becomes more structured and easier to manage, especially in larger projects.

9.4.1 Setting up CSS Loaders in Webpack

To import CSS files directly into JavaScript components, we need to configure Webpack to use CSS loaders. CSS loaders are Webpack modules that process CSS files, allowing us to import them like JavaScript modules. Typically, we use two loaders in conjunction: css-loader and style-loader.

CSS loaders (style-loader and css-loader): Webpack loaders that allow Webpack to process CSS files. css-loader interprets @import and url() like import/require() and style-loader injects CSS into the DOM.

  • css-loader: Interprets @import and url() statements in CSS files, resolving dependencies and processing the CSS.
  • style-loader: Takes the CSS processed by css-loader and injects it into the DOM by wrapping it in <style> tags within the HTML document.

DOM (Document Object Model): A programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content.

The Webpack configuration file (webpack.config.js) usually includes a section that defines loaders for different file types. For CSS, you would typically have a rule that looks something like this:

module: {
  loaders: [
      test: /\.css$/,
      loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']

This rule tells Webpack: “For any file ending with .css, apply the style-loader and css-loader.”

9.4.2 Importing CSS in Components using require

Once CSS loaders are configured in Webpack, you can import CSS files directly into your React components using require statements, just like JavaScript modules.

For example, to import a CSS file named TodoItem.css into the TodoItem component, add the following line at the top of TodoItem.js:


This line tells Webpack to process TodoItem.css using the configured CSS loaders and inject the styles into the DOM when the TodoItem component is rendered.

9.5 Implementing CSS Modularization: A Practical Example

Let’s walk through the steps to implement component-based CSS for our TodoItem and Todo (parent component, often residing in index.js) components.

9.5.1 Creating CSS Files

First, create a new folder named css in your app directory to organize your CSS files. Inside the css folder, create two new CSS files:

  • index.css: For styles specific to the parent component (often in index.js).
  • TodoItem.css: For styles specific to the TodoItem component.

Add your CSS styles to these files. For example, TodoItem.css might contain styles for the individual to-do items.

9.5.2 Organizing CSS Files: Folder Structure

Keeping CSS files in a dedicated css folder within your app directory is a good practice for project organization. This structure makes it clear where CSS files are located and helps maintain a clean project layout.

├── css/
│   ├── index.css
│   └── TodoItem.css
├── TodoItem.js
└── index.js

9.5.3 Importing CSS Files into Components

Now, import the respective CSS files into your component files using require at the top of each file:

In index.js:

require('./css/index.css'); // Import styles for the parent component
var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var TodoItem = require('./TodoItem');
// ... rest of index.js code

In TodoItem.js:

require('./css/TodoItem.css'); // Import styles for the TodoItem component
var React = require('react');
// ... rest of TodoItem.js code

Ensure that the paths in the require statements correctly point to your CSS files. ./css/index.css and ./css/TodoItem.css assume the css folder is in the same directory as index.js and TodoItem.js respectively.

9.6 Installing CSS Loaders and Running the Application

If you haven’t already installed style-loader and css-loader, you need to do so using npm install. These loaders are typically installed as dev dependencies because they are primarily used during development and build processes.

npm install: A command in Node Package Manager (npm) used to download and install packages (libraries and tools) from the npm registry.

Dev dependencies: Packages that are required for development purposes (like testing, building, or linting) but are not needed in the production build of an application.

9.6.1 Installing Required Packages

Open your terminal in your project directory and run the following command:

npm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev

This command will:

  • npm install: Instruct npm to install packages.
  • style-loader css-loader: Specify the packages to install (style-loader and css-loader).
  • --save-dev: Save these packages as dev dependencies in your package.json file.

9.6.2 Running the Development Server (npm start)

After installing the CSS loaders, you need to restart your development server for the changes to take effect. Typically, you can do this by running the npm start command in your terminal.

npm start: A common npm script defined in package.json that typically starts the development server or runs the build process for an application.

npm start

Webpack will now process your CSS files, and the styles defined in index.css and TodoItem.css should be applied to your React components when you view your application in the browser.

Conclusion: Benefits of Modular Code and CSS

By modularizing React components and CSS, we have achieved a more organized, maintainable, and scalable codebase. Splitting components into separate files and associating CSS with components promotes encapsulation, reduces complexity, and makes it easier to work on larger React applications. This chapter has demonstrated the fundamental techniques for modularization using require, module.exports, and Webpack CSS loaders, laying a solid foundation for building robust and well-structured React projects.

Review Questions

  1. Explain the benefits of modularizing React components.
  2. Describe the roles of require and module.exports in JavaScript module systems.
  3. What are CSS loaders in Webpack, and why are they necessary for component-based CSS?
  4. Outline the steps to modularize a React component and its associated CSS.

Input References in React: Adding Interactivity to Components

This chapter explores the concept of input references in React, a powerful technique for accessing and manipulating DOM elements directly within your React components. We will build upon a simple to-do list application to demonstrate how input references can be used to add new items to the list via a form.

1. Enhancing the To-Do List Application

Our existing to-do list application allows users to view and delete items from a list. To enhance its functionality, we aim to implement a feature that allows users to add new items to the list. This will be achieved by incorporating a form element into our application.

The intended workflow is as follows:

  • A user interacts with a form containing an input field and an “Add” button.
  • Upon clicking the “Add” button, the text entered in the input field is captured.
  • This new item is then added to the list of to-dos displayed in the application.

To implement this, we will follow these steps:

  1. Create a new component: We will create a dedicated React component to handle the form for adding new items.
  2. Handle user input: We will use input references to access the value entered by the user in the input field.
  3. Update application state: We will implement a mechanism to pass the new item data from the form component to the parent component, which manages the application’s state and ultimately updates the to-do list.

2. Creating the AddItem Component

The first step is to create a new React component responsible for rendering the input form. We will name this component AddItem.

2.1. Setting up addItem.js

Create a new file named addItem.js within your application’s directory. This file will house the code for our AddItem component.

2.2. Importing React

Every React component needs to import the React library. Add the following line at the top of addItem.js:

var React = require('react');


React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It allows developers to create reusable UI elements and efficiently update them in response to data changes.

2.3. Defining the AddItem Component

We will use React.createClass to define our AddItem component. Within this component, we need to define at least a render function, which dictates what HTML structure the component will output.

var AddItem = React.createClass({
    render: function(){
        return (
            // HTML structure will be defined here


In React, a component is a reusable, self-contained building block that encapsulates its own logic and UI. Components allow for modularity and easier management of complex user interfaces.

2.4. Structuring the Form in the render Function

Inside the render function, we will define the HTML structure for our form. This will include a <form> element, a text <input> field for user input, and a submit <input> button.

render: function(){
    return (
        <form id="add-todo">
            <input type="text" ref="newItem" required />
            <input type="submit" value="Hit Me" />
  • We enclose the input elements within a <form> tag.
  • The text input field has type="text" and the attribute required to ensure the user provides input before submission.
  • Crucially, we introduce ref="newItem" to the text input. This is how we establish a reference to this specific input element, which we will use later to access its value.
  • The submit button has type="submit" and the value="Hit Me" which sets the text displayed on the button.

Render function

The render function in a React component is responsible for describing the UI that should be displayed on the screen. It returns JSX, which React uses to create and update the actual DOM elements.

2.5. Exporting the Component

To make the AddItem component usable in other parts of our application, we need to export it. Add the following line at the end of addItem.js:

module.exports = AddItem;

Module exports/require

In JavaScript, module.exports and require are part of the CommonJS module system, used for organizing and sharing code between different files. module.exports makes a component or variable available for import, while require is used to import and use exported modules in other files.

3. Integrating AddItem into the Main Application Component (index.js)

Now that we have created the AddItem component, we need to integrate it into our main application component, which is likely located in index.js (based on the transcript).

3.1. Importing AddItem

Open index.js and import the AddItem component using require:

var AddItem = require('./addItem');

This line imports the AddItem component we just created, making it available for use in index.js.

3.2. Nesting AddItem in the render Function

Within the render function of your main application component in index.js, locate the section where you want to display the form. Then, include the <AddItem /> tag to nest the AddItem component:

render: function(){
    return (
        <div id="todo-list">
            {/* ... other components and elements ... */}
            <AddItem />

By including <AddItem />, we are rendering an instance of the AddItem component within our main application’s UI.

4. Handling Form Submission and Input References

With the form now visible in our application, we need to implement the logic to handle form submission and retrieve the user’s input using references.

4.1. onSubmit Event Handler

To trigger an action when the form is submitted (when the user clicks “Hit Me”), we need to add an onSubmit event handler to the <form> element in addItem.js. This handler will call a function within the AddItem component when the form is submitted.

Modify the <form> tag in addItem.js as follows:

<form id="add-todo" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
    {/* ... input elements ... */}

Event handler (onSubmit)

An event handler is a function that is executed when a specific event occurs, such as a user clicking a button or submitting a form. In React, event handlers are typically set as props on JSX elements, like onSubmit for form submission events.

Here, onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} tells React to call the handleSubmit function (which we will define next) when the form is submitted. this refers to the AddItem component instance.

4.2. Creating the handleSubmit Function

Inside the AddItem component in addItem.js, add the handleSubmit function after the render function:

var AddItem = React.createClass({
    render: function(){
        // ... render function ...
    handleSubmit: function(e){
        // Function logic will be added here

The handleSubmit function will receive an event object (e) as an argument. This object contains information about the submit event.

4.3. Accessing Input Value using refs

Within the handleSubmit function, we can now access the value entered by the user in the text input field using the ref we defined earlier (newItem).

handleSubmit: function(e){

this.refs.newItem gives us access to the actual DOM element of the input field that we referenced with ref="newItem". However, simply logging this.refs.newItem will show the input element itself, not its value.

refs (References)

In React, refs (references) provide a way to access DOM nodes or React elements directly within your component. They are primarily used for accessing and manipulating DOM elements, such as input fields, when necessary.

4.4. Preventing Default Form Submission and Accessing the Value

When a form is submitted, the default browser behavior is to reload the page. We need to prevent this default behavior in React applications and handle the form submission programmatically. Additionally, to get the actual value typed into the input, we need to access the value property of the input element.

Modify the handleSubmit function as follows:

handleSubmit: function(e){
    e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission
  • e.preventDefault(); prevents the default form submission behavior, stopping the page from reloading.


event.preventDefault() is a JavaScript method that is used to prevent the default action of an event from occurring. For example, when used in a form’s onSubmit event handler, it stops the form from submitting in the traditional browser way (which usually involves page reload).

  • this.refs.newItem.value now accesses the value property of the input element, which contains the text entered by the user. This value is then logged to the console.

5. Passing Data to the Parent Component

Currently, we are only logging the input value to the console. To actually add the new item to our to-do list, we need to pass this data back up to the parent component (index.js) where the to-do list state is managed. We will achieve this by using props and defining a function in the parent component that the child component (AddItem) can call.

5.1. Defining the onAdd Function in index.js

In index.js, within your main component, define a new function called onAdd. This function will be responsible for updating the state with the new to-do item.

var MainComponent = React.createClass({ // Replace MainComponent with your actual component name
    getInitialState: function(){
        return {
            todos: ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3'] // Example initial state
    onAdd: function(newItem){
        var updatedTodos = this.state.todos; // Create a copy of the current state
        updatedTodos.push(newItem);          // Add the new item to the array
            todos: updatedTodos               // Update the state with the new array
    render: function(){
        // ... render function ...


In React, state is an object that holds data that can change over time within a component. When the state of a component changes, React re-renders the component to reflect those changes in the UI.

Props (Properties)

Props (short for properties) are a mechanism for passing data from parent components to child components in React. They are read-only from the perspective of the child component and are used to configure and customize child components.

In the onAdd function:

  • We create a copy of the current todos array from the component’s state.
  • We use the JavaScript push() method to add the newItem to the updatedTodos array.
  • We use this.setState() to update the component’s state with the updatedTodos array. This triggers a re-render, and the updated to-do list will be displayed.

5.2. Passing onAdd as a Prop to AddItem

Now, we need to pass the onAdd function from the parent component (index.js) down to the AddItem component as a prop. In the render function of index.js, when you include the <AddItem /> tag, add the onAdd prop:

render: function(){
    return (
        <div id="todo-list">
            {/* ... other components and elements ... */}
            <AddItem onAdd={this.onAdd} />

Here, onAdd={this.onAdd} passes the onAdd function defined in the parent component as a prop named onAdd to the AddItem component.

5.3. Calling the Prop Function in AddItem

Finally, in the handleSubmit function of AddItem.js, instead of just logging the input value, we will call the onAdd prop function that was passed down from the parent.

Modify the handleSubmit function in addItem.js as follows:

handleSubmit: function(e){
    this.props.onAdd(this.refs.newItem.value); // Call the onAdd prop function
  • this.props.onAdd accesses the onAdd function that was passed as a prop to the AddItem component.
  • We call this function, passing this.refs.newItem.value as an argument. This is the new item text that we want to add to the to-do list.

Now, when you submit the form in the AddItem component, the handleSubmit function will:

  1. Prevent default form submission.
  2. Retrieve the value from the input field using refs.
  3. Call the onAdd function (passed as a prop from the parent component), passing the input value as an argument.
  4. The onAdd function in the parent component will then update the application’s state, adding the new item to the to-do list, and triggering a re-render to display the updated list.

6. Adding CSS Styling (Optional)

The transcript mentions adding CSS for styling. This step is optional but recommended for improving the visual presentation of the form.

6.1. Creating addItem.css

Create a new file named addItem.css in a css subdirectory (or your preferred CSS file organization). Paste the CSS styles provided in the transcript’s associated resources into this file.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

6.2. Requiring CSS in addItem.js

In addItem.js, import the CSS file by adding the following line at the top of the file, after importing React:


This line tells React to include the styles defined in addItem.css when rendering the AddItem component.

7. Conclusion

This chapter demonstrated how to use input references in React to capture user input from a form and pass that data to a parent component to update the application’s state. We built upon a simple to-do list application, adding the functionality to add new items using an input form.

Key takeaways include:

  • Input References (refs): A mechanism to directly access DOM elements within React components, useful for getting input values.
  • Event Handling (onSubmit): Using event handlers to respond to user interactions, like form submissions.
  • Props for Communication: Passing data and functions as props from parent to child components to enable communication and data flow in React applications.
  • State Management: Understanding how state is used to manage data within components and trigger UI updates.

By mastering these concepts, you can create more interactive and dynamic React applications that effectively handle user input and manage application state.

Understanding React Component Lifecycle

This chapter delves into the concept of component lifecycle in React, a fundamental aspect of building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Components in React go through a series of phases from their creation to their removal from the DOM (Document Object Model). These phases are governed by lifecycle methods, which are special functions that React calls at specific points during a component’s existence. Understanding these methods allows developers to control component behavior and optimize application performance.

What is Component Lifecycle?

Every React component has a lifecycle, which is essentially a series of events that occur from the moment the component is created and mounted onto the DOM, to when it is updated, and finally, when it is unmounted and removed from the DOM. Lifecycle methods are hooks into these events, allowing you to run code at particular stages. These methods are predefined functions that you can implement within your React components to execute specific logic at different points in the component’s lifecycle.

Component: In React, a component is a reusable, self-contained building block that represents a part of the user interface. Components can be functional or class-based and are responsible for rendering a specific portion of the UI and managing their own logic and data.

DOM (Document Object Model): The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the actual DOM when changes occur.

These lifecycle methods are invoked in a specific order by React, ensuring a predictable flow of events. Understanding this order is crucial for effectively managing component state, handling side effects, and optimizing performance.

Mounting Lifecycle Functions

Mounting refers to the process of adding a component to the DOM. These lifecycle functions are called in the following order when a component is being created and inserted into the DOM:

  • getInitialState() (Legacy)

    While less commonly used in modern React development favoring constructor-based state initialization for class components or useState hook for functional components, getInitialState() was previously used to set the initial state of a component. This method is called only once before the component is mounted.

    State: In React, state is a JavaScript object that represents the internal data of a component that can change over time. When the state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect the updated data in the UI.

  • componentWillMount() (Deprecated)

    This lifecycle method is invoked just before mounting occurs. It is called right before the render() method, both on the initial mount and on subsequent updates. It is now considered unsafe and deprecated in modern React and should be avoided due to potential issues with asynchronous rendering and server-side rendering. Historically, it was used for last-minute preparations before rendering.

  • render()

    This is the only required lifecycle method in a React component. The render() method’s primary purpose is to describe what the UI should look like, based on the component’s props and state. It must be a pure function, meaning it should not modify component state, and it should return JSX (JavaScript XML) that represents the component’s output.

    JSX (JavaScript XML): JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code. It is transformed into regular JavaScript function calls by Babel or similar tools, ultimately creating React elements.

  • componentDidMount()

    This method is invoked immediately after a component is mounted into the DOM. This is a good place to perform actions that require the component to be in the DOM, such as:

    • Fetching data from an external API.
    • Setting up subscriptions or timers.
    • Directly manipulating the DOM (though this is generally discouraged in favor of React’s declarative approach).
    • Integrating with third-party libraries that operate on the DOM.

    React recommends using componentDidMount() for data fetching because at this point, the component is fully rendered and interactive, ensuring a smoother user experience.

Updating Lifecycle Functions

Updating lifecycle functions are invoked when a component’s props or state changes, leading to a re-render. These functions provide opportunities to control the update process and optimize performance. The updating lifecycle functions are called in the following order:

  • componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) (Deprecated)

    This method was invoked before a mounted component received new props. It was called before an update caused by new props. Like componentWillMount, this method is now deprecated and unsafe. It was historically used to compare current props with new props and potentially update the state based on prop changes.

    Props (Properties): Props are input data passed down from a parent component to a child component. They are immutable from the perspective of the child component and are used to customize and configure child components.

  • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)

    This method is called before rendering when new props or state are being received. It allows you to optimize performance by deciding whether or not a component should re-render. It should return a boolean value:

    • true: The component will update, and the subsequent updating lifecycle methods will be called.
    • false: The component will not update, and the update process stops here, preventing unnecessary re-renders.

    By default, shouldComponentUpdate() always returns true. You can implement custom logic within this method to compare the current props and state with the next props and state to determine if a re-render is necessary.

  • componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) (Deprecated)

    This method was invoked just before rendering when new props or state were being received. This method is also deprecated and unsafe. It was historically used for last-minute preparations before an update, similar to componentWillMount but for updates.

  • render()

    As with mounting, the render() method is called during the update phase to re-render the component with the new props and/or state. It generates the updated UI based on the changes.

  • componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState)

    This method is invoked immediately after an update occurs. It is similar to componentDidMount() but is called after updates rather than after the initial mount. Common use cases for componentDidUpdate() include:

    • Performing DOM operations after an update.
    • Making network requests based on changes in props or state (ensure to compare prevProps and prevState to avoid infinite loops).

Unmounting Lifecycle Function

Unmounting is the process of removing a component from the DOM. There is one primary lifecycle function associated with unmounting:

  • componentWillUnmount()

    This method is invoked immediately before a component is unmounted and destroyed. It is used to perform cleanup tasks that are necessary before the component is removed, such as:

    • Canceling any network requests or subscriptions.
    • Invalidating timers or intervals.
    • Removing event listeners that were added outside of React’s lifecycle.

    It’s crucial to implement componentWillUnmount() to prevent memory leaks and ensure proper resource management when a component is no longer needed.

Demonstration of Lifecycle Functions in Code

Let’s illustrate the mounting and updating lifecycle functions with a code example, similar to the one described in the original transcript. We will use class-based components for this demonstration, as lifecycle methods are primarily associated with class components.

import React from 'react';

class LifecycleDemo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      data: 'Initial Data'

  componentWillMount() {
    console.log('componentWillMount: Called before mounting (DEPRECATED)');

  componentDidMount() {
    console.log('componentDidMount: Called after mounting');
    // Example of data fetching (simulated)
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.setState({ data: 'Data Loaded from API' });
    }, 2000);

  componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    console.log('componentWillUpdate: Called before update (DEPRECATED)');

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    console.log('componentDidUpdate: Called after update');

  componentWillUnmount() {
    console.log('componentWillUnmount: Called before unmounting');
    // Cleanup tasks would go here (e.g., clearInterval, removeEventListener)

  render() {
    console.log('render: Rendering the component');
    return (
        <h1>Lifecycle Demo</h1>
        <p>Data: {}</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.setState({ data: 'Data Updated by Button' })}>
          Update Data

export default LifecycleDemo;


  1. constructor(props): Sets up the initial state of the component with data: 'Initial Data'.
  2. componentWillMount(): Logs a message to the console before the component mounts. Note: This method is deprecated.
  3. componentDidMount(): Logs a message after mounting and simulates data fetching using setTimeout. After 2 seconds, it updates the component’s state, triggering an update.
  4. componentWillUpdate(): Logs a message before an update occurs. Note: This method is deprecated.
  5. componentDidUpdate(): Logs a message after an update occurs.
  6. componentWillUnmount(): Logs a message before the component unmounts. This would be the place to clean up resources.
  7. render(): Logs a message whenever the component renders and displays the current and a button to trigger a state update.

Output in Console (upon initial mount and button click):

Initial Mount:

componentWillMount: Called before mounting (DEPRECATED)
render: Rendering the component
componentDidMount: Called after mounting

(After 2 seconds, when setState in componentDidMount is executed):

componentWillUpdate: Called before update (DEPRECATED)
render: Rendering the component
componentDidUpdate: Called after update

(After clicking the “Update Data” button):

componentWillUpdate: Called before update (DEPRECATED)
render: Rendering the component
componentDidUpdate: Called after update

This example demonstrates the order in which mounting and updating lifecycle methods are called. By observing the console logs, you can trace the flow of events during the component’s lifecycle.

Important Note on Deprecated Lifecycle Methods:

componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, and componentWillUpdate are deprecated due to potential issues, especially in asynchronous rendering scenarios. React has introduced safer alternatives like getDerivedStateFromProps (for state updates based on props) and getSnapshotBeforeUpdate (for reading DOM information before updates). In modern React, you should generally favor using hooks in functional components or the newer static lifecycle methods in class components instead of the deprecated componentWill methods.


Understanding React component lifecycle is essential for building robust and efficient React applications. By leveraging lifecycle methods appropriately, you can control component behavior at different stages, manage state effectively, handle side effects, and optimize performance. While some older lifecycle methods are deprecated, grasping the core concepts of mounting, updating, and unmounting remains fundamental to React development. By using the correct lifecycle methods, or their modern equivalents like hooks, you can create well-structured and maintainable React components.

Introduction to Front-End Routing in React

Welcome to this educational chapter on routing in React applications. In this chapter, we will explore how to implement client-side routing to create single-page applications with multiple views or pages, all without full page reloads.

The Need for Routing

In traditional web applications, navigating to different pages usually involves requesting new HTML documents from the server. However, modern web applications, especially those built with frameworks like React, often aim for a more seamless user experience. We often want our applications to behave more like desktop applications, where navigating between different sections or views is instantaneous and doesn’t require a full page refresh.

Currently, our example React application is limited to a single view. Imagine we want to add an “About Us” page or a “Contact” page. How do we manage these different sections within our React application? This is where front-end routing comes into play.

Routing: The process of selecting a path for network traffic to travel from its source to its destination. In web development, it often refers to mapping URLs to specific views or components.

Front-end: The part of a website or application that users directly interact with, typically built with technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

We can implement routing on the server-side, where the server determines which page to serve based on the URL. However, for single-page applications, it’s often more efficient and user-friendly to handle routing on the front-end. This allows us to update the content dynamically without making requests to the server for every navigation change, resulting in faster and more responsive applications.

Server-side: Operations that are performed by the server, such as data processing, database interactions, and handling requests.

Setting Up React Router

React itself does not come with built-in routing capabilities. We need to use a library specifically designed for routing in React applications. The most popular and widely used library for this purpose is React Router.

React Router: A popular library for React applications that enables navigation between different views or components without full page reloads.

Installing React Router

To use React Router, we first need to install it as a dependency in our project. We can do this using NPM (Node Package Manager), a package manager for JavaScript. Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to your project directory, and run the following command:

npm install react-router --save-dev

This command will:

  • npm install: Instructs NPM to install a package.
  • react-router: Specifies the package we want to install, which is React Router.
  • --save-dev: Indicates that this package is a dev dependency. This means it’s needed during development but not necessarily for the final production build of your application.

NPM (Node Package Manager): A package manager for the JavaScript programming language, used to install and manage project dependencies.

Dev dependency (Development dependency): Packages required for development and testing but not needed in the production build of an application.

Importing Router Components

Once React Router is installed, we can import the necessary components into our React application. We will be using ES 2015 (ES6) module syntax for imports. Open your index.js file (or the main file where you render your application) and add the following import statement at the top:

ES 2015 (ECMAScript 2015 or ES6): A version of the JavaScript standard that introduced significant new features like classes, arrow functions, and modules.

import { Router, Route } from 'react-router';

Here, we are importing two key components from the react-router library:

  • Router: The main component that provides the routing context to your application and keeps the URL in sync with the UI.
  • Route: A component used to define individual routes, mapping specific URL paths to React components.

Router component (React Router): A React Router component that provides the foundation for routing in an application, keeping the UI in sync with the URL.

Route component (React Router): A React Router component used to define a specific path and associate it with a component to be rendered when that path is matched.

Defining Routes

To structure our application with routing, we will create a main application component, often named App, which will be responsible for defining and managing our routes. Let’s create a new React class component called App.

var App = React.createClass({
  render: function(){
    return (
      // Routes will be defined here

Inside the render method of our App component, we will define our routes using JSX. JSX is a syntax extension that allows us to write HTML-like structures within our JavaScript code, making it easier to define UI components.

JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension for JavaScript that allows writing HTML-like structures within JavaScript code, often used in React to describe UI.

We will wrap our route definitions within the <Router> component. Inside <Router>, we use <Route> components to define individual routes.

var App = React.createClass({
  render: function(){
    return (
        {/* Route definitions go here */}

Creating Routes for Components

Let’s define a route for our main application view, which we’ll map to the root path /. We’ll also assume we have an About component that we want to display when the user navigates to /about.

First, ensure you have created an About.js component file. For simplicity, let’s assume it looks like this:

// About.js
var React = require('react');

var About = React.createClass({
  render: function(){
    return (
        <h1>About Us</h1>
        <p>This is the about page.</p>

module.exports = About;

In our index.js file, we need to require or import this About component so we can use it in our routes.

var About = require('./About'); // Assuming About.js is in the same directory

Now, within our App component’s render method, we can define our routes:

var App = React.createClass({
  render: function(){
    return (
        <Route path="/" component={Todos} /> {/* Route for the root path */}
        <Route path="/about" component={About} /> {/* Route for /about path */}

Let’s break down the <Route> component:

  • path: This prop specifies the URL path that this route should match. For the root path, we use "/". For the about page, we use "/about".

    Path: In the context of routing, a specific URL or part of a URL that is used to identify a particular resource or view.

    Props (Properties): Data passed from a parent component to a child component in React, used to customize and configure components.

  • component: This prop specifies the React component that should be rendered when the route’s path is matched. Here, when the path is /, we render the Todos component, and when the path is /about, we render the About component.

    Component: A reusable, self-contained building block in React that encapsulates UI and logic.

Rendering the Router

Currently, we are rendering our original Todos component directly to the DOM. We need to change this to render our App component, which now contains our routing configuration. In your index.js file, update the ReactDOM.render call to render the App component instead of the Todos component.

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

Configuring History API Fallback

For front-end routing to work correctly, especially when dealing with URLs like /about directly in the browser, we need to configure our development server to use history API fallback. This ensures that when a route is not found on the server (e.g., when you refresh the page on /about), it falls back to serving the index.html file. React Router then takes over and handles the routing on the client-side.

Browser history API: A feature in web browsers that allows JavaScript to manipulate the browser’s history and URL without causing a full page reload.

To enable history API fallback, we need to modify our build script in the package.json file. Open package.json and find the scripts section. Locate the start script (or whichever script you use to start your development server) and add the --history-api-fallback flag to it.

Build script: A script, often defined in package.json, that automates the process of preparing an application for deployment, including tasks like bundling, minification, and optimization.

package.json: A JSON file in a Node.js project that contains metadata about the project, including dependencies, scripts, and project name.

For example, if your start script looks like this:

"start": "webpack-dev-server"

Modify it to:

"start": "webpack-dev-server --history-api-fallback"

After making this change, you might need to restart your development server for the changes to take effect.

Using Browser History

Finally, to enable proper browser history management (allowing users to use the browser’s back and forward buttons), we need to specify the history prop on the <Router> component. We will use browserHistory for clean URLs without hash symbols.

First, import browserHistory from react-router in your index.js file:

import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from 'react-router';

Then, in your App component’s render method, set the history prop of the <Router> component:

var App = React.createClass({
  render: function(){
    return (
      <Router history={browserHistory}>
        <Route path="/" component={Todos} />
        <Route path="/about" component={About} />

Hash history: A type of routing where the URL uses a hash symbol (#) to manage navigation, often used in older single-page applications or when server-side configuration is limited.

Now, when you navigate to / in your browser, you should see your Todos component. And when you navigate to /about, you should see your About component. The URL in your browser address bar will also update accordingly, reflecting the current route.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator): The address of a resource on the internet, used to locate and access web pages, files, and other resources.

Forward slash (/): In URLs, the forward slash is used to separate parts of the path and often represents the root directory or homepage.

If you encounter issues where the page appears blank after setting up routing, ensure that you have:

  • Installed react-router correctly.
  • Imported Router, Route, and browserHistory.
  • Correctly configured history API fallback in your package.json.
  • Rendered the App component containing the <Router> in your index.js.


Congratulations! You have successfully implemented basic front-end routing in your React application using React Router. You can now define multiple routes and associate them with different components, creating a multi-view single-page application. In the next chapter, we will explore how to navigate between these routes programmatically using links within our application. This will allow users to move between different sections of your application seamlessly.

UI (User Interface): The part of an application that allows users to interact with it, including visual elements and interactive components.

This chapter provides a foundational understanding of routing in React. As you continue to build more complex applications, you will discover more advanced features of React Router, such as nested routes, route parameters, and programmatic navigation, which will further enhance your ability to create rich and interactive user experiences.

Understanding Route Links in React Router v6

This chapter will guide you through the concept of route links in React Router v6, building upon the foundational knowledge of setting up routes as discussed in the previous chapter. We will explore how to navigate between different views or components within your React application using the <Link> component, offering a more seamless user experience compared to traditional anchor tags, especially when utilizing hash history.

In the previous tutorial, we established two distinct routes within our application:

  • / (forward slash): This route renders the ToDo component.
  • /about: This route renders the About component.

Currently, we have only addressed the scenario where a user directly types a URL into the browser’s address bar to access these routes. However, in a real-world application, users often navigate through interactive elements within the application itself, such as navigation menus.

Consider a typical navigation bar. You might be tempted to use standard HTML anchor tags (<a>) to create links. For instance, you might use <a href="/about">About</a> to link to the “About” page.

Anchor Tags (<a>): HTML elements used to create hyperlinks to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, or any URL. They are fundamental for navigation on the web.

While anchor tags can work, React Router offers a more integrated and efficient solution, especially when considering different history types like hash history.

Hash History: A routing strategy where the URL’s hash portion (the part after #) is used to track navigation history. This method is often used in single-page applications to manage navigation without requiring full page reloads from the server.

Browsing History (Browser History): The record of web pages visited by a user in a web browser. Browsing history allows users to navigate back and forth through previously visited pages.

To facilitate in-application navigation within React Router, we utilize the <Link> component. This component, provided by the react-router-dom library, allows us to create links that trigger route changes within our React application without causing a full page reload. This is crucial for building smooth and responsive single-page applications.

Component: In React, a component is a reusable, self-contained building block that encapsulates UI (User Interface) logic and rendering. Components allow developers to break down complex UIs into smaller, manageable pieces.

To use the <Link> component, we first need to import it from react-router-dom. Add the following import statement to your component file:

import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

Now, we can replace traditional anchor tags with the <Link> component in our JSX.

JSX (JavaScript XML): A syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like structures within your JavaScript code. It’s commonly used in React to describe the structure of user interfaces.

Let’s modify our ToDo component to include a link to the “About” page. Within the JSX returned by your ToDo component, add the following code:

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

function ToDo() {
  return (
      <h1>To Do List</h1>
      <p>This is the to-do component.</p>
      <Link to="/about">About</Link> {/* Adding the Link component */}

export default ToDo;


  • <Link to="/about">: This is the core of the <Link> component. The to prop specifies the path to which this link should navigate. In this case, it’s set to /about, which corresponds to the route we defined for the About component.
  • About: This text enclosed within the <Link> tags is the visible text of the link that users will click on.

Important Note: The value of the to prop in the <Link> component must precisely match the path defined in your Route component for the desired component to be rendered.

After saving these changes and navigating to the home page (/) in your browser, you should see the “About” link displayed. Clicking this link will navigate you to the “About” component without a full page reload.

To create a complete navigation experience, let’s add a “Home” link to the About component, allowing users to navigate back to the ToDo component.

Modify your About component as follows:

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

function About() {
  return (
      <h1>About Us</h1>
      <p>This is the about component.</p>
      <Link to="/">Home</Link> {/* Link to the home route */}

export default About;


  • We have again imported the Link component at the top of the About component file.
  • <Link to="/">: This <Link> component is added to the About component. The to prop is set to /, which corresponds to the route for the ToDo component.
  • Home: This is the text for the link, displayed as “Home” to the user.

Important Note on Parent Elements in React:

In React components, particularly when returning JSX, you must ensure that you are returning a single parent element. If you were to add multiple elements at the top level without wrapping them in a single container, React would throw an error.

Parent Element: In HTML and JSX structure, a parent element is an element that directly contains other elements, known as child elements. For valid JSX structure in React components, typically a single top-level parent element is required to encapsulate all other elements being returned.

For example, if you wanted to add both “Home” and “About” links in the About component initially without a wrapping div, it would be incorrect:

// Incorrect - Multiple top-level elements
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/about">About</Link>

To fix this, you would wrap them in a single parent element, such as a <div>:

// Correct - Single parent element (<div>)
  <Link to="/">Home</Link>
  <Link to="/about">About</Link>

React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It emphasizes component-based architecture and efficient updates to the user interface based on data changes.

Import: In programming, especially in JavaScript and React, the import statement is used to bring code (functions, variables, components, etc.) from other modules or libraries into the current file so they can be used.

In our About component example, we initially only had one top-level element (<h1>). When adding the <Link> component, we still maintained a single top-level <div> which now wraps both the <h1> and the <Link>.

With these changes in place, revisit your application in the browser. Navigate to either the home page or the about page. You should now see both “Home” and “About” links (though their placement might depend on your component structure).

Clicking the “Home” link on the “About” page should take you to the ToDo component, and clicking the “About” link on the ToDo page should take you to the About component. This demonstrates successful navigation between routes using the <Link> component.


This chapter has demonstrated how to use the <Link> component in React Router v6 to create navigation links within your application. By using <Link>, you enable smooth, client-side routing, enhancing the user experience and building more interactive and dynamic single-page applications. This concludes the fundamental routing setup and navigation for our application. You now have the tools to create multi-view applications using React Router.