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Regular Expressions (RegEx) Tutorial

Master Regular Expressions (RegEx) to search, match, and manipulate text efficiently! Learn powerful pattern-matching techniques for validation, data extraction, and text processing.

Introduction to Regular Expressions: Your First Step to Becoming a Regex Ninja

Welcome to the world of Regular Expressions! Often referred to as “regex” or “regexp,” these powerful tools are a fundamental part of programming, though they are sometimes met with apprehension by developers. While the topic can seem daunting or even tedious at first glance, mastering regular expressions is an invaluable skill that significantly enhances your ability to work with text and data.

What are Regular Expressions?

Regular expressions are essentially patterns used to match character combinations in strings. They provide a concise and flexible means to “describe” or “parse” text, enabling you to search, validate, and manipulate strings based on defined rules.

String: In computer science, a string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. It is a fundamental data type used to represent text.

Think of them as a specialized language for describing text patterns. One of their most common applications is in data validation, ensuring that user inputs conform to specific formats.

Why are Regular Expressions Important?

Consider the numerous times you’ve encountered online forms requiring a valid email address or a specific password format. The mechanism ensuring these validations behind the scenes often relies on regular expressions.

Validation: In the context of data processing and input, validation is the process of ensuring that data conforms to a set of predefined rules or formats. It helps maintain data integrity and prevents errors.

Regular expressions empower you to:

  • Check if a string matches a specific pattern: For instance, verifying if an email address contains an ”@” symbol and a domain extension.
  • Search for patterns within a larger text: Locate all instances of phone numbers or specific keywords in a document.
  • Replace parts of a string that match a pattern: Standardize date formats or sanitize user input by removing unwanted characters.
  • Extract specific information from text: Pull out all email addresses or URLs from a block of text.

In essence, regular expressions provide a powerful and efficient way to handle text-based data, making them indispensable in web development, data analysis, scripting, and many other areas of programming.

Practical Applications: Form Validation Example

Let’s illustrate the power of regular expressions with a practical example: form validation on a website. Imagine a user registration form requiring fields for username, email, password, telephone number, and profile slug.

Form field: A form field is an individual input element within a web form, where users can enter data, such as text boxes, dropdown menus, or checkboxes.

We can use regular expressions to automatically check if the data entered into these fields adheres to the expected formats. Consider the following demonstration:

Form Validation Demonstration

Imagine a form created to collect user information. Let’s focus on two key fields: email and telephone number.

  • Email Field: As a user begins typing in the email field, the system immediately starts validating the input against a predefined regular expression.

    • Initially, if the input is not a valid email format (e.g., “test”), the field might turn orange, and a message appears: “Email must be a valid address, e.g., [email protected].”
    • This feedback persists until the user enters an input that matches the email pattern.
    • Once a valid email address is entered (e.g., “[email protected]”), the field turns green, indicating successful validation, and the feedback message changes to confirm validity.
  • Telephone Number Field: Similarly, the telephone number field is validated in real-time using a regular expression designed for UK telephone numbers, requiring 11 digits.

    • As the user types a phone number, feedback is provided if the input does not conform to the UK telephone number format. For example, initially, the message might be: “Telephone must be a valid UK telephone number (11 digits).”
    • As the user adds digits, the feedback updates. Only when 11 digits are entered, conforming to the expected pattern, does the field validation pass, turning green.

This example highlights how regular expressions enable immediate and user-friendly feedback during form submission, ensuring data quality and improving the user experience.

The Role of Regular Expressions in Feedback

The dynamic feedback observed in the form example is driven by regular expressions working behind the scenes. These expressions define the “patterns” that the input strings must match to be considered valid.

Pattern: In the context of regular expressions, a pattern is a sequence of characters that defines a search rule. It describes what to look for within a string of text.

For the email field, the regular expression would specify rules such as:

  • Presence of an ”@” symbol.
  • A domain name following the ”@” symbol.
  • A valid top-level domain extension like “.com,” “.org,” or “.uk.”

Similarly, the telephone number regular expression would enforce the 11-digit requirement and potentially other format constraints specific to UK phone numbers.

Unveiling the Look of a Regular Expression

So, what exactly does a regular expression look like? You might be surprised to see that they often appear as seemingly random strings of characters, like this:


This example, in fact, is a simplified regular expression for validating email addresses. At first glance, it might seem like gibberish. However, by the end of this learning journey, you will understand the meaning of each character and symbol within such expressions and be capable of crafting your own.

Demystifying Regex Syntax (Brief Introduction)

The seemingly cryptic nature of regular expressions stems from their specialized syntax. Each character or combination of characters in a regex pattern has a specific meaning, acting as instructions for pattern matching.

For instance, characters like [ ], +, @, ., and {} are not simply literal characters in a regex. They are metacharacters and quantifiers that control how the pattern matching is performed.

  • [a-zA-Z0-9._%+-] represents a character set allowing lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and specific symbols.
  • + is a quantifier meaning “one or more occurrences” of the preceding element.
  • @ matches the literal ”@” symbol.
  • \. matches the literal ”.” character (the backslash \ escapes the special meaning of ”.”).
  • [a-zA-Z]{2,} represents two or more letters for the top-level domain.

Understanding these building blocks is key to deciphering and creating regular expressions. This series will systematically break down these components, gradually building your expertise.

Course Overview and Resources

This educational series is designed to guide you from the basics of regular expressions to more advanced techniques. We will start with fundamental concepts and progressively work towards building practical applications, such as the form validation example discussed.

Course Content Structure

The course will follow a structured approach:

  • Fundamentals of Regular Expressions: Introduction to basic syntax, metacharacters, and quantifiers.
  • Character Sets and Classes: Defining specific sets of characters to match.
  • Quantifiers and Repetition: Controlling how many times elements in a pattern should repeat.
  • Anchors and Boundaries: Matching patterns at the beginning or end of strings, or at word boundaries.
  • Grouping and Capturing: Creating sub-patterns and extracting matched portions of text.
  • Practical Applications: Building real-world examples, including form validation and data extraction.
  • Advanced Regex Techniques: Exploring more complex patterns and features.

Accessing Course Files on GitHub

For lessons 10 through 16 of this series, supplementary course files are available on a GitHub repository.

GitHub Repository: A GitHub repository is a storage location for software projects using the Git version control system. It hosts code, documentation, and tracks changes over time, facilitating collaboration among developers.

You can access these files at the following GitHub repository: regex-playlist. The link is also provided in the video description.

Branch: In Git and GitHub, a branch represents an independent line of development. It allows for working on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase. You can think of it as a parallel version of the project.

Within the repository, you can browse the code for specific lessons by selecting the appropriate branch. You will find code related to regular expressions, validation examples, as well as HTML and CSS files for the user interface elements.

For the initial lessons (1-9), we will be primarily using online regex testing tools, which will be introduced in subsequent videos. This hands-on approach will allow you to immediately experiment with regular expressions and solidify your understanding.

This comprehensive journey will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently use regular expressions in your programming projects. Let’s begin your path to becoming a Regular Expression Ninja!

Introduction to Regular Expressions in Web Development

Regular expressions, often shortened to “regex,” are a powerful tool in web development. They allow developers to efficiently search, match, and manipulate text based on defined patterns. This chapter will introduce you to the fundamentals of regular expressions and how to use them, particularly within the context of JavaScript for form validation. We will begin with simple examples and gradually progress to more complex scenarios.

Setting Up Your Regular Expression Environment

To begin exploring regular expressions, we will utilize an online tool called This website provides an interactive environment to write, test, and understand regular expressions.


  1. Select JavaScript Flavor:

    • Upon opening, ensure that JavaScript is selected as the “flavor” in the left-hand sidebar. This is crucial because we will be using JavaScript regular expressions for form validation later in our studies.

    Flavor: In the context of regular expressions, “flavor” refers to the specific syntax and features supported by a particular programming language or tool. Different programming languages and tools may implement regular expressions with slight variations in syntax and available features.

  2. Initial Flag Settings:

    • Click on the “flag” icon located in the regex input area.
    • Initially, ensure that the “global” flag (g) is deselected (unchecked). We will delve into the functionality of flags shortly.

Understanding the Interface is designed to facilitate the creation and testing of regular expressions. The basic workflow is as follows:

  1. Regular Expression Input: Enter your regular expression pattern in the top input field.
  2. Test String Input: Provide the text you want to test against your regular expression in the lower input field.
  3. Real-time Matching and Explanation: The website dynamically highlights matches in the test string and provides a breakdown of your regular expression in the “EXPLANATION” section. This immediate feedback is invaluable for learning and debugging regular expressions.

Creating Your First Regular Expression: Matching a Simple Word

Let’s start with a very basic regular expression to understand the fundamental concepts. Our goal is to create a regex that finds the word “ninja” within a given text.

Basic Syntax: Forward Slashes

Regular expressions in JavaScript (and many other languages) are typically enclosed within forward slashes (/). This notation signals to the interpreter that the enclosed characters represent a regular expression pattern.


Defining a Simple Pattern: Literal Matching

For our first example, we want to match the literal word “ninja”. Therefore, our regular expression pattern will simply be the word “ninja” itself, placed between the forward slashes:


> **Pattern:** In regular expressions, a "pattern" is a sequence of characters that defines the search criteria. It specifies what you are looking for within a text string. Patterns can include literal characters, special characters, and metacharacters that represent more complex matching rules.

If you enter /ninja/ into the regex input field on and type “ninja” in the test string input, you will observe that “ninja” in the test string is highlighted. The “MATCH INFORMATION” section will also confirm a “Full match”.

> **Match:** In regular expressions, a "match" occurs when a part of the text string successfully corresponds to the defined pattern. A match indicates that the regular expression has found the specified sequence of characters or pattern within the text.

Case Sensitivity

By default, regular expressions are case-sensitive. This means that the pattern will only match text that has the exact same capitalization.

> **Case-sensitive:** Case-sensitive matching means that the search distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, in a case-sensitive search, "Ninja" would not be considered a match for "ninja".

If you change the test string to “Ninja”, you will notice that the highlighting disappears, and there is no match. This is because the pattern /ninja/ specifically looks for the lowercase “n” followed by “inja”.

Understanding Matching Behavior: Finding Instances

Let’s explore how regular expressions handle multiple occurrences of the pattern within the text.

Finding a Single Instance

If you type “ninja wow ninja” in the test string while keeping the regex as /ninja/ and the “global” flag deselected, you will observe that only the first instance of “ninja” is highlighted. This is the default behavior when the global flag is not active: the regular expression engine stops after finding the first match.

> **Instance:** An "instance" refers to a single occurrence of a particular item within a larger context. In the context of regular expressions, an instance is a single occurrence of a pattern match within a text string.

The Global Flag (g): Finding All Matches

To find all occurrences of the pattern within the text, we need to use the global flag, denoted by g.

  1. Activate the Global Flag: Click on the “flag” icon and select (check) the “global” flag. You will see a g appear after the closing forward slash in your regex input: /ninja/g.

    Flag: In regular expressions, a “flag” is a modifier that alters the default behavior of the pattern matching process. Flags are appended to the end of the regular expression, after the closing forward slash. They control aspects like case sensitivity, global search, and multiline matching.

  2. Observe Multiple Matches: With the global flag active and the test string “ninja wow ninja”, you will now see both instances of “ninja” highlighted. The “MATCH INFORMATION” will also indicate two matches.

The global flag instructs the regular expression engine to continue searching for matches throughout the entire text string, rather than stopping after the first match.

Case-Insensitive Matching: The Insensitive Flag (i)

We have seen that regular expressions are case-sensitive by default. To perform a case-insensitive search, meaning that the pattern should match regardless of the capitalization of the text, we use the insensitive flag, denoted by i.

> **Case-insensitive:** Case-insensitive matching means that the search does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, in a case-insensitive search, "Ninja", "ninja", and "NINJA" would all be considered matches for the pattern "ninja".
  1. Activate the Insensitive Flag: Click on the “flag” icon and select (check) the “insensitive” flag (represented by i). Ensure the “global” flag can be either selected or deselected, depending on if you want global matching as well. You will see an i appear after the closing forward slash in your regex input: /ninja/i or /ninja/gi (if global is also selected).

  2. Test Case-Insensitive Matching: With the insensitive flag active, try the test string “Ninja NINJA ninja”. You will find that all variations of “ninja”, regardless of capitalization, are now matched.

Conclusion and Next Steps

This chapter has introduced the fundamental concepts of regular expressions. We have learned how to:

  • Set up a testing environment using
  • Create a basic regular expression to match a literal word.
  • Understand case sensitivity and case-insensitive matching.
  • Use the global flag to find all matches in a text.
  • Use the insensitive flag to perform case-insensitive matching.

While we have only scratched the surface of regular expressions, these foundational concepts are crucial for understanding more complex patterns. In the next chapter, we will build upon this knowledge and explore more advanced regular expression techniques.

Introduction to Regular Expressions: Character Sets

This chapter introduces the concept of character sets in regular expressions, building upon the fundamental idea of pattern matching in text. We will explore how character sets expand the power of regular expressions beyond simple word matching, allowing for more flexible and sophisticated pattern recognition.

Moving Beyond Literal Matching

In the previous discussion, we explored basic regular expressions to match specific words, such as “ninja.” While this is a valid application, the true strength of regular expressions lies in their ability to identify patterns rather than just literal strings. Consider the task of finding all email addresses within a document, or identifying variations of a word where only certain characters differ. For these scenarios, matching fixed words is insufficient. We need tools to define patterns that can accommodate variations.

Introducing Character Sets

Imagine you want to match both “ninja” and “ginger.” Notice that the words are identical except for the first letter. To create a regular expression that matches both, we can use a character set.

Character Set: A character set in regular expressions, denoted by square brackets [], defines a set of characters where any single character within the set will constitute a match at that specific position in the pattern.

Character sets allow you to specify a range of acceptable characters at a particular position within your pattern.

Defining Character Sets with Square Brackets

To create a character set, enclose the desired characters within square brackets []. For our “ninja” and “ginger” example, the differing character is in the first position. To match either ‘n’ or ‘g’ in this position, we can construct the character set [ng].

Applying this to our example, the regular expression [ng]inja will match both “ninja” and “ginger.”

  • [ng]: This character set specifies that at the first position, we can have either ‘n’ or ‘g’.
  • inja: This part of the expression specifies that the subsequent characters must be “inja” literally.

Therefore, the entire expression [ng]inja successfully matches both target words.

Expanding Character Sets: Matching Multiple Characters

Character sets can include more than two characters. Let’s consider a scenario where we want to match any word that starts with ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’, followed by “000”. We can create a character set containing all these options: [abc123].

The regular expression [abc123]000 will match:

  • a000
  • b000
  • c000
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 3000

However, it will not match words starting with characters outside this set, such as:

  • e000 (because ‘e’ is not in the character set)
  • ABCD000 (because the character set only applies to the first position). The rest of the string must still match the literal “000”.

Key Points about Character Sets:

  • Each character set [...] matches one character position in the input string.
  • The order of characters within the square brackets does not matter. [abc] is the same as [cba].
  • Any single character from within the set will result in a match for that position.

Exclude Sets: Matching Characters Not in a Set

Sometimes, it’s easier to define what you don’t want to match rather than what you do want to match. Regular expressions provide exclude sets (sometimes called negated character sets) for this purpose.

Exclude Set: An exclude set in regular expressions, also denoted by square brackets [] but starting with a caret symbol ^ immediately after the opening bracket [^...], matches any single character that is not within the specified set.

Exclude sets allow you to define characters that should not be present at a particular position in the pattern.

Defining Exclude Sets with the Caret ^

To create an exclude set, begin your character set definition with a caret symbol ^ inside the square brackets, like this: [^...]. The characters listed after the caret are the ones you want to exclude.

For example, suppose you want to match any word that starts with any letter except ‘p’. You can use the exclude set [^p]. The regular expression [^p]et would match words like “bet”, “cet”, “det”, “fet”, etc., but it would not match “pet”.

To exclude multiple characters, simply list them within the square brackets after the caret. For instance, to exclude both ‘p’ and ‘e’ from the first position, use [^pe]. The regular expression [^pe]t will now match “bet”, “cet”, “det”, “fet”, etc., but neither “pet” nor “eet”.

Similarly, [^pe2] would exclude ‘p’, ‘e’, and ‘2’ from the first position. The regex [^pe2]000 would match “a000”, “b000”, “c000”, “1000”, “3000” and so on, but not “p000”, “e000”, or “2000”.

Key Points about Exclude Sets:

  • Exclude sets are denoted by [^...].
  • They match any character except those listed inside the brackets after the caret.
  • Like regular character sets, exclude sets match one character position.

The Challenge of Large Character Sets and Introduction to Ranges

Consider the task of creating a character set that matches every letter of the alphabet (both lowercase and uppercase). You could manually type out all 26 letters (or 52 if including uppercase), like [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]. While this would work, it is:

  • Long and cumbersome: Typing out all those characters is tedious.
  • Error-prone: There’s a high chance of making a typing mistake when listing so many characters.
  • Difficult to read and maintain: Long character sets make regular expressions harder to understand and modify.

Fortunately, regular expressions offer a more efficient and readable way to represent large character sets, especially sequential ones like alphabets or number sequences. This is achieved through ranges. The next section will introduce the concept of ranges and demonstrate how they simplify the creation of character sets, particularly for representing sequences of characters.

Chapter 3: Character Sets and Ranges in Regular Expressions

3.1 Introduction to Character Sets

In the realm of regular expressions, character sets are fundamental tools for pattern matching. They allow you to specify a group of characters that you want to match at a particular position within a string. In essence, a character set defines a set of acceptable characters for a single position in your pattern.

Character Set: In regular expressions, a character set (denoted by square brackets []) defines a collection of characters. Any single character within this set will constitute a match at the position where the character set is placed in the regular expression pattern.

For instance, if you want to match any vowel in a specific position, you can create a character set containing all vowels: [aeiou]. This means that at that position in the string, an ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, or ‘u’ would be considered a match.

In a previous discussion, we explored the basic concept of character sets. We learned that by listing characters within square brackets, we can define a set where any character present at that position will be considered a match. For example, to match any letter of the alphabet in the first position of a string, one could theoretically list all 26 lowercase letters within a character set: [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz].

  • Example of a Character Set (Verbose): [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] - This character set would match any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’ in the designated position.

3.2 The Inefficiency of Verbose Character Sets

While explicitly listing all desired characters within a character set works, it becomes inefficient and cumbersome, especially when dealing with large sets like the entire alphabet or digits. Writing out all 26 letters of the alphabet, as demonstrated above, is:

  • Long-winded: It requires significant typing and makes the regular expression lengthy and harder to read.
  • Error-prone: The more characters you manually type, the higher the chance of making a mistake, such as omitting a letter or introducing typos.
  • Tedious: Repeating this process for different sets or positions can become very monotonous and time-consuming.

Therefore, a more efficient and concise method is needed to represent common character sets, especially when dealing with sequential characters like letters or numbers. This is where ranges come into play.

3.3 Introducing Ranges within Character Sets

Fortunately, regular expressions offer a more streamlined approach to define character sets that include sequential characters: ranges. A range allows you to specify a starting and ending character, and the regular expression engine will interpret this as including all characters within that sequence.

Range: Within a character set in regular expressions, a range specifies a sequence of characters. It is defined using a hyphen (-) between the starting and ending characters (e.g., a-z, 0-9). This notation represents all characters lexicographically or numerically between and including the start and end characters.

To define a range, you simply specify the starting character, followed by a hyphen -, and then the ending character, all within the square brackets of the character set.

3.3.1 Letter Ranges

For letters, you can define ranges to represent sections of the alphabet. For example:

  • [a-z]: This range matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’. It is equivalent to the verbose example [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] but much more concise.

    • Example: The range [a-z] would match ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’.
  • [a-h]: This range matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘h’.

    • Example: The range [a-h] would match ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’, ‘g’, ‘h’.
  • [g-n]: This range matches any lowercase letter from ‘g’ to ‘n’.

    • Example: The range [g-n] would match ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’.
  • [l-n]: This range matches any lowercase letter from ‘l’ to ‘n’.

    • Example: The range [l-n] would match ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’.

Ranges are inclusive, meaning they include both the starting and ending characters specified.

3.3.2 Case Sensitivity and Ranges

Regular expressions are often case-sensitive by default. This means that [a-z] will only match lowercase letters and will not match uppercase letters like ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, etc.

  • Case-Sensitive Matching: By default, regular expressions differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters.

To handle both uppercase and lowercase letters, there are two primary approaches:

  1. Case-Insensitive Flag: You can apply a case-insensitive flag to the entire regular expression. This flag makes the entire pattern matching process ignore case differences.

    Case-insensitive flag: A setting in regular expressions that makes the matching process disregard the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters. When enabled, ‘a’ and ‘A’ are treated as the same character for matching purposes.

    • Effect: With the case-insensitive flag enabled, [a-z] would match both lowercase letters (‘a’-‘z’) and uppercase letters (‘A’-‘Z’).
  2. Combining Ranges for Uppercase and Lowercase: If you need case insensitivity for only a specific part of your expression, or if you prefer not to use a global flag, you can combine ranges within a single character set to include both uppercase and lowercase letters.

    • Example: [a-zA-Z] - This character set uses two ranges: a-z for lowercase letters and A-Z for uppercase letters. It will match any letter, regardless of case.

    • Explanation: By including both a-z and A-Z ranges within the same character set [], you are instructing the regular expression engine to match any character that falls within either of these ranges.

3.3.3 Number Ranges

Ranges are not limited to letters; they can also be used for numbers. The most common number range is [0-9], which represents all digits from zero to nine.

  • [0-9]: This range matches any digit from 0 to 9.

    • Example: The range [0-9] would match ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’.

You can also define more specific number ranges:

  • [0-4]: Matches digits from 0 to 4.

    • Example: The range [0-4] would match ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’.
  • [5-9]: Matches digits from 5 to 9.

    • Example: The range [5-9] would match ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’.

3.4 Practical Application: Matching Phone Numbers (Initial Approach)

Let’s consider a practical example: matching a UK phone number, which typically consists of 11 digits. Using our knowledge of ranges, we might initially attempt to construct a regular expression as follows:

To match a single digit, we use the range [0-9]. Since a UK phone number has 11 digits, a naive approach would be to repeat this character set 11 times:


  • Explanation: Each [0-9] character set in this expression matches a single digit. By repeating it 11 times, we are attempting to match a sequence of 11 digits.

While this approach will indeed match an 11-digit number, it suffers from the same drawbacks as verbose character sets:

  • Repetitive and Long-winded: Typing [0-9] eleven times is tedious and makes the expression lengthy and difficult to manage.
  • Difficult to Modify: If the phone number format changes (e.g., to 12 digits), you would need to manually add or remove [0-9] character sets, increasing the chance of errors.

3.5 Limitations and the Need for Repetition Quantifiers

The phone number example highlights a key limitation of using only character sets and ranges for patterns that involve repetition. While ranges make defining sets of characters more efficient, they do not directly address the issue of repeating elements in a pattern.

For patterns that require repeating a character set or a group of characters multiple times, a more efficient and concise mechanism is needed. This is where repetition quantifiers become essential. Quantifiers allow you to specify how many times a preceding element (like a character set) should be repeated.

Regular Expression: A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Regular expressions are used for pattern matching within strings, text searching, and text manipulation. They are a powerful tool for describing and locating specific text structures.

We will explore repetition quantifiers and how they can significantly simplify patterns involving repetition in the next chapter. These quantifiers, combined with character sets and ranges, form the foundation for creating powerful and flexible regular expressions.

Mastering Repetition in Regular Expressions

This chapter delves into the powerful concept of repetition within regular expressions. Building upon our understanding of character sets and ranges, we will explore how to efficiently match patterns that involve repeating characters or character sets. This is crucial for creating concise and effective regular expressions for various tasks, such as validating phone numbers or identifying words of specific lengths.

Introduction to Repetition

In the previous chapter, we learned how to use character sets and ranges to match single characters. For instance, we could define a range [0-9] to match any digit from 0 to 9. When we needed to match a sequence of characters, like an eleven-digit phone number, we had to repeat these character sets multiple times.


While this approach works, it becomes cumbersome and inefficient, especially when dealing with longer sequences or patterns that might repeat an arbitrary number of times. Regular expressions offer more elegant and efficient ways to handle repetition through the use of quantifiers.

Quantifier: In regular expressions, a quantifier specifies how many times a preceding element (like a character, character set, or group) must occur to match. Quantifiers control the repetition of patterns.

This chapter will introduce several key quantifiers that allow us to specify how many times a character set, range, or any other part of a regular expression should repeat.

The Plus Sign (+) for “One or More” Repetitions

One of the simplest and most useful quantifiers is the plus sign +. Placing a + immediately after a character set, range, or character signifies that we want to match that element one or more times.

Consider the character set [0-9] which matches any single digit. If we append a plus sign to it, [0-9]+, it now means “match one or more digits”.


  • The regular expression [0-9]+ will match:
    • 1 (one digit)
    • 10 (two digits)
    • 101 (three digits)
    • 1010 (four digits)
    • … and so on, for any sequence of digits of any length.

However, it will not match an empty string or any string that does not contain at least one digit.

Limitations of the Plus Sign for Specific Lengths:

While the plus sign is excellent for matching sequences of any length (as long as there’s at least one), it’s not suitable when we need to match a pattern with a specific number of repetitions. For example, if we specifically want to match an eleven-digit phone number, [0-9]+ would match phone numbers of any length greater than or equal to one, which is not precise enough.

Specifying Exact Repetition with Curly Braces {n}

To define an exact number of repetitions, we use curly braces {}. Within these braces, we can specify a number n, indicating that the preceding element must be repeated exactly n times.

Syntax: {n}

Example: Matching an Eleven-Digit Phone Number

To accurately match an eleven-digit phone number, we can use the following regular expression:


Here, [0-9] represents any digit, and {11} specifies that this character set must be repeated exactly eleven times.

  • This regular expression will match:

    • 12345678901 (eleven digits)
  • It will not match:

    • 1234567890 (ten digits - too short)
    • 123456789012 (twelve digits - too long)
    • abc12345678 (contains non-digit characters)

Example: Matching Five-Letter Words

We can also use curly braces with character sets representing letters. For example, to match a word that is exactly five letters long, consisting of letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’ (case-insensitive), we can use:


Character Set: In regular expressions, a character set (often denoted by square brackets []) defines a set of characters to match. It allows you to specify a group of characters, any one of which will satisfy the match at a given position in the input string. For example, [abc] matches ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’.

Range (in character sets): Within a character set, a range (often indicated by a hyphen -) specifies a sequence of characters. For example, [a-z] represents all lowercase letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’, and [0-9] represents all digits from ‘0’ to ‘9’.

Curly Braces: In regular expressions, curly braces {} are used for quantifiers to specify the number of repetitions. They allow you to define exact repetitions, ranges of repetitions, or minimum repetitions for the preceding element.

Specifying a Range of Repetitions with Curly Braces {n,m}

Sometimes, we need to match a pattern that repeats a certain number of times, but within a range. For this, we can use curly braces with two numbers separated by a comma: {n,m}. This means “match the preceding element at least n times and at most m times”.

Syntax: {n,m}

Example: Matching Words of Length 5 to 8 Letters

To match words that are between five and eight letters long (inclusive), we can use:


This regular expression will match:

  • “ninja” (5 letters)
  • “hello” (5 letters)
  • “example” (7 letters)
  • “textbook” (8 letters)

It will not match:

  • “word” (4 letters - too short)
  • “encyclopedia” (11 letters - too long)

Specifying Minimum Repetition with Curly Braces {n,}

Finally, we can specify a minimum number of repetitions with no upper limit using curly braces with a comma after the first number: {n,}. This means “match the preceding element at least n times, and as many times as it can repeat after that”.

Syntax: {n,}

Example: Matching Strings with at Least Five Characters

To match any string that contains at least five digits, we can use:


This regular expression will match:

  • 12345 (five digits)
  • 123456789 (nine digits)
  • 123456789012345... (any number of digits greater than or equal to five)

It will not match:

  • 1234 (four digits - too short)
  • abc (contains no digits)


Repetition quantifiers are essential tools in regular expressions. They significantly simplify the process of matching patterns that involve repeated characters or character sets. By using +, {n}, {n,m}, and {n,}, we can create concise and powerful regular expressions to handle a wide range of pattern-matching tasks, from validating data formats like phone numbers to analyzing textual data for words of specific lengths. Mastering these quantifiers will greatly enhance your ability to work effectively with regular expressions.

Regular Expression: A regular expression (regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching within strings, allowing you to search, validate, and manipulate text based on defined rules. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for text processing.

Plus sign (+): In regular expressions, the plus sign + is a quantifier that means “one or more” of the preceding element. It requires at least one occurrence of the element to match, and it can match multiple consecutive occurrences.

Comma: When used inside curly braces {} in regular expressions, a comma separates numbers that define the range of repetition. In {n,m}, it separates the minimum repetition count n from the maximum repetition count m. In {n,}, it indicates a minimum repetition count n with no upper limit.

Understanding Regular Expression Metacharacters

Regular expressions are powerful tools used for pattern matching in text. At the heart of regular expressions are special characters known as metacharacters. These characters do not represent themselves literally but have predefined meanings that enhance the flexibility and power of pattern matching.

Regular Expression: A sequence of characters that define a search pattern, used for matching character combinations in strings. Regular expressions are used in various text processing tasks, including searching, replacing, and validating text data.

This chapter will explore some common metacharacters, demonstrating their functionality and how they can be used to create complex search patterns. While a comprehensive list of all metacharacters is extensive, this chapter will focus on essential ones to build a foundational understanding. For a complete reference, consult detailed regular expression documentation.

Common Metacharacters Explained

Several metacharacters offer shortcuts for matching common character types. Let’s explore some of the most frequently used ones:

1. Matching Digits: \d

The metacharacter \d is used to match any digit character, ranging from 0 to 9. This is equivalent to specifying the range [0-9] within a character set.

Character Set: In regular expressions, a character set (or character class) defines a set of characters to match. It’s typically enclosed in square brackets []. For example, [abc] matches ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’.

Digit Character: A numerical character representing a single digit from 0 to 9.

  • \d matches any single digit.
  • It simplifies pattern creation when you need to match numerical characters.

Example: In a pattern, \d would match ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, or ‘9’.

2. Matching Word Characters: \w

The metacharacter \w is used to match any “word character.” It’s important to understand that “word character” in this context extends beyond just letters. It encompasses:

Word Character: In regular expressions, a word character typically includes alphanumeric characters (letters and digits) and the underscore character. Specifically, it usually matches lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscores (_).

  • Lowercase letters (a-z)
  • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Underscore (_)

Example: \w would match ‘a’, ‘Z’, ‘5’, or ’_‘. However, it would not match symbols like ’@’, ’$’, or spaces.

3. Matching Whitespace Characters: \s

The metacharacter \s is designed to match any whitespace character. This includes various characters that represent spacing in text.

Whitespace Character: Characters that represent horizontal or vertical space in text. Common whitespace characters include the space character, tab character, newline character, and carriage return. In the context of \s, it most commonly refers to spaces and tabs.

  • Space character
  • Tab character

Example: \s would match a single space or a tab.

4. Matching Tab Characters: \t

The metacharacter \t specifically matches only the tab character.

Tab Character: A whitespace character that typically represents horizontal indentation. It is often used for formatting text in tabular form or for creating visual spacing.

  • Matches a single tab character.
  • More specific than \s when you only need to match tabs and not other whitespace.

Example: \t will only match a tab character and not spaces or other whitespace.

The Role of the Backslash: Escaping Literal Characters

Notice that each of these metacharacters (\d, \w, \s, \t) is preceded by a backslash (\). This backslash is crucial because it “escapes” the normal behavior of the letter that follows it.

Literal Character: A character that is interpreted in its exact, intended meaning within a regular expression. For example, the letter ‘a’ in a regular expression typically matches the literal character ‘a’.

  • Without a backslash, characters like ‘d’, ‘w’, ‘s’, and ‘t’ would be treated as literal characters. For instance, d would simply match the letter ‘d’.
  • The backslash transforms these literal characters into metacharacters with special predefined meanings.


  • D in a regular expression would search for the literal letter ‘D’.
  • \D (capital D with a backslash - not discussed in the original transcript, but important to note for completeness) is often used as the opposite of \d, matching any character that is not a digit.
  • d in a regular expression would search for the literal letter ‘d’.
  • \d transforms ‘d’ into the metacharacter that matches any digit.

This escaping mechanism is fundamental to how metacharacters work in regular expressions.

Combining Metacharacters and Repetition

Metacharacters can be combined to create more complex patterns. Furthermore, you can use quantifiers to specify how many times a part of the pattern should repeat.

Example: Consider the regular expression \d{3}\s\w{5}. Let’s break down its components:

  • \d{3}: This part matches exactly three digit characters consecutively. The {3} is a quantifier specifying that the preceding element (\d) should be repeated three times.
  • \s: This matches a single whitespace character.
  • \w{5}: This matches a sequence of five word characters. The {5} quantifier means the preceding element (\w) should be repeated five times.

Therefore, the entire expression \d{3}\s\w{5} matches a pattern that consists of:

  1. Three digits
  2. Followed by a single whitespace character
  3. Followed by five word characters

Examples of strings that would match this pattern:

  • “123 ninja"
  • "987\thello” (where \t represents a tab character)
  • “007 bond_“

Examples of strings that would not match this pattern:

  • “12 ninja” (two whitespace characters instead of one)
  • “12aninja” (missing whitespace)
  • “123ninjasix” (more than five word characters at the end)
  • “a23 ninja” (first character is not a digit)

This example illustrates how metacharacters can be combined with quantifiers to define specific and complex search patterns within text. Understanding these fundamental metacharacters and their combinations is a crucial step in mastering regular expressions for various text processing tasks.

Understanding Special Characters in Regular Expressions

This chapter delves into the concept of special characters within regular expressions (regex). These characters possess unique functionalities that deviate from their literal interpretations when used in regex patterns. Instead of simply matching themselves, they act as operators that define patterns and modify the matching behavior. We will explore several key special characters and their roles in constructing powerful regular expressions.

Introduction to Special Characters

In regular expressions, certain characters are designated as “special characters.” These characters do not behave as ordinary characters that are simply matched literally. Instead, they carry special meanings and functionalities that dictate how the regex engine interprets the pattern.

Regular Expression (Regex) A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Regexes are used for pattern matching within strings, such as finding specific words, characters, or patterns of characters.

As we’ve previously seen, examples of these special characters include the plus sign (+), the backslash (\), and square brackets ([]). Understanding these special characters is crucial for effectively using regular expressions.

  • Plus Sign (+): Acts as a “one or more” quantifier.
  • Backslash (): Serves as an escape character.
  • Square Brackets ([ ]): Define a character set.

If you attempt to use these characters literally in a regex without proper handling, they will not be interpreted as the characters themselves, but rather as their special regex functionalities. To match these characters literally, you must “escape” them.

Quantifiers: Modifying Match Repetition

Quantifiers are special characters that specify how many times a preceding element in the regular expression should occur. We have already encountered the plus sign (+) as a quantifier. This chapter will introduce two additional important quantifiers: the question mark (?) and the asterisk (*).

The Question Mark (?) - Zero or One Quantifier

The question mark (?) is known as the “zero or one quantifier.” When placed after a character, character set, or group in a regex, it makes the preceding element optional. This means the element can appear zero times or one time in the input string to be considered a match.

Quantifier In regular expressions, a quantifier specifies how many times a preceding element (like a character or group) must occur to match. They control the repetition of elements in a pattern.

For example, consider the regex hello?.

  • It will match “hello” because the o is present once.
  • It will also match “hell” because the o is considered optional and can be present zero times.

The element preceding the question mark can be a single character, a range, or even a character set. The question mark simply makes that entire preceding element optional.

Example: Using a character set and the question mark.

Consider the regex a[a-z]?g.

  • a must be present.
  • [a-z]? means a lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’ is optional (zero or one occurrence).
  • g must be present.

This regex would match:

  • “ag” (zero lowercase letters between ‘a’ and ‘g’)
  • “aag”, “abg”, “acg”, …, “azg” (one lowercase letter between ‘a’ and ‘g’)

The Period (.) - Any Character Match

The period or dot (.) is another crucial special character in regex. It acts as a wildcard, matching any character whatsoever, with the notable exception of the newline character (often represented as \n, which signifies the end of a line).

Character Set A set of characters enclosed in square brackets [] that defines a collection of characters to match at a single position in the input string. For example, [abc] matches ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’.

When a period is used in a regex, it will match any single character at that position in the input string, be it a letter, number, symbol, or whitespace (excluding newline).

Example: Matching any character with the period.

Consider the regex car..

  • car must be present literally.
  • . will match any single character following “car”.

This regex would match:

  • “cars"
  • "card"
  • "car@"
  • "car_"
  • "car1”

It will not match “car” alone because the period requires an additional character to be present.

The period is particularly powerful when combined with quantifiers to create flexible patterns. For instance, .+ (period followed by a plus sign) will match any sequence of one or more characters.

The Asterisk (*) - Zero or More Quantifier

The asterisk (*) is the “zero or more quantifier.” Similar to the question mark and plus sign, it modifies the repetition of the preceding element. When placed after a character, character set, or group, it indicates that the preceding element can occur zero or more times.

Escape Character A character used to remove the special meaning of the character that follows it. In regex, the backslash \ is commonly used as an escape character to treat special characters as literal characters.

The asterisk is similar to the plus sign, but with a key difference: the plus sign requires at least one occurrence, while the asterisk allows for zero occurrences.

Example: Using the asterisk for zero or more repetitions.

Consider the regex a[a-z]*.

  • a must be present.
  • [a-z]* means zero or more lowercase letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’ can follow.

This regex would match:

  • “a” (zero lowercase letters following ‘a’)
  • “ab”, “abc”, “abcd”, … (any number of lowercase letters following ‘a’)

This is useful for matching strings where a certain part of the pattern may or may not be present and can repeat multiple times.

Escaping Special Characters for Literal Matching

As we have seen, special characters have predefined meanings in regex. However, if you need to match these characters literally in your text (e.g., you want to search for an actual question mark, period, or asterisk), you need to “escape” them.

To escape a special character, you precede it with a backslash (\). The backslash tells the regex engine to treat the following character as a literal character instead of its special regex function.

Examples of Escaping:

  • To match a literal question mark, use \?.
  • To match a literal period, use \..
  • To match a literal asterisk, use \*.
  • To match a literal backslash, use \\.

Example in Context: Matching “ABC*” literally.

To match the literal string “ABC*”, the regex should be ABC\*.

  • ABC will match “ABC” literally.
  • \* will match the asterisk character literally (instead of the zero or more quantifier).

Without escaping, ABC* would mean “ABC followed by zero or more ‘C’s,” which is a different pattern altogether.


Understanding special characters and how to use and escape them is fundamental to mastering regular expressions. The question mark, period, and asterisk are powerful quantifiers and metacharacters that significantly expand the pattern-matching capabilities of regex. By learning to utilize these characters effectively and escape them when needed, you can construct complex and precise regular expressions for a wide range of text processing tasks.

Metacharacters Characters with special meanings in regular expressions that are not interpreted literally. Examples include . * + ? [] \ ^ $. They control the behavior and matching logic of the regex pattern.

As you continue to explore regular expressions, you will encounter more special characters. Each one adds to the expressiveness and utility of regex, allowing you to define increasingly sophisticated patterns for text manipulation and analysis. The next chapter will introduce further special characters used for anchoring regex patterns to the beginning and end of lines or strings.

Understanding Regular Expressions: Anchoring Patterns with Start and End Characters

This chapter delves into the use of special characters in regular expressions to define the boundaries of a pattern. Specifically, we will explore the caret (^) and dollar sign ($) characters, which are used to anchor patterns to the beginning and end of a string, respectively. These characters are crucial for precise pattern matching, especially in applications like form validation where you need to ensure user input conforms exactly to a specific format.

The Need for Start and End Anchors in Regular Expressions

Imagine a scenario where you are building a web form that requires users to enter a word that is exactly five characters long. You might initially think of using a regular expression like [a-zA-Z]{5} to achieve this.

A regular expression (regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching within strings, allowing you to search, validate, and manipulate text based on specific rules.

This regular expression uses a character set and a quantifier to specify the desired pattern.

A character set in regular expressions defines a set of characters that can match at a single position in the input string. Character sets are often enclosed in square brackets [].

A range within a character set specifies a sequence of characters. For example, a-z represents all lowercase letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’.

Curly braces {} in regular expressions are used as quantifiers. They specify how many times the preceding element should occur. For example, {5} means exactly five times.

Let’s examine how this expression works. [a-zA-Z] matches any single uppercase or lowercase letter from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. The {5} quantifier specifies that this character set must appear exactly five times. This seems to work correctly when we test it with words like “hello” or “ninja,” which are five letters long, and it correctly rejects words with fewer letters.

However, a problem arises when the user types more than five letters. For instance, if a user enters “hello world” or “hunkydory,” the regular expression still finds a match. This is because the regex engine finds the first five letters (“hello” in “hello world” and “hunky” in “hunkydory”) that match the pattern [a-zA-Z]{5}.

This behavior is often undesirable. In our form validation example, we want to ensure that the entire input is exactly five characters long, not just that it contains a five-character word somewhere within it. We need a way to tell the regular expression to only match if the pattern starts at the very beginning of the input and ends at the very end. This is where the start anchor (^) and end anchor ($) characters come into play.

Using the Caret (^) for Start Anchoring

The caret symbol ^, when placed at the beginning of a regular expression, acts as an anchor that asserts that the pattern must match at the very beginning of the input string.


By placing ^ before our existing pattern, we modify its behavior. Let’s apply this to our five-letter word example. Consider the regular expression ^[a-zA-Z]{5}.

Now, this expression will only match if the five-letter pattern [a-zA-Z]{5} occurs at the very start of the input string. If there are any characters before the five letters, the match will fail. For instance, if we test this with “hello world,” it will no longer match because “hello” is not at the very beginning of the string; there’s nothing before it but the start of the string itself.

It’s important to note that the caret ^ has a different meaning when used inside a character set []. Within a character set, ^ acts as a negate symbol, meaning it matches any character not in the set.

In regular expressions, when the caret ^ is placed as the first character inside a character set [], it functions as a negate symbol. This means the character set will match any character that is not listed within the set. For example, [^0-9] matches any character that is not a digit.

However, when ^ is placed at the beginning of the regular expression (outside of a character set), it functions as the start anchor, as we are discussing here.

Using the Dollar Sign ($) for End Anchoring

Similarly, the dollar sign symbol $, when placed at the end of a regular expression, acts as an anchor that asserts that the pattern must match at the very end of the input string.


Using the dollar sign $ at the end of our pattern ensures that the match must occur right before the end of the input string. Let’s consider [a-zA-Z]{5}$.

This regular expression will match a five-letter word only if it appears at the very end of the input string. If we test this with “world hello,” it will match because “hello” is at the end. However, if we test with “hello world,” it will not match because “hello” is not at the end; there is ” world” after it.

Combining Caret (^) and Dollar Sign ($) for Exact Matching

To enforce that the input must be exactly a five-letter word, with nothing before or after, we need to use both the start anchor ^ and the end anchor $. By placing ^ at the beginning and $ at the end of our regular expression, we ensure that the pattern must match the entire input string from start to finish.

The combined regular expression becomes: ^[a-zA-Z]{5}$

This expression now precisely validates that the input is exactly five letters long.

  • If we input “hello”, it matches because it is five letters and is both at the start and end of the string.
  • If we input “ninja”, it matches for the same reason.
  • If we input “word”, it does not match because it is only four letters long.
  • If we input “letters”, it does not match because it is six letters long.
  • If we input “hello world”, it does not match because although it contains “hello”, “hello” is not the entire string, nor is it at the end of the string in terms of the whole input “hello world”.
  • If we input “starthello”, it does not match because even though “hello” is at the end in a sense, the whole input “starthello” is not just “hello”, and “hello” isn’t at the very start of “starthello”.

This combination of ^ and $ provides a powerful way to enforce exact matches, which is especially valuable in scenarios like form validation where you need to strictly control the format of user input.

Practical Application: Form Validation

As illustrated throughout this chapter, the primary use case demonstrated is form validation.

Form validation is the process of ensuring that user-provided input in web forms meets specific criteria before it is processed or submitted. This includes checking for required fields, correct data formats, and valid values.

In web development, using regular expressions with start and end anchors is a common and efficient method for validating form fields. By defining regular expressions like ^[a-zA-Z]{5}$, developers can easily check if user input conforms to the expected format (in this case, exactly five letters). If the input does not match the regular expression, the form can display an error message, prompting the user to correct their input.

This ensures data integrity and improves the user experience by providing immediate feedback on input validity.


In this chapter, we explored the importance of start (^) and end ($) anchors in regular expressions. These special characters allow you to specify that a pattern must match at the beginning or end of an input string, or both. By using these anchors, you can create more precise and effective regular expressions for tasks like form validation, ensuring that user input adheres strictly to defined formats. Understanding and utilizing start and end anchors is a crucial step in mastering regular expressions for various text processing and validation tasks.

Chapter: Alternation and Grouping in Regular Expressions

This chapter explores the concepts of alternation and grouping in regular expressions, powerful tools for creating flexible and sophisticated pattern matching. We will learn how to use the pipe symbol (|) to match alternative characters or words and how to utilize parentheses () to group parts of a regular expression for more complex logic.

1. Introduction to Alternation using the Pipe Symbol (|)

Regular expressions provide a way to search for patterns within text. Often, you might need to match one pattern or another. This is where alternation comes in, and it is achieved using the pipe symbol |. In regular expressions, a single pipe symbol acts as an “OR” operator.

Regular Expressions: Sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching within strings or text.

For instance, if you want to match either the letter “P” or the letter “T”, you can construct the regular expression P|T.

  • Example:
    • The regular expression P|T will match:
      • “P” in the string “Apple"
      • "T” in the string “Tree”
    • It will not match:
      • “A” in “Apple"
      • "R” in “Tree"
      • "Cat” (because neither “P” nor “T” is present)

Pipe Symbol (|): In regular expressions, the pipe symbol | acts as an “OR” operator, allowing you to specify alternative patterns to match.

2. Matching Words Using Alternation: Initial Considerations

Let’s consider a scenario where we want to match either the word “player” or the word “tire”. A naive approach might be to directly use player|tire. However, this expression does not behave as intended when trying to match whole words in this context.

  • Incorrect Approach: player|tire

This regular expression is interpreted as “match either ‘p’ OR ‘tire’“. It does not mean “match ‘player’ OR ‘tire’“.

  • Demonstration:
    • If you test player|tire against the string “player”, it will not match “player” as a whole word. Instead, it will only match the first character “p” because that is one of the alternatives specified.
    • If you test player|tire against the string “tire”, it will match “tire” because “tire” is explicitly listed as an alternative.
    • Testing against “P” alone will also result in a match due to the p|tire structure.

This highlights a crucial point: the pipe symbol applies to the immediate components surrounding it. In player|tire, it’s “p” OR “tire”, not “player” OR “tire” as a single unit.

3. Grouping with Parentheses for Word-Level Alternation

To correctly match entire words using alternation, we need to use parentheses () to group parts of the regular expression. Parentheses allow us to define the scope of the alternation.

Parentheses (()): In regular expressions, parentheses () are used for grouping parts of a pattern. They can define the scope of operators and create sub-expressions.

Consider the task of matching either “pyre” or “tire”. We observe that both words share the suffix “yre”. To match either “pyre” or “tire” correctly, we can group the alternative prefixes “P” and “T” using parentheses and then append the common suffix “yre”: (P|T)yre.

  • Correct Approach using Grouping: (P|T)yre

This regular expression is interpreted as: “Match either ‘P’ OR ‘T’, followed by ‘yre’“.

  • Demonstration:
    • (P|T)yre will match:
      • “pyre"
      • "tire”
    • (P|T)yre will not match:
      • “fire"
      • "tyrant” (because it must end in “yre”)

By using parentheses, we’ve created a sub-expression (P|T) that is evaluated as a single unit. The pipe symbol now correctly applies to the alternatives within the parentheses, ensuring we match either “P” or “T” before the “yre”.

4. Expanding Alternation to Multiple Options

The power of alternation extends to more than just two options. You can use multiple pipe symbols within parentheses to specify a list of alternatives.

For example, let’s say you want to match any of the following phrases followed by “rabbit”: “pet rabbit”, “toy rabbit”, or “crazy rabbit”. We can achieve this by grouping the alternative prefixes “pet”, “toy”, and “crazy” and then appending ” rabbit” (note the space).

  • Regular Expression for Multiple Alternatives: (pet|toy|crazy) rabbit

This expression reads as: “Match either ‘pet’ OR ‘toy’ OR ‘crazy’, followed by a space and then ‘rabbit’“.

  • Demonstration:
    • (pet|toy|crazy) rabbit will match:
      • “pet rabbit"
      • "toy rabbit"
      • "crazy rabbit”
    • (pet|toy|crazy) rabbit will not match:
      • “happy rabbit"
      • "petcat"
      • "toyrabbit” (missing space)

Match (in Regular Expressions): When a regular expression successfully finds a portion of text that conforms to its defined pattern, it is considered a “match.”

To find all occurrences of these patterns within a text, you often need to use a “global flag” in your regular expression engine.

Global Flag: A modifier in regular expressions that instructs the engine to find all matches in the input string, not just the first one.

5. Making Alternation Groups Optional with the Question Mark (?)

Building on the concept of grouping, we can further modify our regular expressions using quantifiers. A common quantifier is the question mark ?, which makes the preceding element (in this case, our grouped alternation) optional.

Optional (in Regular Expressions): When an element in a regular expression is marked as optional, it means the pattern will match even if that element is present zero or one time.

Consider the expression (pet|toy|crazy)? rabbit. The question mark ? after the parentheses (pet|toy|crazy) makes the entire group optional.

  • Regular Expression with Optional Group: (pet|toy|crazy)? rabbit

This expression now means: “Match optionally (‘pet’ OR ‘toy’ OR ‘crazy’), followed by ’ rabbit’“. In simpler terms, it will match “rabbit” with or without one of the prefixes “pet ”, “toy ”, or “crazy “.

  • Demonstration:
    • (pet|toy|crazy)? rabbit will match:
      • “rabbit” (because the group is optional and can be absent)
      • “pet rabbit"
      • "toy rabbit"
      • "crazy rabbit”
    • (pet|toy|crazy)? rabbit will not match:
      • “pet toy crazy rabbit” (because it only expects one of the options at most)
      • “hello”

Quantifier (in Regular Expressions): Symbols that specify how many times a preceding element in a regular expression should occur. Examples include ? (zero or one), * (zero or more), + (one or more), and {n,m} (between n and m times).

6. Conclusion

This chapter has introduced the fundamental concepts of alternation and grouping in regular expressions. By using the pipe symbol | for “OR” logic and parentheses () for grouping, you can create more flexible and powerful patterns. Furthermore, quantifiers like the question mark ? add another layer of control, allowing you to specify optional parts of your patterns. These techniques are crucial for building more complex and practical regular expressions for various text processing tasks.

Character: A single unit of text, such as a letter, number, symbol, or space. In regular expressions, patterns are often built by matching sequences of characters. Word: In the context of this chapter, a word refers to a sequence of characters separated by spaces or other word boundaries. Regular expressions can be used to match whole words or parts of words depending on the pattern defined.

Chapter: Form Feedback and Validation with Regular Expressions

This chapter builds upon your foundational knowledge of regular expressions (regex) to explore their practical application in form feedback and validation. We will guide you through the process of creating dynamic form validation, enhancing user experience by providing immediate feedback as they interact with form fields. This chapter assumes a basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

Setting Up the Development Environment

To begin, we will utilize pre-built HTML and CSS structures to focus on the core concepts of regular expression-based validation. The starting code for this chapter, including HTML (index.html) and CSS (style.css) files, is available on GitHub.

GitHub: A web-based platform for version control and collaboration for software development. It is used for hosting and reviewing code, managing projects, and building software.

You can access this code by navigating to the designated repository (repo) for the “regex playlist” on GitHub and selecting the branch or folder corresponding to Lesson 10.

Repository (Repo): In version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub, a repository is a storage location for all versions of files and folders related to a project. It contains the project’s history and allows for tracking changes over time.

Within this repository, you will find:

  • index.html: This file provides the basic HTML structure of the form we will be working with.
  • style.css: This file contains the CSS styles to visually present the form on the webpage.
  • validation.js: Currently empty, this JavaScript file will be where we implement our regular expressions and validation logic.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of a webpage. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. JavaScript: A high-level, often just-in-time compiled language that conforms to the ECMAScript standard. It is dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web.

This pre-built structure allows us to bypass the initial setup of HTML and CSS, assuming you have some prior familiarity with these technologies.

Form Structure

The HTML structure provides a form containing the following elements:

  • Form Title: An <h1> heading to provide a clear title for the form.

  • Form Element: A <form> element encompassing the input fields.

  • Input Fields: Five input fields designed to collect different types of user data:

    • Username: An <input type="text"> field for usernames.

    • Email: An <input type="text"> field for email addresses.

    • Password: Initially set as <input type="text"> for demonstration, but will be changed to <input type="password"> later.

      Input field: In HTML forms, an input field is a form control that allows users to enter data. Different type attributes determine the kind of input field, such as text, password, email, etc. Password Input Type: An HTML input type that obscures the characters entered by the user, typically displaying dots or asterisks instead of the actual characters for security purposes.

    • Telephone: An <input type="text"> field for telephone numbers.

    • Slug: An <input type="text"> field for slugs (used in URLs or identifiers).

    Slug: In web development, a slug is a human-readable, URL-friendly identifier, typically derived from the title or name of a piece of content. It often consists of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.

  • Hint Paragraphs: A <p> tag placed beneath each input field to provide hints or instructions to the user regarding the expected input format. These hints outline the validation criteria we will implement using regular expressions.

Validation Criteria

Each input field has specific validation requirements, communicated to the user through hint paragraphs. These criteria are as follows:

  • Username:
    • Must be alphanumeric.

      Alphanumeric: Consisting of both letters (alphabetic characters) and numbers (numeric characters).

    • Must contain between 5 and 12 characters.
  • Email:
    • Must be a valid email address format.
  • Password:
    • Must be alphanumeric.
    • Allowed special characters: @, _, and -.
    • Must be between 8 and 20 characters long.
  • Telephone:
    • Must be a valid UK telephone number.
    • Must be exactly 11 digits long.
  • Slug:
    • Must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
    • Must be between 8 and 20 characters long.

Our objective is to create regular expressions that accurately match these specified criteria for each form field. If user input does not conform to the corresponding regular expression pattern, it will be considered invalid.

Regular Expressions (Regex): Sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching within strings, often for tasks like validation, searching, and replacing text. Pattern (in Regular Expressions): The specific sequence of characters and metacharacters that define the search criteria in a regular expression. It describes what the regex engine should look for in a string.

Implementing Real-time Validation with JavaScript

To provide immediate feedback to the user, we will use JavaScript to implement real-time validation. The validation process will work as follows:

  1. Event Listener: JavaScript will listen for key events triggered when the user types in an input field.

    Event Listener: In JavaScript, an event listener is a procedure or function that waits for an event to occur. In this context, it’s waiting for a user to type a key within an input field. Key Event: An action triggered when a key on the keyboard is pressed or released. In this context, it refers to the “keyup” event, which occurs when a key is released.

  2. Input Retrieval: Upon detecting a key event, JavaScript will retrieve the current value from the input field that triggered the event.

  3. Regular Expression Matching: The retrieved input value will be tested against the corresponding regular expression pattern designed for that specific input field.

  4. Validation Feedback:

    • Valid Input: If the input value matches the regular expression pattern, JavaScript will add a CSS class named “valid” to the input field’s class list.

      CSS Class: An attribute in HTML elements that allows you to apply specific CSS styles to those elements. In JavaScript, you can dynamically add or remove CSS classes to change the styling of elements based on certain conditions.

    • Invalid Input: If the input value does not match the regular expression pattern, no class or a different class (e.g., “invalid”) could be added (though not explicitly mentioned in the transcript, this is implied for a complete validation system).
  5. Styling: CSS styles associated with the “valid” class (e.g., a green border) will be applied to the input field, visually indicating to the user that the input is currently valid according to the defined criteria.

This approach allows for dynamic, user-friendly form validation, providing instant feedback as users interact with the form.

Next Steps

In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the creation of specific regular expressions tailored to each of the validation criteria outlined in this chapter. We will start by crafting our first regular expression and integrating it into the validation.js file to enable real-time form validation.

Regular Expressions in JavaScript: Creation and Implementation

This chapter explores the creation and implementation of regular expressions within JavaScript. Regular expressions, often shortened to “regex” or “regexp,” are powerful tools for pattern matching within strings. While we may have previously experimented with regular expressions in online tools, this chapter will focus on integrating them into JavaScript applications. We will cover two primary methods for creating regular expressions in JavaScript, highlighting the more common and recommended approach.

Creating Regular Expressions in JavaScript: Two Methods

JavaScript offers two distinct ways to create regular expressions. Let’s examine each method in detail.

Method 1: Literal Notation (Forward Slash Delimitation)

The most common and often preferred method for creating regular expressions in JavaScript is using literal notation. This method mirrors the syntax often seen in online regex tools.

  1. Declaration and Assignment: To begin, declare a variable to store your regular expression. This allows for easy reuse and manipulation within your JavaScript code.

    let reg; // Declaring a variable named 'reg'
  2. Regular Expression Literal: Assign a regular expression literal to the declared variable. This literal is enclosed within forward slashes (/).

    let reg = /your_regular_expression/;

    Regular Expression (Regex/Regexp): A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Regular expressions are used for matching character combinations in strings, text processing, and data validation.

  3. Defining the Pattern: Insert your desired regular expression pattern between the forward slashes. For example, to match any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’, you would use:

    let reg = /[a-z]/;

    This regular expression /[a-z]/ will match any single lowercase character from ‘a’ through ‘z’.

  4. Adding Flags (Modifiers): Flags, also known as modifiers, are optional parameters that alter the behavior of the regular expression matching. They are appended after the closing forward slash.

    • Global Flag (g): The g flag enables a global search, meaning the regular expression will find all matches within a string, not just the first one.
    • Case-Insensitive Flag (i): The i flag makes the regular expression case-insensitive, allowing it to match both uppercase and lowercase letters.

    To apply flags, append them directly after the closing forward slash. For example, to make the /[a-z]/ regex global and case-insensitive, you would write:

    let reg = /[a-z]/gi; // Global and Case-Insensitive match

    Note that the order of flags does not matter.

  5. Important Note: No Quotation Marks: When using literal notation, do not enclose the regular expression within quotation marks (" or '). Quotation marks will treat the content as a plain string, not a regular expression.

    let notRegex = "/[a-z]/"; // This is a string, not a regex!

    Text editors and IDEs often provide syntax highlighting to visually differentiate between strings and regular expression literals, aiding in error prevention.

    Syntax Highlighting: A feature of text editors and IDEs that displays code in different colors and fonts according to the syntax of the programming language. This visual cue helps developers identify different elements of code, such as keywords, variables, and strings, improving readability and error detection.

    In the example /[a-zA-Z]/gi, we are creating a regular expression to match any letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’ and ‘A’ to ‘Z’ (due to the range a-zA-Z), case-insensitively (due to the i flag), and globally (due to the g flag).

Method 2: Constructor Notation (RegExp Object)

The second method for creating regular expressions in JavaScript involves using the RegExp constructor. While less common for simple cases, it is useful when constructing regular expressions dynamically or when dealing with strings that contain forward slashes.

  1. Using the RegExp Constructor: Create a new regular expression object using the new RegExp() constructor.

    let reg2 = new RegExp("regular_expression_pattern");

    Constructor: In object-oriented programming, a special method or function used to create and initialize objects of a class. In JavaScript, RegExp is a built-in constructor function for creating regular expression objects.

  2. Pattern Parameter: The first parameter passed to the RegExp constructor is a string representing the regular expression pattern.

    let reg2 = new RegExp("[a-z]"); // Pattern as a string

    Note that within a string, special characters may need to be escaped using a backslash (\). For instance, to include a literal backslash in the regex pattern string, you would need to use \\.

  3. Flags Parameter (Optional): The second, optional parameter for the RegExp constructor is a string specifying the flags to be applied.

    let reg2 = new RegExp("[a-z]", "i"); // Case-insensitive using the 'i' flag
    let reg2Global = new RegExp("[a-z]", "gi"); // Global and case-insensitive

    The flags are passed as a string, such as "i", "g", "gi", etc.

Method Preference and Best Practices

While both methods are valid for creating regular expressions in JavaScript, the literal notation (using forward slashes) is generally preferred for its conciseness and readability, especially for statically defined regular expressions. It is often considered more “idiomatic” JavaScript.

The constructor notation is more suitable in scenarios where the regular expression pattern is constructed dynamically, for example, based on user input or other variables, or when you need to include forward slashes within the regular expression pattern itself without escaping them in the literal notation.

For the remainder of this learning journey, we will primarily utilize the literal notation method for creating regular expressions due to its common usage and ease of understanding. However, being aware of the constructor notation is valuable for understanding existing codebases and for situations where it proves to be the more appropriate choice.

Introduction to Regular Expressions for Form Validation in JavaScript

This chapter will guide you through the process of creating and understanding your first regular expression in JavaScript for the purpose of form validation. We will focus on a practical example: validating a telephone number field to ensure users input data in the correct format.

What are Regular Expressions?

Regular expressions, often shortened to “regex” or “RegEx,” are powerful tools used for pattern matching in strings. They allow you to define specific search patterns and then test if a given string matches that pattern. In web development, regular expressions are invaluable for validating user input in forms, ensuring data conforms to expected formats before submission.

Regular Expression (RegEx): A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Regular expressions are used to match character combinations in strings, allowing for powerful text searching and manipulation.

In JavaScript, regular expressions are objects and can be created in a couple of ways. This chapter focuses on using literal notation for simplicity and clarity.

Setting the Stage: Form Validation and Regular Expressions

Before diving into the specifics of regular expressions, let’s consider the scenario: validating form fields. Imagine a website form that requires users to enter their telephone number, among other details. To ensure data quality, we need to check if the entered telephone number adheres to a specific format. For instance, a UK telephone number is typically 11 digits long. Regular expressions are perfectly suited to perform this type of validation.

Our goal is to create a JavaScript regular expression that checks if the input in a telephone number field consists of exactly 11 digits.

Organizing Regular Expressions: Using JavaScript Objects

To manage multiple regular expressions for different form fields efficiently, it’s good practice to store them in a structured manner. A JavaScript object is an excellent choice for this purpose. We can create an object that will hold different regular expression patterns as its properties.

Object (in JavaScript): A fundamental data type in JavaScript used to store collections of key-value pairs. Objects allow you to organize and access data in a structured way. Property (of an Object): A named value associated with an object. Properties are key-value pairs, where the key is a string (the property name) and the value can be any JavaScript data type.

Let’s declare a constant variable named patterns and assign an empty object to it. This object will house our regular expressions.

const patterns = {};

Now, we want to add a property to this object to store the regular expression for the telephone number field. We will name this property telephone, mirroring the field we intend to validate.

const patterns = {
  telephone: // Regular expression will be placed here

Building the Regular Expression for Telephone Numbers

In JavaScript, a regular expression literal is enclosed within forward slashes / /. Let’s start constructing our telephone number regular expression within these slashes.

const patterns = {
  telephone: / /

Matching Digits: Character Sets and Meta-characters

We know that a UK telephone number consists of digits from 0 to 9. One way to specify this in a regular expression is using a character set with a range.

Character Set (in Regular Expressions): A set of characters enclosed in square brackets [] that specifies a group of characters to match. Any single character within the set will satisfy the match. Range (in Regular Expressions): Within a character set, a range specifies a sequence of characters using a hyphen -. For example, [a-z] matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’.

We could use the character set [0-9] to represent any digit from 0 to 9. This means “[match any character that is either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9]“.

However, regular expressions provide convenient meta-characters for common patterns. The meta-character \d serves the same purpose as the character set [0-9]. It represents any digit from 0 to 9 and is often more concise and readable.

Meta-character (in Regular Expressions): A special character that has a predefined meaning in regular expressions, often representing a class of characters or a specific operation. \d is a meta-character that represents any digit (0-9).

Let’s use \d in our regular expression:

const patterns = {
  telephone: /\d/

Currently, this regular expression /\d/ will match any single digit in the input. For example, it would match “5”, “3”, or “7”. However, we need to match 11 digits, not just one.

Specifying Quantity: Quantifiers

To specify the number of times a preceding element in a regular expression should be repeated, we use quantifiers. Curly braces {} are used to define specific repetition counts.

Quantifier (in Regular Expressions): Symbols or special characters that specify how many times the preceding element in a regular expression should be repeated. Curly braces {} are used for specific repetition counts.

To match exactly 11 digits, we can use the quantifier {11} after \d. This means “match the preceding element (\d, which is any digit) exactly 11 times”.

const patterns = {
  telephone: /\d{11}/

Now, / \d{11} / will match a string containing 11 consecutive digits, like “12345678901”. However, there’s still a potential issue. If a user enters “abcdef12345678901uvwxyz”, this regular expression would still find a match because it finds 11 consecutive digits within the string. We need to ensure that the entire input string consists only of 11 digits and nothing else.

Anchoring the Expression: Start and End Anchors

To ensure that the regular expression matches the entire input string and not just a part of it, we use anchors. Anchors do not match characters but positions within the string. The two crucial anchors for this purpose are:

  • ^ (Caret): Matches the beginning of the input string.
  • $ (Dollar sign): Matches the end of the input string.

Anchor (in Regular Expressions): Special characters that match positions within a string rather than actual characters. They are used to assert that a match must occur at a specific position, such as the beginning or end of a string. Caret (^): An anchor that matches the beginning of the input string. Dollar Sign ($): An anchor that matches the end of the input string.

By placing ^ at the beginning of our regular expression and $ at the end, we are specifying that the pattern must start at the beginning of the string and end at the end of the string.

Let’s add these anchors to our telephone number regular expression:

const patterns = {
  telephone: /^\d{11}$/

Now, /^\d{11}$/ will only match strings that start at the beginning (^), followed by exactly 11 digits (\d{11}), and end immediately after the 11 digits ($). This effectively validates that the entire input is precisely 11 digits long and nothing else.

For example:

  • “12345678901” - Match (Exactly 11 digits, starts at the beginning and ends at the end of the string).
  • “abcdef12345678901uvwxyz” - No Match (While it contains 11 digits, it does not start and end with them).
  • “12345” - No Match (Not 11 digits long).
  • “123456789012” - No Match (More than 11 digits).


We have successfully created our first regular expression in JavaScript to validate a UK telephone number field! The regular expression /^\d{11}$/ is a concise yet powerful tool for ensuring that user input conforms to the expected format of 11 digits.

In summary, we used:

  • Forward slashes / / to define the regular expression literal.
  • The meta-character \d to represent any digit (0-9).
  • The quantifier {11} to specify exactly 11 repetitions of the preceding element.
  • The anchors ^ and $ to ensure the entire input string matches the pattern.

This regular expression stored as a property in our patterns object is now ready to be used to validate telephone number inputs. The next step is to learn how to test this regular expression against user input in JavaScript, which will be covered in subsequent materials.

Form Field Validation with Regular Expressions in JavaScript

This chapter will guide you through the process of implementing real-time form field validation using regular expressions and JavaScript. We will focus on creating a dynamic system that checks user input against predefined patterns as they type, providing immediate feedback on the validity of the data.

Introduction to Form Field Validation

Form validation is a crucial aspect of web development, ensuring that user-submitted data conforms to expected formats and rules before being processed. Client-side validation, performed in the user’s browser using JavaScript, enhances user experience by providing instant feedback and reducing unnecessary server requests.

In this chapter, we will explore how to use regular expressions to define validation patterns and JavaScript to apply these patterns to form fields.

Regular Expressions (Regex) Regular expressions are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching within strings, and are incredibly useful for validating data formats like email addresses, phone numbers, and more.

Setting Up the Validation Environment

Before we begin implementing the JavaScript validation, we need to have a basic HTML form structure and define our validation patterns. Let’s assume we have a form with various input fields, each requiring a specific validation rule. We will also need to define our regular expressions in JavaScript.

For instance, consider a form with fields for username, email, password, and telephone number. We can define regular expressions for each of these fields to ensure the user inputs data in the correct format.

In our JavaScript code, we can store these regular expressions in an object for easy access and management. For example:

const patterns = {
    telephone: /^\d{11}$/,
    username: /^[a-z\d]{5,12}$/i,
    email: /^([a-z\d\.-]+)@([a-z\d-]+)\.([a-z]{2,8})(\.[a-z]{2,8})?$/,
    password: /^[\w@-]{8,20}$/,
    slug: /^[a-z\d-]+$/

In this example, we have defined a regular expression for a telephone number (telephone) that expects exactly 11 digits (\d{11}).

Attaching Event Listeners to Input Fields

To enable real-time validation, we need to listen for user input in each form field. We can achieve this by attaching an event listener to each input element. Specifically, we will use the keyup event, which triggers every time a key is released after being pressed within an input field.

Event Listener An event listener is a procedure or function in JavaScript that waits for a specific event to occur (like a key press, mouse click, or page load) and then executes a predefined function in response to that event.

Here are the steps to attach event listeners:

  • Selecting All Input Fields: First, we need to select all input elements in our form. We can use document.querySelectorAll('input') to achieve this. This method returns a NodeList, which is a collection of all elements matching the CSS selector provided.

    NodeList (HTMLCollection) A NodeList is a collection of DOM nodes, similar to an array, returned by methods like querySelectorAll or childNodes. It represents a list of elements in the document. In older browsers, getElementsByClassName and getElementsByTagName return HTMLCollection, which is live-updating, unlike the static NodeList from querySelectorAll.

    const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
  • Iterating Through Input Fields: Since querySelectorAll returns a NodeList (or HTMLCollection), we cannot directly attach an event listener to the entire collection. We need to iterate through each input element in the collection and attach an event listener to each one individually. We can use the forEach method for this purpose.

    inputs.forEach(input => {
        // Add event listener to each input element here
  • Adding the keyup Event Listener: Inside the forEach loop, for each input element, we use the addEventListener method to listen for the keyup event. We will associate an anonymous arrow function with this event, which will be executed every time a keyup event occurs on the input field.

    inputs.forEach(input => {
        input.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
            // Code to handle the keyup event will go here

Identifying the Input Field and Retrieving the Corresponding Regular Expression

When a keyup event occurs, we need to identify which input field triggered the event so we can apply the correct regular expression for validation. We can use the name attribute of the input field for this purpose.

  • Accessing the Event Target: The event object passed to our event listener function contains information about the event. The property refers to the HTML element that triggered the event – in this case, the input field.

    Event Target In the context of event handling in JavaScript, the event target is the DOM element on which an event occurred. It is accessible through the target property of the event object.

  • Retrieving the name Attribute: We can access the attributes of the target element using This returns a NamedNodeMap of attributes. To get the value of the name attribute, we can use or more concisely

    const fieldName =;
    console.log(fieldName); // This will log the name attribute of the input field
  • Accessing the Regular Expression: Now that we have the fieldName (e.g., ‘telephone’, ‘username’), we can use this to access the corresponding regular expression from our patterns object.

    const regex = patterns[fieldName];

Creating a Validation Function

To keep our code organized and reusable, it’s beneficial to create a separate function that handles the actual validation logic. Let’s create a function called validate that takes two arguments: the input field element and the regular expression to test against.

function validate(field, regex) {
    // Validation logic will go here

Inside the validate function, we need to test the current value of the input field against the provided regular expression.

  • Testing against the Regular Expression: Regular expressions in JavaScript have a test() method. This method takes a string as an argument and returns true if the string matches the pattern defined by the regular expression, and false otherwise. We will use regex.test(field.value) to test the input field’s value.

    function validate(field, regex) {
        const isValid = regex.test(field.value);
        return isValid; // Returns true if valid, false if invalid

Applying Validation Results and Providing Feedback

After determining whether the input is valid or invalid using the validate function, we need to provide visual feedback to the user. We can do this by dynamically adding or removing CSS classes to the input field based on the validation result.

  • Adding and Removing CSS Classes: We can use the classList property of the input element to add or remove CSS classes. We will add a class ‘valid’ if the input is valid and ‘invalid’ if it is not.

    function validate(field, regex) {
        const isValid = regex.test(field.value);
        if (isValid) {
            field.className = 'valid'; // Set class to 'valid'
        } else {
            field.className = 'invalid'; // Set class to 'invalid'
  • Integrating Validation in Event Listener: Now, we need to call our validate function from within our keyup event listener and pass the input field ( and the corresponding regular expression (patterns[fieldName]) as arguments.

    inputs.forEach(input => {
        input.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
            const fieldName =;
            const regex = patterns[fieldName];
            validate(, regex); // Call the validate function

By implementing these steps, whenever a user types into an input field, the keyup event will trigger, our validation function will be called, and the input field will dynamically receive either the ‘valid’ or ‘invalid’ CSS class based on whether the input matches the defined regular expression. This provides immediate visual feedback to the user regarding the validity of their input.


This chapter has demonstrated how to implement real-time form field validation using regular expressions and JavaScript. By attaching event listeners, identifying input fields, creating a validation function, and dynamically applying CSS classes, we have built a system that provides instant feedback to users, enhancing the user experience and ensuring data integrity. This structure is easily extensible; you can add more regular expressions to the patterns object and the validation will automatically apply to new form fields with corresponding name attributes. This modular approach makes it easy to manage and expand your form validation logic as your application grows.

Form Input Validation with JavaScript Regular Expressions

This chapter explores how to implement form input validation in JavaScript using regular expressions. We will build upon a pre-existing JavaScript structure to enhance form validation for common input fields like username, password, and profile slug. This approach ensures data integrity and improves user experience by providing immediate feedback on input correctness.

Understanding the Existing JavaScript Structure

Before diving into new validations, let’s understand the foundation already in place. Our JavaScript code is designed to dynamically validate form fields as the user types.

  • Event Listener: The code listens for the key open event on input fields. This means that as soon as a user releases a key after typing in an input field, the validation process is triggered.

    The key open event, more commonly known as keyup event in web development, is fired when a key is released on the keyboard after being pressed. It allows for real-time actions to be triggered as the user types.

  • Identifying the Input Field: When a key open event occurs, the script identifies the specific input field that triggered the event. It does this by accessing the name property of the input field.

    The name property in HTML input elements is an attribute used to identify the input when form data is submitted. In JavaScript, it can be accessed to programmatically interact with specific input fields.

  • Querying Validation Patterns: The name property of the input field is then used to query a patterns object. This patterns object is assumed to hold a collection of regular expressions, where each property name corresponds to the name attribute of an input field, and the value is the regular expression for validating that field.

  • Retrieving the Regular Expression: Based on the name property, the script retrieves the corresponding regular expression from the patterns object. This regular expression defines the rules for valid input for that specific field.

  • Validation Function: The retrieved regular expression and the input field itself are passed to a validate function. This function is responsible for performing the actual validation.

  • Testing the Regular Expression: Inside the validate function, the regular expression is tested against the current value of the input field. This is done using a regular expression method that checks if the input value matches the pattern defined by the regular expression.

  • Applying CSS Classes: Based on the result of the validation test (true for valid, false for invalid), the script dynamically adds CSS classes to the input field.

    • If the input is valid (matches the regular expression), a CSS class named “valid” is added.

    • If the input is invalid (does not match the regular expression), a CSS class named “invalid” is added.

    CSS classes are attributes in HTML that allow you to apply specific styles to HTML elements. In this context, “valid” and “invalid” classes are likely associated with CSS rules that visually indicate the validation status of the input field to the user, for example, by changing the border color to green or red.

This process allows for immediate visual feedback to the user as they fill out the form, enhancing usability.

Implementing Regular Expressions for New Form Fields

Our next step is to add regular expressions for validating three new form fields: username, password, and profile slug. We will define the validation rules for each and then create the corresponding regular expressions within our patterns object.

1. Username Validation


  • Must be alphanumeric (letters and numbers).
  • Must contain between 5 and 12 characters.
  • Case-insensitive.

Regular Expression Construction:

  1. Property Name: We identify the name property of the username input field in our HTML. Let’s assume it is “username”. We will use this as the property name in our patterns object.

  2. Regular Expression Delimiters: Regular expressions in JavaScript are typically enclosed within forward slashes /.

    Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, they are often defined using forward slashes as delimiters, e.g., /pattern/.

  3. Anchors: We use the caret ^ and dollar sign $ anchors to ensure that the regular expression matches the entire input string from the beginning to the end.

    Anchors in regular expressions are special characters that match positions rather than characters. ^ matches the beginning of the string, and $ matches the end of the string.

  4. Character Set: We need to allow alphanumeric characters. We can define a character set using square brackets [].

    • a-z: Matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’.

    • A-Z: Matches any uppercase letter from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.

    • 0-9: Matches any digit from ‘0’ to ‘9’.

    • Alternatively, we can use the metacharacter \d which is equivalent to 0-9.

    A character set in regular expressions, denoted by square brackets [], defines a set of characters that can be matched at a specific position in the input string. For example, [abc] will match ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’.

    A metacharacter in regular expressions is a special character that has a specific meaning beyond its literal value. \d is a metacharacter that represents any digit (0-9).

  5. Case-Insensitive Flag: To make the validation case-insensitive, we add the i flag after the closing forward slash of the regular expression.

    Flags in regular expressions are modifiers that alter the search behavior. The i flag makes the regular expression case-insensitive.

  6. Quantifier: We need to specify the length constraint (5 to 12 characters). We use curly braces {} to define quantifiers.

    • {5,12}: Matches the preceding character set or group between 5 and 12 times, inclusive.

    Quantifiers in regular expressions specify how many times a preceding element (character, character set, group) must occur to match. {n,m} quantifier specifies that the preceding element must occur at least n times and at most m times.

Constructed Regular Expression for Username: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,12}$/i (or /^[\da-zA-Z]{5,12}$/i or /^[\dw]{5,12}$/i with \w including underscores)


In our patterns object, we add the username validation:

patterns = {
  username: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,12}$/i,
  // ... other patterns

2. Password Validation


  • Must be alphanumeric.
  • Can also include @, _, and - characters.
  • Must be between 8 and 20 characters long.

Regular Expression Construction:

  1. Property Name: Assume the name property of the password input field is “password”.

  2. Anchors: ^ and $.

  3. Character Set:

    • We can use the word metacharacter \w, which matches alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers, and underscore _).

      The word metacharacter \w in regular expressions matches any word character, which typically includes uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), and the underscore character (_).

    • We also need to allow @ and -. We add these directly into our character set.

  4. Quantifier: {8,20} for the length constraint.

Constructed Regular Expression for Password: /^[\w@\-]{8,20}$/


patterns = {
  username: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,12}$/i,
  password: /^[\w@\-]{8,20}$/,
  // ... other patterns

HTML Attribute Update: For password fields, it is crucial to set the type attribute to “password” in the HTML. This will mask the input characters for security.

<input type="password" name="password" ...>

3. Profile Slug Validation


  • Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  • Must be between 8 and 20 characters long.

Regular Expression Construction:

  1. Property Name: Assume the name property of the slug input field is “slug”.

  2. Anchors: ^ and $.

  3. Character Set:

    • a-z: Lowercase letters only.
    • 0-9 or \d: Digits.
    • -: Hyphen.
  4. Quantifier: {8,20} for the length constraint.

Constructed Regular Expression for Profile Slug: /^[a-z0-9\-]{8,20}$/ (or /^[a-zd\-]{8,20}$/)


patterns = {
  username: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,12}$/i,
  password: /^[\w@\-]{8,20}$/,
  slug: /^[a-z0-9\-]{8,20}$/,
  // ... other patterns

Testing and Refinement

After implementing these regular expressions, it is essential to test them thoroughly with various inputs, including valid and invalid cases, to ensure they behave as expected. We can test by typing into the respective input fields in our form and observing the application of the “valid” and “invalid” CSS classes.

Example Testing Scenarios:

  • Username:
    • “test” (invalid - too short)
    • “test123” (valid)
    • “TestUser12” (valid - case-insensitive)
    • “ThisUsernameIsTooLong” (invalid - too long)
    • “user!name” (invalid - special characters)
  • Password:
    • “pass123” (invalid - too short)
    • “password123” (valid)
    • “Password@1-” (valid - special characters allowed)
    • “ThisPasswordIsWayTooLongForValidationPurposes” (invalid - too long)
    • “pass+word” (invalid - disallowed character ’+‘)
  • Slug:
    • “slug” (invalid - too short)
    • “profile-slug” (valid)
    • “my-page-123” (valid)
    • “MyPageSlug” (invalid - uppercase letters)
    • “profile_slug” (invalid - underscore)
    • “this-is-a-very-long-slug-that-exceeds-the-limit” (invalid - too long)

By systematically testing these scenarios, we can confirm the accuracy of our regular expressions and ensure robust form input validation.

Next Steps

With the username, password, and profile slug validations implemented, the next logical step is to tackle the more complex email validation, as mentioned in the original transcript. Furthermore, enhancing the user interface with more informative validation messages and considering server-side validation are crucial aspects for building a complete and secure form validation system.

Chapter: Understanding Email Address Structure and Validation with Regular Expressions

Introduction to Email Addresses

In the digital age, email addresses are fundamental for online communication. They serve as unique identifiers, enabling us to send and receive messages, register for online services, and much more. Understanding the structure of an email address is crucial for various applications, including data validation and processing. This chapter will break down the components of an email address and explore how regular expressions can be used to validate their format.

Anatomy of an Email Address

An email address is structured into distinct parts, each with specific rules governing its composition. Let’s examine these components in detail:

  • Local Part (Username): This is the portion of the email address that comes before the ”@” symbol. It typically identifies a specific mailbox within a domain.

    Local Part (Username): This is the first part of an email address, appearing before the ”@” symbol. It represents the user or mailbox name within a specific domain.

    • Allowed Characters: The local part can contain a combination of:

      • Lowercase letters (a-z)
      • Numbers (0-9)
      • Dots (.)
      • Hyphens (-)
    • Example: In the email address [email protected], donna.peters-1985 is the local part.

  • ”@” Symbol: This symbol acts as a separator, dividing the local part from the domain. It is a mandatory component of every email address.

  • Domain Name: This part follows the ”@” symbol and identifies the email service provider or organization responsible for the email address.

    Domain Name: The part of an email address that comes after the ”@” symbol and before the first dot. It typically represents the organization or service provider hosting the email account.

    • Allowed Characters: The domain name can consist of:

      • Lowercase letters (a-z)
      • Numbers (0-9)
      • Hyphens (-)
    • Example: In [email protected], net-ninja is the domain name.

  • Top-Level Domain (TLD) - Extension: This is the final part of the domain, appearing after the last dot. It categorizes the domain, often indicating its purpose or geographical origin.

    Top-Level Domain (TLD): The last part of a domain name, following the final dot (e.g., .com, .org, .uk). It indicates the domain’s category, such as commercial (.com), organizational (.org), or country-specific (.uk).

    • Allowed Characters: The TLD primarily uses:

      • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Length: TLDs typically range from two to a few characters in length.

    • Examples: .com, .org, .net, .code.

  • Optional Second-Level TLD: Some domain names include an additional extension after the primary TLD, often denoting a country or region. This part is optional.

    Second-Level TLD: An optional domain extension that appears after the primary TLD (e.g., .co in It often indicates a more specific geographic or organizational category.

    • Structure: It always begins with a dot (.) followed by:

      • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Length: Similar to TLDs, these extensions are usually short, around two to a few characters.

    • Examples: .uk in, .ca in

Summary of Email Address Structure:

An email address can be visualized as having the following structure:

[email protected][.second-level-tld (optional)]

Validating Email Addresses with Regular Expressions

Ensuring that user-provided email addresses are correctly formatted is crucial for data integrity. Regular expressions, often shortened to “regex” or “regexp,” are powerful tools for pattern matching in strings. They are invaluable for validating the format of email addresses.

Regular Expression (Regex/Regexp): A sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. Regular expressions are used for string matching and manipulation, allowing for complex pattern recognition within text.

Let’s construct a regular expression to validate email addresses based on the structure we’ve just discussed.

Building a Regular Expression for Email Validation: Step-by-Step

We will build our regular expression piece by piece, corresponding to each part of the email address. We will enclose each section within parentheses () for clarity and organization.

1. Validating the Local Part:

As we learned, the local part can contain letters, numbers, dots, and hyphens. In regular expressions, we use character sets defined within square brackets [] to specify a range or set of allowed characters.

Character Set: In regular expressions, a character set is defined using square brackets [] and specifies a set of characters that can match at a single position in the input string. For example, [abc] would match ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’.

To match lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dots (.), and hyphens (-), we can use the following character set: [a-z0-9.\-].

  • a-z: Matches any lowercase letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’.

  • 0-9: Matches any digit from ‘0’ to ‘9’.

  • .: The dot usually has a special meaning in regex (matching any character). To match a literal dot, we need to escape it using a backslash \. So, \. matches a literal dot.

    Escape Character/Escaping: In regular expressions, an escape character (backslash \) is used to remove the special meaning of a character and treat it literally. For example, \. matches a literal dot instead of any character.

  • -: The hyphen is included to match literal hyphens. Within a character set, if you want to include a literal hyphen and it’s not at the start or end, it often needs to be escaped or placed carefully to avoid being interpreted as a range. In this context, placing it at the end is generally safe.

To allow one or more occurrences of these characters, we use the + quantifier.

Quantifier (+): In regular expressions, the plus sign + is a quantifier that matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element. For example, a+ would match ‘a’, ‘aa’, ‘aaa’, and so on.

Therefore, the regex for the local part becomes: ([a-z0-9.\-]+)

2. Matching the ”@” Symbol:

The ”@” symbol is a literal character and has no special meaning in this context within the regex. We simply include it directly: @

3. Validating the Domain Name:

The domain name is similar to the local part in terms of allowed characters: letters, numbers, and hyphens. We can use a similar character set and quantifier: ([a-z0-9\-]+)

4. Validating the Top-Level Domain (TLD):

The TLD consists only of letters. We can use the character set [a-z]. TLDs are typically 2 to 8 characters long. We can specify this length using curly braces {} as a quantifier.

Quantifier {min,max}: In regular expressions, curly braces {min,max} are quantifiers that specify a range for the number of occurrences of the preceding element. {2,8} means “match at least 2 and at most 8 times”.

Thus, the regex for the TLD is: ([a-z]{2,8})

5. Handling the Optional Second-Level TLD:

The second-level TLD is optional and starts with a dot followed by letters. First, we need to match the literal dot, remembering to escape it: \.. Then, we match the letters using [a-z] and again specify a length of 2 to 8 characters: ([a-z]{2,8}). To make this entire part optional, we enclose it in parentheses () and use the ? quantifier.

Quantifier (?): In regular expressions, the question mark ? is a quantifier that makes the preceding element optional, meaning it can occur zero or one time.

So, the regex for the optional second-level TLD is: (\.[a-z]{2,8})?

The Complete Email Validation Regular Expression

Putting all the parts together, we get the following regular expression for email validation:


Let’s break down the complete expression:

  • ^: The caret symbol ^ anchors the regex to the beginning of the string. This ensures that the pattern must start at the very beginning of the input.

    Caret (^): In regular expressions, the caret symbol ^ is an anchor that matches the beginning of the string.

  • $: The dollar sign $ anchors the regex to the end of the string. This ensures that the pattern must match all the way to the end of the input.

    Dollar Sign ($): In regular expressions, the dollar sign $ is an anchor that matches the end of the string.

  • (...): Parentheses are used for grouping parts of the regex. They also allow for capturing groups (though we are not explicitly using capturing groups for this validation purpose here, they are used for organizational clarity).

    Parentheses (Grouping): In regular expressions, parentheses () are used to group parts of the expression together. This can be for applying quantifiers to a group, or for capturing matched substrings.

  • [a-z0-9.\-]+: Matches the local part.

  • @: Matches the ”@” symbol.

  • [a-z0-9\-]+: Matches the domain name.

  • \.: Matches the literal dot before the TLD.

  • [a-z]{2,8}: Matches the TLD.

  • (\.[a-z]{2,8})?: Matches the optional second-level TLD.

This regular expression, enclosed within forward slashes // as is common in many programming languages, would be written as:


Important Note on Case Sensitivity: In this example, we are using [a-z] which only matches lowercase letters. If you need to validate email addresses in a case-insensitive manner (allowing both uppercase and lowercase letters), you would typically need to use a flag or modifier in your regex engine to ignore case. However, for simplicity, this example focuses on lowercase letters as demonstrated in the transcript.

Case-insensitive: Ignoring the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters during pattern matching. Regular expressions can often be configured to be case-insensitive, allowing matches regardless of letter case.

Testing and Limitations of the Regular Expression

This regex provides a basic level of email validation and will catch many common invalid email formats. You can test it against various email addresses to see if they are considered “valid” or “invalid” according to this pattern.

Examples of Valid Emails (according to this regex):

Examples of Invalid Emails (according to this regex):


It’s crucial to understand that this regular expression, like most email validation regexes, is not perfect and has limitations:

  • Complexity of Email Standards: The official specifications for email addresses (defined by RFC standards) are incredibly complex and allow for many more variations than this regex covers. Creating a regex that perfectly matches all valid email addresses according to all RFC standards is extremely difficult and often impractical for simple validation.
  • False Negatives/Positives: This regex might reject some valid, though unusual, email addresses (false negatives) and might accept some technically invalid addresses that happen to fit the pattern (false positives).
  • Semantic Validity: Even if an email address matches the regex pattern, it doesn’t guarantee that the email address actually exists or is functional. Regex validation only checks the format, not the validity of the email address in terms of deliverability.

Disclaimer: Email validation using regular expressions is a complex topic with ongoing debate. The regex provided here is a simplified version and may not catch every single valid or invalid email address in all possible scenarios. For more robust validation, especially in critical applications, consider using dedicated email validation libraries or services that perform more thorough checks, including DNS lookups and SMTP server verification.

Next Steps: User Feedback and Refinement

While this regex provides a functional way to validate email format, user experience is also important. Providing visual feedback to the user, such as changing the input border color to green for valid input or red for invalid input, can significantly improve usability. This can be achieved using JavaScript and CSS in web forms. Further refinement of the regex might be needed depending on specific application requirements and desired level of validation strictness.


This chapter has provided a comprehensive breakdown of email address structure and demonstrated how to construct a regular expression for basic email format validation. While regex-based validation is not foolproof, it is a valuable tool for quickly identifying and rejecting common errors in user-provided email addresses, contributing to better data quality and user experience. Remember to consider the limitations of regex validation and explore more robust methods if highly accurate email validation is required for your application.

Enhancing User Feedback in Form Validation with CSS Styling

This chapter focuses on improving user experience in web forms by providing visual feedback on the validity of form fields. We will explore how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to dynamically style form elements based on their validation status, making it clear to the user whether their input is valid or requires correction.

Introduction to Form Validation Feedback

Effective form validation is crucial for ensuring data integrity and guiding users to fill out forms correctly. While basic form validation can prevent submission of incorrect data, providing real-time feedback significantly enhances the user experience. Instead of simply preventing submission at the end, visual cues can inform users about the validity of each field as they interact with the form.

In this chapter, we will build upon existing form validation logic by adding visual styling based on the validation state of form fields. We will utilize CSS classes, dynamically applied through JavaScript (as seen in the preceding context of this lesson, though the JavaScript part is not explicitly detailed in this transcript), to change the appearance of form fields to indicate their validity.

Form Validation: The process of verifying that user-provided input in a form meets the required criteria before it is submitted for processing. This ensures data quality and prevents errors in applications.

Styling Valid Form Fields

One straightforward way to provide feedback is to visually distinguish valid form fields from invalid ones. We can achieve this by applying specific CSS styles when a field is considered valid. In this example, we will use a green border to indicate a valid input field.

Implementing Valid Field Styling

To style a valid input field, we can use a CSS rule that targets input elements with a specific class, in this case, .valid. Assuming our JavaScript validation logic adds the class .valid to an input field when its content is validated, we can use the following CSS rule:

input.valid {
  border-color: #36CC36; /* Green border color */

CSS Classes: Reusable attributes in HTML elements that allow for targeted styling using CSS. They provide a way to group elements and apply styles to them collectively.

This CSS rule specifies that any input element with the class valid should have its border-color set to #36CC36, a shade of green. After applying this style and ensuring the .valid class is correctly added to input fields upon successful validation, users will immediately see a green border indicating a valid field.

Border Color: A CSS property that sets the color of an element’s border. It is used to visually outline and highlight elements on a webpage.

For example, after a user correctly enters their username and the validation script adds the .valid class to the username input field, the border will change to green, providing immediate positive feedback.

Styling Invalid Form Fields

Similarly to valid fields, we can style invalid form fields to provide immediate negative feedback to the user, prompting them to correct their input. In this example, we will use an orange border to indicate an invalid input field.

Implementing Invalid Field Styling

We can use a CSS rule that targets input elements with the class .invalid. Assuming our JavaScript validation logic adds the class .invalid to an input field when its content is not valid, we can use the following CSS rule:

input.invalid {
  border-color: orange; /* Orange border color */

This CSS rule sets the border-color of any input element with the class invalid to orange. As users type, if their input does not meet the validation criteria and the .invalid class is applied (by our JavaScript logic), the input field’s border will turn orange, visually signaling an error.

Conditional Display of Validation Messages

While border color changes are helpful, adding descriptive messages can further enhance user understanding and guide them toward correcting invalid input. We can use CSS to conditionally display these messages, showing them only when a field is invalid.

Structuring Validation Messages in HTML

To implement conditional messages, we can place a <p> tag immediately after each input field in our HTML form. These <p> tags will contain the validation messages. For example:

<input type="text" id="username" name="username">
<p class="error-message">Username must be at least 6 characters long.</p>

Initially, we want to hide these messages by default and only display them when the corresponding input field is invalid.

Initial Styling of Validation Message <p> Tags

We can apply initial styles to all <p> tags that are immediately preceded by an input tag. This can be achieved using the adjacent sibling selector (+) in CSS:

input + p {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif; /* Set font family */
  font-size: 0.9em;            /* Set font size */
  font-weight: bold;           /* Set font weight to bold */
  text-align: center;          /* Center align text */
  margin: 0 10px;              /* Add horizontal margin */
  color: orange;              /* Set text color to orange (same as invalid border) */
  opacity: 0;                 /* Initially hide the message */
  height: 0;                  /* Set initial height to zero to further hide it */
  overflow: hidden;           /* Ensure content doesn't overflow when height is zero */

Opacity: A CSS property that controls the transparency of an element. A value of 0 makes the element completely transparent (invisible), and a value of 1 makes it fully opaque (visible).

Font-family: A CSS property that specifies the typeface to be used for the text content of an element. It allows you to control the visual style of the text.

Font-size: A CSS property that determines the size of the text within an element. It is typically measured in pixels (px), ems (em), or rems (rem).

Font-weight: A CSS property that specifies the boldness or thickness of the text characters. Common values include normal, bold, lighter, and numerical values like 100, 400, 700, etc.

Text-align: A CSS property that defines the horizontal alignment of text within an element. Common values are left, right, center, and justify.

Margin: A CSS property that sets the space around an element, outside of any defined borders. It can be set for all four sides or individually for top, right, bottom, and left.

Color: A CSS property used to set the text color of an element. It can be defined using color names, hexadecimal values, RGB, or HSL values.

Height: A CSS property that specifies the vertical height of an element’s content area. It can be defined in pixels, percentages, or other length units.

By setting opacity: 0 and height: 0, we effectively hide the validation messages by default. The overflow: hidden ensures that if any content does manage to render, it will be clipped and not visible.

Displaying Validation Messages for Invalid Fields

To show the validation message only when the input field is invalid, we need to target the <p> tag that follows an input field with the .invalid class. We can use a combination of selectors:

input.invalid + p {
  opacity: 1;      /* Make the message visible */
  height: auto;     /* Allow the message to take up its natural height */
  margin-bottom: 20px; /* Add bottom margin to separate from next field */
  overflow: visible;  /* Ensure content is visible when height is auto */

Auto (height): When used as a value for the height property, auto allows the browser to calculate and set the height of the element based on its content.

Margin-bottom: A CSS property that sets the bottom margin of an element, creating space between the element and the element below it.

This rule overrides the initial styles we set for the <p> tags when the preceding input element has the .invalid class. It sets opacity: 1 to make the message visible, height: auto to allow the message to take up the space needed for its content, and adds a margin-bottom for better visual spacing between form fields when an error message is displayed. overflow: visible ensures that if the content exceeds the calculated height, it will be displayed rather than clipped.

Conclusion and Further Exploration

By combining CSS styling with form validation logic, we can create a user-friendly form experience that provides immediate feedback to users. The use of visual cues like border colors and conditional validation messages helps users understand the requirements of each field and correct errors efficiently.

The transcript also briefly mentions “regular expressions” in the context of form validation.

Regular Expression (regex): A sequence of characters that define a search pattern. They are used for pattern matching in strings, often employed in form validation to ensure input conforms to specific formats (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers).

While not explicitly detailed in this excerpt, regular expressions are a powerful tool for defining complex validation rules, such as ensuring an email address has the correct format or a password meets certain complexity criteria. Further exploration into regular expressions and advanced CSS styling techniques can lead to even more sophisticated and user-friendly form validation implementations.

This chapter provides a foundational understanding of how CSS can be used to enhance form validation feedback. By experimenting with different styles and message designs, developers can create forms that are both functional and intuitive for users.