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SASS Tutorial

Learn SASS from scratch with this beginner-friendly tutorial series! Master variables, nesting, mixins, and functions to write cleaner and more maintainable CSS. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their styling workflow and improve efficiency.

Introduction to SAS: Enhancing CSS for Web Development

Welcome to the world of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, or SAS! This chapter will serve as your introductory guide to SAS, a powerful tool that extends the capabilities of traditional CSS and streamlines the styling process for web projects. We’ll explore what SAS is, why it’s beneficial, and how it can revolutionize the way you write styles for the web.

What is SAS?

SAS, or Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is best understood as an extension of CSS. It provides a more robust and flexible way to write stylesheets, ultimately making CSS development more efficient and maintainable, especially for larger projects.

SAS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets): SAS is a preprocessor scripting language that is compiled or interpreted into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It adds features like variables, functions, and control directives to CSS, enhancing its capabilities.

While SAS code may look similar to CSS, it’s crucial to understand that browsers cannot directly interpret SAS. It requires a compilation step to be translated into standard CSS that browsers can understand and apply to web pages.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.

Key Features of SAS

SAS empowers developers with a range of features that go beyond standard CSS, enabling more dynamic and organized stylesheets. These features include:

  • Variables: SAS allows you to define variables to store values like colors, font sizes, or spacing units. This promotes consistency and makes it easier to update styles across your project.

    Variables: In programming, a variable is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value. In SAS, variables store values that can be reused throughout your stylesheets.

  • Functions: SAS functions let you encapsulate reusable blocks of style logic. This can be used for tasks like calculating color shades, generating complex styles, or applying consistent formatting.

    Functions: In programming, a function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions improve code modularity and reusability. In SAS, functions can perform style calculations and generate CSS properties.

  • Conditional Statements: SAS supports conditional statements, such as if and else directives, allowing you to apply styles based on specific conditions. This adds a level of logic and adaptability to your stylesheets.

    Conditional statements: Conditional statements are features of programming languages which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false. In SAS, these statements control which styles are applied based on certain conditions.

Modular CSS with SAS

One of the significant advantages of SAS is its ability to facilitate modular CSS architecture. This is particularly beneficial for large web projects where managing a single, monolithic CSS file can become cumbersome.

  • Modules: SAS allows you to split your stylesheets into smaller, manageable modules, each responsible for a specific aspect of your website’s styling. For example, you could have separate modules for:

    • Reset Styles: Styles to normalize browser defaults and ensure consistent rendering across different browsers.

    • Base Styles: Fundamental styles for typography, general layout, and common elements.

    • Grid Styles: Styles for implementing a grid system for page layout.

    • Component Styles: Styles specific to individual UI components like navigation bars, buttons, or forms.

    Modules: In programming, modularity is the degree to which a system’s components may be separated and recombined, often with the benefit of flexibility and variety in use. In CSS and SAS context, modules usually refer to separate files or sections of code that handle specific aspects of styling.

  • Compilation into a Core File: After developing your styles in separate modules, SAS allows you to compile them into a single core CSS file. This compiled file is then linked to your HTML documents, ensuring efficient loading and application of styles by the browser.

SAS Compilation: From SAS to CSS

As mentioned earlier, browsers cannot directly interpret SAS code. Therefore, a crucial step in the SAS workflow is compilation.

Compilation: Compilation is the process of translating source code written in a high-level programming language into a lower-level language (e.g., assembly language or machine code) or another high-level language, often to create an executable program. In the context of SAS, compilation refers to the process of converting SAS code into CSS code that browsers can understand.

  • Translation Process: SAS compilation involves processing your SAS files and translating them into standard CSS syntax. This process is typically automated using command-line tools or build processes.
  • Browser Compatibility: The output of SAS compilation is always standard CSS, ensuring full compatibility with all web browsers.

Ruby and SAS

Historically, SAS has been implemented in Ruby. While the core concepts of SAS are language-agnostic, its initial implementation and some tooling relied on the Ruby programming language.

Ruby: Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. SAS is implemented in Ruby, and certain SAS functionalities might require Ruby to be installed on your system.

  • Ruby Installation (Potentially): Depending on your chosen method for using SAS, you might need to install Ruby on your computer. However, modern SAS workflows often utilize alternative implementations (like Dart Sass) that do not require Ruby. We will discuss installation options in subsequent chapters.

Project Overview: Building a Website with SAS

This educational resource includes a practical project to solidify your understanding of SAS. We will be building a simple website from scratch, utilizing SAS for all styling aspects.

  • Hands-on Learning: By working through a real-world project, you will gain practical experience in applying SAS concepts and techniques.
  • Example Website: The project website will serve as a tangible example of how SAS can be used to create and manage website styles effectively.

Getting Started - Starter Files

To facilitate a smooth learning experience, starter files have been prepared for this project. These files include basic HTML structure and initial CSS reset styles.

  • Pre-built Foundation: These starter files save you time and effort by providing a basic foundation to begin working with SAS directly.

  • GitHub Repository: The starter files, along with other project resources, are available on a GitHub repository.

    GitHub: GitHub is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration. It is primarily used for code hosting, allowing developers to track changes to their code, collaborate with others, and share their projects.

    Repository: In version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub, a repository is a storage location for all the files of a particular project, along with the history of changes made to them.

  • Download Instructions: You can download these files as a ZIP archive from the provided GitHub repository link.

Reference Files - Final Output

For your reference and guidance, the complete and final SAS files for the project are also available in the GitHub repository.

  • Complete Project Code: These files represent the target output we will be working towards throughout this educational resource.
  • Learning Resource: You can use these final files to compare your progress, understand the project’s intended structure, or explore the complete SAS implementation.

For writing SAS code and working on this project, a suitable text editor is essential. Atom is a highly recommended, free, and versatile text editor.

Text editor: A text editor is a type of computer program that edits plain text. It is used for writing and modifying code, scripts, configuration files, and other text-based documents.

  • Atom Editor: Atom is a popular choice among web developers due to its features, customizability, and free availability.
  • Download and Installation: Atom can be downloaded from its official website. Installation is straightforward for various operating systems.


Before embarking on your SAS journey, it’s beneficial to have a foundational understanding of certain web development concepts.

  • Programming Fundamentals: SAS incorporates programming-like features such as variables, functions, and conditional statements. Familiarity with basic programming concepts will significantly aid your understanding and utilization of SAS.

    Programming fundamentals: Programming fundamentals refer to the basic concepts and principles that are essential for learning and understanding computer programming. These typically include concepts like variables, data types, control flow (conditional statements, loops), functions, and basic algorithms.

  • CSS Knowledge: Since SAS is an extension of CSS, a solid understanding of CSS fundamentals is crucial. You should be comfortable with CSS syntax, selectors, properties, and the cascading nature of styles.

By ensuring you have these prerequisites, you will be well-prepared to grasp the concepts and techniques presented in this educational resource and effectively leverage SAS to enhance your web development workflow.

This concludes the introductory chapter to SAS. In the subsequent chapters, we will delve deeper into the practical aspects of writing SAS code, setting up your development environment, and building our project website step-by-step.

Getting Started with Sass: Installation and Compilation

This chapter will guide you through the initial steps of using Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), a powerful CSS preprocessor. We will cover the installation process and demonstrate how to compile Sass code into standard CSS that web browsers can understand.

Introduction to Sass and Compilation

Sass extends the capabilities of standard CSS, offering features like variables, nesting, mixins, and more, to streamline stylesheet development and make CSS code more maintainable and organized. However, web browsers can only interpret CSS, not Sass directly. Therefore, the process of compilation is crucial. Compilation translates your Sass code into browser-readable CSS.

Compilation: In the context of Sass, compilation is the process of transforming Sass code (written in either .scss or .sass syntax) into standard CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that web browsers can interpret and apply to web pages.

Installation Methods for Sass

There are two primary methods for installing Sass on your computer: using a standalone application or via the command line.

For beginners, using a standalone application is often the simplest and quickest way to start working with Sass. These applications provide a user-friendly interface and handle the compilation process automatically.

  • Preprocessors: Several standalone applications are available that can compile Sass. One popular option is “Preprocess” (or “Prepress”). This tutorial will demonstrate using “Preprocess” due to its ease of use and availability of a free version.

    • Free vs. Paid Versions: “Preprocess” offers both free and paid versions. The free version is fully functional but includes occasional pop-up messages prompting you to upgrade to the paid version. The paid version, at $29, removes these pop-ups and provides the same core functionality.

    • Downloading and Installing “Preprocess”:

      1. Visit the “Preprocess” website (link provided in the original video description).
      2. Navigate to the download section.
      3. Choose the installer appropriate for your operating system (Windows or macOS).
      4. Download the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
      5. Once installed, locate the “Preprocess” application and launch it.

2. Command Line Installation (Requires Ruby)

Alternatively, you can install and compile Sass using the command line. This method offers more flexibility and is often favored by experienced developers. However, it requires installing Ruby first because Sass is written in Ruby.

Ruby: Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language known for its elegant syntax and focus on programmer productivity. Sass is written in Ruby, making Ruby a prerequisite for command-line Sass installation.

  • Ruby Installation:

    • macOS: Ruby is typically pre-installed on macOS. No additional installation is usually required.
    • Windows: You will need to install Ruby using the Ruby Installer.
      • Visit the Ruby Installer website (link provided in the original video description).
      • Download and run the Ruby Installer for Windows.
      • Follow the installation instructions, ensuring you add Ruby to your PATH environment variable.
  • Sass Installation via Command Line: Once Ruby is installed, you can install Sass using the command line interface. This typically involves using a package manager like gem (RubyGems). The original tutorial does not detail this command-line installation process, focusing instead on the standalone application approach.

Command Line: The command line is a text-based interface for interacting with your computer’s operating system. It allows users to execute commands by typing them in, offering a powerful alternative to graphical user interfaces.

sudo command: (Mentioned in the transcript as relevant to command line Ruby installation) sudo is a command used in Unix-like operating systems (including macOS and Linux) that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, typically the superuser (root). It is often used to perform administrative tasks.

Setting Up Your Project for Sass Compilation with “Preprocess”

After installing “Preprocess,” the next step is to configure it to watch your project folder and automatically compile your Sass files into CSS.

  1. Launch “Preprocess”: Open the “Preprocess” application. You may encounter the trial pop-up; click “Continue Trial” to proceed.

  2. Add Your Project Folder: Drag and drop your project folder directly into the “Preprocess” window. Alternatively, click the “Add Project” button and navigate to your project folder to select it.

  3. Project Structure and Sass Files: Ensure your project folder contains a designated folder for your Sass files. A common convention is to name this folder scss.

    • Creating Sass Files: Within your scss folder, create a new file with the extension .scss. For example, you might create a file named styles.scss.

      .scss: The .scss file extension denotes a Sass file using the “SCSS” (Sassy CSS) syntax. This syntax is an extension of CSS and is generally considered easier to learn for those familiar with CSS.

      .sass: The .sass file extension denotes a Sass file using the older, indentation-based syntax. While functionally equivalent to .scss, it has a different structure that may be less familiar to CSS users.

    • For this tutorial, we will use the .scss syntax due to its similarity to standard CSS.

  4. ”Preprocess” Project Settings: When you select your styles.scss file within “Preprocess”, you will see several configuration options:

    • Output Path: “Preprocess” automatically suggests an output path for the compiled CSS file. By default, it will typically place the compiled CSS file in a css folder within your project, with the same base name as your Sass file but with the .css extension (e.g., css/styles.css). This is the directory where the compiled CSS file will be generated.

    • Auto Compile: Ensure the “Auto Compile” option is checked. This setting instructs “Preprocess” to automatically recompile your Sass file into CSS every time you save changes to the .scss file. This is essential for a streamlined development workflow.

    • Use Libsass: It is recommended to keep the “Use Libsass” option checked.

      Libsass: Libsass is a C/C++ implementation of Sass. Using Libsass generally results in faster compilation speeds compared to the original Ruby-based Sass implementation. “Preprocess” leverages Libsass to optimize performance.

  5. Initial Compilation and CSS Output: With “Auto Compile” enabled, any changes you save in your styles.scss file will trigger automatic compilation.

    • Example: Basic CSS in Sass: If you write standard CSS code within your styles.scss file, such as:

      body {
        color: red;

      Upon saving, “Preprocess” will compile this and output the equivalent CSS into css/styles.css. In this case, since the Sass code is already valid CSS, the compiled styles.css will be identical.

    • Example: Sass Nesting: To demonstrate Sass’s extended features, consider using nesting, a key feature of Sass.

      Nesting: Nesting in Sass allows you to write CSS selectors in a hierarchical structure that mirrors the HTML document structure. This improves the readability and organization of your stylesheets by grouping related styles together.

      For example, in your styles.scss file:

      nav {
        ul {
          li {
            a {
              color: blue;
              &:hover {
                color: pink;

      Upon saving, “Preprocess” will compile this Sass code into standard CSS in css/styles.css, expanding the nested structure into flat CSS rules that browsers can understand:

      nav ul li a {
        color: blue;
      nav ul li a:hover {
        color: pink;
  6. Linking to CSS in HTML: In your HTML files, ensure you are linking to the compiled CSS file (css/styles.css) and not directly to the Sass file (scss/styles.scss). Browsers cannot interpret Sass files directly.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">

Error Handling

”Preprocess” provides error messages if there are syntax errors in your Sass code. If you introduce invalid Sass syntax and save the file, “Preprocess” will display an error notification indicating the file and the type of error, aiding in debugging.


This chapter has provided a step-by-step guide to installing Sass using a standalone application (“Preprocess”) and configuring it to compile Sass files into CSS automatically. You are now ready to start exploring the advanced features of Sass and writing more efficient and maintainable CSS code. The next steps involve learning about Sass syntax, variables, mixins, and other powerful functionalities to enhance your CSS development workflow.

Introduction to Sass Variables: Enhancing Your CSS Workflow

Welcome to this educational chapter on Sass variables, a fundamental feature that significantly streamlines and enhances your CSS development process. This chapter will guide you through understanding, creating, and utilizing Sass variables to write more efficient and maintainable stylesheets.

Understanding the Basics: Setting the Stage with HTML and CSS

Before diving into Sass variables, let’s briefly review the foundational technologies involved: HTML and CSS.

  • HTML Structure: Our webpage is structured using HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

    HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It provides the structure and content of web pages.

    The index.html file serves as the blueprint of our webpage, containing elements like headers, navigation, banners, and sections. Key structural elements within our HTML include:

    • <header>: Contains the site’s navigation.
    • Navigation: The menu at the top of the page.
    • Lead Banner: The prominent introductory section.
    • <section> elements: Used to divide the page into thematic areas, identified by id attributes like “services”, “lessons banner”, and “project section”.
  • CSS Styling: We use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to style and visually present our HTML content.

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML, including colors, layout, and fonts. It dictates how web content is displayed visually.

    In our project setup, we have:

    • reset.css: A reset stylesheet is employed to normalize styles across different web browsers.

      A reset.css file is a stylesheet designed to eliminate browser-specific default styling on HTML elements. It provides a consistent baseline for styling across different browsers.

      This ensures a consistent starting point by removing default margins, paddings, and other browser-specific stylings.

    • styles.css: This is our main stylesheet where our styles are applied. Importantly, in our workflow, this styles.css file is the output of our Sass code.

      styles.css is a common name for the main CSS output file where Sass code is compiled into standard CSS. This is the file linked to the HTML to style the webpage.

      We link both reset.css and styles.css to our index.html file to apply styling to our webpage. The styles.css file is where the compiled output from our Sass code will reside, effectively styling our webpage based on the rules we define in Sass.

Introducing Sass and its Variables

Now, let’s delve into Sass and variables. Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a powerful CSS preprocessor that extends the capabilities of standard CSS.

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is a preprocessor that extends CSS with features like variables, nesting, and mixins, allowing for more maintainable and efficient stylesheets. It compiles into standard CSS that browsers can understand.

One of the most straightforward yet incredibly useful features Sass offers is variables.

What are Sass Variables?

Imagine you have a specific color you use repeatedly throughout your website design. Without Sass, you would have to remember and re-type the hex code (or RGB value) every time you want to use that color.

A hex code is a six-digit, three-byte hexadecimal number used in HTML, CSS, SVG, and other computing applications to represent colors. It is often preceded by a hash symbol (#). For example, #000000 represents black and #FFFFFF represents white.

This can become tedious and prone to errors. Sass variables solve this problem by allowing you to store values, like colors, font sizes, or any CSS property value, in named containers. You can then reference these variables throughout your Sass code, making your stylesheets more:

  • Maintainable: If you need to change a color used site-wide, you only need to update the variable’s value in one place, rather than searching and replacing across your entire stylesheet.
  • Readable: Using descriptive variable names (e.g., $primary-color instead of #032F3E) makes your code easier to understand at a glance.
  • Efficient: Reduces repetition and potential inconsistencies in your styling.

Creating Sass Variables

Creating a variable in Sass is simple. All Sass variables begin with a dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name. The naming convention often used for variables, as demonstrated, is camelCase.

camelCase is a naming convention in programming where compound words or phrases are written without spaces, with each word or abbreviation beginning with a capital letter or with the first word being in lowercase, and each subsequent word starting with a capital letter. ‘deepBlue’ is an example of camelCase.

Here’s the basic syntax for declaring a Sass variable:

$variable-name: value;

Let’s create a variable to store a specific shade of deep blue color, represented by the hex code #032F3E. We will name this variable $color-deep-blue.

// Variables
$color-deep-blue: #032F3E;

Comments in Sass: Note the use of // Variables above the variable declaration. This is a single-line comment in Sass.

Comment (in code): Comments in code are explanatory notes written within the source code of a program that are ignored by the compiler or interpreter. They are used to make the code easier for humans to understand and can be single-line (using //) or multi-line (using /* ... */).

Sass supports both single-line comments (starting with //) and multi-line comments (enclosed within /* and */). Single-line comments are often preferred for short notes, while multi-line comments are suitable for longer explanations or temporarily disabling blocks of code.

Utilizing Sass Variables in Styles

Once you have declared a variable, you can use it in your CSS rules. To demonstrate, let’s apply our $color-deep-blue variable as the background color for an element with the ID “main”.

First, we target the element with the ID “main” using the CSS selector #main. Then, we set the background property to our $color-deep-blue variable:

#main {
  background: $color-deep-blue;

When this Sass code is compiled into CSS, Sass will replace the $color-deep-blue variable with its assigned hex code value (#032F3E).

Compile/Compiled (in programming): In the context of programming languages like Sass, compilation is the process of translating source code written in one language (Sass) into another language (CSS) that can be understood and executed by a computer or browser. The Sass compiler reads your .scss or .sass files and outputs standard .css files.

The resulting CSS output in styles.css will be:

#main {
  background: #032F3E;

This compiled CSS is what the browser will ultimately interpret and use to style the webpage.

Storing Font Sizes in Variables

Variables are not limited to colors; you can store any CSS value. Let’s create another variable to store a font size, specifically for section headings ( <h1> elements within <section> elements). We’ll call this variable $section-heading-size and set it to 24 pixels.

$section-heading-size: 24px;

Now, we can apply this variable to style all <h1> elements that are direct children of <section> elements:

section h1 {
  font-size: $section-heading-size;

And let’s also apply our $color-deep-blue variable to the color property of these section headings:

section h1 {
  font-size: $section-heading-size;
  color: $color-deep-blue;

The compiled CSS for these rules will be:

section h1 {
  font-size: 24px;
  color: #032F3E;

The Power of Variable Modification

The real power of variables becomes apparent when you need to make changes. If you decide to change the font size of all section headings, you only need to modify the value of the $section-heading-size variable. For instance, changing it to 28px:

$section-heading-size: 28px; // Updated font size

Upon recompiling your Sass, all instances where $section-heading-size is used will automatically be updated to 28px in the generated CSS. This centralized control over styling values significantly reduces the effort and risk of errors when making design adjustments.

Conclusion: Embracing Sass Variables for Efficient CSS

Sass variables are a simple yet incredibly powerful tool for any web developer working with CSS. They promote consistency, maintainability, and efficiency in your stylesheets. By storing reusable values in variables, you can write cleaner, more organized code and streamline the process of updating and managing your website’s styles. As you progress in your Sass journey, you will discover even more advanced applications of variables and other Sass features that further enhance your CSS workflow.

Chapter 4: Streamlining CSS with Nested Styles in SAS

This chapter delves into the concept of nested styles within SAS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets), a powerful feature that enhances CSS authoring efficiency and organization. We will explore how nesting simplifies style creation, improves code readability, and maintains the logical structure of your HTML within your stylesheets.

Introduction to Nested Styles

In the previous chapter, we learned about variables in SAS and how they can be used to manage and reuse style values across your stylesheets. We applied these variables to create basic CSS rules, often referred to as “Simple Rules.” Now, we will build upon this foundation by introducing nested styles, a core feature of SAS that dramatically improves the way you structure your CSS.

Simple Rules: In CSS, a simple rule is a basic style declaration consisting of a selector and a declaration block containing properties and values. For example, body { font-family: Arial; } is a simple rule.

Nested styles offer two primary advantages:

  • Reduced Styling Time: By grouping styles logically, nesting minimizes redundant selector declarations, leading to faster stylesheet creation.
  • Improved Organization and Maintainability: Nested styles keep all styles related to a specific HTML element or section together within a single code block. This contrasts with traditional CSS, where rules for related elements can be scattered throughout the stylesheet. This colocation significantly enhances code clarity and simplifies maintenance.

Let’s illustrate the power of nested styles by styling the navigation links within a website’s main navigation area. Consider the following HTML structure for a typical main navigation:

<nav class="main-nav">
    <div class="wrapper">
            <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Services</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>

This HTML snippet shows a <nav> element with the class main-nav, containing an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>), each holding an anchor tag (<a>) representing a navigation link.

<ul> tag: In HTML, the <ul> tag represents an unordered list. It is used to display a list of items where the order is not important.

<li> tag: In HTML, the <li> tag represents a list item. It is used within ordered lists (<ol>) and unordered lists (<ul>) to define individual items in the list.

<a> tag (Anchor tag): In HTML, the <a> tag is used to create hyperlinks to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, or email addresses. It is fundamental for web navigation.

To style the links within this navigation using nested styles in SAS, we begin by targeting the parent container, .main-nav, in our SAS file.

.main-nav {
    // Styles for the main navigation container will go here

    ul {
        // Nested styles for the <ul> element within .main-nav

    li {
        // Nested styles for the <li> elements within .main-nav

    a {
        // Nested styles for the <a> elements within .main-nav

This structure demonstrates the core principle of nesting. By placing selectors like ul, li, and a inside the .main-nav rule’s code block, we are effectively creating styles that are scoped to elements within the .main-nav element in the HTML.

Code Block: In programming, a code block is a section of code enclosed within curly braces {}. It groups together a set of statements or declarations that are treated as a unit. In SAS and CSS, declaration blocks define the styles to be applied to a selector.

This nested approach is functionally equivalent to writing separate CSS rules like .main-nav ul, .main-nav li, and .main-nav a. However, nesting provides a more concise and organized way to represent these relationships in your stylesheet.

Styling the <ul> Element

Let’s start by styling the <ul> element within our main navigation. Inside the ul block within .main-nav, we can add CSS properties as usual. For now, we’ll set the width to 100%.

.main-nav {
    ul {
        width: 100%;

    li {
        // ...

    a {
        // ...

This SAS code will compile to CSS that targets the <ul> element that is a direct descendant of .main-nav.

Styling the <li> Elements

Next, we style the <li> elements. We want to float the list items to the left to create a horizontal navigation menu and give them a specific width.

Float (CSS property): The float CSS property places an element on the left or right side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around it. It is commonly used for creating layouts where elements are positioned side-by-side.

.main-nav {
    ul {
        width: 100%;

    li {
        float: left;
        width: 14%;

    a {
        // ...

By setting float: left; on the <li> elements, we arrange them horizontally. The width: 14%; ensures that each navigation item occupies approximately 14% of the parent container’s width, allowing for multiple items to fit within the navigation bar.

Styling the <a> Elements

Finally, let’s style the anchor tags (<a>) to define the appearance of our navigation links. We will use variables, as introduced in previous chapters, to manage colors effectively. Let’s define a variable called $off-white at the beginning of our SAS file:

$off-white: #F8F9FB;

.main-nav {
    ul {
        width: 100%;

    li {
        float: left;
        width: 14%;

    a {
        color: $off-white;
        text-decoration: none;
        padding: 16px;
        display: block;
        text-align: center;

Hex Code: A hex code is a hexadecimal representation of color in computing. In web development, hex codes are commonly used in CSS to specify colors for elements. They typically consist of a ’#’ symbol followed by six hexadecimal digits (e.g., #RRGGBB), representing red, green, and blue color components.

Text Decoration (CSS property): The text-decoration CSS property is used to set or remove decorations from text, such as underlines, overlines, and line-throughs. text-decoration: none; is commonly used to remove underlines from links.

Padding (CSS property): The padding CSS property defines the space between the content of an element and its border. It is used to create visual spacing within an element.

Display (CSS property): The display CSS property specifies the box type used for rendering an HTML element. It controls how the element is positioned and behaves in the layout flow.

Block (display value): display: block; makes an element behave like a block-level element. Block-level elements start on a new line and take up the full width available. Setting display: block; on an anchor tag makes the entire padding area clickable, not just the text.

Text Align (CSS property): The text-align CSS property specifies the horizontal alignment of text within a block element. text-align: center; centers the text within its container.

Here, we’ve used the $off-white variable for the link color, removed the default underline using text-decoration: none;, added padding for spacing, displayed the links as block elements to make the entire padded area clickable, and centered the text within each link.

Addressing Layout Issues: Clearing Floats

After applying float: left; to the <li> elements, you might notice that the background color of the <ul> container disappears. This is because floating elements are taken out of the normal document flow, causing the parent container to collapse if it only contains floated children. This is known as collapsed container height.

Collapsed Height: Collapsed height occurs when a container element with only floated children does not expand to enclose those children, effectively appearing to have zero height. This is a common layout issue in CSS when using floats.

To fix this, we need to implement a “clearfix” technique to ensure the <ul> container properly contains its floated <li> children and maintains its intended height and background.

The Clearfix Technique using Pseudo-classes

One effective method for clearing floats is using the ::after pseudo-class on the <ul> element. This involves inserting generated content after the <ul> element that forces the container to expand and enclose the floated elements.

Pseudo-class: In CSS, a pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). For example, :hover is a pseudo-class that applies styles when the user hovers over an element. ::after is a pseudo-element that creates a pseudo-element as the last child of the selected element.

Content (CSS property in pseudo-classes): When used with pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after, the content CSS property specifies the content to be inserted into the document. It is often used to add decorative or functional content without modifying the HTML.

We can add the following rule to our SAS code, outside the .main-nav block but still targeting the ul within .main-nav:

.main-nav ul::after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    clear: both;

This CSS rule, generated from the SAS code, works as follows:

  • content: "";: Inserts empty content after the <ul> element.
  • display: block;: Makes the inserted content a block-level element.
  • clear: both;: Clears any floats that precede it, forcing the <ul> container to expand and encompass the floated <li> elements.

With this clearfix rule in place, the <ul> container will regain its height, and the background color will reappear, correctly displaying the navigation bar.

Best Practices for Nesting and Code Clarity

While nesting is a powerful tool, excessive nesting can sometimes reduce readability and make stylesheets harder to maintain.

Avoiding Deep Nesting for Readability

As a general guideline, avoid nesting too deeply. While SAS allows for multiple levels of nesting, excessively deep structures can become difficult to follow and debug. In the example of styling navigation links, nesting three levels deep (.main-nav > ul > li > a) is generally acceptable. However, nesting much deeper than this can make the code harder to grasp at a glance.

The transcript mentions a preference to avoid nesting too deeply, especially when elements are nested within <li> and then <a> tags, potentially leading to span tags needing styling. The speaker prefers to keep the nesting level shallower for better readability and maintainability in such scenarios.

Commenting for Clarity

To enhance readability and maintainability, especially in stylesheets with nested styles, it’s good practice to comment your code, particularly to indicate the end of nested blocks. Adding comments like /* End main nav */ after the closing brace of a .main-nav block, or similar comments for deeper nested sections, can significantly improve code navigation and understanding, especially in larger projects.

Understanding CSS Output of Nested Styles

When SAS code with nested styles is compiled, it generates standard CSS rules. The nested structure in SAS is a development-time convenience that gets flattened into separate CSS selectors during the compilation process.

Compiled: In the context of SAS, “compiled” refers to the process of transforming SAS code (with features like variables, nesting, and mixins) into standard CSS code that web browsers can understand. A SAS compiler or processor performs this conversion.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

For example, the nested SAS code:

.main-nav {
    ul {
        li {
            a {
                color: $off-white;

will be compiled into the following CSS:

.main-nav ul li a {
  color: #F8F9FB;

As you can see, the nested structure is translated into a more specific CSS selector, but the final CSS output is standard and browser-compatible. This compilation process allows developers to write more organized and maintainable stylesheets using SAS while ensuring the generated CSS is universally understood by web browsers.


Nested styles in SAS offer a significant improvement in CSS authoring by promoting code organization, reducing redundancy, and enhancing maintainability. By logically grouping styles based on HTML structure, nesting makes stylesheets easier to write, read, and manage. While nesting is a powerful feature, it’s important to use it judiciously, avoiding excessive depth and employing comments to maintain code clarity and ensure your stylesheets remain efficient and understandable. As we continue to explore SAS, you will discover even more features that build upon these foundational concepts to further streamline your CSS development workflow.

Understanding SAS Mixins: Reusable Styles for Efficient CSS

This chapter introduces the concept of mixins in SAS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), a powerful preprocessor that extends the capabilities of CSS. Mixins are a fundamental feature of SAS that promote code reusability and maintainability, making your stylesheets more efficient and easier to manage.

What is a Mixin?

At its core, a mixin is a block of CSS code that can be reused across your stylesheet. Think of it as a function in programming, but for CSS styles. Instead of writing the same set of styles repeatedly for different elements, you define them once in a mixin and then “include” that mixin wherever those styles are needed.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

Imagine you have several elements on your webpage, such as buttons, links (<a> tags), and form elements, that all share a common set of styling attributes like font size, color, and padding. Instead of applying these styles individually to each element, you can create a mixin containing these styles and then apply that mixin to each of these elements.

Element (in HTML): A fundamental building block of HTML documents. Elements are defined by tags and can contain content and attributes. In the context of CSS, styles are applied to HTML elements to control their appearance.

Advantages of Using Mixins

Reusability and Time Saving

The primary benefit of mixins is code reusability. By encapsulating a set of styles within a mixin, you avoid writing redundant code. This significantly saves time and effort, especially in large projects where styles are often repeated across different components.

Styles (CSS Styles): A set of CSS rules that determine the visual appearance of HTML elements, including properties like color, font, layout, and responsiveness.

For example, if you have a consistent style for banners across your website, a mixin allows you to define these banner styles once and apply them to all banner elements. This ensures consistency and reduces the chances of errors that can occur when manually replicating styles.

Parameterized Mixins: Flexibility and Customization

While this chapter focuses on simple mixins, it’s important to note that mixins can also accept variables, often referred to as arguments. This advanced feature allows you to create even more flexible and dynamic mixins. By passing different values as arguments to a mixin when you include it, you can slightly alter the output styles based on the specific context where the mixin is being used. This concept of passing variables will be explored in more detail in later learning materials.

Variable (in SAS): A named storage location for a value, such as a color, font size, or any other CSS value. Variables in SAS allow you to store and reuse values throughout your stylesheets, promoting consistency and easier modification.

Creating a Basic Mixin: Styling Banners

Let’s illustrate the creation and application of a simple mixin using a practical example: styling banners on a webpage. We will create a mixin named banner that applies a set of common styles to two different banner elements on the page: a “lead banner” and a “lessons banner.”

Defining a Variable for Banner Headings

Before creating the mixin, it’s good practice to define variables for reusable values. In this case, we define a variable for the font size of banner headings:

$banner-heading: 46px;

This variable, $banner-heading, is assigned the value 46px. Now, instead of writing 46px directly in our styles, we can use the variable $banner-heading, making it easier to update the font size consistently across all banners if needed in the future.

Declaring the Mixin (@mixin)

To declare a mixin in SAS, we use the @mixin directive followed by the mixin name. In this example, we name our mixin banner:

@mixin banner {
  // Styles for the banner will go here

@mixin: A SAS directive used to define a reusable block of CSS declarations, known as a mixin. It allows you to group together a set of styles that can be included in multiple CSS rules.

Applying Styles within the Mixin

Inside the curly braces {} of the @mixin banner block, we define the CSS rules that we want to be included whenever we use this mixin. For our banner styling, we want to apply the following:

  • General Banner Styles:

    • width: 100%: Make the banner take up the full width of its container.
    • position: relative: Set the positioning context to relative, allowing for absolute positioning of elements within the banner.
    • color: white: Set the default text color within the banner to white.
  • Banner Content Styles (.banner-content class):

    • position: absolute: Position the banner content absolutely within the banner.
    • top: 50px: Position the banner content 50 pixels from the top of the banner.
    • width: 100%: Make the banner content take up the full width of the banner.
  • Banner Image Styles (img tag within the banner):

    • width: 100%: Make the banner image take up the full width of the banner.
  • Banner Span Tag Styles (span tags within the banner):

    • font-size: $banner-heading: Use the previously defined $banner-heading variable for the font size.
    • display: block: Make the span tags behave as block-level elements, stacking vertically.
    • text-transform: uppercase: Convert the text within the span tags to uppercase.
    • font-weight: bold: Make the text within the span tags bold.
  • Title Span Tag Styles (span.title):

    • font-weight: normal: Override the default bold font weight for span tags specifically for those with the class title, making them normal weight.
    • margin-bottom: 30px: Add a 30-pixel bottom margin to span tags with the class title.

Putting it all together, the banner mixin looks like this:

@mixin banner {
  width: 100%;
  position: relative;
  color: white;

  .banner-content {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50px;
    width: 100%;

  img {
    width: 100%;

  span {
    font-size: $banner-heading;
    display: block;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-weight: bold;

  span.title {
    font-weight: normal;
    margin-bottom: 30px;

CSS Rule: A statement in CSS that specifies the style to be applied to HTML elements. It consists of a selector (targeting HTML elements) and a declaration block (containing one or more properties and their values).

Class (CSS Class): An attribute in HTML that allows you to group elements together and apply specific styles to them using CSS selectors. Classes are defined in HTML using the class attribute and targeted in CSS using a dot . followed by the class name.

Nested Styles: In SAS (and CSS), nesting refers to writing selectors within other selectors. This creates a hierarchy and makes stylesheets more organized and readable, especially when dealing with elements contained within other elements.

Implementing Mixins in Stylesheets

Now that we’ve defined the banner mixin, we need to apply it to the actual banner elements in our stylesheet.

Including a Mixin (@include)

To use a mixin, we use the @include directive followed by the name of the mixin within a CSS rule.

@include: A SAS directive used to insert the styles defined within a mixin into a CSS rule. It essentially “calls” the mixin and applies its styles to the selected element.

Applying Mixin to .lead-banner and .lessons-banner

We have two banner elements on the page, identified by the CSS classes .lead-banner and .lessons-banner. To apply the banner mixin to both of these, we write the following CSS rules:

.lead-banner {
  @include banner;

.lessons-banner {
  @include banner;

This code instructs SAS to take all the CSS rules defined within the banner mixin and insert them into both the .lead-banner and .lessons-banner CSS rules. Effectively, it’s as if we had copied and pasted the entire mixin content into each of these rules.

Adding Specific Styles Outside the Mixin

While mixins are excellent for reusable styles, you might still need to add styles that are specific to individual elements. For example, in the transcript, the instructor adds a text-align: right style specifically to the .lead-banner and some unique list styles to the .lessons-banner. These styles are not part of the mixin because they are not intended to be shared across all banners.

.lead-banner {
  @include banner;
  text-align: right; // Specific style for lead banner

.lessons-banner {
  @include banner;
  li { // Specific styles for list items within lessons banner
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-size: 20px;
    max-width: 500px;
    margin: 60px 0;

CSS Property: An attribute in CSS that you can use to style HTML elements. Properties define various aspects of an element’s appearance, such as color, font-size, width, position, and many more. Each property takes a specific type of value.

Value (CSS Value): The setting assigned to a CSS property. Values determine the specific effect of a property, such as red for the color property, 16px for the font-size property, or 100% for the width property.

Unit (in CSS): A measurement used in CSS values to specify sizes, lengths, and other dimensions. Common units include pixels (px), percentages (%), ems (em), and rems (rem). px represents pixels, an absolute unit, while % represents percentage, a relative unit based on the parent element’s size.

By combining mixins for common styles and individual CSS rules for element-specific styling, you can create efficient, maintainable, and well-organized stylesheets using SAS. Mixins are a powerful tool for writing cleaner and more DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) CSS code.

Modularizing SAS Files: Importing External Stylesheets

As projects grow in complexity, managing stylesheets can become challenging. Large SAS files can become unwieldy and difficult to navigate. To address this, SAS offers powerful features for organizing and structuring your code. This chapter will guide you through the process of modularizing your SAS stylesheets by importing external SAS files, promoting cleaner, more maintainable code.

The Need for Modularization

Initially, keeping all your styles, variables, and mixins within a single SAS file might seem convenient. However, as your project evolves, this approach can lead to:

  • Increased file length: A single, monolithic SAS file can become extremely long, making it difficult to scroll through and locate specific styles.
  • Reduced readability: Finding and understanding specific sections of code becomes harder in a large, unstructured file.
  • Maintenance challenges: Making changes or updates in a lengthy file can be error-prone and time-consuming.

To overcome these challenges, modularization is key. By breaking down your SAS code into smaller, focused files, you can improve organization, readability, and maintainability.

Creating Separate SAS Files

The first step in modularizing your SAS project is to create separate files for different categories of styles. Common categories include:

  • Variables: Storing reusable values like colors, fonts, and spacing.
  • Mixins: Encapsulating reusable blocks of CSS declarations for consistent styling patterns.
  • Reset: Implementing a CSS reset to normalize styles across browsers.
  • Main Styles: Containing the primary styles for your website or application.

Let’s create these files within your project’s SCSS directory. Using your code editor, create the following new files:

  • variables.scss
  • mixins.scss
  • reset.scss

SCSS (Sassy CSS) A syntax of SAS, which is a superset of CSS3. SCSS is one of the two main syntaxes for SAS, the other being indented syntax. SCSS is designed to be similar to CSS, making it easier for developers familiar with CSS to learn and use SAS.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. CSS controls aspects like layout, colors, and fonts, separating style from the structural content of web pages.

Preventing Unintended Compilation

When working with multiple SAS files, it’s crucial to configure your SAS processor to only compile the main stylesheet and not each individual partial file into separate CSS files. Typically, you only want a single compiled CSS file for your project.

If you are using a file watcher or compiler that automatically compiles SAS files in your project directory, you will need to adjust its settings to prevent the newly created variables.scss, mixins.scss, and reset.scss files from being compiled into their own CSS files. This is often achieved by:

  • Unticking “autocompile” options: In some GUI-based SAS compilers, you might have the option to individually select which SAS files should be automatically compiled. Ensure that only your main SAS file (e.g., styles.scss) is set to autocompile.
  • Using partial file naming conventions: SAS partials, files intended to be imported but not compiled individually, are often named with a leading underscore (e.g., _variables.scss). While not explicitly mentioned in the transcript, this is a common practice that can be configured with some SAS compilers.

The goal is to ensure that only your primary stylesheet (e.g., styles.scss) is compiled into a single CSS output file (e.g., styles.css).

Transferring Code to External Files

Now that you have created separate files, you can begin to organize your existing SAS code by transferring relevant sections into their respective files.

  1. Variables:
    • Open your main SAS file (e.g., styles.scss).
    • Locate the section of your code that defines variables.
    • Cut (or copy) these variable declarations.
    • Open variables.scss.
    • Paste the variable declarations into variables.scss.
    • Save variables.scss.
    • Remove the variable declarations from your main SAS file.

Variables In the context of programming and specifically SAS, variables are named storage locations that hold values, such as colors, fonts, or measurements. They allow you to define a value once and reuse it throughout your stylesheets, making your code more maintainable and consistent.

  1. Mixins:
    • Open your main SAS file.
    • Locate the section of your code that defines mixins.
    • Cut (or copy) these mixin definitions.
    • Open mixins.scss.
    • Paste the mixin definitions into mixins.scss.
    • Save mixins.scss.
    • Remove the mixin definitions from your main SAS file.

Mixins In SAS, mixins are reusable blocks of code that contain CSS declarations. They allow you to group together a set of styles that can be included in multiple CSS rules using the @include directive, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.

  1. Reset Styles:
    • Open your main SAS file.
    • Locate the section of your code that implements a CSS reset (if present).
    • Cut (or copy) the CSS reset rules.
    • Open reset.scss.
    • Paste the CSS reset rules into reset.scss.
    • Save reset.scss.
    • Remove the CSS reset rules from your main SAS file.

CSS Reset A CSS reset is a collection of CSS rules designed to override the default styles applied by web browsers to HTML elements. This ensures a consistent starting point for styling across different browsers by minimizing browser-specific default styling variations.

After transferring these code sections, your main SAS file should now be significantly leaner, containing primarily the core styles for your project.

Importing External SAS Files

To utilize the code you’ve organized into separate files, you need to import them into your main SAS file. SAS provides the @import directive for this purpose.

To import external SAS files:

  1. Open your main SAS file (e.g., styles.scss).

  2. At the very top of the file, before any other styles, use the @import directive for each file you want to include. The order of imports is significant; files are imported and processed in the order they are listed.

    @import "reset";
    @import "variables";
    @import "mixins";
    /* Your main styles will go below the imports */
    • @import directive: This SAS directive instructs the compiler to include the content of another file into the current file.
    • File path: Within the quotes following @import, you specify the name of the file to import. SAS automatically looks for files with .scss or .sass extensions. If the files are in the same directory as your main SAS file, you only need to specify the filename without the extension. You do not need to specify the .scss extension. If you were importing a regular CSS file, you would include the .css extension.
    • Semicolon: End each @import statement with a semicolon (;).

Directive In programming, a directive is a special instruction that provides commands or guidance to the compiler or preprocessor. In SAS, @import is a directive that instructs the SAS compiler to include the content of an external file.

In the example above, the reset.scss, variables.scss, and mixins.scss files will be imported into styles.scss in that order. This means that the reset styles will be processed first, followed by variables, and then mixins, before any styles defined directly within styles.scss.

Directory In file systems, a directory (often called a folder) is a container that organizes and holds files and other directories. It’s a way to structure and manage files on a computer. In this context, the SCSS directory is where your SAS files are stored.

Path A path is a string of characters that specifies the location of a file or directory in a file system. It essentially describes the route to access a particular resource. When using @import and files are in subdirectories, you would use paths to specify their location relative to the current file.

Benefits of Modularization and Importing

By importing external SAS files, you achieve several key advantages:

  • Improved Organization: Code is logically separated into files based on functionality (variables, mixins, reset, main styles), making it easier to find and manage specific sections.
  • Enhanced Readability: Smaller, focused files are inherently easier to read and understand than one large, monolithic file.
  • Increased Maintainability: Making changes and updates becomes simpler and less error-prone when working with well-organized, modular code.
  • Code Reusability: Variables and mixins defined in separate files can be easily reused across your entire project by importing them into different stylesheets.
  • Streamlined Compilation: Despite using multiple SAS files, the compilation process still results in a single, optimized CSS output file, ensuring efficient delivery of styles to the browser.

Compile In the context of SAS, to compile means to convert SAS code (SCSS syntax) into standard CSS code that web browsers can understand and apply to web pages. The SAS compiler processes SAS files and outputs corresponding CSS files.


Importing external SAS files using the @import directive is a fundamental technique for structuring and organizing your SAS projects. This modular approach significantly improves code readability, maintainability, and reusability, especially as projects grow in size and complexity. By separating concerns into dedicated files and importing them into a main stylesheet, you can create a more manageable and scalable codebase, leading to a more efficient and enjoyable development workflow.

Introduction to Pseudo-classes and Mixins in Sass

This chapter introduces two powerful features in Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets): pseudo-classes and mixins. Sass extends the capabilities of traditional CSS, making stylesheets more maintainable, efficient, and readable. Understanding pseudo-classes and mixins is crucial for writing effective and scalable CSS with Sass.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

Understanding Pseudo-classes in Sass

Pseudo-classes in CSS and Sass are used to style elements based on their state or position in the document tree, rather than just their type or attributes. They allow you to apply styles dynamically, responding to user interactions or the structure of your HTML.

Pseudo-classes: Keywords added to selectors that specify a special state of the selected element(s). For example, :hover can be used to select an element when the user hovers the mouse over it.

Applying Hover Effects with Pseudo-classes

One common use case for pseudo-classes is adding hover effects to interactive elements like links. A hover effect changes the style of an element when a user moves their mouse cursor over it, providing visual feedback and enhancing user experience.

Hover effect: A visual change applied to an element on a webpage when a user positions their mouse cursor over it without clicking. It is often used to provide feedback to the user that an element is interactive or selectable.

In traditional CSS, you might target a link within a navigation menu and apply a hover effect like this:

/* Traditional CSS for hover effect */
.main-nav a:hover {
  background-color: #333; /* Dark grey background on hover */

Here, .main-nav a selects anchor (<a>) tags that are descendants of an element with the class main-nav. The :hover pseudo-class then specifies that the style should only be applied when the user hovers over these links.

Element: In the context of web development, an element refers to a component in an HTML document. Elements are defined by tags, and they can contain content and attributes, forming the structure of a webpage.

When working with Sass, especially within nested selectors, the syntax for using pseudo-classes is slightly different. Consider the following Sass structure, aiming to apply the same hover effect:

/* Sass structure for navigation links */
.main-nav {
  ul {
    li {
      a {
        /* Attempt to add hover effect - incorrect syntax initially */
        :hover {
          background-color: #333;

Initially, one might be tempted to directly nest the :hover pseudo-class as shown above. However, this syntax is incorrect in Sass and will not produce the desired hover effect. To correctly apply a pseudo-class within a nested Sass rule, you must use the ampersand (&).

Ampersand (&): In Sass, the ampersand symbol & is the parent selector. It refers to the selector that is being nested inside. It’s particularly useful when working with pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements to correctly target elements relative to their parent in the nesting structure.

The correct Sass syntax to achieve the hover effect is as follows:

/* Correct Sass syntax for hover effect using ampersand */
.main-nav {
  ul {
    li {
      a {
        &:hover { /* Using ampersand to correctly target the hover state of the 'a' tag */
          background-color: #333;

By placing the ampersand (&) before :hover, Sass understands that you are referring to the parent selector (.main-nav ul li a) and applying the :hover pseudo-class to it. This generates the correct CSS rule and successfully applies the hover effect to the navigation links.

Using Pseudo-classes for Content Insertion and Layout Control

Pseudo-classes are not limited to visual effects like hover. They can also be used to insert content or manipulate the layout of elements. A common example discussed in the transcript is using the ::after pseudo-element (often referred to as a pseudo-class in less formal contexts and in the transcript) for the “clearfix” technique.

Insert content after: Using CSS pseudo-elements like ::after (or :after in older syntax) to add generated content after the content of an element. This can be used for various purposes, including visual enhancements or layout fixes.

Main Nav: Short for “main navigation,” often referring to the primary set of links used for navigating the major sections of a website. In the context of the transcript, .main-nav likely refers to a CSS class applied to the main navigation container.

A tag (a): The HTML anchor tag, used to create hyperlinks to other web pages, files, locations within the same page, email addresses, or any other URL. In CSS and Sass, a is used as a selector to target these link elements.

UL (Unordered List): An HTML element <ul> used to create an unordered list of items. It is often used to structure navigation menus, where each list item <li> represents a link.

The “clearfix” technique is used to prevent layout issues where a container element with floated children collapses because it doesn’t inherently expand to contain floated elements. The ::after pseudo-element, combined with specific CSS properties, can force the container to expand and properly contain its floated children.

Clear fix technique: A method in CSS used to prevent a container element from collapsing when its child elements are floated. It typically involves using a pseudo-element like ::after to clear the floats and ensure the container maintains its intended height.

In traditional CSS, a clearfix might be implemented like this, often applied to the <ul> element of a navigation menu to ensure it properly contains floated list items:

/* Traditional CSS clearfix using ::after */
.main-nav ul::after {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  clear: both;

Here, ::after creates a pseudo-element that is the last child of the selected element (.main-nav ul). The styles applied to this pseudo-element (content: ""; display: block; clear: both;) effectively clear the floats within the <ul> and ensure the container maintains its height.

To implement this clearfix within a Sass structure, and potentially make it reusable, we can again utilize the ampersand within nested rules:

/* Sass clearfix applied to the <ul> element within .main-nav */
.main-nav {
  ul {
    &::after { /* Correctly applying ::after using ampersand */
      content: "";
      display: block;
      clear: both;

Similar to the :hover example, the ampersand (&) ensures that ::after is correctly applied to the .main-nav ul selector.

Introduction to Mixins in Sass

While pseudo-classes enhance styling based on state and structure, mixins in Sass are designed to promote code reusability. Mixins allow you to group together CSS declarations and reuse them throughout your stylesheets. This is particularly useful for applying the same set of styles to multiple elements or creating reusable style patterns.

Mix in: In Sass, a mixin is a group of CSS declarations that can be reused throughout the stylesheet. Mixins are defined using @mixin and included using @include, promoting code modularity and reducing repetition.

Creating and Using a clearfix Mixin

The transcript highlights the benefit of making the clearfix technique reusable by encapsulating it within a mixin. Instead of repeating the clearfix styles for every element that needs it, you can define a mixin once and then include it wherever needed.

To create a clearfix mixin in Sass, you use the @mixin directive followed by the mixin name and the CSS rules you want to include:

/* Defining a clearfix mixin */
@mixin clearfix {
  &::after { /* Using ampersand to target the element the mixin is included in */
    content: "";
    display: block;
    clear: both;

Code block: A section of code enclosed within curly braces {}. In Sass and CSS, code blocks are used to group together CSS declarations that apply to a specific selector or within mixins and functions.

Rules: In CSS (and Sass), rulesets consist of a selector and a declaration block. The declaration block contains one or more declarations, each of which is a property-value pair intended to style the elements matched by the selector. In the context of the transcript, “rules” refers to these CSS declarations (e.g., content: "";, display: block;, clear: both;).

In this clearfix mixin definition:

  • @mixin clearfix declares a mixin named clearfix.
  • The code block { ... } contains the CSS rules that will be included whenever this mixin is used.
  • &::after again uses the ampersand to ensure that the ::after pseudo-element is applied to the element to which the mixin is applied.

To use this mixin, you use the @include directive followed by the mixin name within a CSS rule. For example, to apply the clearfix to the .main-nav ul element:

Include: In Sass, @include is a directive used to insert the CSS rules defined within a mixin into the current CSS rule. It allows for the reuse of styles defined in mixins.

/* Using the clearfix mixin */
.main-nav {
  ul {
    @include clearfix; /* Including the clearfix mixin */

Import: While not explicitly used in the context of the @include directive for mixins, “import” in CSS and Sass generally refers to bringing in external stylesheets or Sass files into the current stylesheet using @import. This is a broader concept of code reuse at the file level, as opposed to the rule level with mixins. In the transcript’s context of mixins, the idea of “importing” functionality is analogous to the reusability that mixins provide.

Flow: In CSS layout, “flow” refers to the default way elements are positioned on a webpage. Elements are laid out in the order they appear in the HTML source, and block-level elements typically stack vertically, while inline elements flow horizontally within their container. Floated elements are taken out of the normal flow, which can lead to layout issues if not managed properly (hence the need for clearfix).

When Sass processes this code, it will replace @include clearfix; with the CSS rules defined within the clearfix mixin, effectively applying the clearfix technique to the .main-nav ul element.

Benefits of Using Mixins

Using mixins like clearfix offers several advantages:

  • Reusability: You define the clearfix logic once in the mixin and can reuse it across multiple elements in your stylesheet.
  • Maintainability: If you need to update the clearfix implementation, you only need to change it in one place (the mixin definition), rather than in every location where it’s used.
  • Readability: Mixins make your Sass code more semantic and easier to understand. @include clearfix; clearly indicates the intention of applying the clearfix technique, making the code more self-documenting.


Pseudo-classes and mixins are essential tools in Sass for writing dynamic, reusable, and maintainable CSS. Pseudo-classes allow you to style elements based on their state or position, enabling interactive and context-aware styling. Mixins promote code reusability by encapsulating CSS rules and allowing you to apply them across your stylesheets efficiently. Mastering these concepts is fundamental to leveraging the full power of Sass for modern web development.

Introduction to Mathematical Operators in SAS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)

This chapter introduces you to the fundamental mathematical operators available within SAS, a powerful CSS preprocessor. Understanding these operators is crucial for writing dynamic and efficient stylesheets. We will explore addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and demonstrate their practical application through simple examples. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to utilize these operators to perform calculations directly within your SAS code, leading to more maintainable and scalable CSS.

Overview of Mathematical Operators in SAS

SAS extends the capabilities of standard CSS by allowing you to perform mathematical operations directly within your stylesheets. This feature enables you to create more flexible and responsive designs by dynamically calculating values based on other properties or variables. The four basic mathematical operators supported in SAS are:

  • Addition (+): Adds two values together.
  • Subtraction (-): Subtracts one value from another.
  • Multiplication (*): Multiplies two values.
  • Division (/): Divides one value by another.

These operators can be used with various units in CSS, such as pixels (px), percentages (%), and ems (em), providing a versatile toolkit for stylesheet calculations.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

SAS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets): A preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). SAS extends CSS with features like variables, mixins, functions, and mathematical operators, making CSS more maintainable and efficient.

Practical Examples of Mathematical Operators

Let’s explore how these mathematical operators can be used in practical scenarios within SAS.

Consider a navigation menu where you want to control the width of each navigation link (li tags). Instead of hardcoding fixed pixel values, you can use mathematical operators to calculate widths dynamically.

Initially, the navigation links are set to a fixed width of 14%:

/* Initial CSS (demonstration purposes) */
nav li {
  width: 14%;

However, SAS allows you to use mathematical expressions directly within CSS properties. To demonstrate this, let’s use multiplication to set the width of each navigation link to 80 pixels.

/* SAS code using multiplication */
nav li {
  width: (40px * 2); /* Evaluates to 80px */

Pixels (px): A unit of length in digital devices, representing one dot on a screen display. Pixels are absolute units and are commonly used in web design for precise control over element sizes and positioning.

In this code, (40px * 2) is a SAS expression that multiplies 40 pixels by 2. SAS will evaluate this expression and compile it into standard CSS with the resulting value, which is 80px.

If we change the operator to division:

/* SAS code using division */
nav li {
  width: (40px / 2); /* Evaluates to 20px */

This expression divides 40 pixels by 2, resulting in a width of 20px for each navigation link.

Similarly, we can use addition and subtraction:

/* SAS code using addition */
nav li {
  width: (40px + 20px); /* Evaluates to 60px */

/* SAS code using subtraction */
nav li {
  width: (40px - 20px); /* Evaluates to 20px */

These examples, while seemingly simple, illustrate the fundamental principle of using mathematical operators within SAS to dynamically calculate CSS property values.

A more practical application is to ensure navigation links evenly distribute themselves across the entire width of the navigation bar. Let’s assume you want the navigation links to occupy 100% of the available width and be equally spaced.

Instead of manually calculating percentages, SAS can perform this calculation for you. If you have a navigation bar with six links, you can divide 100% by the number of links to determine the width of each link:

/* SAS code for equal navigation link spacing */
nav ul { /* Targeting the unordered list within the navigation */
  width: 100%; /* Ensure the navigation ul takes full width */

nav li {
  width: (100% / 6); /* Evaluates to approximately 16.66% per link */

Percentage (%): A unit of relative length, often used in web design to create responsive layouts. Percentages are typically relative to the parent element’s size.

In this example, (100% / 6) calculates the percentage width for each navigation link to evenly distribute them within a 100% width navigation bar. This approach is more maintainable, as you can easily adjust the number of navigation links without having to recalculate percentages manually.

Example 3: Styling a “Services” Section with Dynamic Widths and Spacing

Let’s consider a “services” section on a webpage, structured using an unordered list (ul) with list items (li) representing individual services. We aim to style these service items to be displayed horizontally and evenly spaced.

First, let’s look at the HTML structure (for context):

<!-- HTML Structure (example) -->
<section id="services">
      <img src="service-icon1.png" alt="Service 1">
      <a href="#">Service Title 1</a>
      <img src="service-icon2.png" alt="Service 2">
      <a href="#">Service Title 2</a>
      <img src="service-icon3.png" alt="Service 3">
      <a href="#">Service Title 3</a>

Now, let’s apply SAS styles to the “services” section.

/* SAS styles for the services section */
#services {
  margin-bottom: 60px; /* Add margin below the services section */

#services ul {
  @include clearfix; /* Include a mixin to clear floats (explained below) */

#services li {
  float: left; /* Float list items to display them horizontally */
  box-sizing: border-box; /* Include padding and border in the element's total width */
  text-align: center; /* Center text within list items */
  width: (100% / 3); /* Dynamically set width for equal spacing - 3 service items */

#services li img {
  width: 60%; /* Image width relative to the list item */
  margin: 20px 20%; /* Top/bottom margin: 20px, Left/right margin: 20% (for centering) */

#services li a {
  text-decoration: none; /* Remove underline from links */
  color: $deep-blue; /* Use a variable for color (explained below) */
  font-weight: bold; /* Make link text bold */

  &:hover { /* Pseudo-class for hover effect */
    color: red; /* Change link color on hover */

ID (Identifier): In HTML, an attribute that specifies a unique identifier for an element. In CSS, IDs are used as selectors to target and style specific HTML elements using the # symbol. For example, #services targets the element with id="services".

Nesting (in CSS/SAS): A feature in SAS and other CSS preprocessors that allows you to write CSS rules in a hierarchical structure, mirroring the HTML document structure. This improves readability and organization by grouping related styles together. For example, styles for li elements within #services are nested inside the #services block.

box-sizing: border-box;: A CSS property that alters the default CSS box model. When set to border-box, the padding and border of an element are included in the element’s total width and height. This makes layout calculations more predictable, especially when using percentages.

text-align: center;: A CSS property that specifies the horizontal alignment of text content within an element. Setting it to center will horizontally center the text content within the element.

float: left;: A CSS property that positions an element to the left side of its container, allowing other content to flow around it. It is commonly used for creating horizontal layouts.

Margin: In CSS, margin refers to the space outside an element’s border. It is used to create spacing between elements or between an element and its parent. margin: 20px 20%; sets a 20px margin on the top and bottom and a 20% margin on the left and right.

text-decoration: none;: A CSS property that specifies decorations added to text in an element. Setting it to none removes default decorations like underlines from links.

font-weight: bold;: A CSS property that specifies the weight or boldness of the text in an element. bold is a common value that makes the text appear thicker.

Pseudo-class: In CSS, a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). For example, :hover is a pseudo-class that applies styles when the user hovers their mouse over an element. &:hover in nested SAS refers to the :hover state of the parent selector (#services li a).

Variable (in SAS): In SAS, variables are used to store reusable values like colors, fonts, or sizes. They are defined using a dollar sign ($) followed by the variable name (e.g., $deep-blue). Using variables promotes consistency and makes it easier to update styles across a stylesheet. In the example, $deep-blue is assumed to be a previously defined variable holding a color value.

Mixin (in SAS): In SAS, mixins are reusable blocks of CSS declarations. They are defined using @mixin and included using @include. Mixins are used to group together styles that are reused in multiple places, promoting code reusability and reducing redundancy. @include clearfix; includes a mixin named clearfix, which is typically used to clear floats and prevent layout issues when using floated elements.

In this “services” section example, we again utilize division (100% / 3) to dynamically calculate the width of each service item (li), ensuring they are evenly spaced when there are three service items. The use of box-sizing: border-box; ensures that padding and borders are included within the calculated width, maintaining a consistent layout.


This chapter has demonstrated the fundamental mathematical operators in SAS: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Through practical examples, you have seen how these operators can be used to dynamically calculate CSS property values, leading to more flexible, maintainable, and responsive stylesheets. From adjusting navigation link widths to evenly spacing service items, mathematical operations in SAS provide a powerful tool for efficient CSS development.

In the next chapter, we will explore more complex applications of mathematical operators in SAS, including creating grid systems using these techniques.

Creating Flexible Grid Systems with SAS Mixins

This chapter will guide you through the process of building a flexible and efficient grid system for web layouts using SAS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) mixins. We will address the limitations of traditional CSS grid implementations and demonstrate how SAS can simplify and enhance grid creation, making it more maintainable and adaptable.

The Challenge of Traditional CSS Grid Systems

When constructing website layouts, arranging elements in a grid is a common requirement. Traditionally, in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), achieving a grid layout often involves techniques like floating elements and manually calculating widths and margins.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS controls aspects like layout, colors, and fonts, separating presentation from content.

Consider a scenario where we want to arrange a series of project images in a grid format within a section of a webpage. Using standard CSS, we might initially attempt the following approach:

.projects li {
  float: left;
  width: 23%;
  margin-right: 2%;

.projects li img {
  width: 100%;


A CSS positioning property that allows elements to be moved to the left or right side of their container, allowing text and inline elements to wrap around them. It is commonly used for creating layouts where elements sit side-by-side.

This CSS code attempts to create a four-column grid by floating list items (li) to the left, setting their width to 23%, and adding a 2% right margin to create spacing between them. The images within these list items are set to occupy 100% of the list item’s width.

While this approach might seem to work at first glance, it presents a common problem: uneven margins. As illustrated in the transcript, the last element in each row will have an unwanted right margin, disrupting the visual balance and alignment of the grid.

To rectify this issue in traditional CSS, developers often resort to using :nth-child selectors to target and remove the right margin from the last element of each row. Furthermore, adjusting widths and margins to ensure perfectly even columns and consistent spacing can become a tedious and error-prone process, especially when the desired number of columns or spacing changes.


A CSS pseudo-class selector that allows you to target elements based on their position among a group of sibling elements. It is frequently used to apply styles to specific elements in a list or grid based on their index.

This is where SAS and its powerful features, particularly mixins, offer a more elegant and maintainable solution.

Introducing SAS Mixins for Grid Systems

SAS, a CSS preprocessor, extends the capabilities of standard CSS by introducing features like variables, nesting, and mixins. Mixins are particularly useful for creating reusable blocks of CSS code, allowing for modularity and reducing redundancy in stylesheets.

SAS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)

A CSS preprocessor that extends the functionality of standard CSS, enabling features like variables, mixins, functions, and control directives. SAS code is compiled into standard CSS, making stylesheets more organized, maintainable, and powerful.


In SAS, a mixin is a group of CSS declarations that can be reused throughout your stylesheet. They allow you to bundle styles together and include them in different selectors, promoting code reusability and reducing repetition.

In the context of grid systems, mixins enable us to encapsulate the logic for creating a grid into a reusable component. We can define a mixin that accepts parameters like the number of columns and the desired margin, and dynamically generate the necessary CSS to create a correctly spaced and aligned grid.

Creating the grid Mixin in SAS

Let’s create a SAS mixin named grid to address the limitations of the traditional CSS grid approach. This mixin will accept two variables as parameters:

  • $cols: Represents the desired number of columns in the grid.
  • $mgn: Represents the margin spacing between grid elements.


In programming and in SAS, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value. Variables allow you to store and reuse values throughout your code, making it more flexible and easier to update.

Here’s the SAS code for the grid mixin:

@mixin grid($cols, $mgn) {
  li {
    float: left;
    margin-right: $mgn;
    margin-bottom: $mgn;
    &:nth-child(#{$cols}n) {
      margin-right: 0;
    width: calc((100% - (($cols - 1) * $mgn)) / $cols);

Let’s break down this mixin code step-by-step:

1. Basic Styling: float: left; margin-right: $mgn; margin-bottom: $mgn;

li {
  float: left;
  margin-right: $mgn;
  margin-bottom: $mgn;
  // ... rest of the styles
  • li { ... }: This targets the list item (li) elements to which the grid mixin will be applied.
  • float: left;: This line floats each list item to the left, enabling them to arrange horizontally in a row.
  • margin-right: $mgn;: This sets a right margin for each list item, creating horizontal spacing between the columns. The value of this margin is determined by the $mgn variable passed into the mixin.
  • margin-bottom: $mgn;: This sets a bottom margin for each list item, creating vertical spacing between rows if the grid spans multiple rows. Again, the value is controlled by the $mgn variable.

2. Handling the Last Element in Each Row: &:nth-child(#{$cols}n) { margin-right: 0; }

&:nth-child(#{$cols}n) {
  margin-right: 0;
  • &: The ampersand (&) in SAS refers to the parent selector. In this context, it represents .projects li when the mixin is included within the .projects rule. This is a shorthand way to target the same element as the outer selector.

  • &:nth-child(#{$cols}n): This line uses the :nth-child() pseudo-class to target specific list items.


    In CSS, a pseudo-class is a selector that selects elements based on state or position in the document tree, rather than by tag name, ID, or class. They are denoted by a colon (:) followed by the pseudo-class name (e.g., :hover, :nth-child).

    • #{$cols}: This is interpolation in SAS. It allows you to embed SAS variables or expressions within strings or selectors. Here, it inserts the value of the $cols variable into the nth-child() selector.
    • n: In :nth-child(), n is a formula that selects elements based on a repeating pattern. #{$cols}n means “every nth child”, where ‘n’ is the value of $cols. For example, if $cols is 4, nth-child(4n) will select every 4th child (4th, 8th, 12th, etc.).

    Therefore, &:nth-child(#{$cols}n) targets the last element in each row of the grid. If $cols is set to 4, it will select the 4th, 8th, 12th, and so on, list items.

  • margin-right: 0;: This line sets the margin-right of the last element in each row to zero, effectively removing the unwanted right margin and ensuring that the grid aligns flush to the right edge of its container.

3. Calculating Element Width: width: calc((100% - (($cols - 1) * $mgn)) / $cols);

width: calc((100% - (($cols - 1) * $mgn)) / $cols);
  • width: calc(...): This line sets the width of each list item using the CSS calc() function.


    A CSS function that allows you to perform calculations within CSS property values. It can be used to combine different units, perform arithmetic operations, and dynamically calculate sizes and positions based on other values.

  • 100%: This represents the total available width of the grid container.

  • ($cols - 1) * $mgn: This part calculates the total width occupied by the right margins between the columns.

    • $cols - 1: In a grid with $cols columns, there are $cols - 1 spaces between the columns where margins are applied. For example, in a 4-column grid, there are 3 spaces between the columns.
    • * $mgn: This multiplies the number of spaces by the margin width ($mgn) to get the total width of all the margins combined.
  • 100% - (($cols - 1) * $mgn): This subtracts the total margin width from the total available width (100%). This gives the remaining width that is available for the content of the grid items themselves.

  • / $cols: Finally, this divides the remaining width by the number of columns ($cols). This evenly distributes the available width among all the columns, ensuring that each grid item has an equal width after accounting for the margins.

In essence, this formula works by:

  1. Calculating the total space needed for margins between columns.
  2. Subtracting that margin space from the total available width.
  3. Dividing the remaining width equally among the desired number of columns.

This ensures that the grid columns are evenly sized and that the total width of the grid, including margins, fits perfectly within its container. Using percentage values for $mgn is crucial because the calculation involves percentages to ensure responsiveness and scalability of the grid across different screen sizes.

Using the grid Mixin in CSS

To apply the grid mixin to our project section, we would include it within the CSS rule for the .projects selector (or wherever you want to apply the grid). Assuming our project list is within a <ul class="projects"> element:

.projects {
  ul {
    @include grid(4, 2%); // Example: 4 columns with 2% margin
    list-style: none; // Optional: Remove default list styles
    padding: 0;      // Optional: Remove default padding
  • @include grid(4, 2%);: This line includes the grid mixin within the .projects ul rule. We are passing 4 as the $cols argument (for a 4-column grid) and 2% as the $mgn argument (for a 2% margin between columns).


In SAS, @include is a directive used to insert the styles defined within a mixin into the current CSS rule. It allows you to reuse and apply mixin styles in different parts of your stylesheet.

By changing the arguments passed to the @include grid() directive, you can easily adjust the number of columns and the margin spacing of your grid without rewriting complex CSS. For example:

  • @include grid(6, 4%); would create a 6-column grid with 4% margins.
  • @include grid(2, 8%); would create a 2-column grid with 8% margins.

Benefits of Using SAS Grid Mixin

Using a SAS mixin for grid systems offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility and Reusability: The grid mixin is reusable across different sections of your website. You can easily create grids with varying numbers of columns and margins by simply changing the arguments when you include the mixin.
  • Maintainability: Changes to the grid structure (e.g., adjusting column count or margin) are made in one place – the mixin definition – rather than scattered throughout your CSS. This makes maintenance and updates much easier.
  • Readability and Organization: The mixin encapsulates the grid logic, making your CSS more organized and easier to understand. It separates the grid implementation details from the overall styling of your elements.
  • Reduced Code Duplication: You avoid writing repetitive CSS code for each grid instance. The mixin promotes a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) approach to styling.
  • Dynamic Grid Creation: The mixin allows for dynamic grid creation based on variables. This can be further extended to create responsive grids by using media queries and adjusting the number of columns based on screen size.


This chapter demonstrated how to create a flexible and efficient grid system using SAS mixins. By encapsulating the grid logic within a mixin and utilizing variables and calculations, we achieved a solution that is more maintainable, reusable, and easier to adapt than traditional CSS grid implementations. This approach highlights the power of SAS in enhancing CSS development and creating more robust and organized stylesheets.

Exploring Color Functions in SAS for Dynamic Styling

Introduction to SAS Color Functions

This chapter delves into the powerful color functions available in SAS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets), a preprocessor scripting language that extends CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). SAS functions streamline and enhance the process of styling web pages by enabling dynamic and programmatic manipulation of CSS properties. This is particularly useful for creating maintainable and adaptable stylesheets.

SAS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets): SAS is a CSS preprocessor that extends the functionality of standard CSS. It allows developers to use variables, functions, mixins, and other programming constructs to write more efficient and maintainable stylesheets. SAS code is then compiled into standard CSS that browsers can understand.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media.

SAS offers a wide array of built-in functions, significantly reducing the need for manual CSS adjustments and promoting code reusability. Among these, color functions stand out for their ability to modify and generate colors based on existing ones, leading to more cohesive and visually appealing designs.

Overview of SAS Color Functions

SAS provides a comprehensive library of color functions that can be used to:

  • Lighten or darken colors: Adjust the brightness of a color.
  • Saturate or desaturate colors: Modify the intensity of a color.
  • Adjust hue: Shift the color along the color spectrum.
  • Mix colors: Combine two or more colors to create new shades.
  • Find complementary colors: Identify colors that harmonize with a given color.
  • Modify opacity: Control the transparency of a color.

These functions, and many others, are documented extensively online. A valuable resource for exploring the full range of SAS functions is the official SAS documentation or dedicated SAS function reference websites. It is highly recommended to explore these resources to gain a complete understanding of the available tools.

Opacity: In graphics and design, opacity refers to the degree to which something is transparent or opaque. A 100% opaque object is completely non-transparent, while a 0% opaque object is completely transparent. Opacity values between 0% and 100% represent varying degrees of transparency.

Practical Application: Enhancing Hover Effects with Color Functions

One common use case for color functions is to dynamically adjust colors for interactive elements, such as hover effects on navigation links and buttons. Instead of manually defining separate color values for hover states, SAS functions can generate these colors programmatically based on the element’s base color. This ensures visual consistency and simplifies stylesheet maintenance.

Using the lighten() Function to Create Subtler Navigation Hover Effects

Consider a navigation menu with a dark blue background for its links. A typical hover effect might involve changing the background color upon mouse interaction. Instead of using a completely different, potentially clashing, color like gray, we can use the lighten() function to create a lighter shade of the existing dark blue for the hover effect. This approach maintains color harmony within the design.

The lighten() function in SAS takes two parameters:

  1. Color: The base color to be lightened. This can be a color keyword (e.g., blue, red), a hexadecimal color code (e.g., #007bff), an RGB or RGBA value, or a SAS color variable.
  2. Amount: An integer or percentage value representing the amount by which to lighten the color. This value typically ranges from 0% to 100%, where 0% results in no change and 100% lightens the color to white.

Variable (in programming context): In programming, a variable is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name, which contains some known or unknown quantity of information referred to as a value. In SAS, variables can store values like colors, numbers, strings, and more, allowing for reusable and dynamic styles.

Integer: An integer is a whole number; that is, a number that can be written without a fractional component. In the context of the lighten() function’s amount parameter, it represents a degree of change, typically interpreted as a percentage.

Example Implementation:

Let’s assume the base color for the navigation links is a deep blue, represented by a hexadecimal color code (often referred to as a “hex value”).

Hex Value (Hexadecimal Color Code): A hexadecimal color code is a way to specify colors using hexadecimal numbers (base-16). It typically consists of a ’#’ symbol followed by six hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F), representing the red, green, and blue components of a color. For example, #FF0000 represents red, #00FF00 represents green, and #0000FF represents blue.

In the CSS stylesheet, the navigation link styles might initially include a gray background for the hover state:

.main-nav a:hover {
  background-color: gray; /* Original, less harmonious hover effect */

To improve this using the lighten() function, we replace the gray background with the SAS function:

.main-nav a:hover {
  background-color: lighten(#003366, 6%); /* Using lighten() function */

In this example:

  • lighten() is the SAS color function being used.
  • #003366 represents the deep blue base color (replace with the actual hex value if different).
  • 6% is the amount by which to lighten the base color. Adjusting this percentage changes the intensity of the hover effect. Lower percentages result in subtle lightening, while higher percentages create more pronounced changes.

Pseudo-class: In CSS, a pseudo-class is a selector that selects elements based on state or position rather than their type or attributes. :hover is a pseudo-class that applies styles when a user hovers their mouse cursor over an element.

By using lighten(#003366, 6%), the hover effect now dynamically generates a lighter shade of the deep blue, creating a more visually consistent and refined user experience compared to a stark gray background. Experimenting with the percentage value allows for fine-tuning the hover effect’s intensity.

Utilizing the complement() Function for Harmonious Color Schemes

Another powerful color function is complement(). Complementary colors are pairs of colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. When used together, they create a strong visual contrast and can be very effective in design. The complement() function in SAS automatically calculates the complementary color of a given base color.

Complement Color: In color theory, a complement color is a color directly opposite another color on a color wheel. When placed next to each other, complementary colors create the strongest contrast and can make each other appear more vibrant.

The complement() function takes a single parameter:

  1. Color: The base color for which to find the complement. Like lighten(), this can be any valid SAS color value.

Example Application:

Consider anchor links within the content of a webpage. If the overall design scheme uses a deep blue as a primary color, and the default hover effect for anchor links is a contrasting red, this might not always be visually harmonious. Instead, we can use the complement() function to generate a complementary color for the hover effect, ensuring a more cohesive color palette.

Original (less harmonious) hover style for anchor links:

a:hover {
  color: red; /* Potentially clashing red hover effect */

Improved hover style using complement():

a:hover {
  color: complement(#003366); /* Using complement() function */

In this example:

  • complement() is the SAS function being used.
  • #003366 is the deep blue base color. The complement() function will calculate the color opposite to this deep blue on the color wheel.

The complement() function, in this case, might produce a color in the crimson or brown-red family, which often complements deep blues more effectively than a standard bright red. This results in a hover effect that is still distinct but also integrates more seamlessly with the overall color scheme of the webpage.

Exploring Further Color Functions and Resources

The lighten() and complement() functions are just two examples from the extensive collection of color functions available in SAS. Other categories of color functions include:

  • Opacity functions: Functions to adjust the transparency of colors, such as alpha(), opacify(), and transparentize().

  • Hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) functions: Functions that allow for color manipulation based on the HSL color model, such as adjust-hue(), saturate(), desaturate(), lighten(), and darken().

  • Grayscale functions: Functions for converting colors to grayscale, such as grayscale().

  • Color mixing functions: Functions for blending and combining colors, such as mix().

String Function: In programming, string functions are functions used to manipulate strings, which are sequences of characters. While not directly related to color functions, SAS also provides string functions for manipulating text-based data within stylesheets, such as for generating content or manipulating class names.

To fully leverage the power of SAS color functions, it is highly recommended to explore the comprehensive documentation and resources available online. Websites dedicated to SAS and CSS preprocessors often provide detailed function references, tutorials, and examples. Experimenting with different functions and their parameters is crucial for mastering their application in creating dynamic and visually appealing stylesheets.


SAS color functions provide a powerful toolkit for manipulating and generating colors within CSS stylesheets. By using functions like lighten() and complement(), developers can create more dynamic, consistent, and maintainable styles, particularly for interactive elements and color scheme management. Exploring the full range of SAS color functions and practicing their application is essential for advanced CSS styling and efficient web development workflows. Further exploration of online resources and experimentation will unlock the full potential of these valuable tools.

Understanding the @content Keyword in Sass


In the realm of Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), a powerful CSS preprocessor, developers are equipped with tools to write more efficient, maintainable, and organized stylesheets. Among these tools, the @content keyword stands out for its unique ability to create flexible and reusable mixins. This chapter will delve into the functionality of the @content keyword. While its concept might initially seem abstract, we will explore its practical application through a detailed example, making its purpose and benefits clear.

What is the @content Keyword?

The @content keyword in Sass is a powerful directive used within mixins. In essence, it acts as a placeholder within a mixin, allowing you to inject styles from where the mixin is included directly into the mixin’s rule set. Think of it as a dynamic insertion point. When you use the @content keyword in a mixin and then include that mixin in your stylesheet, any styles you define within the inclusion block are substituted in place of the @content keyword within the mixin’s output.

Mixin: In Sass, a mixin is a group of CSS declarations that can be reused throughout your stylesheet. They allow you to write reusable code and avoid repetition, similar to functions in programming languages.

Initially, this might sound complex. However, by examining a practical example, the functionality and advantages of @content will become readily apparent.

Example: Creating a Media Query Mixin with @content

One common challenge in web development is managing media queries efficiently. Typically, media queries are scattered throughout stylesheets, often associated with specific elements they are intended to style at different screen widths. This scattered approach can lead to disorganized and harder-to-maintain code.

Media Query: A CSS technique that uses @media rules to apply different styles for different media types or devices. They are commonly used to create responsive websites that adapt to various screen sizes.

Sass offers a solution to centralize and streamline media query management using mixins and the @content keyword. Let’s create a mixin that encapsulates the logic for media queries, making them reusable and easier to manage within our stylesheets.

Building the mq (Media Query) Mixin

We will define a mixin named mq (short for media query) that accepts a variable, $arg (short for argument), representing the maximum screen width at which the media query should apply.

@mixin mq($arg) {
  @media screen and (max-width: $arg) {

Let’s break down this mixin:

  • @mixin mq($arg): This line defines a mixin named mq that accepts a single argument, $arg. This argument will be used to set the max-width value for our media query.
  • @media screen and (max-width: $arg): This is the standard CSS media query syntax. screen specifies the media type (in this case, screen devices), and max-width: $arg sets the condition for the media query to be active – when the screen width is less than or equal to the value of $arg.
  • @content;: This is the crucial part. The @content keyword acts as a placeholder. When we include this mq mixin in our stylesheet, any styles we define within the inclusion block will be inserted at this @content position, but only when the media query conditions are met.

This mixin, as it stands, is generic. It doesn’t contain any specific styles itself. Its power lies in its ability to dynamically accept styles when it’s used.

Applying the Mixin: Styling List Items (<li> tags)

Consider a scenario where we want to adjust the layout of list items (<li> tags) within a navigation menu (<nav>) when the screen width becomes smaller than 600 pixels. Currently, these list items might shrink and appear cramped on smaller screens. Our goal is to stack them vertically on top of each other at screen widths of 600 pixels and below.

To achieve this, we will apply our mq mixin to the CSS rules for the <li> tags within the navigation.

First, locate the CSS rules for the <li> tags within your stylesheet. Assuming they are under a selector like .main-nav li, we would modify the code as follows:

.main-nav li {
  // ... existing styles for list items ...

  @include mq(600px) {
    width: 100%;

Let’s dissect this application:

  • @include mq(600px): This line includes our mq mixin within the .main-nav li rule set. We are passing 600px as the argument, $arg, to the mixin. This means the media query will be set to max-width: 600px.
  • { width: 100%; }: The styles enclosed within the curly braces {} after @include mq(600px) represent the “content” that we want to inject into our mq mixin. In this case, we are setting width: 100% for the <li> tags.

When Sass processes this code, it will generate the following CSS output:

/* ... other CSS rules ... */

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .main-nav li {
    width: 100%;

As you can see, the styles we defined within the @include mq(600px) { ... } block have been inserted into the media query defined within the mq mixin. Specifically, the width: 100% style for .main-nav li is now applied only when the screen width is 600 pixels or less. This effectively stacks the list items vertically on smaller screens.

@include: In Sass, @include is a directive used to incorporate a mixin into a rule set. When you @include a mixin, all the styles defined within that mixin are inserted into the current rule set.

Benefits of Using @content in Media Query Mixins

Using the @content keyword in conjunction with mixins for media queries offers several advantages:

  • Dynamic and Reusable Media Queries: The mq mixin becomes a reusable template for creating media queries. We can use it for any element and specify different styles for different breakpoints by simply changing the content within the @include block.
  • Centralized Media Query Logic: The core media query structure (@media screen and (max-width: ... )) is defined in one place – the mq mixin. This centralizes the media query logic, making it easier to maintain and update.
  • Improved Code Organization and Maintainability: By keeping media query declarations close to the elements they affect, code becomes more organized and easier to understand. Instead of searching for scattered media queries across stylesheets, all media query-related styles for a specific element are grouped together.


The @content keyword in Sass is a powerful tool that enables the creation of highly flexible and dynamic mixins. In the context of media queries, it allows us to build reusable mixins that can be applied to various elements, dynamically injecting element-specific styles within a centralized media query structure. This approach significantly improves code organization, maintainability, and efficiency in managing responsive designs.

In the next chapter, we will explore further enhancements to our mq mixin by introducing the @if keyword and exploring how to pass more parameters to mixins, further expanding their capabilities and versatility. If you have any questions regarding the @content keyword or the concepts discussed in this chapter, please do not hesitate to ask.

Conditional Styling with Sass: Mastering If Statements for Dynamic CSS

Welcome to an exploration of conditional styling in Sass using if statements. This chapter will delve into how you can control the flow of your styles based on specific conditions, enabling more dynamic and responsive CSS. If you have a programming background, you’ll find the concept of if statements familiar, as they serve as fundamental control flow statements in many languages. In Sass, they allow us to apply styles conditionally, based on whether certain conditions are met.

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets): Sass is a preprocessor that extends CSS with features like variables, mixins, and functions, making stylesheets more maintainable and powerful. It compiles into standard CSS that browsers can understand.

if statements: In programming, if statements are control flow structures that allow you to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true. They are fundamental for creating logic and decision-making within programs.

Review: Media Queries in Sass

In our previous discussions, we introduced the concept of media queries and how they are used in Sass. Let’s briefly revisit a simple example.

media query: Media queries in CSS allow you to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device or viewport, such as screen width, height, or orientation. They are crucial for responsive web design.

Consider the following Sass mixin designed to generate media queries based on a maximum width:

@mixin respond-to($maxWidth) {
  @media screen and (max-width: $maxWidth) {

mixin: In Sass, a mixin is a reusable block of CSS declarations that can be included in multiple stylesheets. Mixins are used to group together styles that are repeated across a project, making code more modular and easier to maintain.

media screen: screen is a media type in CSS media queries that targets computer screens, tablets, smartphones, and other devices with screens. It is used to apply styles specifically to screen-based devices.

max-width: max-width is a CSS property and a feature in media queries that sets the maximum width of an element or defines a breakpoint at which styles are applied for viewports up to a certain width. It is commonly used for responsive design to adapt layouts to smaller screens.

styles: In the context of web development, styles refer to the visual presentation of web page elements, defined using CSS properties. They control aspects like color, font, layout, and more.

This mixin, when included, would output CSS similar to this:

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  /* Styles here */

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. It controls the visual appearance of web pages, separating content from design.

CSS output: CSS output refers to the final CSS code generated after processing Sass code. This output is what browsers interpret to style web pages.

However, media queries are not always this straightforward. Sometimes, we need to incorporate more complex conditions, such as both a max-width and a min-width.

min-width: min-width is a CSS property and a feature in media queries that sets the minimum width of an element or defines a breakpoint at which styles are applied for viewports at and above a certain width. It is used in responsive design to adapt layouts for larger screens.

Handling Variable Arguments in Mixins

To handle more versatile media queries, we need a mixin that can adapt to different numbers of arguments. Let’s modify our respond-to mixin to accept a variable number of arguments.

arguments: In programming, arguments (or parameters) are values passed to a function or mixin when it is called. They provide input data that the function or mixin can use to perform its task.

We can achieve this using the ellipsis (…) in the mixin definition:

ellipsis (…): In Sass mixin definitions, the ellipsis (…) is used to indicate that the mixin can accept a variable number of arguments. These arguments are then collected into a list.

@mixin respond-to(...) {
  // ... logic to handle variable arguments ...

The ellipsis captures all passed arguments into a single list named args (or any name you choose).

list: In Sass, a list is a data type that holds an ordered sequence of values, separated by spaces or commas. Lists can be used to store multiple values in a single variable and are often used in conjunction with mixins and functions.

Accessing Arguments from the List

To access individual arguments within the args list, we use the nth() function.

nth() function: The nth() function in Sass is used to retrieve a specific item from a list based on its position (index). It takes two arguments: the list and the index of the item to retrieve.

The nth() function takes two parameters: the list name and the position (index) of the item you want to retrieve. It’s important to note that list indexing in Sass is 1-based, meaning the first item is at position 1, the second at position 2, and so on.

position: In the context of lists, position refers to the numerical index of an item within the list, starting from 1 in Sass.

For example, to get the first argument passed to our respond-to mixin, we would use nth($args, 1).

Implementing Conditional Logic with if Statements

Now, we can use if statements to create different media query outputs based on the number of arguments passed to our respond-to mixin. We’ll use the @if directive along with the length() function to check the number of arguments in the args list.

@if statement: The @if statement in Sass is a directive that allows you to conditionally apply styles based on whether a given condition is true. It is used to implement conditional logic within Sass stylesheets.

length() function: The length() function in Sass is used to determine the number of items in a list. It takes a list as an argument and returns the count of items in that list.

conditional logic: Conditional logic in programming refers to the ability to execute different code blocks based on whether certain conditions are true or false. if statements are a primary mechanism for implementing conditional logic.

Here’s how we can modify our respond-to mixin using if statements:

@mixin respond-to(...) {
  @if length($args) == 1 {
    // Logic for single argument (max-width only)
    $maxWidth: nth($args, 1);
    @media screen and (max-width: $maxWidth) {
  } @else if length($args) == 2 {
    // Logic for two arguments (min-width and max-width)
    $maxWidth: nth($args, 1);
    $minWidth: nth($args, 2);
    @media screen and (min-width: $minWidth) and (max-width: $maxWidth) {

Let’s break down this code:

  • @if length($args) == 1: This checks if the length of the args list is equal to 1. If true, it means only one argument (presumably max-width) was passed.

    • $maxWidth: nth($args, 1);: We extract the first argument and assign it to the $maxWidth variable.

    variable: In programming, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value that can be changed during program execution. In Sass, variables are used to store values like colors, font sizes, or breakpoints, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

    • The code then generates a simple media query with only max-width.
  • @else if length($args) == 2: If the first condition is false, this checks if the length of args is equal to 2. If true, it means two arguments (presumably max-width and min-width) were passed.

    • $maxWidth: nth($args, 1); and $minWidth: nth($args, 2);: We extract both arguments and assign them to $maxWidth and $minWidth variables respectively.
    • The code then generates a more complex media query with both min-width and max-width.

syntax: Syntax refers to the set of rules that govern the structure and grammar of a programming language or stylesheet language like Sass. Correct syntax is essential for code to be parsed and executed correctly.

This structure allows our respond-to mixin to be flexible and generate different types of media queries based on the number of arguments provided.

Applying the Conditional Mixin

Let’s see how to apply this enhanced mixin. Consider a span element where we want to adjust the font-size based on screen size.

Initially, we might have a default style for the span:

span {
  font-size: 16px;

Now, let’s use our respond-to mixin to increase the font-size for larger screens. We’ll use the @include directive to incorporate the mixin.

@include directive: The @include directive in Sass is used to insert (include) the styles defined within a mixin into the current stylesheet. It allows for the reuse of CSS code blocks defined in mixins.

span {
  font-size: 16px;

  @include respond-to(3000px, 1200px) {
    font-size: 68px;

Here, we are including the respond-to mixin with two arguments: 3000px (max-width) and 1200px (min-width).

responsive design: Responsive design is an approach to web design that aims to create web pages that adapt their layout and content to different screen sizes and devices. Media queries are a fundamental tool for implementing responsive design.

font-size: font-size is a CSS property that specifies the size of the text within an element. It is commonly used to control the visual hierarchy and readability of text on web pages.

This code will generate CSS that applies a font-size of 68px to the span element only when the screen width is between 1200px and 3000px. For screens smaller than 1200px, the default font-size of 16px will be applied.


This chapter demonstrated how to use Sass if statements to create conditional styles and build more flexible and dynamic mixins. By combining if statements with functions like length() and nth(), we can create sophisticated logic within our stylesheets, enabling us to handle various scenarios and create truly responsive designs. While we focused on media queries, if statements can be used for a wide range of conditional styling tasks in Sass, allowing for greater control and maintainability of your CSS. This concludes our introduction to conditional styling with if statements in Sass. Further exploration can involve nesting if statements and using other conditional directives for even more complex scenarios.