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Styling a HTML5 Form

Learn how to style a modern HTML5 form with this tutorial series! Discover techniques for enhancing form elements using CSS, including custom inputs, labels, validation, and responsive design. Perfect for developers looking to create clean, user-friendly forms.

Styling HTML5 Forms: A Beginner’s Guide - Series Introduction

This chapter introduces a series of tutorials focused on styling HTML5 forms from scratch. While this series provides a comprehensive guide, it assumes a foundational understanding of both HTML and CSS. Prior experience in coding basic HTML forms and applying elementary CSS styling using selectors is recommended. This series aims to expand upon these basic skills, exploring advanced techniques to enhance the visual appeal and customization of your forms, aligning them perfectly with your website’s design.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. HTML provides the structure and content of a webpage.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.

For those new to CSS or HTML, it is highly recommended to first explore introductory resources. A beginner series on CSS and HTML is suggested as a prerequisite to fully benefit from this form styling series. Links to these beginner series are provided below for your convenience.

Resources for This Series

To facilitate learning and allow for hands-on practice, a dedicated repository has been created on GitHub for this series.

Repository: In version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub, a repository (or repo) is a storage location for all the files associated with a particular project, along with the history of changes made to them.

GitHub: A web-based platform for version control and collaboration using Git. It is primarily used for software development, allowing developers to host and review code, manage projects, and build software collaboratively.

The repository, named “styling HTML 5 forms playlist,” contains all the necessary assets to follow along with the tutorials. A link to this repository is provided below.

Repository Contents

The repository is structured as follows:

  • image folder: This folder contains various images that will be used throughout the series to customize the form elements.
  • index.html file: This file contains the complete HTML structure of the form we will be styling. The HTML code is pre-written to allow us to focus directly on the styling aspects in CSS. We will review the structure of this file in detail shortly.
  • styles.css file: This file is initially blank and will be built upon throughout the series. We will write CSS code in this file to style the HTML form and achieve the desired visual enhancements.

index.html: The standard filename for the main homepage of a website or a section of a website. It is the file that web servers typically look for when a user requests the root directory of a website.

styles.css: A common filename for a Cascading Stylesheet file. It is used to store the CSS code that styles the HTML content of a web page.

Setting Up Your Environment

To work along with this tutorial series, you will need to download the contents of the GitHub repository. This can be done in two ways:

  • Cloning the repository: If you are familiar with Git, you can clone the repository to your local machine using the “clone” option.

    Clone (Git): In Git, cloning means creating a local copy of a repository that is hosted remotely (e.g., on GitHub). This local copy includes all the files, branches, and commit history of the original repository.

  • Downloading as a ZIP file: Alternatively, you can download the repository as a ZIP file and extract its contents to your desktop. This is a simpler option if you are not familiar with Git.

Once downloaded, open the extracted folder in your preferred text editor. Atom is the text editor used in this series, but any text editor capable of editing HTML and CSS files will suffice.

Text editor: A software application used to create, open, view, and edit plain text files. For web development, text editors are used to write code in languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Atom: A free and open-source text and source code editor for macOS, Linux, and Windows, with support for plug-ins written in Node.js, and embedded Git Control, developed by GitHub. It is customizable and popular among web developers.

Atom is available for free download at

Previewing the Finished Form

Before diving into the styling process, let’s take a look at the final, styled HTML form we will be building in this series. This preview provides a visual target and demonstrates the level of customization achievable.

The finished form showcases several custom styling features:

  • Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxes: Instead of the default browser appearance, the form utilizes custom images for radio buttons and checkboxes, providing a unique visual style. These images dynamically change when selected, providing clear user feedback.
  • Custom Validation Indicators: When a valid input is entered in certain fields, a visual “tick” mark appears, providing real-time validation feedback to the user.
  • Styled Select Box: The default appearance of the select box is replaced with a custom style, enhancing its visual integration with the overall form design.
  • Styled Submit Button: The submit button is also visually customized to match the form’s aesthetic.

We will learn how to implement each of these styling elements throughout the series.

Examining the Base HTML Structure (index.html)

Let’s now examine the index.html file, which contains the foundational HTML structure of the form. This pre-written HTML provides the starting point for our styling journey.

The HTML code is structured into several key sections within a <form> element:

  1. Header Section (<header>):

    • Contains a logo image. This logo is mostly for visual context and will be styled minimally in this initial tutorial.
  2. Gender Section (<section>):

    • Implements radio buttons for gender selection.

    • Each radio button is paired with a <label> element.

    • Crucially, the for attribute in each <label> is linked to the id attribute of its corresponding <input type="radio"> element.

    for attribute (HTML Label): Specifies which form element a label is bound to. It should match the id attribute of the form element. This association improves accessibility and user experience by allowing users to click the label to interact with the form element.

    id attribute (HTML): A unique identifier for an HTML element. It is used by CSS and JavaScript to target and manipulate specific elements on a webpage.

    • This association ensures that clicking the label also selects the associated radio button, enhancing usability.
  3. Interest Section (<section>):

    • Utilizes checkboxes for selecting interests.
    • Similar to the Gender section, each checkbox is associated with a <label> using the for and id attributes for improved accessibility and user interaction.
  4. Contact Details Section (<section>):

    • Enclosed within a <fieldset> element.

    <fieldset> (HTML): Used to group related elements in a form. It visually groups form elements with a border and can include a <legend> to provide a caption for the group.

    • The <fieldset> includes a <legend> element, providing a title for this section (“Contact Details”).

    <legend> (HTML): Defines a caption for the content of the <fieldset> element. It is displayed as the first child of the <fieldset>.

    • Contains input fields for “Email” and “Telephone” (<input type="email">, <input type="tel">).

    • After each input field, a <span> element with the class “tick” is included.

    <span> (HTML): An inline container used to mark up a part of a text or a part of a document. It is often used to apply styles to specific portions of text or to group inline elements.

    class attribute (HTML): Specifies one or more class names for an HTML element. Classes are used by CSS and JavaScript to select and style groups of elements.

    • These <span> elements will be used later to display the validation “tick” icons.
  5. Contact Preference Section (<select>):

    • Implements a <select> element (dropdown menu) to allow users to choose their preferred contact method.

    <select> (HTML): Creates a dropdown list. It is used to allow users to select one option from a list of predefined options.

  6. Submit Button (<button type="submit">):

    • A standard submit button to submit the form data.

    <button type="submit"> (HTML): Creates a clickable button that, when clicked, submits the form it is associated with to the server for processing.

This HTML structure provides the foundation upon which we will apply CSS styling to create the visually appealing form previewed earlier.

Applying Base Styles with CSS (styles.css)

Now, let’s turn our attention to the styles.css file. Currently, it is almost empty, containing only comments that outline the structure of the tutorial series. In this first tutorial, we will apply some basic CSS styles to improve the initial appearance of the form and make it more visually workable.

The following CSS rules are added to styles.css:

  1. Body Styles (body selector):

    body {
        background: #141414; /* Deep charcoal background color */
        margin: 0;        /* Remove default body margin */
        font-family: Arial; /* Set default font family for the entire page */

    body (CSS selector): Selects the <body> element in the HTML document. The <body> element represents the visible content of an HTML document.

    background (CSS property): Sets the background color or background image of an element. In this case, it sets the background color of the body to #141414.

    #141414 (Hex color code): Represents a specific color using hexadecimal notation. Hex codes are commonly used in web development to define colors.

    margin (CSS property): Sets the space around an element, outside of the border. margin: 0; sets all margins (top, right, bottom, left) to zero.

    font-family (CSS property): Specifies the font family for the text content of an element. font-family: Arial; sets the font to Arial.

    This CSS rule sets a dark charcoal background color for the entire page (body), removes the default margin around the body, and sets the default font family to Arial.

  2. Header Styles (header selector):

    header {
        background: #0D0D0D; /* Slightly darker background for the header */
        padding: 20px;       /* Add padding around the header content */
        text-align: center;  /* Center-align text content within the header */

    header (CSS selector): Selects the <header> element in the HTML document. The <header> typically contains introductory content or navigation aids.

    padding (CSS property): Sets the space between the content of an element and its border. padding: 20px; adds 20 pixels of padding on all sides of the header content.

    px (pixels): A unit of length in CSS, representing picture elements on a screen. 20px means 20 pixels.

    text-align (CSS property): Specifies the horizontal alignment of text content within an element. text-align: center; centers the text within the header.

    This rule applies a slightly darker background to the header than the body, adds padding around the header content to create visual spacing, and centers the text content within the header (specifically, the logo).

  3. Form Styles (form selector):

    form {
        margin: 20px; /* Add margin around the form element */
        color: #EEE;  /* Set default text color for the form to a light gray */

    form (CSS selector): Selects the <form> element in the HTML document. The <form> element encloses the interactive controls for submitting information.

    color (CSS property): Sets the text color of an element. color: #EEE; sets the text color to a light gray (#EEE).

    This rule adds a margin of 20 pixels around the entire form, preventing it from sitting flush against the edges of the browser window, and sets the default text color within the form to a light gray (#EEE) for better visibility against the dark background.

  4. Form Paragraph Styles (form p selector):

    form p {
        font-size: 18px;      /* Increase font size of paragraph elements within the form */
        letter-spacing: 0.1em; /* Add letter spacing for better readability */

    form p (CSS selector): A descendant selector in CSS. It selects all <p> (paragraph) elements that are descendants of a <form> element.

    font-size (CSS property): Sets the size of the font. font-size: 18px; sets the font size to 18 pixels.

    letter-spacing (CSS property): Sets the space between characters in a text. letter-spacing: 0.1em; adds a spacing of 0.1em between each letter.

    em (CSS unit): A relative unit of length in CSS. 1em is equal to the current font size of the element. 0.1em is 10% of the current font size.

    This rule targets paragraph elements (<p>) specifically within the form, increasing their font size to 18 pixels and adding a small amount of letter spacing (0.1em) to improve readability.

These basic CSS styles, when applied to the initial HTML form, significantly improve its visual presentation, making it a more workable starting point for further styling in the subsequent tutorials.

Next Steps

In the upcoming tutorial, we will focus on styling the radio buttons and checkboxes. We will replace their default browser appearance with custom images, as previewed in the finished form. This will involve more advanced CSS techniques and demonstrate how to customize form elements beyond their standard styling. Stay tuned for the next chapter in this series!

Styling Radio Buttons in Web Development

This chapter will guide you through the process of styling radio buttons in web development to create a more customized and visually appealing user interface. We will explore how to replace the default browser styling of radio buttons with custom images and utilize CSS to control their appearance and behavior.

Understanding the Challenge: Default Radio Button Styling

By default, radio buttons appear with a generic style dictated by the web browser. While functional, these default styles often lack visual appeal and may not align with the overall design of a website or application. Directly styling the inherent appearance of default radio buttons using CSS is limited. Therefore, a common technique is to overlay or replace the default radio buttons with custom elements to achieve the desired look.

The Strategy: Hiding Default Elements and Implementing Custom Visuals

Our approach will involve two main steps:

  1. Hiding the Default Radio Buttons: We will make the original radio button elements invisible on the page but keep them functional. This ensures the underlying HTML functionality of radio buttons (selection and grouping) remains intact.
  2. Adding Custom Visuals: We will use CSS to style the labels associated with the radio buttons. These labels will be styled to visually represent the radio button state (selected or unselected) using custom images.

Step-by-Step Implementation

Let’s walk through the code implementation to style radio buttons, mimicking the example from the transcript.

1. Hiding the Default Radio Buttons

To hide the default radio buttons, we use CSS to target all input elements of type “radio”.

input[type="radio"] {
  opacity: 0;
  width: 0;
  margin: 0;
  • input[type="radio"]: This is an attribute selector in CSS.

    Attribute Selector: In CSS, an attribute selector is used to select HTML elements based on the presence or value of a specific attribute. input[type="radio"] selects all <input> elements that have the attribute type set to radio.

  • opacity: 0;: This CSS property makes the element completely transparent, effectively hiding it from view.

    Opacity: In CSS, opacity is a property that controls the transparency of an element. A value of 0 makes the element fully transparent (invisible), while a value of 1 makes it fully opaque (visible). Values in between represent varying degrees of transparency.

  • width: 0;: Setting the width to zero ensures that the hidden radio button does not take up any horizontal space on the page layout.

  • margin: 0;: Setting the margin to zero removes any default spacing around the radio button, further ensuring it doesn’t affect the layout once hidden.

By applying these styles, the default radio buttons become invisible, but they are still present in the HTML document and retain their functionality.

2. Styling the Labels for Custom Appearance

Now that the default radio buttons are hidden, we need to style their corresponding labels to visually represent the radio button states. In this example, we are targeting labels associated with “male” and “female” radio buttons.

label[for="female"] {
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  display: inline-block;
  padding-left: 26px;
  background-image: url("images/checks.png");
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 0 -32px;
  line-height: 24px;
  cursor: pointer;
  • label[for="male"], label[for="female"]: These are attribute selectors targeting <label> elements with the for attribute set to “male” and “female” respectively. This ensures we are styling the labels associated with our radio buttons.

  • margin-bottom: 10px;: Adds a bottom margin of 10 pixels to each label, creating vertical space between them.

  • display: inline-block;: This CSS property affects how an element is displayed on the page.

    display: inline-block;: This value for the display property in CSS makes an element behave like an inline element in terms of flow (it sits in the line of text) but allows it to have block-level characteristics such as setting width and height, as well as padding and margins.

  • padding-left: 26px;: Adds left padding of 26 pixels to create space to the left of the label text where our custom radio button image will be placed.

  • background-image: url("images/checks.png");: Sets a background image for the label. This assumes there is an image file named “checks.png” in an “images” folder relative to the CSS file. This image is an image sprite.

    Image Sprite: An image sprite is a collection of multiple images combined into a single image file. In web development, sprites are often used to reduce the number of HTTP requests and improve page loading performance. Individual images within the sprite are accessed using CSS background positioning.

  • background-repeat: no-repeat;: Prevents the background image from repeating, ensuring only one instance of the image is displayed.

  • background-position: 0 -32px;: This property controls which part of the background image is visible.

    background-position: In CSS, background-position specifies the initial position of the background image. It’s often used to select a specific portion of an image sprite. Values are given for the horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) position.

    In this case, 0 -32px positions the image so that the unselected radio button image from the sprite is displayed. The checks.png sprite is assumed to contain both selected and unselected states of the radio button vertically stacked, with the unselected state positioned 32 pixels below the top edge (0 pixels).

  • line-height: 24px;: Sets the line height of the label text to 24 pixels. This helps vertically align the text with the custom radio button image.

  • cursor: pointer;: Changes the mouse cursor to a pointer when hovering over the label, providing a visual cue that the label is interactive.

3. Indicating Selection using the :checked Pseudo-class

To visually indicate when a radio button is selected, we use the :checked pseudo-class in CSS.

Pseudo-class: In CSS, a pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). For example, :hover styles an element when the mouse cursor hovers over it, and :checked styles an input element when it is checked (like a radio button or checkbox).

input[type="radio"]:checked + label[for="male"],
input[type="radio"]:checked + label[for="female"] {
  background-position: 0 0;
  color: #ce1010; /* Red color for selected label text */
  • input[type="radio"]:checked: This selects input elements of type “radio” that are in the checked state.

  • + label[for="male"], + label[for="female"]: The + symbol is the adjacent sibling combinator in CSS.

    Adjacent Sibling Combinator: In CSS, the adjacent sibling combinator (+) is used to select an element that is the immediately following sibling of another element. element1 + element2 selects element2 only if it immediately follows element1 in the HTML structure and shares the same parent.

    Here, it selects the <label> element that immediately follows the checked <input type="radio"> element and has the for attribute set to “male” or “female”. This assumes the HTML structure places the label directly after the input.

  • background-position: 0 0;: Changes the background position to 0 0, which is assumed to display the selected radio button image from the sprite. This assumes the selected state image is positioned at the top-left (0 pixels, 0 pixels) of the checks.png sprite.

  • color: #ce1010;: Changes the text color of the label to a red color when the radio button is selected, providing an additional visual cue for selection.


By combining these CSS techniques, we have successfully replaced the default appearance of radio buttons with custom images and styles. This approach enhances the visual design of the radio buttons while maintaining their core functionality. The key steps include hiding the original input elements, styling the associated labels to display custom images, and using the :checked pseudo-class and adjacent sibling combinator to dynamically update the label’s appearance when the radio button is selected. This method offers a flexible way to customize form elements and integrate them seamlessly into a website’s design.

Styling HTML Checkboxes: A Deep Dive into Form Customization

Introduction to Form Styling in HTML5

In web development, forms are essential for user interaction, allowing users to input data and submit it to a server. HTML5 provides the structural foundation for creating forms, but often, the default appearance of form elements like checkboxes and radio buttons can be visually unappealing or inconsistent with a website’s design. Therefore, the ability to style these elements is crucial for creating a cohesive and user-friendly web experience.

This chapter delves into the techniques for customizing the appearance of HTML checkboxes, building upon the concepts of styling radio buttons discussed previously. We will explore how to hide the default browser-rendered checkboxes and replace them with custom imagery, leveraging CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to achieve a visually appealing and branded look.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It defines the structure and content of a webpage.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) A style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS allows you to control the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of web pages.

Hiding Default Checkboxes

The first step in customizing checkboxes is to hide the default browser-rendered elements. Directly styling the default checkbox input element is often limited and inconsistent across browsers. A common technique is to make the default checkbox transparent and overlay a custom visual element. This allows for complete control over the checkbox’s appearance.

To hide the default checkboxes, we target the <input> elements with the attribute type="checkbox" using CSS.

Attribute In HTML, an attribute provides additional information about an HTML element. Attributes are specified in the start tag and usually come in name-value pairs like type="checkbox".

Selector In CSS, selectors are patterns that select HTML elements to which a set of CSS rules should be applied. Selectors can target elements by tag name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

input[type="checkbox"] {
  opacity: 0;
  width: 0;
  margin: 0;

Let’s break down these CSS properties:

  • opacity: 0;: This property makes the element completely transparent, effectively hiding it from view while still maintaining its functionality in the HTML structure.

    Opacity In CSS, opacity defines the transparency of an element. A value of 0 makes the element fully transparent, while a value of 1 makes it fully opaque (not transparent).

  • width: 0;: Setting the width to zero ensures that the default checkbox does not occupy any visible space on the page, further contributing to hiding it.

  • margin: 0;: Removing the margin ensures that the default checkbox does not create any unwanted spacing around itself, preventing it from interfering with the layout of custom elements.

By applying these styles, the default checkboxes are effectively hidden, paving the way for the introduction of custom visual replacements.

Styling Labels for Custom Checkbox Appearance

With the default checkboxes hidden, we need to create visual cues to indicate the state of the checkbox (checked or unchecked). Labels associated with the checkboxes are a perfect place to implement these custom visuals. By styling the labels, we can create a visually appealing and interactive checkbox experience.

In the HTML structure, labels are associated with checkboxes using the for attribute on the <label> element, which corresponds to the id of the associated <input> element.

<input type="checkbox" id="web" name="options" value="web">
<label for="web">Web</label>

To style these labels, we first target them using CSS selectors based on their for attribute values. In this example, labels are associated with checkboxes for “web,” “Photoshop,” and “Madonna.”

label[for="madonna"] {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-bottom: 10px;
  padding-left: 26px;
  background-image: url("images/check.png");
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: 0 -98px;
  line-height: 24px;
  cursor: pointer;

Let’s examine the CSS properties applied to the labels:

  • display: inline-block;: This property allows the label to behave like an inline element (flowing with text) but also allows setting width and height, and margins and padding. This is useful for layout purposes.

    Display Property In CSS, the display property specifies the type of rendering box used for an element. inline-block is one of the values, making an element behave like an inline element but with block-level capabilities.

  • margin-bottom: 10px;: This adds a bottom margin of 10 pixels to each label, creating vertical spacing between the checkbox options.

    Margin In CSS, margin refers to the space around the outside of an element, separating it from neighboring elements.

  • padding-left: 26px;: This adds left padding of 26 pixels to the label text. This space is reserved to accommodate the custom checkbox image.

    Padding In CSS, padding refers to the space between the content of an element and its border.

  • background-image: url("images/check.png");: This sets a background image for the label using the check.png image file located in the “images” folder. This image is intended to be an image sprite containing both checked and unchecked states.

    URL (Uniform Resource Locator) A web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet, such as an image file.

  • background-repeat: no-repeat;: This property prevents the background image from repeating, ensuring that only a single instance of the image is displayed.

  • background-position: 0 -98px;: This property controls the initial position of the background image. 0 for the horizontal position (x-axis) and -98px for the vertical position (y-axis). This specific value is used to select the “unchecked” state from the image sprite, assuming the sprite is arranged vertically and the unchecked state is positioned at -98 pixels from the top.

    Background Position In CSS, background-position specifies the starting position of a background image. It uses x and y coordinates to determine which part of the image should be displayed at the top-left corner of the element’s background area.

  • line-height: 24px;: This property sets the line height of the label text to 24 pixels. This adjustment ensures that the text is vertically aligned within the label and avoids being cut off by the background image.

    Line Height In CSS, line-height specifies the height of a line box in a text. It affects the vertical spacing between lines of text.

  • cursor: pointer;: This changes the cursor to a pointer (hand icon) when hovering over the label, indicating that it is interactive and clickable.

    Cursor Property In CSS, the cursor property specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element. pointer is a common value that indicates an interactive element.

Handling the Checked State

Currently, while the labels appear as unchecked boxes, there is no visual feedback when a checkbox is actually checked. To address this, we need to style the label to reflect the “checked” state of its associated input. This is achieved using the :checked pseudo-class in CSS, combined with the adjacent sibling selector.

Pseudo-class In CSS, a pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). For example, :hover is a pseudo-class that applies styles when the user hovers over an element.

Adjacent Selector In CSS, the adjacent sibling selector (+) selects an element that is directly after another specified element in the HTML structure.

We target the label that immediately follows a checked input of type checkbox:

input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label[for="web"],
input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label[for="photoshop"],
input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label[for="madonna"] {
  background-position: 0 -65px;
  color: #ff5049; /* Example red color */

Let’s break down this CSS rule:

  • input[type="checkbox"]:checked: This part selects input elements of type “checkbox” that are in the checked state. The :checked pseudo-class dynamically applies styles when the checkbox is checked.
  • + label[for="web"], + label[for="photoshop"], + label[for="madonna"]: The + symbol is the adjacent sibling selector. It selects the <label> element that immediately follows the checked <input> element and matches the specified for attribute. This ensures we are styling the correct label associated with the checked checkbox.
  • background-position: 0 -65px;: This changes the background position of the label’s background image. By adjusting the vertical position to -65px, we are selecting a different part of the image sprite, presumably the “checked” state of the checkbox image.
  • color: #ff5049;: This changes the text color of the label to a specific red color (#ff5049) when the associated checkbox is checked. This provides further visual feedback indicating the checked state.

By implementing these CSS rules, the labels associated with checkboxes dynamically change their appearance when the checkboxes are checked, providing clear visual feedback to the user and enhancing the overall user experience of the form.


This chapter demonstrated how to effectively style HTML checkboxes, moving beyond the default browser appearances to create custom and visually integrated form elements. By hiding the default checkboxes, styling associated labels with background images and leveraging CSS pseudo-classes and selectors, we achieved a fully customized checkbox experience. These techniques are essential for modern web design, allowing developers to create forms that are both functional and aesthetically consistent with the overall website design. The principles discussed here can be extended to style other form elements and create highly customized and user-friendly web forms.

Styling HTML5 Form Elements: Enhancing User Interface with CSS

This chapter delves into the techniques for styling HTML5 form elements using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). We will focus on enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of form elements such as fieldsets, legends, and specific input types like email and telephone. By the end of this chapter, you will understand how to customize the appearance of these elements to create more engaging and user-friendly forms.

Styling Fieldsets and Legends

We begin by styling the <fieldset> and <legend> elements, which are crucial for grouping related form controls and providing context. The <fieldset> element visually groups related form elements, while the <legend> element provides a caption for the fieldset.

Let’s start by targeting the <fieldset> element in our CSS.

fieldset {
  padding: 20px;
  margin: 20px 0;
  border: 3px solid #222; /* Charcoal gray border */
  • Padding: We apply padding: 20px; to create space inside the fieldset border, giving the content within it some breathing room.

    Padding: In CSS, padding refers to the space between the content of an element and its border. It is used to create visual space within an element.

  • Margin: margin: 20px 0; sets the top and bottom margins to 20 pixels, and the left and right margins to zero. This adds space around the fieldset, separating it from other elements on the page.

    Margin: In CSS, margin refers to the space outside the border of an element, separating it from neighboring elements. It controls the spacing between elements.

  • Border: border: 3px solid #222; defines the border of the fieldset.

    • 3px sets the border thickness to 3 pixels.
    • solid specifies a solid line style for the border.
    • #222 sets the border color to a charcoal gray, providing a subtle visual separation.

Next, we style the <legend> element to improve its appearance and consistency with other text elements in the form.

legend {
  padding: 10px;
  font-size: 18px;
  letter-spacing: 0.1em;
  • Padding: padding: 10px; adds padding around the legend text, giving it more visual prominence within the fieldset.

  • Font Size: font-size: 18px; increases the font size of the legend to 18 pixels, making it more readable and aligning it with the size of paragraph text in the form.

  • Letter Spacing: letter-spacing: 0.1em; increases the space between letters slightly. em is a relative unit based on the font size of the element. This enhances readability by giving the text more visual breathing room.

    em: A relative unit of measurement in CSS. 1em is equal to the current font size of the element. Using em for letter-spacing ensures the spacing scales proportionally with the font size.

These CSS rules enhance the visual presentation of the fieldset and legend, making the form structure clearer and more aesthetically pleasing.

Styling Input Fields: Email and Telephone Types

Now, let’s focus on styling specific input fields, particularly those with type="email" and type="tel" (telephone). These input types provide semantic meaning and can be styled differently to reflect their purpose.

We will target both email and telephone input types simultaneously using a CSS selector that includes both.

input[type="tel"] {
  display: block;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  padding: 10px 10px 10px 50px;
  border: 0;
  border-radius: 4px;
  background: url('images/inputs.png') no-repeat;
  background-color: #222;
  font-size: 16px;
  color: #fff; /* White text color */

Let’s break down each CSS property used in this rule:

  • input[type="email"], input[type="tel"]: This is a CSS selector that targets input elements with either type="email" or type="tel" attributes. The comma separates the two selectors, applying the styles to both.

    CSS Selectors: Patterns used to select the HTML elements you want to style. Selectors can target elements by tag name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

  • display: block;: By default, input elements are often inline or inline-block. Setting display: block; makes each input field occupy the full width available within its parent container and appear on a new line. This ensures each input field is displayed on a separate line for better readability and spacing.

    Display Property: In CSS, the display property determines how an element is rendered on the page. display: block; makes an element behave like a block-level element, taking up the full width and starting on a new line.

  • margin-bottom: 20px;: This adds a 20-pixel margin below each input field, creating vertical space between them.

  • padding: 10px 10px 10px 50px;: This sets the padding around the input text. The values are applied in the order: top, right, bottom, left. The 50px left padding is intentionally larger to create space for a background image that we will add shortly.

  • border: 0;: This removes the default border from the input fields, creating a cleaner look.

  • border-radius: 4px;: This adds a slight curve to the corners of the input fields, making them visually softer and less harsh. A border-radius of 4 pixels provides a subtle rounded corner effect.

    Border-radius: A CSS property that rounds the corners of an element’s border. It can take values in pixels, percentages, or other CSS units.

  • background: url('images/inputs.png') no-repeat;: This sets a background image for the input fields.

    • url('images/inputs.png') specifies the path to the image file. It’s assumed that an image named “inputs.png” is located in an “images” directory relative to the CSS file.

    • no-repeat ensures that the background image is displayed only once and not tiled or repeated.

    Background Property: A CSS shorthand property used to set various background properties such as background-image, background-color, background-repeat, background-position, and more.

    URL: Uniform Resource Locator, commonly known as a web address. In CSS, URLs are used to link to external resources like images, fonts, and other stylesheets.

    No-repeat: A value for the background-repeat property in CSS. It specifies that the background image should not be repeated, and only displayed once.

  • background-color: #222;: This sets the background color of the input fields to charcoal gray (#222). This color complements the border color of the fieldset and provides a dark background for the white text.

  • font-size: 16px;: This sets the font size of the text within the input fields to 16 pixels, making it easily readable.

  • color: #fff;: This sets the text color within the input fields to white (#fff). This ensures good contrast against the charcoal gray background, making the text highly legible.

Adjusting Background Image Position

To precisely position the background image (containing icons for email and telephone) within each input field, we use the background-position property. We will style each input type separately to select the correct icon from the “inputs.png” image.

input[type="email"] {
  background-position: 7px 8px; /* Envelope icon position */

input[type="tel"] {
  background-position: 7px -58px; /* Telephone icon position */
  • background-position: 7px 8px; (for email input): This positions the background image for email inputs.

    • 7px sets the horizontal position 7 pixels from the left edge of the input field.
    • 8px sets the vertical position 8 pixels from the top edge of the input field. This position is chosen to display the envelope icon from the “inputs.png” image.
  • background-position: 7px -58px; (for telephone input): This positions the background image for telephone inputs.

    • 7px (horizontal position) remains the same as for the email input.

    • -58px sets a negative vertical position. This moves the background image upwards by 58 pixels, effectively selecting and displaying the telephone icon from the “inputs.png” image, which is located at a different vertical offset within the image sprite.

    Background-position: A CSS property that specifies the starting position of a background image within its container element. It can be defined using pixels, percentages, or keywords like top, bottom, left, right, and center.

By adjusting the background-position, we can strategically display specific parts of a background image, like icons, within different input fields, enhancing the visual cues and user experience of the form.


This chapter has demonstrated how to style key HTML5 form elements, including fieldsets, legends, and email/telephone input fields, using CSS. We have covered techniques for adjusting padding, margins, borders, background colors, images, and text styles. By applying these CSS properties, you can significantly enhance the visual presentation and user-friendliness of your HTML forms, making them more engaging and effective. Further tutorials will explore styling other form elements, such as select boxes, and implementing form validation techniques.

Styling HTML Form Elements: Enhancing User Interface with CSS

This chapter focuses on enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of HTML forms through CSS styling. We will explore techniques to customize form elements, specifically focusing on <select> dropdown boxes and <input type="submit"> buttons. By understanding and applying CSS properties, we can override default browser styles and create a consistent and visually engaging form interface across different browsers.

Styling Select Boxes (<select>)

Select boxes, created using the <select> HTML element, are essential for providing users with a list of options to choose from within a form. By default, browsers apply their own styling to these elements, which can vary across different browsers and may not align with the desired design aesthetic of a website. This section will guide you through the process of resetting these default styles and applying custom styling to create visually consistent and appealing select boxes.

Understanding Browser Default Styles

Browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (now Edge), and Safari each have their own default styles for form elements, including select boxes. These styles often include visual cues like a dropdown arrow, padding, and specific border treatments.

Browser Default Styles: These are the pre-set visual appearances and behaviors that web browsers automatically apply to HTML elements if no custom styling is provided by the website developer. These defaults ensure basic usability but can lead to inconsistencies across different browsers and limit design flexibility.

You might notice that a standard select box in Chrome displays a distinct arrow, while in Firefox or Internet Explorer, it might appear slightly different. To achieve a uniform look across all browsers, and to gain full control over the visual presentation, it’s crucial to reset these default styles.

Resetting Default Styles with appearance: none and Vendor Prefixes

The appearance CSS property is used to control the native appearance of an element based on the operating system’s theme. Setting appearance: none aims to remove these default styles, allowing for complete customization. However, browser support for the appearance property, particularly for form elements, has historically been inconsistent. To ensure cross-browser compatibility, especially for older browser versions, it’s necessary to employ vendor prefixes.

Vendor Prefixes: These are browser-specific prefixes added to CSS properties to allow experimental or non-standard features to be used before they become fully standardized. They ensure compatibility across different browser engines during the transition to new CSS features. Common prefixes include -webkit- (for Chrome and Safari), -moz- (for Firefox), -o- (for Opera), and -ms- (for Internet Explorer and Edge).

To effectively reset the default styling of select boxes, we apply the appearance: none property along with vendor prefixes targeting different browser engines:

select {
  -webkit-appearance: none; /* For Chrome, Safari */
  -moz-appearance: none;    /* For Firefox */
  -o-appearance: none;      /* For Opera */
  -ms-appearance: none;     /* For Internet Explorer */
  appearance: none;         /* Standard property */

Applying these CSS rules effectively strips away the default browser styling, including the dropdown arrow and any inherent padding or borders. This provides a clean slate for applying custom styles.

Basic Styling: Display, Margin, and Padding

With the default styles removed, we can begin applying our custom styling. Basic layout properties like display, margin, and padding are fundamental for controlling the spacing and positioning of the select box.

  • display: block;: Setting the display property to block ensures the select box occupies the full available width of its parent container and creates a line break before and after the element. This is often desirable for form elements to stack vertically.

    display: block;: This CSS property value makes an element behave like a block-level element. Block-level elements start on a new line and take up the full width available to them in their container.

  • margin: 30px 0;: The margin property controls the space around the outside of the select box. Here, 30px 0 sets a top and bottom margin of 30 pixels, and a left and right margin of 0 pixels. This creates vertical spacing between the select box and other form elements.

    margin: In CSS, margin refers to the space surrounding an HTML element, creating a gap between the element and its neighboring elements or parent container. It controls the outer spacing of an element.

  • padding: 10px 50px 10px 10px;: The padding property defines the space inside the select box, between the border and the content (text). The values 10px 50px 10px 10px represent top, right, bottom, and left padding respectively. The larger right padding is intentionally added to accommodate space for a custom background image that will visually represent the dropdown functionality.

    padding: In CSS, padding defines the space between the content of an HTML element and its border. It controls the inner spacing of an element.

Adding a Custom Background Image

To visually indicate the dropdown functionality after removing the default arrow, a custom background image can be added. This allows for greater design flexibility and consistency.

  • background-image: url("images/select.png");: This property sets a background image for the select box. url("images/select.png") specifies the path to the image file, in this case, select.png located in an images folder relative to the CSS file.

    background-image: url("path/to/image.png");: This CSS property sets an image as the background of an HTML element. The url() function specifies the path to the image file.

  • background-repeat: no-repeat;: By default, background images repeat both horizontally and vertically to fill the element. background-repeat: no-repeat; prevents this repetition, ensuring the image is displayed only once.

    background-repeat: no-repeat;: This CSS property controls how a background image is repeated. no-repeat ensures the image is displayed only once and not tiled.

  • background-position: 95% center;: This property controls the position of the background image within the select box. 95% for the horizontal position aligns the image 95% from the left edge of the box (effectively pushing it towards the right edge with a small gap), and center vertically centers the image.

    background-position: x-position y-position;: This CSS property sets the initial position of a background image. It can accept keywords like top, bottom, left, right, center, or percentage and pixel values to precisely control the horizontal and vertical placement.

Color, Rounded Corners, and Border

To further enhance the visual appearance, we can style the colors, corners, and borders of the select box.

  • background-color: #222;: This sets the background color of the select box to a dark gray, represented by the hexadecimal color code #222.

    background-color: color_value;: This CSS property sets the background color of an HTML element. Color values can be specified using color names, hexadecimal codes, RGB, or RGBA values.

  • color: #fff;: This sets the text color within the select box to white, represented by the hexadecimal color code #fff. This ensures good contrast against the dark background color.

    color: color_value;: This CSS property sets the color of the text content within an HTML element.

  • border-radius: 4px;: This property rounds the corners of the select box, creating a softer, more modern look. 4px specifies a radius of 4 pixels for the corners.

    border-radius: length;: This CSS property rounds the corners of an element’s border. A length value defines the radius of the curve.

  • border: 2px solid #fff;: This sets a 2-pixel thick solid white border around the select box. solid indicates a continuous border line, and #fff sets the border color to white.

    border: border-width border-style border-color;: This shorthand CSS property sets all border properties at once: width, style (e.g., solid, dashed, dotted), and color.

Adjusting Width

Finally, to ensure the select box aligns visually with other form elements, we can adjust its width using the width property.

  • width: 280px;: Setting the width to 280px explicitly defines the width of the select box to 280 pixels. This can be adjusted as needed to fit the overall form layout.

    width: length;: This CSS property sets the width of an element’s content area.

Styling Submit Buttons (<input type="submit">)

The <input type="submit"> element creates a button that, when clicked, submits the form data to the server. Similar to select boxes, submit buttons also have default browser styles that can be customized using CSS.

Basic Styling: Background Color, Padding, Color, Font Size, and Letter Spacing

To make the submit button visually distinct and engaging, we can apply styling to its background color, padding, text color, font size, and letter spacing.

  • background-color: #B61111;: This sets the background color of the submit button to a reddish hue, using the hexadecimal color code #B61111.

  • padding: 15px;: This adds 15 pixels of padding on all sides of the button text, making the button appear larger and more clickable.

  • color: #fff;: This sets the text color of the submit button to white, ensuring good contrast against the reddish background.

  • font-size: 20px;: This increases the font size of the button text to 20 pixels, making it more prominent.

    font-size: length;: This CSS property sets the size of the font for the text content of an element.

  • letter-spacing: 0.1em;: This adds a small amount of space between the letters in the button text, improving readability and visual appeal. 0.1em is a relative unit, where 1em is equal to the current font size.

    letter-spacing: length;: This CSS property increases or decreases the space between characters in text.

Rounded Corners and Border Removal

To match the rounded corners of the select box and create a cleaner look, we can apply border-radius and remove the default border.

  • border-radius: 4px;: This rounds the corners of the submit button to 4 pixels, consistent with the select box style.

  • border: 0;: This removes the default border that browsers often apply to submit buttons, creating a cleaner and more modern appearance. Setting the border to 0 effectively makes the border invisible.

Adding a Box Shadow

To add depth and visual interest, a box-shadow can be applied to the submit button, making it appear slightly elevated from the page.

  • box-shadow: 1px 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);: This adds a shadow effect to the button.

    box-shadow: h-offset v-offset blur spread color;: This CSS property adds shadow effects around an element’s frame. It can take multiple values to define the shadow’s horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur radius, spread radius, and color.

    • 1px: Horizontal offset of 1 pixel to the right.

    • 3px: Vertical offset of 3 pixels downwards.

    • 5px: Blur radius of 5 pixels, creating a soft shadow.

    • rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5): The shadow color is set to black with 50% opacity using the rgba() color function.

    rgba(red, green, blue, alpha);: This CSS color function defines a color using red, green, and blue components (each ranging from 0 to 255) and an alpha value (opacity) ranging from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

Matching Width to Input Fields

Finally, to ensure visual consistency across the form, the width of the submit button can be set to match the width of other input fields, like the select box in this case.

  • width: 280px;: Setting the width to 280px makes the submit button the same width as the styled select box, creating a visually aligned form layout.


This chapter demonstrated how to style HTML form elements, specifically select boxes and submit buttons, using CSS. By resetting default browser styles, applying custom properties for layout, colors, borders, and adding visual enhancements like background images and box shadows, we can create forms that are not only functional but also visually appealing and consistent across different browsers. These techniques are essential for creating a positive user experience and enhancing the overall design of web applications.

In the next chapter, we will explore form validation techniques to improve user input and data integrity.

Styling HTML5 Forms: Validation Feedback

This chapter explores how to enhance HTML5 forms by providing visual feedback to users based on the validity of their input. We will focus on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to style form elements and provide real-time validation cues, improving user experience and form usability.

Understanding Form Validation

Modern web forms often incorporate client-side validation to ensure data accuracy before submission. HTML5 introduces built-in form validation features, allowing browsers to automatically check input against specified requirements, such as required fields or email format. This front-end validation provides immediate feedback to the user, enhancing the form filling process.

Front-end validation: The process of validating user input directly within the web browser, before the data is sent to a server. This provides immediate feedback to the user and reduces server load.

We can leverage the browser's validation capabilities to apply styles based on the validity of form fields. This tutorial will demonstrate how to style input fields to visually indicate whether the entered data is valid or not.

Utilizing the :valid Pseudo-class

CSS offers powerful tools for styling web elements based on their state. One such tool is the :valid pseudo-class. This pseudo-class allows you to target and style form elements specifically when their content is considered valid according to HTML5 form validation rules.

Pseudo-class: A keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s). In CSS, pseudo-classes let you style elements based on dynamic states or relationships in the document tree that cannot be targeted using simple selectors.

By using the :valid pseudo-class, we can dynamically change the appearance of input fields and associated elements to provide visual cues about the validity of the user's input. Let's explore how to implement this.

Styling Valid Input Fields

Consider a scenario where we want to visually highlight valid email and telephone number input fields. We can achieve this by modifying the border style of these fields when they are in a valid state.

First, we need to target the input fields of type "email" and "tel" (telephone) when they are valid. We can use CSS selectors along with the :valid pseudo-class to achieve this:

input[type="tel"]:valid {
  border: 2px solid white;

This CSS rule targets:

  • input[type="email"]:valid: Input elements with the attribute type set to "email" and are currently in a valid state.
  • input[type="tel"]:valid: Input elements with the attribute type set to "tel" and are currently in a valid state.

For these valid input fields, we apply a style that sets the border to be 2 pixels solid and white. This will visually distinguish valid input fields with a white border.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS allows developers to control the visual appearance of web pages.

Selector: In CSS, selectors are patterns that select HTML elements to which a set of CSS rules will be applied. Selectors target specific elements in the HTML document to apply styling.

Changing Associated Icons on Valid Input

Beyond styling the input fields themselves, we can also modify associated icons to provide further visual validation feedback. In this example, we have icons associated with email and telephone input fields. We aim to change these icons to a white version when the corresponding input field is valid.

Assume our icons are part of a background image (inputs.png) containing both black and white versions of the icons. We can manipulate the background-position CSS property to display the white icons when the input field is valid.

To achieve this, we again use the :valid pseudo-class and target the icon elements. Assuming the icons are styled using a class associated with the input types (e.g., classes related to email and telephone), we can adjust the background position as follows:

.email-icon { /* Class for email icon styling */
  background-image: url('images/inputs.png'); /* Assumed image path */
  background-position: 7px 7px; /* Default position for black icon */
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  float: left;
  clear: both; /* Ensure icons are positioned correctly */

.telephone-icon { /* Class for telephone icon styling */
  background-image: url('images/inputs.png'); /* Assumed image path */
  background-position: 7px -68px; /* Default position for black icon */
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  float: left;
  clear: both; /* Ensure icons are positioned correctly */

input[type="email"]:valid + .email-icon {
  background-position: 7px -22px; /* Position for white email icon */

input[type="tel"]:valid + .telephone-icon {
  background-position: 7px -97px; /* Position for white telephone icon */

In these rules:

  • .email-icon and .telephone-icon classes are assumed to be applied to elements representing the icons next to the input fields. These classes initially set the background image and position to display the default (black) icons.
  • input[type="email"]:valid + .email-icon: This selector uses the adjacent sibling combinator (+). It targets elements with the class .email-icon that are immediately preceded by a valid input field of type "email". When the email input is valid, the background-position is changed to display the white email icon from the inputs.png image.
  • input[type="tel"]:valid + .telephone-icon: Similarly, this rule targets the .telephone-icon element adjacent to a valid telephone input and adjusts the background-position to show the white telephone icon.

Background image: An image set as the background of an HTML element using CSS. It can be used for decorative purposes or to create visual elements like icons.

Background position: A CSS property that sets the starting position of a background image within its container element. It can be used to control which part of a background image is visible.

Adjacent selector (+): In CSS, the adjacent sibling combinator (+) selects an element that is the immediate sibling of another element. It is used to style an element that directly follows another specified element in the HTML structure.

Implementing a "Tick" Icon for Validation Success

For a clear visual confirmation of valid input, we can introduce a "tick" or checkmark icon that appears next to valid fields. Assume we have a span element with the class "tick" placed adjacent to each input field in our HTML structure. Initially, this "tick" element might be hidden or have no visual representation.

We can use the :valid pseudo-class and the adjacent sibling selector to display and style this "tick" icon only when the associated input field is valid.

First, let's define the CSS for the "tick" icon:

.tick {
  background-image: url('images/tick.png'); /* Path to tick image */
  background-size: 100%; /* Ensure tick image fits within the element */
  display: block; /* Make it a block element for dimension control */
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  float: left; /* Position tick next to input field */
  margin: 10px; /* Add spacing around the tick icon */
  background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Prevent image tiling */
  opacity: 0; /* Initially hide the tick icon */

input[type="email"]:valid + .tick,
input[type="tel"]:valid + .tick {
  opacity: 1; /* Make the tick icon visible when input is valid */

In this CSS:

  • .tick class defines the styling for the tick icon. It sets the background image to tick.png, defines its size, display type, dimensions, float, and margin. Importantly, it initially sets opacity: 0; to hide the tick icon by default.
  • input[type="email"]:valid + .tick, input[type="tel"]:valid + .tick: These selectors target the .tick element that is adjacent to a valid email or telephone input field. When the input is valid, we set opacity: 1; to make the tick icon fully visible, providing a clear visual indication of successful validation.

Background size: A CSS property that specifies the size of background images. It allows you to control how background images are scaled to fit their container.

Display (block): A CSS property that defines how an element is displayed. Setting display: block; makes an element behave like a block-level element, causing it to start on a new line and take up the full width available.

Float (left): A CSS property that positions an element to the left side of its container, allowing other content to wrap around it. It is often used for layout purposes, such as positioning elements side-by-side.

Margin: In CSS, margin refers to the space around the outside of an HTML element. It is used to create spacing between elements.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator): A web address that specifies the location of a resource on the internet. In this context, it is used to specify the path to image files.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics): A raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. PNG is commonly used for web images, especially for icons and images with transparency.


This chapter demonstrated how to utilize the :valid pseudo-class in CSS to create dynamic validation styles for HTML5 forms. By changing borders, icons, and introducing visual cues like "tick" icons, we can provide users with immediate and intuitive feedback on the validity of their input. These techniques significantly enhance form usability and contribute to a better user experience. Remember that while client-side validation improves user experience, server-side validation remains crucial for robust security and data integrity.